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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Lionbird

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/28/1970

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    Tampa Bay Area
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  1. Lionbird


    I had a similar issue. I had 4 weeks of liquid diet. I found that it helped me to have my family's meals planned ahead of time, so I knew what was going to happen. I drank my shake before preparing their dinner and I sucked on a sugar free mint while fixing and serving their food. It was terrible for the first few days, then it was no big deal. Hang in there.
  2. Lionbird

    Fill #1

    Yesterday was my first fill. I wasn't really sure what to expect. Everything seemed to happen really fast. He had the needle attached and sat me up. I drank Water and he asked me to visualize a funnel and asked me if it felt like it was draining slowly or quickly. It felt like when I was at the eye doc and they flip the stupid thingies and ask which one is better...this one/ or this one? UGH. I said, "it seems ok". I wasn't sure what I was supposed to feel or if I felt anything. I feel so stupid now. I remember post op I had gurgling when I drank water and knew when I was drinking too quickly. It does NOT feel like that. I can still drink fast. He said I have a 15cc band. He put in 3.8cc's. I don't think its enough... I definately don't feel any restriction when I drink or eat. No different than before the fill except that I am freaked out and chewing alot more and eating more slowly (which is good anyway). Should I call them now and get an appointment soon? I am scheduled to go back in 30 days. I am using my fitness pal and tracking my calories (which wasn't happening at all since I had the surgery). I could just "diet" till next month? I guess I'm not sure anymore what the band is supposed to do for me. It seems my struggle is with my head, not my body. What do you guys think? Get another fill now or wait the thirty days?
  3. Lionbird

    PALEO w/Lapband?

    Hey I'm in Florida too! woot woot. Paleo makes so much sense and has changed the life of my husband kids and I. It feels so good to eat that way. I of course was not a strict Paleo or I wouldn't have needed to get the lapband. We have ALLLL the books, I have listed to a lot of podcasts and read several blogs. The pre op diet with these stupid chemical shakes has been killing me. And so many on here talk about eating so much bad food...its really remarkable. Let's talk about BACON!! ha. It freaks people out so badly. Oh wait, let me show you this funny :www.whatshouldwecallpaleolife.tumblr.com/ I am a total Paleo snob! I'm totally ok with it!
  4. Lionbird

    PALEO w/Lapband?

    cheznoel, Paleo is absolutely a lifestyle. Best thing that my family has done for each other. Healthy, clean non processed eating that makes sense for the way our bodies have evolved to metabolize food. I was looking for other Paleo folks, not feedback on whether its a good idea or not. I'm glad your way is working for you!
  5. Lionbird

    PALEO w/Lapband?

    Omg. I'm so excited to find you guys!!! I'm only on day 5 but my whole family is paleo.. Kids included. Hubby does crossfit I plan to start in a few months. Going to bed but you guys just made my day!!
  6. Lionbird

    PALEO w/Lapband?

    Hey. Any bandsters doing paleo? I sure would like to find some nutritionally like minded folks to link up with.
  7. Lionbird

    PALEO w/Lapband?

    Hey. Any bandsters doing paleo? I sure would like to find some nutritionally like minded folks to link up with.
  8. Girl. Day 4 is crying day, didnt you get the memo? You are right where you are supposed to be. THIS too shall pass. I was a wreck yesterday, today (day 5) I am no longer weepy, just a little weak/low energy. We just got slammed by Mac trucks! We should be tired! Hang in there.
  9. Oh and did I mention that I am currently on WEEK FIVE of a liquid diet. Yeah. I am SERIOUSLY looking forward to some damn SOUP!
  10. Today is better. I think I'm having more gas issues than I realized. I just thought I felt full...nope, its gas. I'm ready to get more calories in me, I'm really looking forward to some soup! I have really low energy, which is not cool with a 3 and 6 year old~ but we are getting through it. Follow up appointment tomorrow. What were ya'll eating/drinking for the first two weeks? I'm supposed to do Clear Liquids (broth, propel, 3 Optifast shakes,water) for the first week. Second week introduces runny oatmeal (which I won't eat...not doing grains at all) and runny yogurt and blended Soups. Is this fairly standard? Then week three starts mushies.
  11. So, Its day 4 and I believe most if not all of the gas pain is gone. My incisions are itchy and the largest one is sore, and very swollen. I assume that is where the port is. I have not taken any tylenol today but I think I will take some in a bit. I realized that my calories have dropped again from the 800 calorie liquid diet pre op (5 Optifast shakes) to only 480 calories (3 shakes) as prescribed by the doctor during the first week after surgery. I am finding that I have no emotional reserves. My house is a mess and its freaking me out, I don't have the energy to clean. My kids are going bananas, which is normal, but I have no patience at all. I just started crying in the middle of the kitchen. I am hungry, I haven't had a BM since Wednesday, I'm sore and I'm tired. I know I am whining, I'm super grateful for the whole process and have no regrets. Just having a tough time today. I shipped the kids off to my moms. I just made myself a cup of chicken broth, I'm going to take some tylenol and go lie down. I don't like not being at 100%. I have stuff to get done. I have to go to work tomorrow and my Mother in law is coming to town Wednesday for spring break. blah blah blah. I realize these are not real problems. I also know that this too shall pass. I just needed to vent so I don't scream at my children or hurt myself by trying to eat or drink something I shouldn't. Thanks for reading.
  12. Lionbird

    Banded Thursday

    Yes CM, five incisions here, hurts when I strain my muscles. My inhalation pain was gas related.
  13. Hey ya'll. I was banded Thursday morning. I'm doing pretty well. Took a shower today YAY. Never took the high test pain meds, didn't need them. Tylenol took the edge off just fine. Worst discomfort was/is the gas like everyone says. I'm still distended today but can squish my stomach, where Thursday/Friday am it was tight like a basketball. I'm not sure which incision has the port, but I betcha its the one that hurts the most. I'll work on a surgery day post and put it in the right place on here. Figuring out how to get out of bed was the hardest thing, but I've got that worked out and I 'm having no issues. I stayed in a hotel Thursday until this afternoon. I have two young kids and I highly reccomend this. I was able to walk and sleep when I needed to. I was able to figure out my limitations and how to move around. My biggest issue since being home is protecting my belly from leaping children. I'm feeling grateful and hopeful for the next chapter. No regrets.
  14. Surgery Thursday. Originally scheduled for last week but we bumped it because I had a sinus infection. So I am "basically" on week four of my liquid diet. And my basically I mean, the day we bumped it I ATE food. Real food..and it was good. I've lost 17 lbs since starting the liquid diet, I expect if they weight me Thursday I will have lost another pound at least. I hit a wierd place last week, having second thoughts and generally feeling rebellious. I LOVE FOOD. I love to eat, these are things we all probably have in common. I was getting freaked out about what it will be like to not "have" food as the thing...you know, the THING. The thing you do when you are bored, or stressed or want to endulge yourself. I have NO DOUBTS that this is the right thing for me to do...I just have some fear and I bet I'm going to do some grieving. But I've been through harder things. I am anxious about the unknown, how I'll feel, how much pain etc. I am totally stressed about PB's, Sliming all this stuff you guys talk about...so wigged out by all of that. I am afraid of what I don't know...what could happen that I won't be able to prepare for. But I'm excited about losing the weight, feeling better about myself..feeling healthy. Any last minute tips for immediately post op? Must have items? I've got a body pillow, heating pad, gas x strips (which doesn't make sense to me since they put the gas in my body cavity...not in my intestines...?) and a stool softener. What else do I need? Thanks ya'll!
  15. As it happens, I contracted a cold...so..my surgery is bumped to next thursday....so now I GET to do an additional week of the liquid diet. The universe is a funny place.

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