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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by badonkadonkbutt

  1. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers Unite!

    It would probably be a good idea to have it checked out. Nothing hurts worse than to let it heal some, find out its broken and then they have to rebreak it!
  2. badonkadonkbutt

    Ladies? (waxing question)

    I do the marketing for a local salon/spa that does brazilian's among other things. It is just a common everyday thing for them....you see one muff you've seen them all. There is nothing to be embarassed about, seriously. If you go to a reputable salon, its no big deal.
  3. badonkadonkbutt

    favorite foods you can no longer eat

    I can eat pretty much what I want (within reason) and I have pretty good restriction. The thing that shocked me the most was how much my tastes have changed. Before surgery I was a bread addict...loved rolls with butter...yum. Now they don't even taste good. Pizza doesn't even taste good to me anymore. I think that when you have to chew so damn much you realize how 'un-yummy' things were that you used to eat. I don't miss them at all. I don't like the way fast food burgers taste at all either anymore....I can't believe it either....trust me! But it is a good thing. I really wish that this surgery would of made chocolate and sweets taste nasty but nope, those still go down great! Lovely.....hehehehe
  4. badonkadonkbutt

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I feel your pain BigHarleyGuy....it is hard to go back to school as an adult with other responsibilities. I just graduated in 2005 but it feels like yesterday! Hang in there and keep us posted on your progress!
  5. badonkadonkbutt

    Should I stay or should I go?

    marimaru, awesome metaphor. I never thought of it that way but that is exactly what it is....at least in my experience. Thank you!
  6. badonkadonkbutt

    Should I stay or should I go?

    I understand what you are going thru jdarrwest....as a matter of fact our stories are so close it scares me. I am dealing with the same types of things....I have 5 horses and 3 kids to deal with on top of him. We tried the counseling thing. The first time, he literally told the counselor what a waste of his time it was. That is when I gave up. I went numb.....I am still with my husband but I am sure it is not going to be for long and like you, there are a lot of reasons why that I am not discussing here but I would be happy to share with you if you think it may help, just PM me. After I gave up, I stopped going out of my way to make life easier for him. I made him be responsible for himself; I let him 'forget' things that I made sure I reminded him of, I let him do his own laundry, pack his lunches, I even began leaving him out of plans with the kids. He always acted like he didn't want to be there anyway and would ruin our fun time every time by complaining the whole time we were out of the house so why bring him? Why haven't I left yet....I know that he talks negatively to me and accuses me of having an affair (ya right...in my spare time) but he doesn't do it to the kids or else I would be gone. I guess my biggest reason is that I know if I leave I can't afford the horses and the dogs and the kids all on my own and I feel like I have sacrificed enough, why should I give all that I love up. I am waiting till the time is right; till I can leave without completely upseting my childrens world. I do still love my husband, but only as the father of my children. The true love is gone from our marriage. I don't see how that can come back. The sad part....he is trying. He said he wanted to go to counseling again and we did for a few sessions. He just denied that anything was wrong in our marriage and if it was wrong, it was my fault. I didn't even really care I guess....I have fought so much over the years, it is easier to let it roll off my shoulder than get upset about it anymore. Just know that you are not alone. We have a lot in common right down to the ponies we love! Feel free to PM me and we can chat sometime! Just hang in there!
  7. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Well I don't have a flipped port! He said everything looked fine. He agreed that it is protruding a bit but said that that sometimes happens as you lose more and more weight. I am one of the lucky ones (I guess....) I don't carry much weight in my mid section but my butt and thighs....thats another story! I got my fill and am ready for a fresh start again today. I already feel much more in control than the last few days. My Protein was a bit low so I have to really focus on that so I told myself that if I become an anal tracker for the next week, I would reward myself with something that I want....trying to figure out what that will be, not sure yet :biggrin: The best part....I thought I gained about 2 lbs but I stayed the same and I was just there 2 weeks before. Thank god, I felt so out of control with my eating but it must not of been as bad as I thought since I didn't gain...one more reason I love my band!!!! I think I am going to use fitday to track for the next week or so. Does anyone use this or do they recommend something else?
  8. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Just wanted to check in and have everyone wish me luck.....I am worried that my port may have flipped. I had a terrible pain right in the port area the other day and now it seems as if the port area is really hard and protruding a little. It doesn't hurt now....I would think if it flipped it would. I am going for a fill today...which I need desperately so we will see. Keep your fingers crossed for me! I will check back in tomorrow.
  9. badonkadonkbutt

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    I haven't heard much about having a flipped port but am wondering if mine may have. I go today for a fill...thank god, I need it so bad I am so not eating very well but haven't gained (I don't think) so that is good. I just feel like I can't stop eating because I am hungry and my will power is dwindling by a thread. I got this horrible pain in my port area the other day and now my port area is rock hard and seems to be portruding a little. I hope it is nothing and it doesn't hurt now. I am going to ask my doc about it today.
  10. badonkadonkbutt

    I wrecked my motorcycle... :(

    Well keep us involved! We don't mind listening to the $($ing :tt1:
  11. badonkadonkbutt

    I wrecked my motorcycle... :(

    Thank god you are ok! I was wondering why I haven't seen you around here much...... It sounds to me like if you just focus on the Protein and getting that and fluids in you should be fine. I agree with supplementing with the Protein drinks till you feel you can eat more....my guess is that you aren't able to exercise much right now. With an unfill I would be worried about gaining too much weight back....bad on the psychy. The most important thing right now is to let your body heal.
  12. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hi everyone.....I had a terrible day yesterday. I felt like all I did was eat. It was stress....old habits snuck right back up on me. I felt so sick last night after dinner it was ridiculous. Today, back on track. Ever since the flu I had, I am up a few pounds and it has gotten me depressed. I need to get back on track and damn it I am getting on the eliptical tonight!
  13. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers Unite!

    NJ gal, I would definitely look into that other doctor......a two month wait for a fill appt is nuts. It sounds like you need a fill and waiting that long is just going to set you up to become even more frustrated. Hi everyone! Just checking into the new thread again......for some that were following the other thread before it was moved, I am feeling much better now but feel like I am starving! I didn't get a fill because I had the flu and now my next appt isn't until February 5th. I am going to give it a few days but if I am still this hungry, I am calling and getting in early. I was finally starting to lose a bit more regularly when the flu showed up....$(#*&(@ Oh well, I guess thats life huh.
  14. badonkadonkbutt

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    Hello everyone! Just wanted to check in, I haven't been in here for a few days. I have had the flu and an awful sinus infection and thought I better share because it scared me. First of all, this is the first bat of flu I have had since banded in August.....geez, what an experience. As if the nauseau wasn't bad enough from the flu, the throwing up made my stomach swell up like a balloon. My port area is/was really hard and I could barely get liquids down. It is subsiding now, but wow, it was awful. Anyway, I am supposed to go for a fill today (I have had the appt scheduled for a month now). Before I got sick, I thought I could use a little tweak and be at perfect restriction, I am so close to my sweet spot, I know it. Now that I have had the flu, I think I am still a bit swollen trying to get over it which poses my next question.....do I let him give me a little fill or wait and go back in a few weeks if I need to. I am not pbing or sliming or anything, most things go down fine if I chew well, I do have to avoid some foods but who doesn't. I don't want to screw this up, I am finally starting to lose weight consistantly each week. I really think I am just going to have him check things out and wait a few weeks till I am 100% percent better before I get that fill. It is the smart thing to do really....don't you think? It is just kind of frustrating......
  15. badonkadonkbutt

    Not a good conversation with hubby last night.....

    I think it is important to have that support system around you before you have this surgery.....doesn't matter if it is your husband, a friend, or this board. My husband isn't supportive of it (but then again he isn't supportive of much else either....long story). I knew going into this that if I wanted to succeed I would need to put together my own support system and that is what I did. Thanks to this board and a few friends I made that had the surgery around the same time, I am getting thru on my own One more thing to add to my 'proud' list...
  16. badonkadonkbutt

    Weighing Yourself Every Day

    I also weigh almost everyday.....I know I fluctuate one to two pounds so I don't let myself stress too much about it being dead on everyday. I find that doing that actually keeps me focused better than once a week. I am also up from the holidays...eek! My xmas goal was to hit the 220's and I did it, coming in at 229 on xmas eve! Unfortunately, I am back at 230-231....damn fudge. I did awesome with everything else but I just munched on the fudge a bit much apparently.
  17. badonkadonkbutt

    Today is SOOOOOO slow

    here too.....my boss is even playing solitaire....UMMMMM SEND US HOME!
  18. badonkadonkbutt

    Woohooo I got the job ! *Rave on* :)

    Congratulations! You should be so proud of yourself. Please be careful and check in with us when you can!
  19. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    welcome tabitha! I am glad to see you joined us!
  20. badonkadonkbutt

    Myspace question....

    Brandy are you talking about under their friends lists? There is a way to go in and edit which order your friends are in, you can move them around and opt to show either your top 8, top 10 or all I believe.....I can't pull it up from work to see exactly how you do it, but I can check later if that is what you are looking for
  21. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    sagebird5, of course you are welcome here! Hang in there. It is going to get easier, but you still have lost.....that is an awesome accomplishment!
  22. badonkadonkbutt

    August Bandsters How are you Doing So Far

    mckelmer....I couldn't agree more! We were banded on the same day and I am down 28lbs. I am very happy with that loss! The point to me is that I am losing, it may not be at record speed but I am not gaining and that is awesome!
  23. badonkadonkbutt

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    nubeginnings welcome! I know it sounds redundant but hang in there! I am sure it will get better. Everyone loses at different rates....the point is you chose to do something about your weight and that is a huge step! I love your signature phrase by the way!
  24. badonkadonkbutt

    Drinking and the band

    I second what f14aman324 said...be careful if you do drink. I am not a drinker anyway but with dinner every now and then when we go out I will have a cocktail...talk about knock me on my $^(@#(@. Holy cow. Pre-band, I could drink several mixed drinks and be ok. I drank one...thats right one and was buzzing horribly. You forget that you don't eat as much and alcohol really does affect you differently, at least in my experience....talk about a cheap date! Hehehe
  25. badonkadonkbutt

    Nauseated after fill

    oh and yes, I do take the pills that the doc gives me to help combat it

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
