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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CBM7766

  1. CBM7766

    Calorie intake

    Yes, you should check with your dr. However, I am 35 days out and consistently between 1000 and 1200. I put everything into Sparkpeople. That way I can keep track of my protein.
  2. CBM7766

    Congrats! We did it!

    Banded on 2/7. Down 30 - 15 preop and 15 post. Surgery was fine. Hunger controlled for the most part. Head hunger is there and sometimes screaming at me. I am faithful about tracking everything I eat. I use sparkpeople and am ranging 900-1200 calories and 50-75 proteins. I'm back at the gym, walking. Ready to get back to running but tried that and pulled my port. Guess I was a little over zealous. Had the stomach flu in week 3. That sucked. But back on track and doing great.
  3. CBM7766

    Stomach pain

    I was banded on the 7th too! And having kinda the same thing. I go from feeling full to "hurting" to hungry. My difference is that I last longer than two to three hours but still uncomfortable. Glad to hear I'm not alone. Hopefully we will get some feedback. I have a follow up on Friday. I'll ask there too.
  4. CBM7766


    4 weeks out and same thing. I got the stomach flu and that cleaned me out but I don't suppose you want to doTHAT! Lol. Stool softener every day now. And Activia yogurt in the fridge. Haven't tried it yet but worked for me preop soooo... Good luck!
  5. CBM7766

    Tomorrow is my day for banding

    Good Luck! You will be fine. It really will be over before you know it. Keep us posted.
  6. CBM7766

    anyone with anthem insurance?

    Call the customer service number on your ID card.they will be able to look at your specific plan and let you know what the requirements are. Good luck.
  7. CBM7766


    Oh my goodness I am 3 weeks out and having the same problem. Well I was. Until yesterday when I got the stomach bug. Ugh! Totally the opposite problem now. Anyway, I am adding a stool softener daily (when I am feeling better) and eating Activia. Hoping that will keep me going. (Pun intended). Good luck!
  8. I love this program and have done 4 5ks in the last year and a half using this program. I am two weeks post op and just started back at the gym yesterday. Only walking. One mile/20 minutes. Heading back right now. Brrrr...it's cold here!
  9. Banded the day you started this. Down 10 lbs at yesterday's first postoperative visit.
  10. CBM7766

    Shortness Of Breath

    I was tempted to take less time but had the time so said what the heck. Sorry you had to go back so soon. I hope you are getting enough sleep.
  11. Low 14's. minutes per mile. My best 5k was 42 minutes 43 seconds. I'm not fast. Keep at it! Great work.
  12. CBM7766

    Shortness Of Breath

    Me too. I am a week out and feeling winded after a little exertion. Otherwise I feel pretty darn good! Think we just need to get moving more. I am going to do more this weekend. Try to up my stamina as I am back to work on Monday.
  13. Oh my goodness! I thought I would DIE the first 60 seconds. My time is so slow too. I am thrilled with low 14's! Speed walkers pass me. Lol. But it's all good. Moving our bodies.
  14. I have done it a couple if times. We do it as a group at my job. We meet on Mondays for one run then do the other two on our own. As we are a group if bigger woman, we do each week twice... Making it an 18 week program. We have a "goal" run scheduled in October so start in June. Last year we had over 80 runners from our workplace and 40 of them were from our group. Many were first time 5kers. It has been an awesome experience. I ran my first two years ago and was so proud to reach my goal of running the whole time and coming in with a time under 45 minutes. Now that I am banded (a whole week today!) I am going to be leading this years couch to 10k group. My suggestion - find a 5k to run in the next couple months and make that your goal. Good luck!
  15. CBM7766

    Any Tips??

    Yes! I got hiccups for the first time last night! Awful! If that is the least if our problems we are in great shape. I've read some pretty scary things. Feel blessed that is is going so well for me. And you too! Keep me posted on your progress. Would love to hear how the running goes.
  16. CBM7766

    5 days post op!

    Day 6 here and yes my back is tweaked. Taking Tylenol for that more than anything else. Chiropractor is a great idea. I'll be calling mine.
  17. CBM7766

    Any Tips??

    It is an amazing app. I am feeling pretty good. Had a lot of tightness in my chest on Sunday. Then spasms yesterday I think where the band is. Today not as spasmy. Not hungry at all. Staying hydrated cuz I'm scared to death of getting dehydrated. And reading a new Dean Koontz book. Lol
  18. CBM7766

    Any Tips??

    I am a 6 days post op so not sure if I have any tips yet! Haha. I will say tho that the Couch to 5k program is awesome. I have done it the last two years with a group from work. My tip for that would be to double the weeks if you have never run before. We do an 18 week program instead of 9 weeks. So we start in June for our October Run. And find a 5k in that time frame for motivation. This year I will be using the couch to 10k program! I am looking forward to getting back to the gym ASAP. Good luck with your run.
  19. CBM7766

    New Start

    All cost will be paid out of pocket because you don't have insurance? Your BMI is kinda low for surgery. Typically the "rule" is greater than 40 or greater than 35 with comorbidities. But all drs are different. Certainly wont hurt to talk to them. Good luck!
  20. I am curious how you made out? You said in another post that you could get on your own insurance? Is that through your job? If weight loss surgery is a contract exclusion then your chances of getting an appeal approved are very slim. In addition, you would need to go off hubby's insurance and on your own during open enrollment. It would not be considered fraudulent to be on your own plan for a year or two. Definitely talk to someone at the insurance company you would be going to to see if WLS is covered. Good luck.
  21. CBM7766

    Discouraged... :(

    The insurance company will not say no if your BMI falls below their number (usually 35 or 40) after your weight loss period. They go by the BMI recorded on your first visit with the Bariatric Center. But you have to meet all the other criteria too. Seeing the dietician, pcp approval letter, psych visit etc.
  22. CBM7766

    Discouraged... :(

    All insurance companies are different but the vast majority have a policy in place for reviewing Bariatric Surgery. Some say 5%, some say 10% and some say just don't gain during your preop time. If your insurance company's policy (and I am sure your surgeon has prerequisites as well) says 10% then you may have a hard time getting approved with no loss. You can call customer service and ask them exactly what the policy says.
  23. CBM7766

    The size of plates

    I made a big deal out of going out and buying smaller plates a few weeks before surgery. We started using them right away. My roommate and son are on board and we all use them know.
  24. CBM7766

    self pay follow up expense

    You are right, it doesn't make health sense. But it does make premium sense. If your company chooses not to cover elective surgery they will pay lower premiums. Sad but true. A lot of companies are on on board with keeping their employees healthy and offering programs that do so like charging those who smoke or have a high BMI more in premiums; enticing them to stop smoking or lose weight. By keeping their employees healthy, they go to the doctors less, resulting in fewer claims being submitted. Unfortunately, there are a lot of employers that choose to see the bottom line NOW rather than in the future health of their employees. Kudos to you for making this happen through self pay. I don't know if I would've been able to do it!
  25. CBM7766

    self pay follow up expense

    I work for a health insurance company, in the authorization dept in fact. It totally depends on the plan. Also, please remember that your employer chooses the plan that you have. Customer Service should be most knowledgeable and I would hope, most helpful. It saddens me that there are plans out there that still deem this as elective surgery. :-(

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