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gowalking last won the day on July 23 2016

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About gowalking

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    Bariatric Legend

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    Project Data Manager
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  1. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Hi TMF. Glad to hear from you. I am also struggling. I've gained 25 lbs. over the last year. Between back surgery and a boyfriend, I'm making poor choices. I did finally decide that I want to get back into the clothes I don't fit into at the moment and have refocused. I'm going to get back to 135 lbs. and will be fine with it taking however long it has to. Oh how I remember saying I'd never get obese again but I can see how easy it is to head in that direction. So if I can nip this in the bud now with only 25 lbs. to lose, and not 125 lbs., that's what I'll do. Keep us posted on your progress!
  2. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Ugh. His loss. Dating, online or the old fashioned way is tough. I approached it like a job and saw it as an end to a means. I got really lucky and found Corey...who is sitting next to me as I type. What can I say about a man who is willing to watch the Ladies US Figure Skating Championship because it's what I want to watch?
  3. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Hi Girls. Happy New Year to everyone. I'm up to 163 lbs and have to stop making excuses. I can't fit into any of my clothes and everyone is unhappy with me from my doctor to my masseuse. I have three months to lose weight or will have to get another fill. I don't want to do it because I already get stuck more often than I care to. I have to reset and not allow myself to waver from my goal which is to get back to 135 lbs. I hope you are all well and here's to 2018! This time next year, I expect to be closer than further from my target weight.
  4. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Congrats!! What wonderful news. Funny story in a similar vein....Corey got down on one knee last night as we were walking around the Christmas Shoppes in Union Square and one of the vendors got so excited...he thought he was seeing a proposal until I dashed the guy's hopes. I knew that Corey was down on one knee tying his shoelace.
  5. gowalking

    Banders #7

    I'm still here!! I'm struggling with weight gain and am not at all happy about it. I'm stress eating and also finding it hard to watch my intake especially as Corey is all about the food. I'm not blaming him....this is my responsibility to be accountable for my food choices but I am indeed having a hard time at the moment. The good news is that I am happy as can be in my relationship and am looking forward to co-habitating sometime next year hopefully. Work sucks and that is the cause of much of my stress but I am looking at the big picture which for me is three more years in the workforce and then early retirement. Couldn't come fast enough for me...lol.
  6. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Hi Everyone. I don't know that we need a Banders #8 as there are so few of us left here. If I need to start another one, I will. Sorry you and Ken are having a hard time Lisa. I saw on FB... So for me...I'm having trouble getting my food intake under control. I've had another fill but I find myself stress eating. I'm around 150 lbs. now and that's too much. I keep saying I'll lose 10-15 lbs but so far, I'm not doing what I say I will. I even eat when I know I'm likely going to get stuck. I do and still don't seem to learn my lesson. I just have to re-dedicate myself and not use work, or other stresses in my life as excuses. When I had my back surgery and recovery, I went off track. It's been six months since and I'm still not focused. Will have to do better... FYI, all my family and friends in Florida are well. Some a little worse for wear but no one got hurt and no one is dealing with major damage. It was scary for a while with my folks especially as they have health issues but again, everyone got through it better than we expected. Thanks for checking in and letting me have a place to talk about the realities of maintenance. Liz
  7. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Lisa...gonna be at Citifield tonight. If you and Ken are going, let me know and we can talk a bit, yes?
  8. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Very nice JWM. I do hope you showed your face on Match though...hahaha!! seriously though...it's all about being normal. I've gained 20 lbs. as you know and while I am not happy with that and am looking to get back to fighting weight, I am still normal and that's the most important thing. Enjoy your trip and time with the girls.
  9. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Julie...wow. I don't even recognize you. My pictures are the same. I'm not recognizable to the obese woman I was before the WLS. So...I went to my lapband doctor on Friday and she gave me a fill as I've gained 20 lbs. in the last 12 months. I will go back in six weeks to see if I need an additional fill. As we all know, the honeymoon period is long over and now it's just slogging through each and every day. But now we all can see for sure that whatever surgery we have, it's no guarantee we will keep the weight off permanently. Vigilance always.
  10. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Damn. I see your posts on FB and I presumed you were having a tough time. Wish I could do something for ya kiddo. We'll be at the ballgame tomorrow night if you feel like heading to Queens. Listen...I've been having a tough time as well. Corey and I are great but work is super stressful and I've gained 20 lbs. over the last 18 months or so. I keep saying today is a new day but I find myself dicking around and not losing those ten pounds, oops no...15 lbs. Oh wait....now it's 20 lbs. I had to get new clothes...many of my old clothes are too tight. I swore I'd never let that happen again and yet it has. So for what it's worth, here's what I think you should do. Investigate other WLS options and give yourself a year to decide if you want to move forward with any of them or not. That will give you the time to see if you can do this without surgery or if you need another intervention. Let me know about tomorrow night...
  11. gowalking

    Banders #7

    No need to defend this Julie. You are not ready...or you are not interested. Either one is OK. I was widowed in 1994, remarried in 1998 and after the marriage went belly up in 2002, I didn't bother again till about two years ago and that was based on a heart to heart with myself after a cancer diagnosis and knowing that I needed to see if there might be someone out there for me. And yes...there are those would would understand eating restrictions. If he doesn't, he's not the one for you is all. In fact, my eyes are still bigger than my tummy and Corey is the one who always reigns me in when it comes to ordering at a restaurant. And he's a big eater so I know he understands how much I eat...not how much I think I can eat. He's also seen what happens when I get stuck. It's not pretty as we know, but he understands it's part of my makeup and is nothing but supportive if I get into trouble.
  12. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Now this makes me happy. Try to remember that it's about meeting new people and putting yourself in the position of the possibility of finding love. If you keep your expectations where they should be, you'll be OK.
  13. gowalking

    Wow. With the exit of so many vets...

    Hi Oregondaisy. Cathy is right. I'm not sure who's left and who's gone. I miss alot of the vets as well but before Alex banned some of these folks, the site was full of conflicts and ratcheted up posts. I'm in touch with a few of the old timers but it's just a few at this point. I'm just hoping all my old friends who were on this site are doing well.
  14. gowalking

    Banders #7

    So we all sound like we've got our challenges...and trying to deal with them as folks who are years out from WLS. It's not a magic bullet for sure and is very much a daily struggle to stay on track. I am understanding that for me, this surgery feels like a setback which I know is not but I feel like it's my fault and part of the guilt I feel for putting my body through such trauma by carrying so much excess weight. No one thinks I did this to myself but I know that I do. It's why I'm having such difficulty during my recovery. I feel like I deserve these problems because I let myself get so fat. Yes I know this is not reality but my perception. It just shows that I carry stuff in my head and likely always will.
  15. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Hi all. Just an update that I'm getting back to normal slowly but surely. I want to push myself and Corey keeps reminding me that it's only been three weeks so I'm trying to find the balance. Speaking of balance, I've gained ten pounds since my back went out. Some of it I know is remnants of the swelling from the surgery but I know better and I've been eating poorly due to boredom, fear, entitlement, all of it. I said I wouldn't be keeping a closet full of different sizes and I mean it. I weighed myself on Monday and owned up to the gain. I've been very thoughtful since then about my choices and am hoping to lose that extra ten lbs. before I head out on my Scandinavian trip a month from now. Sounds like you are doing well Sharpie and I can't tell you how happy I am for you. Am hoping Julie and JWM are good. I'm FB friends with Lisa and Tammie and they seem to be well. I've no idea what's happened to the others who were on this site. I don't even keep in touch with Virginia (CarolinaGirl) anymore. I want to believe they are living happily ever after but who knows... I promise to post pictures from my 'trip of a lifetime' when I get back.

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