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LAP-BAND Patients
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About klr2012

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  1. Banded 1/16/13 and I've lost 40 pounds. I feel like my progress is pretty slow compares to others on these boards, but everyone keeps saying slower is better. I am just ready to reach my goal already!
  2. So who's in the green zone, what size is your band and how many cc's are in your band now at your current green zone level? I went for my first fill today and the nurse told me that I have a 10 cc band and there is 3.8cc in it. However, she also told me that she did not expect me to be in the green zone after my fill. She said that most people find the green zone between 5-8 cc's. I guess I feel a little disappointed that it's going to take me so long to get to the green zone. I had 2.8cc's put in my band during surgery and don't feel any restriction at all, so I am concerned that the additional 1 cc that I received today won't help me much.
  3. klr2012

    My first fill

    I received my first fill today. Didn't hurt one bit. I was a little anxious because I did not know what to expect, but it was no big deal. I am hoping to feel more restriction. I have 3.8cc in a 10cc band. The nurse told me that she didn't expect that I would be in the green zone after the fill, but that they do the adjustments in small increments out of caution and for accuracy. We'll see how this amount does in the next month for my weight loss. The nurse also told me that most people find the green zone around between 5 and 8ccs.
  4. Today starts post-op week 2 for me and i couldn't be more thrilled....that is thrilled to have something else beside a Protein shake, which i am so SICK of now! I can now have dannon light and fit greek yogurt and tomato Soup. This week is pretty much the same as last week of liquids with those two additions but my palet and stomach were both delighted to enjoy some much needed variety today! I would rather eat yogurt all day then have another Protein Shake ...and i just might do that! on a different note, i have zero energy. Anybody else experience this? I feel like someone has zapped the life out of me. I went to bed at 845pm last night and woke up at 630am and felt too lifeless to go to work today. Could it be the low calories that have me dragging like this?
  5. Thanks for all the wonderful and supportive comments! I needed to heard this, seriously. My husband was there when I told his family but he didn't say a word. Instead, he was silent while they grilled me on why I chose to have lapband. That is the exact convo I did not want to have because It's my choice! AND the 1st question they asked was how much weight I have lost so far. I used to be very thin and obsessed with scales weighing myself 3 times a day so I hate being asked how much I weigh. I responded by saying that my dr wants me to wait 8 weeks before weighing myself. Needless to say, things are rather tense with my hubby rt now because I am so upset with him and his family. Not to mention, I now also feel stressed to produce good results to prove them wrong.
  6. But I need to vent! I only told my hubby, sister and mom about the band. I didn't tell my hubby's immediate family because I didn't think they would be supportive. So my husband totally put a guilt trip on me to tell his parents and siblings by saying it hurts his feelings that I don't trust his family. After some discussion I finally decided to tell his family and their reaction was exactly what I expected. They all started telling me about someone they knew that had the band and failed. So now I just feel angry that I let my husband guilt me into telling them. I need positive feedback and support, not horror stories.
  7. klr2012

    I am starving!

    Thanks for all the encouragement and support! I still hate the hunger feeling but the support here makes me feel better. I usually drink the Protein shake in small sips over a 15-20 min period. I thought that was reasonable, but I am going to try to space out the ounces every hour. Sounds like it could work. Also, my bowel movements are fine. 2 yesterday and 2 today already. I keep telling my husband I can't believe I am even going because I haven't eaten any food! Lol I also have gone on small walks everyday around my neighborhood. I have a 3 yr old and a 10 month old so I take them for walks in their wagon at least twice a day.
  8. klr2012

    I am starving!

    I have been drinking 2-3 protein shakes a day. I also have had chicken broth, cranberry juice and sf Popsicles.
  9. klr2012

    I am starving!

    Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I only drank cranberry juice because its on the list of liquids allowed in the first week. Plus I figure putting some calories in my stomach would help with the growling. Also I feel very nauseous when my stomach is growling. My mouth starts to fill with saliva and I know I will throw up unless I put something in my stomach. I get the whole head hunger concept but these hunger pains feel like physical pain! I can't even imagine another week and a half on liquids only. I truly feel miserable! However reading posts on the LBT site helps because I know others are going through the same thing. (Misery loves company!)
  10. I am 4 days post op and with the exception of the first day, I have been starving ever since. My stomach is growling and I have bad headaches from the hunger. Also woke up at 4am for the last three days with horrific hunger pains. I drank some cranberry juice to cope with it but it is truly awful. I am not scheduled for my first fill until feb. 19th. Is it normal to feel like this! Any advice as to how I can deal with the hunger pains! Especially those that wakes from my sleep!
  11. I was also sent home with a little anti nausea patch that was placed behind my ear to help with nausea. It is supposed to last for 3 days.
  12. I'm 2 days post op and all was well until I just threw up! I had a protein shake and water today. Then, I just tried to have another protein shake but I threw it up!!! Yuck! Now I am afraid to have anything aside from water.
  13. I'm 2 days post-op and all is well except thy my mouth is incredibly dry! Anyone else experience this???
  14. klr2012

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I'm banded! Minimal pain and not hungry but I have drank 16 oz or water and ate chicken broth. Looking forward to protein shakes tomorrow.
  15. klr2012

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I'm being banded today! I'm in the waiting room now and just waiting for them to call me into the OR. It feels surreal. Wish me luck! See you all on the other side!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
