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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by akwright68

  1. akwright68

    day 2 pre op diet

    Today is day 3 for me of the 14 day pre-op diet. Mine seems to be stricter than some people, but it is rough. To make it worse I am stuck here in a house full of men eating junk, grilling out and waiting for the game to start. There are many people that have done this before us, so I know that we can accomplish this challenge, no matter how difficult it is. Eye on the prize people. We can do this, we will get our lap band inserted, recover and learn how to eat all over again. We will get healthy and lose those pounds that are making us unhealthy.
  2. akwright68

    Fears, Expectations, Goals

    Cindy - don't be afraid, try to snorkle first and then go from there. Some people can handle it, but there are a few that get a claustrophobic feeling from the mask and all of the gear. It is a way to teach you how to use "mind over matter". When you have to fill your mask with water and hold it there for a few minutes and teach yourself not to panic. My original instructor felt that his students needed to know how to handle the possible problems like masks falling off, air lines clogging, etc. It really helped when some of those things happened over the many dives that I have completed. Above all do what you are comfortable with and just be happy with that. Baby steps. Please keep me posted on your surgery. I wish for us all to have easy surgeries and peaceful recoveries. Susan, thank you for your posts and messages. I really do have worries about the anesthesia, anxiety and possible nausea. Thank you for your prayers. I pray for us all (I hope that does not offend any non-believers). Kateeryn, thank you for that. I look forward to feeling normal. When the eating occurs and I screw up and eat too much or too fast, I will remember it's there. Somehow I think it will be screaming loudly to remind me. LOL I do look forward to this journey everyday. Each day is different and you accomplish a little more. Today my accomplishment is not killing all of the men in my living room and kitchen enjoying the smorgasbord of junk food waiting for the game to start. So far that is ten of them, and have I mentioned how my husband does not have a privacy filter? They all know about the liquid diet and are teasing me each time I go out in the kitchen or living room. I am stuck in my office studying, sipping on a chocolate protein shake smelling all of it and reminding myself of what the ultimate goal is. Mind over matter. Tomorrow will be a new challenge and with each one that I surpass I get a little stronger. Each of us have gone through this and each of us have different feelings about it and stories of it. I tend to let it out and then it's over with - nothing held back here. I will make it through the next few hours. My pride will stay intact and no bodily harm will be rendered on any of the inconsiderate jerks that we call "friends", at least by me anyway. Again, thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and for listening to my venting. I am here for each of you as well. WE can accomplish anything, sometimes we needs words of wisdom and encouragement to help, but we are stronger in numbers and in spirit.
  3. akwright68

    Best product to reduce scars?

    I asked my doctor, he stated that as soon as the wounds were no longer open (about 7 - 10 days) I could begin to use Mederma, Bio-Oil or Vitamin E.
  4. akwright68

    Surgery Dates!

    Good luck to you. I will pray for minimal gas pains and a speedy recovery. You have lost some as well, every pound and inch lost counts. Has anyone started measuring as well? My doctor thinks it is a good idea. He says that many people think they are plateauing when their body is actually just adjusting and you are dropping inches instead of pounds.
  5. akwright68

    Fears, Expectations, Goals

    I think the main goal for me is to be able to use the band as a tool and to fully recognize and change all of the sabotaging behavior that surrounds me (myself, family, friends, co-workers). I am a former construction contractor that went from being in the field, working to changing careers and sitting at a desk. I have five children (2 sons, 25 and 24 yrs old (mine), a son and daughter, 17 and 14 yrs old (his) and a 7yr old daughter (ours). I used to have this really active lifestyle that kind of offset all of the great food that we surrounded ourselves with. I have always been a little heavier than the society normal, but was active, so I really never noticed the extra weight. Over the last nine years I have ballooned. Yes I had a baby at 37, and changed my career, but that really is no excuse. I have been on a perpetual diet for the last nine years as well, to no avail. When my knees and asthma started getting worse, then the high blood pressure kicked in I knew I had to really take an accountability of my own actions and how I could change my body and my life. I have so many things to be thankful for and discovering the band was one of those things that somehow just continually pops up all around you (I call it God's nudge). I started researching and spoke with several doctors that I know and many had positive thoughts about the band compared to the other bariatric surgeries. I went to a seminar, started researching online and made a conscious decision to follow this through. My husband is supportive, although I think the stress of this becoming a reality has hit him pretty hard (recent posts about him losing is fool mind). My older sons are tentatively supporting my decision, but just want me to be safe and healthy. My in-laws have been great, praying for me and pepping me up. My parents - not so much, but I did not really think that they would be. Above all I am aware of the possibilities that this surgery affords me - better health, and a more active lifestyle. I have had seven months or better to prepare for this surgery, and although the pre-op diet is currently messing with my mind, I am more than ready for the rest of this journey to begin. I do fear the gas pains after, but my biggest fear is the nausea and anxiety from the anesthesia (I have had 3 C-sections and each time was worse). I have warned the doctor and I have a prescription for 4 days of anti-nausea medication (1 before and 3 after). I think as the time gets closer I will be experiencing my family's anxiety and stress and they are watching my resolve. If I am stressed they will be also, and this does not help any of us. Basically have no choice but to stress in private and be everyone else's rock - not fair, but it is our family dynamic. The things that I cannot wait to enjoy: 1. normal width shoes, 2. feeling that when strangers look at you they aren't judging how much you weigh, 3. Not feeling out of breath walking 2 blocks or up a flight of stairs, 4. feeling comfortable enough to scuba dive again 5. Going sailing with our friends and being a good mate, not just the passenger, 6. Actually finding clothes that fit and not crying in the fitting room every time, 7. Looking in the mirror and feeling a sense of accomplishment that I have succeeded in my goal to drop 100 lbs. and know that I have the right tools to keep it off. We each have a different story, but our goals are very similar. We are on this journey together and I am happy that I have so many cheerleaders, it really does make it easier.
  6. akwright68

    Pre-Op Diet Support Thread :)

    I am on day 2 of a very strict 14 day diet. I am allowed 4 - 6 EAS Advantedge shakes a day, 3 or 4 (8 oz. servings) of vegetable, beef or chicken broth and 64 oz. of water a day. No milk, no caffeine, no food.................... That last part is kicking my tail end tonight. I am sitting in our office studying (decided be begin my graduate degree program a few months ago - yes I am a masechist) and I have come to realize that I am a "study snacker". I am looking for something to crunch. Liquid does not crunch and I am doing my best to try and ignore this feeling of want that is occurring. I am sipping on a strawberry protein shake and I snuck a small baby spoonful of peanut butter, but still want crunch. My 7 year old daughter told me to crunch my ice in the shake. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but she is right. It will "crunch". The simplicity of it seems perfect in her mind, but in mine I am craving things that I cannot have. Which at this point really is the issue - my mind is overloading the reality of my hunger. I know that many of us deal with these issues, but I have to work through this and get it out. I know I can do this - mentally and physically. Cravings are just the minds way of trying to keep you familiar with the habits that you have created, good, bad or indifferent. This practice of futility (posting my frustration), is not giving into the craving, but is letting my mind get rid of this emotional outburst of need. I can now realize the little things, that are really not so little when they add up. My snacking mode while studying is also my snack mode while working. You really do not realize the bad habits that you create for yourself until you restrict or change your pattern. Day 2 is almost over and there are 10 more short days to go. The next challenge will be how I handle my new liquid only diet at work, where only a couple of people know and the ladies all bake and bring goodies for everyone. Training sessions and lunch meetings are the standard, so I am putting together my list of excuses now so I can survive the pre-op (2 weeks), post-op (2 weeks) and mushy stage (1 week). I CAN do this, many others have before me and I am using them as inspiration. Thank you for letting me vent.
  7. akwright68

    Surgery Dates!

    Hello everyone. Excited to be part of this group and to begin the next phase of this journey. My surgery date has been scheduled for February 15th, 2013. Alita
  8. akwright68

    Upset for the first time...

    My husband told everyone, even people that I have never met. He said it was because he was proud of me for making this decision, while the real scoop is that he just does not have any privacy filter, at all. Due to him telling everyone I have strangers emailing me questions, or coming over and asking me questions. Meanwhile our family members have mixed reactions. My inlaws are being very supportive and praying for me, while my parents are wanting me to cancel the surgery date and do this on my own. My parents are the ones that always criticize with the comment of "our chunky daughter with the pretty" face. The ultimate insult was the statement they made on their last visit. If I had been 115 pounds I could have landed me a wealthy husband and be living a better life, "you know you have the face and boobs to attract one". Yes my husband was sitting right there at the time. But the main point is that mixed reactions are part of this journey, but the journey is mine and mine alone. No one else is putting in the time or the energy, so their opinions don't matter. Stay positive within.
  9. akwright68


    Congratulations and I hope you have an easy night.
  10. akwright68

    First Appointment/ First Consultation

    Awesome. Congratulations on taking a solid step towards the new you.
  11. akwright68

    Returning To Work

    I was told that I could return to my desk job on Monday. My surgery is scheduled for a Friday. It depends on your job, your doctor and of course how your body will respond.
  12. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    My husband is losing his mind. I just got home from work and he asked me if we were going out for sushi tonite. I reminded him that I started my pre-op diet and that I would go with him, but would not be eating (trying to compromise). He then gets angry and says that just because I am changing my diet it shouldn't affect him and walks out the front door. Half an hour later he comes back home and doesn't say he is sorry, but instead decides to remind me that I am very lucky to have been approved for this surgery and I need to stick to the diet. He then tells me that I need to have more willpower and take this seriously. I literally started laughing from the absurdity of the whole situation, which of course got him upset. I think that maybe he is a little stressed about all of this and does not know what to say or do. On one hand I think he has lost it, and on the other I know I need to try and help him express what he is really feeling about this. Our families go through the stress and anxiety that we do. I have had the last seven months to digest and work through all of it, whereas he is just being hit with it now.
  13. Me too, that is THE best statement.
  14. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    I start my pre-op all protein shake diet tomorrow. Of course my hubby decides to plan a sushi date for tomorrow, I have to say no because I know he is testing my resolve. Why can't people just be supportive and not play little passive aggressive games?
  15. Do yourself a favor and research the band, the surgeon and your feelings. You are doing this for yourself and your health, not anyone else. Share your knowledge with confidence and the supportive friends will listen, ask questions and stand by your side. Unfortunately, every one of us have had someone in our lives that is not supportive, I hope your friend will stand by you no matter what your decision may be.
  16. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    Congratulations to Erin and Twinbad.
  17. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    Welcome Abbie. We are all taking a journey to a healthier life. My surgery is in a few weeks, I start my pre-op diet tomorrow.
  18. Congratulations on progressing to the next level of this journey. It sounds like your doing wonderfully. I am a few weeks out till I can share my story. Wishing you a gas free and minimal discomfort night.
  19. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    Just got my surgery date of February 15th. Super excited.
  20. akwright68


    Got my surgery date. Feb. 15th. Woohoo
  21. akwright68

    1 Year Band Anniversary and 175 pounds gone!

    You look amazing. You give inspiration in each post. You should be so proud of your accomplishment.
  22. akwright68


    I got my approval Friday as well, and will be calling first thing tomorrow for a surgery date. Congratulations to both of us.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
