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LAP-BAND Patients
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    gowalking got a reaction from fatgirlsvelte in I am not a cryer: The Food Bucket List   
    My dear girl...I know you and I hear you. I too am a food addict and also thought my happiness would end once I got banded. WLSResources is sooo correct. You come to understand that our perceptions of food are off. Happiness includes food, but is not equated with food. Since losing the weight and getting my health and mobility back, I've never been happier. I still eat for joy...but it is joy, not tamping down the bad feelings by eating to excess. You will understand as you go through the journey and I'm glad to see that you are working on your emotional issues now. I went into therapy after a year with the band for a number of reasons. I'm still in therapy as my overeating was a symptom of much deeper issues that go to my core. It's not easy to get that deep seated poison out but I'm trying. I never want to be where I was before being banded. I promise you that you will feel the same way after you have a few years post op under your belt. Good luck friend and keep posting!
  2. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from fatgirlsvelte in I am not a cryer: The Food Bucket List   
    My dear girl...I know you and I hear you. I too am a food addict and also thought my happiness would end once I got banded. WLSResources is sooo correct. You come to understand that our perceptions of food are off. Happiness includes food, but is not equated with food. Since losing the weight and getting my health and mobility back, I've never been happier. I still eat for joy...but it is joy, not tamping down the bad feelings by eating to excess. You will understand as you go through the journey and I'm glad to see that you are working on your emotional issues now. I went into therapy after a year with the band for a number of reasons. I'm still in therapy as my overeating was a symptom of much deeper issues that go to my core. It's not easy to get that deep seated poison out but I'm trying. I never want to be where I was before being banded. I promise you that you will feel the same way after you have a few years post op under your belt. Good luck friend and keep posting!
  3. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  4. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  5. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  6. Like
    gowalking reacted to MinaDina in Crossing the Dunes   
    I was born and raised on the Outer Banks. The beach every day at my fingertips should have been a dream right. After about 10 years of age I never wore a bathing suit, never looked at the beach, because of the shame. Never made it up Jockeys Ridge as an adult, but every time I return home and drive past I dream. I know barriers self imposed and otherwise. I hope this surgery works to help me crossover, break down, and or set fire to these barriers.
    It's never too late, until its too late
  7. Like
    gowalking reacted to Debbie3sons in Banders #7   
    Hello Everyone I have been MIA but I'm fine just got caught up with some stuff also it was that time of the year Summer Starts and I have got out as much as I can but I have to catch up on here my memory is getting bad & it seems like it gets worse every week , I had a little set back and couldn't remember what number We were on till Gowalking messaged me , so now I have to catch up from where I left off .
    After or when I catch up I will post more about why I went MIA but nothing to be concerned about mostly just stuff that happened but I am fine .
  8. Like
    gowalking reacted to dorriee an in Follow up   
    Today I went back to NYU for my one week post op appointment
    I had an X-ray done and met with the nurse practitioner . All went perfectly. .I'm down 40lbs and I can have puréed foods. I ran over to whole foods and got mashed potatoes and chicken salad. It felt so great to be able to put real food in me. Granted I could only eat very little but it was great.
    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    gowalking reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Anyone else weary of advice from pre op or 3 months out?   
    Great topic, @@katesuccess ....
    Yesterday I saw my therapist. And next month (August 2016) is my second surgiversary.
    BTW, I started seeing my therapist just over two years ago when I told him I was committing to see him for three years: (1) the year of losing weight, (2) the year of maintaining weight, and (3) the year of boring real life. I found a therapist at the urging of my primary care physician who, a year before I had WLS, told me he'd support me in having WLS, but that he thought I really, really, really needed to spend time in therapy to understand better why I was so piss-poor at caring for myself. (He'd seen me lose/gain/lose/gain/lose/gain ... you get the idea ... for many years.)
    Anyway, as we've all seen / heard from those who are further out than you and I are Year Three can be a real bugaboo! @@Julie norton -- you're such a long-time vet (you're 8 years post-op) that you've seen and heard it all, I bet. Anyway, I expect that Year Three won't be like Year Two, during which I learned to maintain pretty easily for me. I've been at 135 pounds (from 133 - 137) for the last 6 months -- but mostly at 135.
    So back to my therapist, I reminded him of where we are -- entering The Year of Boring Real Life. Actually, it's not all that boring. Lots of changes here: Since WLS, hubby has had cancer and been through two rounds of chemo, a round of radiation and is now going through more radiation. I've retired. We've moved twice. My mother died. Hubby's dad died. We lost an adult child to a stroke. We lost two pets to disease. Sounds terrible, doesn't it?
    Actually, it's not been as terrible as you'd think. We've learned so much about acceptance, adapting, trusting, resilience, and being present in this moment and not ruminating. Believe me, we aren't "there" yet, but I truly believe we're both in a better place spiritually and psychologically than we were five years ago. Life sometimes does that to you.
    I don't think this post was even responsive to either of your posts. In any event, thanks for posting and listening.
    Anybody want to say anything else?
    P.S. Just saw your post too, @@Djmohr . Thanks for the straight scoop about brachioplasty.
  10. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from Julie norton in Banders #7   
    My mom had shingles and I know how painful it is. Hoping you get over it quick. Everything you do that reminds you that Bill isn't here will be painful but try to embrace the red car. My car fantasy was a Mustang convertible. I eventually decided not to buy it because so many people including my son who worked at a Ford dealership, told me the Mustang fishtailed and that it wasn't the safest car. Sometimes I think I should have just bought it anyway.
    By the way girls, did you see Debbie sent a status update. I told her we were worried and I even PM'd her hoping she would show up here on this thread again. I'm not sure why she went MIA and I'm hoping we hear from her soon.
  11. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from MayMarie in Dating and excess skin   
    I understand your concerns but I'll let others reply as I can't give advice or make suggestions for someone your age as I obviously am seeing this through my filter as a middle aged woman. Good luck sweetie.
  12. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from ProudGrammy in If the seatbelt fits...   
    I love these NSVs. Congrats. Don't sweat the eating out. You may find it's not such a challenge when you realize the camaraderie and conversation is so much better when you aren't focused on the food. Make the right choice when you are looking at the menu, and then just sit back and enjoy.
  13. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from ProudGrammy in If the seatbelt fits...   
    I love these NSVs. Congrats. Don't sweat the eating out. You may find it's not such a challenge when you realize the camaraderie and conversation is so much better when you aren't focused on the food. Make the right choice when you are looking at the menu, and then just sit back and enjoy.
  14. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  15. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from KeepCalm in Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?   
    Even ten is fine. I can swim, shower, eat, chat with the boyfriend and then online chat here on the forum for a while. I usually go to bed at 11:30. I like that you are a vet. Am very interested in seeing the successful maintenance experiences now that I'm in that phase and have been for about two years. I was at one point, 112 lbs. I knew I wouldn't stay there but was hoping to be around 120. I'm finding it hard to stay around 125. Some of it is likely due to certain meds that note weight gain, but I also know that I don't follow the plan as strictly as I used to. I do know that if I go over 130, I have to just put the brakes on and get the weight down again. I'm sure that like most folks, I fear gaining it back and I know now that it's very possible to do that no matter what surgery one has had.
  16. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from Pup in Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?   
    I used to chat back in the day and would like to again. I'm in and I hope we get more interest. I'm on the East Coast and later is better for me as I'm usually at the pool till 8:00 anyway.
  17. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  18. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from mngreeneyes in I may have found the lid to my pot   
    He asked me tonight if I would be OK with going to the ballgame on Friday night and again on Sunday. I told him that was a silly question...and why weren't we going to the Saturday game as well.
    We're also going to go to Brooklyn and watch a Cyclones game as well. Doesn't always have to be the majors. I enjoy minor league as well. Plus we can walk the boardwalk and go to Nathan's in Coney Island.
  19. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from mngreeneyes in I may have found the lid to my pot   
    I've been doing the online dating thing since early 2014. I met a man last year and that relationship lasted nearly a year and while the breakup was so NOT fun, I enjoyed the time we spent together. So, I picked myself up and reluctantly went back online to see if lightening would strike a second time.
    I think it just might have. Corey and I started talking last month, have had a few dates, and last night, decided to become exclusive and see where this goes.
    Amazingly, his business is food based tours of NYC and the outer boroughs so he is a huge foodie as I am and has already introduced me to some of the most delicious food I've ever eaten. Now I've lived in NYC my whole life and I thought I knew the best food out there. He makes me look like an amateur. Thank goodness for my band..I am not worried that I'll lose control, I'm just enjoying the little bits of yummy goodness that I choose to eat and leave it at that. When I have leftovers...especially sweets related, I bring that stuff into the office and of course, my co-workers love me more than ever.
    He's also a season ticket holder at CitiField and a huge baseball fan. So am I. He is understanding that I not just love the Mets, but I love the game of baseball itself and when I told him I'd love to see some of the old ballparks like Wrigley and Fenway, he laughed and said he was falling in love with me with every word I said. This is the first time I've cuddled on the couch with a man and watched the ballgame. It was lovely.
    I'm so looking forward to spending time with this guy and seeing if we can make a go of it. Oh..and he's also widowed as I am so we have that in common as well. Not that I'm glad he lost his wife of course, but we have a commonality that someone who is divorced just doesn't have with me. I can talk about Alan, and he is comfortable talking about Barbara and we both know it's fine to talk about our spouses. The men who are divorced think they shouldn't discuss my first husband for a number of reasons and he and I both know that it's good to talk about them as we loved our spouses and they helped to make us who we are.
    Wish me luck, my BP friends. This man could truly be the one.
  20. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  21. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from heidikat72 in Dating and excess skin   
    How old are you? I ask because I'm just a few weeks shy of 58 and men my age or older are just so damn happy to be getting some, the last thing they care about is some excess skin. If you are considerably younger, it might be more of an issue just based on youth and inexperience. (Their's, not yours)
  22. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from ProudGrammy in If the seatbelt fits...   
    I love these NSVs. Congrats. Don't sweat the eating out. You may find it's not such a challenge when you realize the camaraderie and conversation is so much better when you aren't focused on the food. Make the right choice when you are looking at the menu, and then just sit back and enjoy.
  23. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from Pup in Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?   
    I used to chat back in the day and would like to again. I'm in and I hope we get more interest. I'm on the East Coast and later is better for me as I'm usually at the pool till 8:00 anyway.
  24. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from ProudGrammy in If the seatbelt fits...   
    I love these NSVs. Congrats. Don't sweat the eating out. You may find it's not such a challenge when you realize the camaraderie and conversation is so much better when you aren't focused on the food. Make the right choice when you are looking at the menu, and then just sit back and enjoy.
  25. Like
    gowalking got a reaction from Pup in Does anyone want to join in on a chat night?   
    I used to chat back in the day and would like to again. I'm in and I hope we get more interest. I'm on the East Coast and later is better for me as I'm usually at the pool till 8:00 anyway.

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