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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by fatnomo

  1. Been doing a lot of research on this on the Internet. And I'm coming to the conclusion that this whole thing about drinking before after has far more impact on those that had a gastric bypass than the sleeve. What are your thoughts? I know what the nutritionists say, I know what the doctors say, and I know what the threads say. That being said it doesn't really make sense when you think about it. All introducing liquids to the equation for a sleeve bypass patient does is fills it up faster and leaves you with less room for actual food. What are your thoughts and experience?
  2. fatnomo

    Drinking before or after meals

    I've seen the video. The issue is with gastric bypass the stomach is bypassed which routes everything directly to the pylorus. With the sleeve the function of the pylorus totally remains the same as a normal stomach which means the premise of the apple sauce is not as applicable as it would be for a gastric bypass. Here is one site: http://drsimpson.net/07_surgery_stories%20(ss)/7_ss_02/duodenal%20switch/duodenal_switch.htm Go to third section, "With the Duodenal Switch the Pylorus remains functional"
  3. fatnomo

    Ounces? Volume or weight?

    This was a response to me asking the same exact question: In principle, our sleeved stomachs have a certain volume, (mine was about 2.5 oz at surgery) so measuring volume with cups and spoons is what our stomach wants - sorta. But, since most of our foods have a density similar to Water (a Fluid ounce of water weighs an ounce, or to be pedantically accurate, has a mass of one ounce,) weighing will do as well as measuring, so do whatever is most convenient. Some foods are very low density, or don't pack well into measuring cups (how much chopped spinach is a half cup - how finely chopped, how firmly packed....) so weighing is the only sensible way for those items. Complicating things is how our new stomach handles different types of foods. Firm Proteins like lean meats will sit in our stomachs for a long time as they get processed for passing on to the intestines while most liquids flow on through with little restriction, and most other foods are somewhere in between. We can usually consume a lot more yogurt at a sitting than meat, so we can safely allow ourselves somewhat more of those foods, or may need to artificially limit the amount that we serve ourselves. My nominal capacity for most meats has long been about 3 oz by weight, and I could easily double that amount of yogurt, but typically only served up 4 oz as that is all that I needed. Mostly we tend to go by experience with how much of what we can, or should, have at a time and use whatever measuring scheme is most convenient for us. For me, I weight virtually everything as it is most convenient for me and avoids fiddling around with numerous measuring cups and spoons, and cleaning them all the time - tossing different amounts of things into a bowl on the scale is much easier for me. YMMV
  4. I have both. Which do I use and why?
  5. fatnomo

    Food scale or measuring cup

    Rick, you're a rock star. That post is EXACTLY what I was looking for.
  6. fatnomo

    Food scale or measuring cup

    I'm 5 weeks.
  7. fatnomo

    Food scale or measuring cup

    Forgive my idiocy. If my stomach can only handle 3 oz that is a measure of quantity/mass. If I weigh my "meat" and it says 3 oz isn't that the weight, not mass? Sorry, not trying to be a pain.
  8. fatnomo

    Food scale or measuring cup

    So what about meat? If I want 3 oz and the scale says 3oz is that weight or mass?
  9. fatnomo

    Food scale or measuring cup

    So what's the difference between a measuring cup with an ounce of chicken and a scale with an ounce of chicken?
  10. You're only getting about 25 g of protein from New Whey as due to the type of protein you only absorb around 25g of it.
  11. fatnomo

    Sushi, yum yum!

    Yeah. I'm trying to find easy ways to make the protein. 3 pieces of yellow tail sashimi (no rolls) should make it easy!
  12. fatnomo

    Sushi, yum yum!

    This site is awesome. Thank you!
  13. fatnomo

    soft pretzels

    Totally agree. Weak moment. So far so good. Feel like a total loser for doing it. I'm supposed to be liquids only. Sorry guys! (I did chew like mad though)
  14. fatnomo

    soft pretzels

    I just gave in to one just now and am at 2.5 weeks. Will see if I'm in trouble soon. Couldn't resist!
  15. fatnomo

    Bariatric Reataurant

    If there was a really good restaurant that specialized in Phase 1-3 dining would you go to it? Imagine a place where you could get all sorts or homemade soups and smoothies as well as puréed type dishes AND your non-bariatric friend and family could eat "normal" food too.
  16. fatnomo

    Bariatric Reataurant

  17. fatnomo

    Bariatric Reataurant

    This would be a restaurant specific to bariatric eating. No stigma. If you're in there the assumption is you're recovering. The non-bariatric eaters are the odd ones in this dream. :-)
  18. fatnomo

    2 Week Post Op Woohoo!

    Well just had 2 week post op and my doc says you must have a stomach of steel. Told me in no uncertain terms that was phase 3 for me. Days 22-41. Oh well. Life goes on. I will love vicariously through you. :-) 30 pounds down so no complaints.
  19. If I drink one more protein shake I'm going to flip out!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  20. fatnomo

    2 Week Post Op Woohoo!

    Oh I love you!!! My 2-weeks is Friday. If I can have eggs and fish I'm going to do cart wheels!!! You're my new favorite friend. :-)
  21. Flying back to Dallas tonight from a quick biz mtg in Phoenix today. Surgery tomorrow morning 7:30pm. Pretty nervous. No going back after this.
  22. fatnomo

    Tomorow Is The Day.

    So far so good. Pretty moody but no pain to speak of. Went to movies today and about went insane with popcorn smell!
  23. fatnomo

    Isopure W/ Water A Clear Liquid?

    Vitamin Shoppe. GNC. Kroger. Target. Etc. google it.
  24. My NUT and Doc defined Clear Liquids as no lumps or bumps. NOT "transparent" liquids only. The Blendtec blender we have is just like the ones they use at Einsteins and Starbucks. It obliterates all objects. I put in some Water and chicken broth then selected the "Soup" setting. That bowl held about 20 ounces of totally liquified Soup. I only ate about 4 tablespoons. Didn't wait long enough between bites (got over zealous) and paid the price. But it was worth the price! :-) I'll reheat and eat the rest later!
  25. Thank God for the Blendtec. Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Green Beans. Bariatric style.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
