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Everything posted by Mita
Wow - I am not even going to mess with it..Thanks so much! My friend's mom called to tell me she charges $3.00 an hour and I am getting a deal so go with it.. I cannot even believe 30.00 a day.. Next year Cristian will be full day Kinder and then I will pay alot less.
You caught me Cindy ~ I have been printing off pages and reading back.. Will post soon.. Luv you all - Darcy's Quote could not have said it better..
Good for you Penni that you have all your bases covered. On another note - Congrats on the order...
Penni - read this -- I just want you to be safe.. http://www.weldsheriff.com - click on the Fraud Alert
OMG - and here I though 400.00 was alot.
My Heart & Prayers go out to all his family..
Hi Girls - Quick update EX signed the papers ~ signed over a Quit Deed on the house and the Bankruptcy is a done deal ~ Everthing in the house stays with me. I am just waiting for my lawyer to call me to go in and sign. OH HAPPY DAY to bad you chicas are spread out or we could all get together and Party.. Kids are great - looking back to going to school - seems it was only yesterday when Cindy and Patty were counting down along with the rest of us that have kids in school. You are right Beanie hate that my surfing days cut. I was making a print out of the chat but could not get on to post. I did not make it to the RF this year but did wear my dress here to work. I love it!! Wanted to take pics but cannot for the dang batteries that go in the camera. You know those dang special ones Buts got a feeling I know where they are. I hear some are doing the evil E thing. I have to admit I am not. But before you throw the shoe I took up walking with the boys while they ride the bikes at night. I am just waiting for enough mula to buy me my own bike then we can all do it. Well gots to go... Eileen what Porn food??? Oh you said the magic oh mean other evil word.. Please post your reciepe - it sounds yummy for the tummy.. Darcy - This House is our first home - I would have been very sad to have left it. We had a lot of good memories and we put so much work into making it ours.. Good Luck Well gots to go -- Pat ~ Cindy ~ Dianne ~ Kat ~ Betty ~ Bettina ~ Patty ~Sherry ~ Patti ~ Hope I did not miss anyone Take care
Sorry I missed your Birthday Elieen.. May this year bring you many blessings. Kat I am so Happy for you both. My prayers that your Hubby continues on the Road to Recovery with no more Bumps in the Road. Really want to read what everyone is up to but very very busy.. Miss you all...Take Care
Hi you all:) Missing LBT in a big way. Cannont stay long since I have people looking over my shoulder now.. I will have to print off the pages and read them to catch up.. Big hugs to you all and I will post from home.. You all take care and prayers to all.. Doc & Eileen -- You are both in my prayers...
Hi chicas ~ Been out of action for awhile. We did a reshuffle here at work and where once I sat with no one on the other side of the Aisle looking at me, I now have 2 people that just love to look over and see what I am doing or want to chat all the time now. Totally Sucks Anyway going to try to take some time when no one is looking to see what you all are doing. Hope everthing is going good for everyone. I see we have a new friend - Welcome Bettina ~ You will love it here. Cindy - You are one hot momma - you look 20 years younger ~ had to do a double take to make sure that was you.. You rock girl... Well you all hang in there and I will find sometime to come and vist.
Hi chicas - miss you all - just stopped by before i get to work.. been busy here at work and at home. We are in the last stages of the Divorce - fighting for him to sign the quick deed with no refinance. He says yes his lawyer says no.. So I will just sit on it for a while a demand alot more money from them.. Kids go back to school Aug 16th so getting ready for that.. Well gots to go - you all take care
Hi Leah - I can relate to what you are going through and not getting enough sleep at night due to the reflux then the asthma attack is enough to pull your hair out. Here is what I have done for me. I raised the head of my bed 4-5 inches. I do not eat or drink after 6 or 7pm granted I go to bed around 10pm. I take a Nexium each day to keep the Barretts at bay. If I was not doing all this I would be back in the same boat you are in. My band (knock on wood) is fine up till now but last year from Jan to May I had the reflux which in turn caused many a asthma attacks. Well I hope you can get it under control and get some rest. Mary
Thank you for sharing Shelly - It looked all very beautiful - especially the Bride and Groom..Congrats
just dropped in for a few min - everything is going ok here so far.. Working a bit today - kids are with their dad? Nope Eileen my dad is not with me.. Has not called me since last year come to think of it.. His loss Just realized - today is my 2 yr band anniversary... well gotta go -
First of all Good Morning.. Dianne - Maybe it is better for you too get a lawyer to protect yourself. Regardless if you have History there. My Ex got in a accident in Jan - The other driver was at fault and I contacted the other drivers Ins co and they paid out. Ex was not hurt. Come March he gets in another accident - Our Ins pd. He did not need medical attention at that point but he now is telling me that he has a hernia and needs to go in for surgery. He says he never had the problem before the accident but now is suffering with it. I do not want to go rounds with the Ins since the other driver was not insured but we are covered but since he was being such an A&& I am unwilling to go to bat for him. Let him pay for it! Any way that is my 2 cents. You just never know how long after something is going to creep up. Eileen - How are you doing? I pray that everything will be alright and the little one will be comforted and safe in God's hands.. I am sure you all are:) Well want to do personals but no time.. gotta go - you all take care
I am so sorry Eileen.. My prayers go out to you all.. HUGS Weak - no way ~ caring and sensitive with heart is what he should think...
Just stopped by for a few min. I really have to read back ~ I hear there is was an accident..I pray everything is ok Dianne... Gotta go - boss came in early
Just stopped by to say HI.. Hope everyone is doing A-OK Busy for me this time of year (year end) so hopefully I can post real soon..
Just stopped in ~ busy busy ~ year end for me (it started early).. I need to read back on what is been going on with you all.. Hope everyone is doing A-OK Darcy Happy belated Birthday - May all your wishes and dreams come true Girlfriend.. Donna ~ Glad hubby is home safe and sound.. Will post more soon.
Just stopped in to say Hi to all.. BIG HUGS TO YOU ALL... Cindy, Eileen, Betty, Patty & Donnna Busy Busy day ~ at least I am feeling better after that horrible PB. You think I would learn.
Just stopped in to say Hi ~ have a lot of reading to do.. Let me say the 4th went really well .... Have you ever been to a carnival where you saw some crazy lady stealing the trash Barrel from the concession stand and taking it around back??? Damm Turkey Leg is all I can say Then getting home and going to feed the one female Beta fish and the damn thing is gone from the fish bowl? She jumped out.. Damn fish well gotta go -- My prayers are with you all Donna oh yeah NO Ren pics ~ did not even go ~ Dad decided at the last minute it was his weekend and he was gonna use it.. AGH
Still Lurking.. Good Morning Busy Busy - Tomorrow is the Renissance Fesitival - Going to charge the camera Batteries tonight and take some pics for you all to see.. BBL
Just stopped in to say HI ~~ Busy Busy That is good news Betty. I pray that your Aunt and DB continue to Improve..
{{{{ HUGS & PRAYERS BETTY}}}} Busy Busy over here.. Be back later to post..
Good Morning Thought I would stop in and say Hello before starting our day. Kids are still asleep. Recharging ~ ya know! I myself need a cup of Joe to actually get going today. Draggin Let give ya all something to laugh at.. Here goes On Wed's of this week my 4yr old Cristian tells me while I am sitting outside in our front yard that he has blood on his wee wee. Well needless to say I was freaked, so he being a boy pulled down his underwear to show me. Yep the wee wee is not normal there is pink on it. Not blood pink ~ Cotton Candy Pink. I tell him no son that is not Blood, but what did you put in your underwear?? Oh Candy ~ why? ~ Did not want brother to have it. Perfect place Cristian cause really no one is gonna want it or take it from you there.. Smart Kid And no, there was no more candy.