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Everything posted by Mita
Good Morning All:) Just stopped in quickly ~ not much going on here except work and more work.. We are suppose to get a cold snap ~ brrr ~ like it's not cold enough now... Kids are back in school and so far they are doing fine.. Knock on Wood I never made it back to curves like I said I was ~ Irene is right when you stop doing the E thing it is hard to get back into the swing of things. I need to just do it. I cannot do the walking since there is to much snow and ice on the sidewalks. I was slippin and sliding the other day. I am going to quit the slim fast cause it does cause excessive Gas and ohhhhhhhhhhhh the pain. I too was told that if you changed your meals the wt would come off. I try that on and off. Patty ~ hang in there. It might be that one person was to damm lazy to see if they had your paper work and it is there!!! Praying that everything works out for you today... Mandy ~ I am glad that Abi is cooperating now.. Kids I tell you:) Cristian and I have been going over his numbers ~ when I say them he goes in sequence ~ when I have him say them back to me he says he can't and won't and then when I leave him alone ~ I hear him counting by himself. Drives me nuts.. I love your jeans and you are so tiny ~ I wish I were Cute pics and how awesome that Barley is really Harley.. Kat ~ Yea ~ no accidents... I love tacos but I can only eat one. I remember the time I ate 2 and was up the rest of the night puking.. oh noooooooo Irene / you sure are doing good on getting your meals and calories down Girl.. I think if I payed attention I could drop wt a whole lot faster and still get all my nutrients in. Darcy ~ you are going to be one Buff Gal.. I cannot even pick up my kitchen chair let alone weights. How sad is that?? Well gots to get back to work.. You know more people here now.. Cassie ~ Cindy ~ Annie ~ Dianne ~ Jules ~ Eileenie ~ Sherry ~ Betty ~ Sorry if I missed anyone ~ have a great day..
Good Morning Chicas Cannot stay too long. Mandy {{{HUGS}}} now did this just come about when Abi went back to school?? Is she still on the same Script? D Betty ~ I am so glad you got the infection caught and taken care of. You have great Neighbors that is for sure... get 100% better... Irene / We are in the same boat ~ I get her at the crack of dawn so that I can leave early but I am bored when I am here all day long. I am thankful that I have a job but I wish I was busy moving around making a differance.. Jules ~ Way to go .. I am still having problems with my chair butt ~ but Irene says it's cause there is not much padding on my booty. I see and feel like it did not shrink but maybe it is my distorted sight and it did. I guess that is good huh?? Eileen ~ Slim fast is ok I am down to 180.00 this am Nakid ~ TMI HUH?? at the Docs office I was 186.00 with clothes and shoes on so I might have lost 1 whole pound. Yesterday I went for a 1 mile walk. About killed myself since there is still snow and ice everywhere I stepped. Won't do that again. My plan is to hit curves today.. Sherry ~ You are busy busy ~ I really do not have anything that holds or keeps my time ~ that is besides my kids. Well chicas I know I missed a great Part of you but have to be going.. Darcy ~ Cass ~ Pat (where is Pat?) Dianne ~ Annie TTYL
Good Morning, Just stopped in for quick bit.. Busy Busy Here. Well I hope everyone is doing fine / Great and I will be back later..
Good Morning, Happy Monday ~ Well I have been really tied up sick. My sinus infection turned into a Bronchial thing as well. As of Thursday I am on Z-pac ( Azithromycin) and Prednisone. I have so much crap coming up it is just unbealivable. But feeling alot better today. Thank God I actually went to the Doc. Not much else happening in my neck of the woods. I have been doing slim fast drinks here at work with Yogurt and Wt Watcher meals for lunch. By the time I get home I am not hungry so no need to eat at night or I just drink another slim fast. I have yet to get back to curves. I guess I will wait when I can breath a little better. This weekend I too took down the Christmas decorations and I am who is a know procrastinator already put up the Valentine Stuff up.. I love Valentines don't know why ~ maybe it is the Color Red:) The kids loved it when they came home on Sat after their day with him. Chrispy ~ how is your new place?? Quite and Safe??? I hope you did not have any trouble with that maniac on your way out.. Mandy ~ I hear you about losing everything. I still get upset after 2 yrs that my system crashed. You think I would have learned something from it.. I still have yet to back up anything this time. Seems you have your hands full with this new addition. I hope you can get him to stop putting his mark.. Sherry ~ Hi how are things going?? Are you still doing the line dancing??? I have been wanting to get into some kind of class for awhile now. Hopfully soon.. Betty ~ we have a dress code here. Semi Professional but some depts do not enforce it and so we have people that actually come into work with sweats and tennie shoes. Some where jeans all week long but in my dept it is enforce. Kat ~ More Snow in your area?? We were Ok, but man was that Avalanche Scary or what...?? My sister works up by WinterPark. They are talking about snow coming in this weekend. I guess I really don't mind it if I can drive in it. Irene / Seems like this fill is working ou ~ Good News I feel the same way about my job right now, maybe it is the time of year. I have actually had friends tell me about opening in other places that I would like. Crazy huh? Maybe this too will pass Anne ~ How is DD doing? Cristian still has his left ear bothering him. Not infected but he must have wax/fluid in there. Is she on meds? Hope she gets better soon. Jules / I have a bad enough time with chair butt. I need to find a good cushy chair for my bottom. I don't know why it always hurts... Eileenee ~ CONGRATS that is awesome.. Talk about a big weight lifted off your shoulders.. I have yet to hear anything on this side. All the boss is complaining about is looking at the work load. Humm ~ lets see They went from 9 people down to 3 and now down to 2. Yep I can say there is a problem... I just keep plugging away.. ~can you tell? Cindy ~ so are you taking it slow?? Must be nice to not be free from the Alarm.. Well chicas got to go.. Sorry if I missed anyone but it is getting busy here with people.
Sorry I cannot stay and Play either but wanted to share the good news.. I talked with the Assistant to the Gastro Doc. I NO longer have Barrett's Esoph ~ THANK GOD on the other hand I do have a sinus infection and am getting ready to call and make an appt. BBL
Hi there, Just stopped in for a bit. Getting everything ready to go back to work tomorrow. I hate it ~ I got lazy and am really afraid to step on the scale, But I can tell the differance in my clothes. Did I mention I am sick again?? Dang it ~ same crud as the last time. I am really getting tired of this. But all things considered it is better than what Kat has to go through.. Hope you get the Pain under control Kat. Anne ~ you are doing good. I wish I had done that when I went grocery shopping the other day. Instead I ended up with pies. I am going right now to dump them in the garbage container. Dianne ~ AC??? Brrr cannot even think of that yet. Glad you trip went well. How are you feeling??? Betty ~ Good you noticed the tire this time. I too am going to get back on track going forward. I ate so much crap that thinking about it makes me sick. Well better get back to getting my stuff ready or I should say the kids stuff ready. Sorry I missed some of you Lovelies Oh did I mention the Power steering went out in my car.. It is never something easy. The ex has voluntered to fix it for free. That is a good thing at this point cause I called the repair shop and they want over $300.00. I just hope I do good on my refund this year so that I can get something else... BB Tomorrow
Hello and Happy New Years.. Mandy - You are indeed an Angel ~ He is so adorable.. Dianne & Eileen ~ What a Lovely Pic. Beautiful Cindy & Beanie ~ Cannot wait to see those Pics. Well would love to stay longer ~ BB tomorrow ~ I have one day left of vacation.
Hi Chicas Well it has been a boring vacation in the sense that we really did not go on any outings. We stayed in most of the time.. Too cold and did not want to risk getting stuck in the snow anywhere. I have been catching up on cleaning and laundry. We did venture out yesterday afternoon to Loveland which is about 20 minutes the the West. Big mistake ~ I took the kids to the Movie Theater ~ locked my keys in the car and to top it off forgot my cell phone. I had to use the pay phone and a phone book to call my Insurance Company to see if a lock out was covered and yes it was. After the guy opened the door it was white out conditions for driving back. Belive me I will not be doing something so stupied again. I had several Keys made today and boy was I praying last night to get home safe with my boys. We are getting better from the crud, just a cough here and there. Still have my runny nose though. Kat ~ IMO that was the perfect gift to recieve. Her big loss ~ I hope she felt like doo doo.. You Girls that have finally caught the crude ~ I feel for you.. Take it easy and slow.. Irene ~ I would by it!! I have not once been to back to Curves that I have been home. I now wish I had something that I could have been using while I have been sitting on my big behind. I do not even want to get back on the scale. It might bite me Betty ~ Yummy Chocolate. I did not get much in lotion this year. I just opened up a perfume that I got from last year. Sherry ~ You go girl!! I really need to get started on just getting motivated for the New Year. I don't understand why the majority would rather have another go broke just to get a gift. I barely made it this year buying for my kids and 2 others. I even had to have a talk with my oldest about being grateful on what you got regardless if you wanted it or not. He was not happy that Santa choose to give him Windpants instead of a game. Boy was Santa Pissed off. I am sure from now on he will be very polite and grateful going forward. Well chicas want to stay and do more personals but my Brother flew in from Calif and we need to spend time with him before he goes back.. Love you all and wishing you all a " Prospero Ano Nuevo"" HAPPY NEW YEARS
I just wanted to stop in on this Busy Busy Day and say Merry Christmas to everyone. I love you all and wish you the best in Life...
Good Morning, Well I am here at work.. (die hard) Yesterday the Ex came over with his roommate and they cleared a path for the car out of the driveway. The kids were getting stir crazy so I got them dressed and into the car to just drive through the main roads to see what the rest of the world looked like. I must say I had it lucky. There were cars that park on the side of the road and they were completely covered, not to mention some that were in the driveways like mine. So I took them to Kmart and got them some sleds and we went back home and since there is a hill at the top of our street ~ I took them sledding for awhile. Then we played in the snow. I was amazed chasing after them and playing out there I did not get one Asthma attack. We had a blast:) Well I better get some work done since I am off all next week.. BBL
Beautiful Picture Kat. I will say the snow was worth it just to get that smile out of him..
Good Morning, Well the Snow has stopped and of course I am snowed in and will not be going to work. I attached some photo's of my front yard and one of my sons play house, I do not see many people ventured out as of yet and I do not try and clean the snow myself. I will wait and see if the ex comes by again like yesterday and cleans it. Anyway after he gets his car unstuck There are 2 tricycles out in the yard and all you can see is the handle bars. Kat ~ I am deathly scared of heights. I just want to look at it. It is so amazing to me they would build something so awesome. I can understand it being sacred to them. I did not know why it was built but had seen a picture in the paper. Well Cindy how does it feel being free?? Mandy ~ I am so sorry about all the B/S you are getting from Sears. I hope the washer is delieverd at the crack of dawn for you.. The Zoo sounds fantastic - Sherry ~ You are always working Girl... I have yet to actually clean up in here. We backed chocolate chip cookies and I am not even going to say how many I had.. (shame on me) Eileen ~ that sounds like you had fun shopping with your mom. I have to really get out and finish my shopping along with the other million people that did not complete it. Dianne ~ How are you doing?? One day at a time (((HUGS))) Jules ~ Hi there Betty ~ Mice?? You make such awesome treats.. I wish I could do that! Irene ~ Believe me running was on my mind. Everything just went so fast they did not give me time to think. Glad you are feeling better. My crud is still hanging around ~ runny nose and still coughing up the crud. Cristians ears are much better but he is still coughing but not out with the crud. Well chicas If I missed anyone ~ Sorry but I needs to get cleaned up and my child wants Pancakes for Breakfast.
LOL Kat ~ that is too funny.. Now I know who to blame.. Well it is looking bad outside so who knows what is going to happen in my neck of the woods. Seems alot of places are closing down at noon today. I should have just stayed home cause I still am a little dazed from the sedation Meds from Yesterday. Let me tell you Kat - One day I am giong to make it up to the 4 corners area - especially cause I want to see that see through plat form they have.. and of course if you are close by, meet up...
Hi Mandy I am in Greeley Colo ~ we are 50 miles North of Denver. We just got word that our office closes at noon today and we need to see what it looks like tomorrow and decide if we should come in. We have never had a snow day here at work let alone given the option to come in the next day. I say I should just be on vacation till Jan 3rd. I am actually off all next week. My brother who lives in Calif just called and said where he is, it is 35 degrees out and they have frost advisary. I would happily share some of this with You Mandy.. Take it - it's yours...
:hippie: Happy Happy Last Day Cindy Just stopped in.. Thanks for all your Prayers and thoughts.. Everything went fine and so far they say everthing looks good. My band is fine and they did not see any erosion... Well the schools here are closed (SNOW DAY).. Hey Kat how is it in your neck of the woods?? BBL
My friends I need your support.. They reschedualed my scope and it is this afteroon.. I am already feeling sick to my stomach and I don't know if I can do this. I already am scared to death and feel a panic attack coming on... What do I do???
Hi ya all.. Still here - Still Sick - Way deep in the lungs is where it is.. Ya Know with Asthma it is like a double whammy.. I have been drinking alot of liquids and I have the vaporizer here at my desk. Other than that have been crying my eyes out. I am sure you all heard about the immigration raids on Swift Plants through out the US. Well my town was one that was hit and there were alot of children left with out their parents. It has been just a sad.. BBL
ok I really need to go get the Zinc Losenges. I went from coughing up the crud this am to losing my voice and when I can get something out well lets just say it's gruff. I had to cancel the scope that I was so looking forward to. Anyway they moved it to next Wed's.. Hopefully I will be better by then.. I can only hope. Beanie - did not read far enough back to read about your dad.. My prayers that everything is ok and they find out what it is.. Now did they do an Echo? Is that how they found it? Me bad for not reading... :help:
Good Morning, Cassandra - congrats to you and your soon to be hubby.. Dianne - HUGS - You are not alone. Betty - Hopefully they will have great door prizes or even bonus's HUH.. My boss won a Plasma TV at our Christmas Party Which was on Sat. I would have went but the ex just could not wait to bring back the kids early so I could not go anywhere. It was ok I would rather have my kids but that could have been me.. Well I just stopped in for a bit. I seem to have come down with the bug that is going around, except It hit me different. I have alot of Phlegm coming up but my throat or head or chest do not hurt. I can take a breath and my lungs feel fine. How weird it that? Anyway I have my upper GI for Wed's and I am not sure if the doc is gonna want to do it Or would it be better to wait as far as getting accurate test results?? This will be the second time I would have to cancel. Other than that my baby Chalio turned 9 on Sat and had a blast.. BBL to read up on the latest news..
I am so sorry Eileen - My Prayers and Hugs to your friend and of course those all around. Oh Kat - take care and prayers that Rick does not cough to hard and gets sick again.. Take it easy and get better.
:wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :) OH HAPPY HAPPY DAY PATTY -- I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Wow a lot has happened since last week. Kat ~ I think the Ex is realizing what he lost and now he is just trying to weasle his way back into her good graces. You being positive and not letting him get the upper hand or emotion is the way to go.. Cindy - Did you post pics of the new floor?? I hear you about home is where the heart is.. I cannot say that I have a favorite Christmas song since when I hear them I get real sad since my Grandma/Mom is no longer here. I too must carry on the tradition and in fact make my own for my children. So far they are enjoying every moment.. Betty - You are a dynamo - I have yet to buy one present. Beanie / Kat - Rest up and hydrate yourselves. Get better soon. Darcy - Here in Colorado we have Tom Martino - The watch dog for the consumer. I would really call or email your local news station and get the ball rolling. Or I will give them a call if you want???? I am your customer from Hell if you piss me off I will call you day and night. Sherry - How is work going? Eileen - your stew sounded delicious but like Kat it makes me sick. Do not know why since you would think it would go down fine. I cannot almost bet the meat will come back up at some point. Well sorry if I missed anyone - I am sure I have. I took the boys Sat afternoon to the fesitval of Trees - all decorated and you vote for your favorite. Then we went on a carriage ride around the downtown park. Later that evening we went to see them light up the park with the decorations. That is where I messed up my shoulder. I had on a turtle neck then a big pull over then my big over coat. I have a shoulder purse and had it hanging on my left side, so will all that added weight it knocked me of kilter. To make matters worse the more I had my friends try and rub the kink out ~ well it just swelled to the point that I could not turn my neck to the left. I started taking like 3 Advils I was in so much pain. But now I am all better. This weekend is Chalio's 9th birthday, it is hard to imagine my little baby is one year away from the double digits. Where did the time go? I have a party planned for him on Sat then on Sunday we have a feista at the church. We Celebrate the Virgen de Guadalupe on the 12th so what better way to have a whole weekend party. Then on the 16th we go on a bus tour of the Holiday Lights. Well better get to work since i have been lurking for quite awhile.
I am back for just a quick minute - I finally broke down and went to the Chiro yesterday and he said I slipped out of whack.. Don't know how since my back did not hurt nor my hip. I feel fine now _ thank God. TTYL
Good Morning, will stop by soon.. Love you all Messed up my left shoulder and neck over the weekend...
Hi Beanie - I hear what you are saying. I am so there this weekend.. VS Here I come. Kat ~ for me is is being confined at this time of year. If I am in the house I behave very badly vs spring / summer / nice days when I can go out side. I see and hear about food more from Oct through Feb. IMO Well better get back to work
Good Morning,, OH how I wish is was Friday... I am up early today because it popped in my mind that my son ran out of clean uniform pants. So yes I am doing the laundry. I guess what he told his little friend Ivan yesterday rings true " Your mom is like mine Ivan. They both forget things alot of the time" . Gee with all the million things I have to do and I forget a thing here and there and suddenly thats the only thing he remembers. KIDS Well congrats to Chrispy and Anne on thier fills and that all went well.. Irene / Beanie - I will take snow anyday than to have to try and come out in black Ice ~ not even wild horses could drag me.. Scary Cindy that is too cool on making your own CD. I have not found a whole CD where I just loved everysong. It's like I have to keep hitting the replay and that gets old quick. I really need to check into that. Eileen - are the meds working?? Do you feel a differance? Dianne ~ everytime I pass VS I keep going. I don't know if it is cause I just figgure they don't have the mega hold for me in both areas. Let us know maybe I will have to try it out... Hi Betty ~ yummy for the tummy ~ I loved your menu that is too cool. Hey Patty ~ keeping my fingers crossed that you hear from them real soon. I would really call every week just as a follow up and to ease your mind.. HUGS Pat ~ where are thee? How are you feeling? Mandy ~ how was school for Abi? Did you get some much needed relax time? Sherry ~ Cassie ~ how are you all doing?? Kat - your are going to look beautiful in anything you wear.. Jules ~ HI This goes back to Beanie's comment about not wearing a bra. In middle school I was really, lets say heavy, Rocky mountain heavy. My Brothers Step sister talked me into not wearing a bra and well I went to school that way. Lets say I got called into the health office and got a lecture on girls and the differance with little and big and why big always need support. BRA Now to think of it is funny but back then it was a nightmare. Well I best be off to take my shower since the pants are now in the dryer.. I had a busy night. my friend gave me a starter bread and it has been fermenting for 10 days. Well last night was the night to put it all together and I made 2 loaves of bread with the help of my boys. Awesome My house smelled like cinnamon. I need to go get more supplies and tonight I am going to do some more and maybe some Cookies. Other than that nothing really happening this week. Work is the same thing. One delimma I have is the company christmas party on the 9th. I do not want to go solo but do not really have anyone to ask to go with me. I don't even get hit on ~ how bad is that. I mean I get looks but I look the other way. Don't make eye contact. Oh single life.. Ups and downs.. Believe me it was all worth it but sometimes just to have someone to talk to or hang out - no body parts touching - would be nice. I have untill friday to RSVP ~ humm :faint: Well I would love to stay and do more personals but advance does not go that far back.. OK yes I forgot:help: Check in later - Did you all see ~ Ivan is rock and rollin into December Chat...