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Everything posted by Mita
Hello Everyone, This is going to be quite Long.. It all started July 29th I had a dizzy spell after eating a piece of Zucchini bread at work. I felt light headed like I was going to pass out. My boss and a co worker rushed me off to Urgent Care, and I let them know that I had the lap Band first off. After doing an EKG and Sugar test they chalked it up to anxiety attack. I have never had an anxiety attack except preop when I first got my band but that was a panic. So they gave me a xanex and I started to feel a little better but at the same time I felt the bread moving through the stomach. Now in between this time and the next episode is 9 days. In this time I feel jittery and am getting night sweats and tremors. My stomach does not hurt but now I feel that when I swallow I have a lump in my throat.. 9 days later I am at work and get a sudden rush that something is wrong in my chest.. The pain is so bad and I cannot catch my breath I am rushed off to the ER. Again I tell them I have the band and could it be that? NO is the answer and they do everything they can for my heart which includes an overnight stay. I am given Adivan the whole time. I am sent home and feel even worse with the tremors. I go see my regular doc and she says it must be pre menopause and prescribes Metoprolol and tells me I should feel fine. Ok I ask how fine?? Is it a temp fix or do you know what you are doing. I asked point blank is it my band..NOPE it is not.. I take 1/2 a pill and felt sick off the bat.. I call her and tell her she is trying to kill me and I am not taking the pills nor the adivan! I go see my band Doc the following week and after telling them my symptoms they say it is my band. I go down for a Barium swallow and my band has slipped and my stomach prolapsed. They get ready to do the surgery the following week since this is Wed's and the Band Sugeons are out of town. Friday I sip some Water and it's not going down. So guess what? It got worse and I am again rushed back to the hosp. I had my band removed on 8/22 I decide to not have another placed. I have been without a fill for 2 years. Now I am suppose to heal right?? I still feel jittery and the swallowing is not any better I feel like a lump on the right side of my throat.. When I gargle with salt water it goes away but the jittery is worse in the mornings. Even the way I breath is messed up, don't know if i am breathing to fast or what.. I chalked it up to my insides being moved around when when the band moved or the yeast infection I got in my mouth.. With all the stuff they put in my on the Heart stay I got a yeast infection on both ends. I was on Nystatin for 2 weeks and have been taking Azo Yeast but does not feel like it is working (3day monostat). I don't know what to do at this point.. I have gone to see a accupuncture for the anxiety that I did not have and with every waking moment now think what else could be wrong. If you are still with me - THANKS A BUNCH I could really use some support right now... Mary Banded July 16,2004 Unbanded Aug 22, 2008
Thank you for your well wishes. I seen the family doc yesterday and he too agreed that it is going to take time to heal. Today is a new day and it can only be better I pray.
Hi Jack, The surgeon said it might take 4 to 6 weeks for everything to get back to normal. I tried putting a heating pad on my tummy yesterday and that seemed to help but today, It is taking everything not to run for the hills if you know what I mean. I have not talked to anyone locally about it and am just hoping and praying it gets better. Thanks for your reply.
Hi My GI doc says my band is to high but my Band Doc say's it is just right. Unfortunatly I do not have any fill in my band for 2 years now due to such horrible reflux but the good thing is I do have retriction and am able to eat just alot less depending what it is.. Are you have problems??
The boss is out today, can you tell??? Ok I work in a dept with 3 other Girls. One gets here at 6am and works till 2:30pm 1/2 hour for lunch. One just got back from Maturnity leave ~ so I cannot complain there. The other is the one that truly pisses me off. She comes in around 8:00 or around there give or take and leaves at 4:00pm no lunch but she does sit and eat hers. Oh but she puts a 1/2 hour on her time card. I cannot see where she works 8 hrs as required in this dept. The majority of her time is spent on personal calls ~ emailing her friends ~ or 1/2 hr in the bathroom. I do not time her but she is regular and spends quite a bit of time in there and when you talk to her she comments on others and their bathroom habits. How long and such ~ gross. She always comes in with bed head and you can tell her personal hygeine is not a priority. She is OB and her apron hangs quite a bit. I have actually talked to her about taking care of herself but -cannot lead a horse to Water and make them drink. She just grosses me out. Sorry just have to say that. She also has nail fungus on her feet and hands - I hate for her to touch anything and give it to me cause it is just gross. When she is not doing any of the above she is off wondering or on a smoking break. I try not to let it irritate me but it does. I come from the old school and get my work done and am always on time and clean. I do not dislike her but wish that she would get her act together and just be like the rest of us..
I thought I would pop in for a quick bit and just say HI.. I have been MIA for Awhile - you know always busy with my boys (6) & (10).They do keep me on the go.. Here is my latest Pic - not where I want to be but close, I am working on getting 20lbs off that I gained but I am at least happy with where I am. I attached a before and after Pic of where I started. Well hope to stop by soon again - you all take Care....OMG can someone make me smaller please... Mary
Good Morning, Gosh the site is a little more complex for me. I was looking for a post the other day from Estelle and cannot find it. Anyway I will keep looking. Not much happening my way. Eileen you asked how I was band wise? Still the same no fill by choice now rather than ordered by the doc. I do have restriction still at this point and still try to follow the guidlines. I am hovering at a size 12 through 16 and am happy there. Not my goal but I feel good here. I have had joined curves back in the fall of last year but have not made it back since June. Just to hectic to be there or they need to be open all the time not just certain hours. I am thinking of going to the rec where they provided child care and work out there. Other than that still banded thank God! I am still on Nexium and still have acid reflux but i can live with it when it is under control. well gotta Go TTL
Hi Julie, I was diagnosed with Barretts Es back in 2005 so from that time on I have been without a fill. I found out this March that i have no signs of Barretts and am fine and can get a fill but each time i did i could not go past 1 because the restriction was to intense. I am happy to say with out the fill i still have restriction and follow the guidlines or at least my band will tell me when i don't. How do you fill with out the fill? Do you have any restrictions? Mary
Hello Chica Bonitas ( pretty Girls) It only took me 4 tries to log on in here.. I actually did not have any trouble yesterday.. Well sorry I have been MIA for so long. You all were on my mind at somepoint in my Days.. First of all let me say Hugs to you Patty, it certainly has been a very tough year for you but it is all uphill from now.. I will be praying the Lord brings you many positive blessings.. Them kiddos are just the beginning! My little ones are doing great and Cristian is finally in Kinder and all day to boot. I still have to pay their Aunt the time that they are with her but I have demanded she actually walk them to school and home again, just because Cristan is to young in my book to walk the block to school. Do I hear Over Protective?? I am still at the same job and of course it is year end for us there. We did not make it to Disneyland but if I keep working on it, I think we can get there next year. Thats about it. Today the boys are with their dad and we have been getting along and as of last month he took the boys to his new GF house. Her name is Rosie and she has 3 children. I am pretty ok with it. I am happy I at least got asked out but turned it down. I feel pretty unsure what is expected in this day and age of me. I need to just go with the flow - Huh Anyway I have actually ventured out on 2 seperate Occasions on a Friday nite. Actually the first was to a concert for Michael Salgado and the other was to see Carlos Mencia. Their dad watched them both times. Well enough of my boring life.. I have been able to read alittle back and am glad to hear that Mandy is on the mend and Kat did not puke. Eileen & Irene congrats on your new Job positions. Cindy i am so sorry to hear about what happened with your Aunt. That was truly horrible and I feel for you. You all have been quite busy.. Now is Darcy now a house flipper or she just moved and the ex wants to give her grief? I need to go back some more to find out. Betty sounds like you had a terrific summer. The pool sounds devine.. Welcome Jetti and Hi Chrispy Now do not want to put my foot in my mouth but is someone not getting married soon? I forget! Well Chica's gotta go - doing laundry and going to try the dryer I just bought on Craigs list. I had to change out the cord - hopefully it is not going to shock me or burn up.. Love you all and promise to keep checking back Kat love your aviater - you are just so tiny girl
I am thinking of have my childs Dr prescribe Strattera for my 7 yr old. Can anyone tell me personally what they think this medication??
Hi Everyone -- Welcome Yenken:) just stopped in been quite busy around here. I only have 2 working days left and Hello Vacation. Mandy that sounds like an awesome deal. Can you help with California Disney? Let me know still working towords that.. I am glad that Abi is doing better. I bet the wee one is ready for spring break. Hope you can find out if it is a bladder infection or what? Well everyone I have just been working and trying to get everything ready to relax next week. Having car issues again and no money to get not even a used one. Chalio is going to change the Starter today and see if it is any better. Last resort I did get a approval at a car dealership but really do not want to make payments. I got word yesterday that my Dad's Son has bone Cancer. I feel bad for him. He is only in his 30s.. I just hope and pray that he goes into remission or a cured. He is my half brother (not sure) different moms. Anyway my little ones have come down with a cold and I am hoping it gets better as the days go on. Kat sounds like Marvin* is quite a lovely soul. I take the boys this weekend to an Easter Egg hunt in Windsor and the special Olympics will be there. I will be talking about how we get Crisitan involved. I know he would just love it.. The tri annual metting went ok - Cristian is going to have alot of resources available to him next year. I hope that I am on top of it all like YOU Mandy.. Well gots to go TTL
Hi ladies, Just stopped in - been reading and lurking around. Cindy - that is flippin messed up. You are right! What a headache this has to be. IMO everything is documented on your part so I would say she does not have a chance at getting anything from you. Mandy - So glad that Abi is doing great. May she keep on that road.. Kat - so your are going on to Texas WOW. How nice to meet up with Rene and Betty. You will have a good time. One day it would be great if we all met up at some point. Rene - hope your hubby is doing much better. What a scare! Sorry that I cannot do more personals.. Memory not very good these days. Not much going on in my world but just the kids keeping me busy. I broke down and took Chalio to the Dr. yesterday because we noticed he is losing his eyelashes and after much research about his meds and what could possibly be causing it and not finding anything that fit, I took him. I also had other concerns - his Weight. Anyway the good news is that Allergies are the cause. Even though he is not showing outward signs he had swelling in the inside bridge of his nose. Now Weight, Doc is not concerned at this point but I still am. He eats alot but is just so thin you can count his ribs. He is 4 feet 4 inches and weights 59lbs. In December he was 61lbs. Anyway I decided to change our eating habits and incorperate more fatty foods into his diet. That would really help out Cristian too. I never thought I would be worried when someone is the oppisite of what I am. Go figure I any of you ladies have some suggestions please tell me.. Other than that Cristian took a tumble on Sat and knocked out his top front baby tooth. He was with his Dad when this happend and called to tell me. Boy was I pissed but it was an accident so what could I do except hug my Baby boy. Mind you he is 5yrs old... Well gots to go.. TTL
Hi you all just stoppe in for a quick bit. Been really busy here and at home.. I am trying to plan a surprise Disney trip to CA for me and the boys as of late. Planing to go in Aug or late July. Also gonna see my baby brother in Escondido.. Well miss you all - hope everyone is doing good BBL
Dianne - you will be fine. I do not care if you are 20 or 87 who would not love perky boobs. I want them!!! with each passing day you will grow to love them and then will come when you will be flashing people to try them out. I say that cause my sister did it. Maybe you will not go the the extreme like she did but it is pretty funny thinking about it.
Just stopped in before i hit the hay. My computor is fixed! I broke down and took the tower in on Tuesday and they had to wipe it clean and start over. It cost me a pretty penny but i was going insane with out it here at home - like i am on it so much Kat I am so sorry for your loss. Dianne - Take it slow and easy and keep up with your pain meds. Would love to do more personals but it is already after 10pm here. Good Night.
BOO still having computer issues and busy busy -- you all take care
Hi Darcy - I C U.. how are you feeling today? Hope you girls that are sick get to feeling better.. I am trying to read up back and see what is going on. Nothing new to report just have the same car and of course same worthless computer. I called and talked to MSN and Qwest and still have the same problem or better yet new ones keep popping up. I really have to find someone to help me. The gal here bailed on me.. Other than that my kiddos are doing good (knock on wood). Kat my family is like that they migrate together and for me being shy I try and work the room to make others feel good. Well would like to post more but trying to catch up from being off work. BBL
Good Morning Ladies. Cannot stay long and it is a miracle I am here. I cannot access my favorites with out putting the site addresss. I lost all my email and my MSN account is treating me like a new customer. I know I have to call them but I am so pissed with my computer. I am just hanging by a thread. I am so sorry Cindy you are going through tough time. Hope it gets better. I know my time is coming. I cannot stay and do personals but was acutually searching for some old post. On another note it has not been a real good week. My Aunt From Texas Passed away on Monday and I cannot be there for the Funeral. My car will not make it that far. She will be buried In Paducha and the church service is in Petersburg Tx. The ex said he would take us but I just don't have the funds for the trip and looking for another car before this one goes bust is a headache. Well better get moving I need to make sure everyone is ready for school.. BBL or Better yet I will try...
Hi Ya all. I am having major computer issues and cannot stay long. Hope everyone is doing fine and well. Will try to be back soon.. take care
I see you!! BBL ~ learning a new job here.. I got the jean - size 16 w a little loose not to snug.. I actually have a booty I can see. I usually do not wear anything that shoes by behind. Little Guy is doing great.. Knock on wook Happy Belated Birthdays to you all that I missed.. gotta go.. For all that are sick -- Take it easy and take care.... GET BETTER
Hi everyone.. Just stopped in checking Ebay - Yes bidding again.. I need jeans for dress down day on Fridays. Can you believe I do not have but 1 pair and they are so baggy they look horrible. Anyway Sherry if I eat late say after 5:00pm I will get acid back up my throat and this last time with TOM it was bad. Even though I am on Nexium it did not help. Maybe just the slightes unfill like Mandy or if you track your TOM eat way earlier and see if that helps you any. I can relate and that acid is horrible to get up and out. TTL the mop is calling my name.
TGIF FINALLY!! Not much going on in my world except work and wanting more added to my work load. I hate when I have nothing to do. Kids are doing fine and Cristian is on the road to recovery. I hope it stays that way. Chalio on the other hand is in deep trouble at school. Seems he has become quite the chatter box these past 2 weeks and is needing extra attention from the teachers and not in a good way. But if that is the worst then I can deal with it. I am just pooped emotionally this week. Their Dad is in Durango Mx with his Mommy. His granddad who is 97 years old is pretty sick and they do not expect him to live much longer. Makes me sad cause he was always a very good man. He really Loved my little Chalio - The ex said that he does not recognize you but the more he talked to him the first thing he said is where is Little Chalio?? Broke my heart. I just pray that he passes peacefully and does not have to suffer.. Cindy - #1 GS seller of the Year!! Beanie ~ It took me an hour just to find a foundation. I could have been there all day if the kids would have let me be. I was actually opening bottles and dabbing some on my face. I can never find something I like or that actually stays on with out wiping of coming off. Kat - I am sure you will get there Soon. Sounds like you have a long day planned for you and then some. Take Care Mandy - how is Abi doing? How is the foot? Well I would love to stick around but we have a big meeting on Monday to discusse the workload again so me better get busy.. BBL.
OMG can I drive around with you Cindy?? GS Cookies are my down fall. I can eat them faster thatn you can sell them.. Just Kidding It is getting crazier on just what our Goverment will push to control in our lives. I seen the hype but since I have boys I really admit to not paying attention. I did ask some coworkers who have girls but they are still little so they did not have much to say on the matter. I got no call from the school nor did I call them. But when I show up on Tuesday I am sure there is going to be alot of back tracking. Well I better get in the shower. Late night tonight - decided to go get Valentine Cards for the kids before they run out the night before. Spent an hour in the makeup Dept - my payment for going and getting their stuff. Talk to you all tomorrow - have a good night
I agree with Thick Chick Texas.. May she finally find Rest.. It is so sad regardless of everything.. Amen Leatha!!
Thanks Mandy - I hope this new cream works for Abi - I could not in my wildest dreams imagine what she is trying to fish for??? She could tell I was pretty pissed by the 3rd phone call. I half expected them to be at my house for a surprise visit last night to see him. Not even ruling that out till he is back at school. Sometimes they make it more stressful for us parents that are trying to be proactive with out children. on another note - how is the foot?