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About shazini

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday May 2

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Movies, TV, Computers, Sporting Clay.
  • Occupation
    IT, Actor, Writer.
  • City
    Anaheim, Yeah I'm not happy about it either.
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  1. shazini

    Carbonated drinks/alcoholic beverages

    I drink coke zero everyday, multiple times a day, no issues at all. Doc said it's up to you some people can handle it some can't, apparently I can. Alcohol is okay too you just have to remember alcohol turns into sugar in your system in order to be processed. And that sugar for some reason hangs on a little longer than normal carbs or simple sugars. Just my 1/2 cent worth.
  2. shazini

    Pills ?

    I can break mine in half and they will go down but m y surgeon and his PA said "absolutely positively nothing larger than a baby aspirin!" So I crush'em.
  3. Happy -- Birthday shazini!

  4. You are still healing so it makes sense not to be too hungry. I was not hungry at all the first 2-2.5 weeks but did manage to eat. If I didn't feel like eating I drank a shake or two just so I can get the protein in the system.
  5. Sorry haven't been around. PIA stands for pain in the @ss. PITA is the same thing. :-) How are you doing?
  6. shazini


    As part of you weight loss consider cutting out toxic people also. Anyone talking to you like that, no matter what the background, is toxic and does not need to be in your life. Be proud of your accomplishment and forget about the minor annoyances.
  7. shazini

    I finally did it. I've lost 200 pounds

    Congrats, that is awesome. Best of health to you. :D
  8. shazini

    CVS Requiring Workers To Disclose Weight

    It is discrimination and fat on fat discrimination is very prevalent. They are great deal of miss use of dollars in this country but if you say anything you are immediately labeled a "XYZ"! As long as people believe it's okay to do so it will go on.
  9. Yes let us know what's up? Also is it really a cramp? The reason I ask is I get stomach muscle cramps all the time and they are a PIA. It's obvious that it's muscle and nothing inside. Anywho, keeping my fingers crossed, hope you're better soon.
  10. shazini

    Post op visit

    Thanks for the support. I'm not worried about fills with my surgeon. We've paid enough that I believe we're good there. It's other meds specially for my wife which are very expensive. We'll do something I'm sure, it will get better.
  11. shazini

    Post op visit

    Thank you. It runs out at the end of the month but her Cobra is totally cost prohibitive. $2200.00 per month which is outrageous.
  12. shazini


    You have 2 weeks so have a few sit downs with the therapist who you have spoken to pre-op. ( I had unlimited access to mine) Talk it out, talk it out, talk it out speak of exactly what scares you -- no matter what it is. Keep digging and see what comes out. Start a journal and write about all your fears. Anxiety doesn't go away by itself. Also see if your surgeon is willing to give you very mild sedative for the day before and the day of surgery. I'd love to sit here and blow smoke and say everything is alright and you're making all the right decisions. The truth is I don't know you or your situation so I can't make that call, only you can. Once you made the call then I can support you all the way either way but for now you have to get to the source. best of luck and keep us posted.
  13. I had my visit yesterday and I've lost 13 lbs 12 days past surgery which is nice. My surgeon was thrilled but he said don't even think "fill" until 4-6 weeks post op. But I have no time to Celebrate. It seem like every time something good happens in our lives something bad has to come and F it up. My wife got laid off. :o We lost our insurance and I don't have insurance in what I do so we're pretty ****ed! :angry: We're both pretty down. :(
  14. Sleeve like bypass is permanent and much bigger surgery which equals bigger risks. The thought of having my stomach butchered and intestines rerouted just didn't appeal to me.
  15. Oh excellent, misery loves company. :D

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
