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Everything posted by autumn_moon

  1. autumn_moon

    6 months out -only 30 lbs down

    I wish I had a "accurate" scale that measured "fat" and "muscle" because what I would see is that my body is getting "fit" which is so much more important then "weight loss". I have 40 pounds to lose and can't wait to say I lost 30 pounds!..Good Job! Stack up 30 boxes of butter and look at how much weight that is! I tell myself that I need to be learning about the process as I lose, what lifestyle change is all about and I think I'm learning more the slower the weight loss the more I re-think about health and vitality. Otherwise, if it's just another "diet" this is only going to be temporary. I learning from the support groups and I'm working on my food issues that got me here. Your an inspiration.. Thanks for your post!
  2. My doctor wants me to lose 4 pounds per month, and that's what's happening. I don't have any restriction yet, and have had 4 fills. I'm hoping this fill next week will put me in the green zone. My doctor told me to wait 25 seconds in between bites and to take extremely small bites. But with no restriction this is impossible for me to do..But the good news is that I do yoga 5 days a week, ride my bike for 2.5 hours every day or if not every day I walk about 6 to 8 miles a day. So the exercise is up where it needs to be, and I don't eat sugar or processed foods. I feel bad when I see the postings of people who have lost 50 to 90 pounds but then I remind myself that will be me one of these days. Thanks everyone for posting, I can't tell you how much these postings helped me the first few months. I don't have any stuck feelings, but if I eat or drink to much I get a lot of shoulder pain.
  3. errikadb how many calories are you eating a day? You are doing awesome! I saw my doctor and she asked me what I wanted, or needed and I told her that I don't feel any restriction so she gave me 2cc and said I can come back in two weeks for another 2cc. I told her I was walking up hills for 1 hour and alternating riding my bike for 2 hours and she said I need to do more strength training. I need to incorporate that into my schedule too. Trying to focus on the protein and water..that in itself is a big job. I'm glad all the December bandsters are starting to report in on how they're doing. I just got over that terrible flu and I'm glad I didn't have any restriction because the doctor gave me three different pills to take and I don't think I would of been able to take them if I was restricted.
  4. Hi Dee, I was banded on the 26th too. Went to see the surgeon today for a fill and was told I need to wait 2 to 4 more weeks. I'm still on mushies and protein drinks so it's probably a good thing. I hate feeling like I'm starving and if I get a fill now when I can still feel a lot of restriction, it might make everything worse. The main thing I remind myself, is drink 64 oz of water, which I'm not even close too and 70grams of protein a day. I've been going for 2 hour bike rides every other day and strenous walks up in the mountains for 45 minutes. Even though I've only lost 10 pounds, my pulse today at the doctors was "45" so that tells me I'm doing something right. I take a lot of vitamins so I don't crave anything sweet. Hang in there, thanks for posting. Autumn
  5. Are you tracking your calories? Myfitnesspal is a great way to track calories. You may be eating high sodium soups and that will make you gain water weight. Keep up your 64oz a water. Remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint...
  6. I found some really good milk free protein at whole foods called Vega. I was banded on the 26th and finally got more than 1/2 the protein in today, I'm feeling real hopeful. The gas pains in the shoulder are'nt there every time I eat, so that's a big plus. I just need to focus on getting the 64 oz and the 70-80 grams of protein..I found some yummy organic low sodium soups called imagine and I mix 1/2 an envelope of unjury unflavored protein. The soups are potatoe, split pea, butternut squash, black bean, pumpkin they're full of vitamins. Thanks everyone for sharing.
  7. I've been eating a little less then 1/2 of a cup. Don't get aniexty, just know that each new day you'll become more and more aware of what your body needs and you'll start feeling it...Yesterday I thought I was going to "blow up" and today it's like...oh..Now I get it.. I eat everything even drinks with a teaspoon and pause in between bites. It's a pain, but this is all temporary until we're able to work with our band. Hang in there. I'm only on Day 9 so maybe the experts will have better advice for you.
  8. autumn_moon


  9. autumn_moon

    Vicki-Before (2).jpg

    From the album: autumn_moon

  10. Dee, I forgot to mention that I make my protein shakes with coconut milk it's high in potassium and I take supplements.
  11. I am having a difficult time figuring out lapbandtalk.com I would like to respond to Dee1973 and cannot find an option to do that. It's probably because I'm so tired. I'm making myself stay up to the half the protein requirements I need. I don't know how were supposed to just "sip" and get 64 oz of water and 70 grams of protein. I take my protein in the morning with my vitamins and the rest of the day my stomach and neck hurt. I think I'm drinking too fast. I don't think I'm figuring out how my body is working with this band. Maybe they needed to band my throat.LOL I don't start hurting for an hour or so after i drink. Dee1973 I picked up some box soups from "imagine" they are low sodium and made with soy milk, they are so good. Potatoes have over 800mg of potassium and these soups come in potatoe, tomatoe, butternut squash, split pea, lots and lots of variety. I've been getting bad leg aches at night so my dietictian told me to blend a banana with my protein shake which I've been doing in the morning. I've heard that Mucle milk protein does not have dairy in it, I need to check this out too. My concern is getting all the nurtrients that my body needs while the band is healing. If I waiit till my legs are sore or my hair is falling out, that's too late. But in adding all the vitamins I think it upsets my stomach. Everyone says you have to eat to lose weight, and I believe that, but after I have my first protein shake and try to get 16 oz of water throughout the day it's dinner time. I'll have to say, my husband is getting really nice dinners, because I'm so hungry:) I was told just focus on the 70 grams of protein and 64oz of water, then if you have time and are still hungry then add the carbs, but I have yet to get that much protein and water in. But you know what, each and every day, things change, everything is constantly healing and getting better. Keep up the good work. Autumn
  12. autumn_moon

    Cigna insurance

    My daughter was banded when she turned 30 and dropped 125 pounds. She's kept it off for over 5 years, she's the one who inspired me. I think it's important to enjoy your life and be the person you were intended to be. Dr Halpin was my surgeon along with a resident from Mexico who is incredibly nice. I cannot say enough nice things about Legacy Hospital, they took such good care of me I thought I died and went to heaven..LOL I've been in a lot of hospitals in my lifetime, and I have never been into such a warm, caring hospital as Legacy. From the receptionist that checks you in to the cleaning staff. Your in good hands.
  13. autumn_moon

    Cigna insurance

    http://www.cigna.com/assets/docs/health-care-professionals/coverage_positions/mm_0051_coveragepositioncriteria_bariatric_surgery.pdf You don't have anything to worry about. Legacy will walk you through every step of the way. Shannon is a pro at dealing with Cigna. I was rejected twice and she never gave up. I almost think they have to do that in order to approve it. You will love the folks at Legacy they are so supportive and walk you right through it. Hope this helps, Vicki
  14. autumn_moon

    how fast is too fast??

    My primary care was against the weight loss surgery too. I was banded on dec 26 and I'm doing well except at night I'm having horrible leg pain that keeps me up. Any help would be appreciated. I've been taking lots of calcium because I'm allergic to milk. I'd call my dietician but they're not in today. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories. Vicki
  15. autumn_moon

    Cigna insurance

    Where are you getting banded? I went through Oregon weight loss surgery and they took care of everything with Cigna plus they had a step by step procedure of everything I needed to do. They have dietitians, pt and psychologists on staff. I had to meet with the psychologist once for 30 minutes and dietitian and pt once a month for 3 months. The good thing is you don't have to go on a diet before the surgery. But, you can't gain weight. I could give you more details if you need them. Cigna has a website too that has everything you need to do on it. They turned me down twice before they approved it. The only thing that I can see is your BMI is low. Check their website for what your BMI needs to be. Good luck, Vicki
  16. autumn_moon

    Head Cold/Flu

    I did get the dry heaves during recovery so they kept me another day now I have a cough I was banded on the 26th of December. I quit all milk products and take an allergy pill at night to dry up my sinuses. I also suck on vitamin c zinc lozenges. My doctors not worried at all about slippage. Although, I'm not medically trained. Hang in there.
  17. You must be young. My daughter had the band 5 years ago and lost 125 pounds and has kept it off. But she told me not to expect a loss for two months so this is great news. I haven't eaten for 4 days just Clear liquids and I haven't lost a pound but I'm 56 so it will probably take me longer. Thanks for posting your encouraging story. Vicki
  18. autumn_moon


    Try children's aspirin free melt away or liquid ibuprofen. I'm on day 3 and the head aches are gone and I haven't needed pain meds for 24 hours.. It gets better I think the headaches are from the pain meds and not eating... But I am not medically trained so I don't know for sure. I've been working on getting my Protein in because that has helped my headaches a lot.. I even get up in the middle of the night to sip on protein. Hope this helps. Vicki

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
