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Everything posted by beabenitez1978

  1. beabenitez1978

    Three days post op

    Congrats on your surgery! Its great to hear that you're already up and around! Awesome!! I've been seriously thinking about something other than my lap band, so forgive me if I pop in from time to time to see your progress!! Keep up the good work!!
  2. beabenitez1978

    Almost 4 Weeks Post Op

    Congrats on your progress!!
  3. beabenitez1978


    So, its been a while since I've been back on the wagon, and its been a little over a week since my first adjustment in a REALLY long time. Things seem to be going well, however with that being said, I've noticed along with my "forcing" myself to drink my required amounts of water for the day, I've also had the incessant need to drink coffee.. its a bit unnerving. Now I have always loved coffee, but it seems these days I've been drinking it more often. Now mind you I'm a black coffee drinker, so its not like I'm even craving the sweet stuff.. but I'm thinking I probably need to slow it down.. I bought a few boxes of teas to try.. I am just wondering what my obsession is all about?
  4. My mantra for the day.... I refuse to give up on myself

    1. Kathy812


      I'm gonna have to steal your mantra, cause I'm feeling a little defeated. No weight loss in 2 months.

    2. m.sexton


      Kathy812 I have slowed down also but I keep telling myself as long as I lose .1 at least I'm losing.

    3. Kathy812


      @M.sexton, like your positive attitude.

  5. Dear stomach.. .you're bored, not hungry. So shut up!

    1. beabenitez1978


      Right?! I kept saying that to myself all day!!

    2. Kathy812


      That made me giggle!

    3. Mountaingal


      You tel that stomach girl.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  6. So for all my life, I' admit, I've always "hated" water. Don't get me wrong, I love water, when its 120 degrees outside and I'm dehydrated. However, this can't possibly be good for me, right? If served both coffee and water? Yep.. I take the coffee.. of course when crystal light came out with their single carry packs, I was the girl that would dump that into a nice tall glass of water. Even when it came down to trying "infused" water, it just wasn't for me. Until this morning. Recently my neighbor had gifted us with an enormous amount of lemons, more than I knew what to do with them. There are only so many I could use, and since I have decided to not eat baked goods of any kind (these are my downfall) No lemon bars, cookies of bread for me. I got online, and realized quickly that there are many people that freeze their lemons, great idea. However I don't have the freezer space for such nonsense. But what do i find? Pure lemon juice ice cubes? WHAT? So this morning, I popped a few cubes out and dropped them into my water bottle. Needless to say this was the first time I found water enjoyable, and could totally drink more!! Sadly, the cubes of that lemony goodness didn't travel with me. I began to wonder what things this lemon water is capable of beside of tempting me to drink more!? Here's what I found! http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/11-benefits-lemon-water-you-didnt-know-about.html Why lemons? Lemons are packed like a clown car with nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. (Fun fact: they contain more potassium than apples or grapes!) Because of how hard lemon juice can be on the enamel of your teeth, it’s important to dilute it with water of any temperature (though lukewarm is recommended). Drink it first thing in the morning, and wait 15 to 30 minutes to have breakfast. This will help you fully receive the benefits of lemon water, which are listed below. 11 Benefits of Lemon Water 1. Reduces inflammation. If you drink lemon water on a regular basis, it will decrease the acidity in your body, which is where disease states occur. It removes uric acid in your joints, which is one of the main causes of inflammation. 2. Aids digestion. Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating. 3. Helps you lose weight. Lemons contain pectin fiber, which assists in fighting hunger cravings. 4. Cleanses your system. It helps flush out the toxins in your body by enhancing enzyme function, stimulating your liver. 5. Keeps your skin blemish-free. The antioxidants in lemon juice help to not only decrease blemishes, but wrinkles too! It can also be applied to scars and age spots to reduce their appearance, and because it’s detoxifying your blood, it will maintain your skin’s radiance. 6. Gives your immune system a boost. Vitamin C is like our immune system’s jumper cables, and lemon juice is full of it. The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to plummet when you’re stressed, which is why experts recommended popping extra vitamin C during especially stressful days. 7. Excellent source of potassium. As already mentioned, lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function. 8. Freshens your breath. It also helps relieve toothaches and gingivitis (say wha?). Because the citric acid can erode tooth enamel, either hold off on brushing your teeth after drinking lemon water or brush your teeth before drinking it. 9. Gives you an energy boost. Lemon juice provides your body with energy when it enters your digestive tract, and it also helps reduce anxiety and depression. (Even the scent of lemons has a calming effect on your nervous system!) 10. Helps to cut out caffeine. I didn’t believe this until I tried it, but replacing my morning coffee with a cup of hot lemon water has really done wonders! I feel refreshed, and no longer have to deal with that pesky afternoon crash. Plus, my nerves are thankful. 11. Helps fight viral infections. Warm lemon water is the most effective way to diminish viral infections and their subsequent sore throats. Plus, with the lemon juice also boosting your immune system, you’ll simultaneously fight off the infection completely. How much? For those who weigh less than 150 pounds, squeeze half a lemon’s worth of juice into a glass of water. If over 150 pounds, use an entire lemon’s juice. You can of course dilute the lemon juice more, depending on your personal taste. Not only are the benefits of lemon water endless, it’s one of the most substantial yet simple changes you can make for your health.
  7. beabenitez1978

    My rant for the day..

    So I've been wondering if I am the only one, that has finally realized that I have a problem with food. I'm addicted to it. Sure I have the band (which has been doing a great job since my newest adjustment - down 12 lbs!) But it seems as if I just enjoy food waaaay more than I am supposed to. . Why can't I be "normal" and just eat to live, as opposed to live to eat? So many of my waking hours are consumed with what i am going to eat, when i am going to eat, and how much I'm going to eat. Why can't I eat just enough to sustain life, why do I have the craving to go overboard? Why can't just one or two oreos be enough? Why do I think about eating the entire rack or two? I wish there was a way to fix what goes on inside my head.. until I figure that out.. I think I may just rant about it here.. Thanks for listening..
  8. beabenitez1978

    Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge

    Please add me to your challenge! (I am not a Gastric Sleeve patient - but am giving this band one last go around - have a consultation next month with another surgeon) My "realistic" goal is : 315 Weigh In's: January 4: 335.9 January 11: 331.8 January 15: 324.8
  9. Hello friends! I am not exactly sure that this is in the right section, but in addition to finding new workout ideas, I figured that there are members like myself that are on the search for those that are on the same journey! I currently have an under used membership at LA Fitness, and there are two within my city limits, Temple City and Rosemead. Even if you don't have a gym membership - even having someone to work on our fitness goals together would be great!!
  10. Good Morning Friends! Here's to making good choices today! (Now who's got the coffee?!)

    1. Daisee68


      Amen! Thanks! I needed that reminder!

  11. beabenitez1978

    New Year, Renewed Goals

    Well since I was last here, which seems so long ago I seem to have not really "moved" anywhere but UP on that scale. However instead of sitting here trying to come up with "excuses" I will just admit to my errors these past few years. A combination of lack of follow ups with my surgeon, "forgetting" to measure the food i eat and not making an effort to just MOVE. It was a few months ago that I knew I needed to get back on track, of course my laziness and lack of motivation took over. It was finally with the beginning of the new year that I decided it was high time to get something done. So last Thursday, which was the 14th, I went in for my first fill since 2013. According to the doc, things looked good, and he wants to see how things go with this adjustment, which puts me at 7.5 cc's . Its funny after all this time I've had to start it all over again, LIke a "newbie", this time though, I am going to give it my best shot, because in the end, I have a tool that works, I just have to work with it..
  12. Well.. here's a new start.. ONCE again.. Back at square one..

    1. Daisee68


      Based on your pictures, you aren't back at square one. Maybe you need a reset, but unless you have regained a LOT of weight, you seem to be well ahead of where you were. Hang in there! You can do it!

    2. beabenitez1978


      Thank Daisee.. I need to put up new pictures.. lol... thanks for the reminder.. I actually have gained a lot of weight.. sadly.. perhaps I'll blog about it! Thank you though for you encouragement!!

  13. beabenitez1978

    Well Crap..

    Well Crap.. yes..I hadn't realized that its been well over a year since my last visit here.. and it seems that I should have been visiting a whole lot more often.. because not only did I fall off the wagon - but I rolled into a raveen that lead to a cliff - and here I am hanging by a mere branch.. with all 340lbs of me.. I can blame no one except myself for the weight gain.. I've gained a total of 43.3 lbs.. I've been completely out of control - and of course recently (within the last 2-3 weeks I've been trying to get back to basics.. I've forgotton how to eat, how to control my poritons, I've forgotten good food choices, and definitely "forgot" the importance of daily exercise/activity - so here I am - trying my best to un-do all that I've done within the last year or so.. Take care my friends.. Just me - Bea
  14. Well.. yes.. once again I find myself being unfair to myself - and NOT exactly on the 'wagon' per se.. However - though it totally maybe stress I did happen to lose about 5-7 lbs... so that's something right? Needless to say - I finally made the big move to California.. and well.. I'm telling you.. its been a LOT harder than I imagined... finding a job has been a bit of a struggle.. who knew it was sooo competitive out here.. but then again.. I did say it was going to be all about the adventure huh?! Boy isn't it true.. be careful what you wish for?! But aside from the stressors in my life - you know.. the no money.. no job.... no family... no friends... I'm still trying to smile.. its not easy to do.. but I'm trying.. I also do get on my scale at least once a week.. just to see where I am.. and its fluctuated up and down since I've been here.. but I've been trying to take in stride... and not allow THAT to stress me out.. because god only knows that finding a job and paying bills are sooo much more important that the number on the scale right? I do have to report that my first two weeks out here in California - I did visit the beach.. and well leave it to me to go to the beach - um on an OVERCAST day.. yeah... no bueno.. talk about being burnt to a crisp... seriously.. I sooo learned my lesson.. heh heh... since then I've had the pleasure of enjoying the beach life a few weekends.. okay... like 5 out of the 8 weeks I've been here.. I may not have any money.. .but thanks to my family - they driven me to the beach.. (I'm thinking they have no appreciation for the beach.... they don't "get" my obsession with it.. lol) I've also spent a lot of this "alone" time reflecting on just what I "gave" up.. and perhaps how much I DID NOT appreciate it ... interesting how I came here - on what was basically a "whim" only to be presented with struggles... but I think this whole experience has already taught me somethings.. has taught me that everything is a risk.. and sometimes even when I don't realize it.. I am already so blessed.. because thats one thing I've realized.. plain and simple.. anyway you want to cut it.. whether I'm here in California or in Arizona.. I. AM. BLESSED... Until next time my friends.. stay blessed.. Just me - Bea
  15. Hello my friends! Well I decided that I'd try out this FitBit.. it a "bit" interesting.. and have had it all but 45 minutes.. and now? I need to get some "friends" that are using this thing too! I did take a look at the forums to try and find some users that have posted recently.. but nothing since 2012.. so hopefully this rouses some interest - please add me as your friend! Not exactly sure what's needed to add me but just in case http://www.fitbit.com/user/25SCFR Thanks again in advance for your support!
  16. beabenitez1978

    Get Off The Scale!

    Wow.. Thank you sooo much for this.. I'm copying this and posting it on my bathroom mirror, my fridge and everywhere else I can to remind me of exactly what the scale is... " a numerical reflection of my relationship with gravity".. I love it..
  17. Not exactly sure how I am feeling today.. I'm thinking "blah" sums it up.. my tummy hasn't been feeling all that great.. nothing seems appetizing.. and well not much is staying down.. its not a band thing.. I'm thinking its more of a stomach flu kinda thing... grr.. As for the band? Well I had my appointment with Dr. Simpson last Thursday and - well I'm still sitting at 297.5.. bleh.. but at least I didn't gain.. he's pretty confident that I'm in my 'green zone'.. so there was no fill last week... and well he wants to see me yet again this week.. not exactly sure how I feel about that.. I mean that means I have to go through the anxiety that I ALWAYS go through right before a weigh in at the doc's office.. blah!! Of course mind you - I've been working out - and trying my best to eat right.. but still.. I HATE weighing in.. But its just a number right? In meantime - I've been trying to get my world organized.. getting ready for my move to California.. and let me tell you.. talk about overwhelming.. I have half the mind to chuck everything and just pack the necessities!! But I gotta be smart about it right? Good lord.. change is challenging.. and time consuming.. Anywho - hope all of you out there are doing well and keeping up the good work!! Until next time my friends!
  18. beabenitez1978

    Well another day...

    Hmm.. I'm not exactly sure how I am feeling... I took a little break from my workouts this past weekend... bad idea.. had to really push myself to start up again.. but happy to report workouts are back on... of course the scale? Yep.. back up... waah.. I am hoping its the whole "woman" thing.. darn I hate this time of month.. its just so discouraging.. wish there was a magic scale that could take in to consideration how much I actually weigh without all the bloating.. Yeah yeah.. TMI right? In meantime - I'm at a crossroads.. I've began to realize that some of my 'triggers' are a direct result of the anxiety I feel when it comes to my family. I love them.. however I have a feeling my love, my concern for them prevents me from becoming the best that I could be... mentally, emotionally and physically. Granted I can't put the blame all on them.. afterall I am one of those people that take the whole world's problems and make them mine... what am I doing? I've begun to realize that I put my life on hold for the people that I love... so now? I have been thinking seriously for the first time in my life - to be selfish.. I have decided to do what I want for me.. for my life, for my future.. and well whether I fail or succeed - (success is what I am aiming for) I am readying myself for a major move.... To pack up and move to California... Every vacation I take, I never want to come home... is that strange? I feel as if I need a change - not just a physical change - but a LIFE change - a change that the band can't give me... So tomorrow I do what I've been wanting to do for quite sometime I put in my notice at work.. I'm giving myself until the end of July to get my affairs in order and make my move to California... Where in Cali? Not exactly sure.. I'm thinking I spend sometime close to some long lost family out in Fresno... just far enough away from the craziness that is my family.. but just close enough that if I'm 'missing' having family around it'll be a short drive to see them... Will my Arizona family be happy about it? Doubt it.. will THIS make me happy? I don't know... I just know that change can be good... good for the soul.. I have lots of plans - things I want to do - that perhaps 200lbs ago I would've scoffed at.. exploring the trails at Yosemite, King's Canyon, and Sequoia National Parks.. or having a 3 to 3 1/2 hour drive to San Francisco and experiencing and appreciating the eclectic sights and scenes that the city has to offer.. not being afraid this time around to jump on the city's famous trolleys...Or to have to opportunity to mark off my bucket list of doing a Napa Valley Wine Tour... its those "little" things that I want to enjoy.. the little things that right now I find myself too busy to enjoy.... Can I enjoy those types of little things here in Arizona? Sure I can! (minus the Napa Valley trip..) But my heart tells me that I want to experience more... and I believe I shall start with California.. Wish me luck!
  19. beabenitez1978

    Hard work and determinantion really do pay off.

    Whoo Hoo!! I am sooo proud of you!!! Way to go!! You're a inspiration!! Keep it up girl!!
  20. beabenitez1978

    Understanding the psychology of it all!

    You said it EXACTLY as I feel.. isn't it strange how now we seem to be trying to take that focus off ourselves? I just want to be me.. that's it.. I am STILL the same person that I've always been... except now? I am having difficulty figuring out if people are truly interested in ME or just what I look like.. as Lellow said - putting up walls, becoming cynical.. being more careful.. we've got to find a new normal.. darn it.. and I was 'used' to my normal.. this is all new - for all of us!
  21. beabenitez1978

    having trouble staying away from chocolate

    OH WOW!! This is TOTALLY my downfall too!! and the fact that it goes down so easy doesn't help things.. I've not bought any - but when I get a craving - I do sneak into my co-worker's candy dish... (she ALWAYS has those mini chocolate bars) and allow myself only 2.. but its a high price to pay... mini or not.. 100 calories.. EEKS!! Definitely something I gotta keep away from too!! darn if it tastes soooo good!! BLAH!! Stay strong!!
  22. beabenitez1978

    Feeling Guilty

    Yep... I'm feeling majorly guilty today... yes.. I just finished working out.. I should be happy right? Burned over 500 calories - BUT that doesn't make up for the fact that I was extremely out of control this weekend.. blah... totally didn't follow my eating plan. Granted, I had a wonderful time.. but honestly these 'relapses' aren't going to help me with my goals... I wasn't logging my food and after doing it this morning I so went over my caloric limit on BOTH Saturday and Sunday... of course I did work out on Saturday - so I don't feel so badly about that.. but I am pretty disappointed in my inability to resist temptation... I have known for a long time that I am addicted to food - especially GOOD food.. and in addition to that - I am also an emotional eater. Face it. I love to eat. But I also know that THIS behavior is also the behavior that got me to 495lbs the first time... so alas - though I made some really poor choices this weekend, looking on the bright side of things? I did get up this morning and kicked butt during my workout.. that's something right? So I take it one day at a time... and make a personal vow to make good choices in my eating and drinking - TODAY... because I can't do anything about what I did this weekend.. so I move past it...
  23. beabenitez1978

    I am at peace

    I love this list!! And you are on your way!! Way to go!!!
  24. beabenitez1978

    My Fork Is Neptune's Trident

    Great job!! I agree with Kime-lou - it definitely helps if you start those measuring habits now! Also just a quick side tip - make sure to find protein drinks that you LIKE.. nothing like spending crazy bucks on the liquids that don't make the taste test!! Keep up the good work!! (and thanks for reminding me that I soo need to get back on track with measuring my food again!!)
  25. beabenitez1978

    today's topic-Clothes

    Love it!! Shar pei thighs?! OMG!! GREAT!!! You're too funny!! But isn't it GREAT being able to buy clothes that fit us - for LESS?! I was so excited the first time I was able to buy a pair of jeans for less than 15 bucks..(I LOVE clearance racks!!) Previously one pair of jeans used to cost me $50 bucks or more!! Now? My bank account loves that I can get more for my money!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
