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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by akwright68

  1. I had my surgery Feb. 15th, 2013 and had done everything according to instructions that were given to me. I have been fighting the hunger issues for about a week or so now. The swelling has gone down and that feeling of fullness that had been coming pretty quickly has disappeared. Well the past 2 days were an incredibly busy and stressful both at work and home. Yesterday I did not take my prepared food portions with me and had no opportunity to eat anything and barely drank a bottle of Water. By the time I got home at 8:00 p.m. with everyone in tow I still had to cook dinner, I was starving!!!!!! I ate 2 huge chicken breasts with green Beans. Although it wasn't a bad food choice, it was the portion size that I screwed up with. It was definitely more than 1 cup........more like 4. This post is more of a "hold myself accountable" and realize that I have to make this work and take the time for myself. I have to make certain that I take my prepared meals or take the time to leave work and eat. As well as drink the water I should be. I cannot pull myself back into being the last important priority, I have come too far to go back to that. I know everyone reaches a crossroads of discovery and I am certain this will not be my last. I just think it is important to clarify and announce that I am going to take responsibility for me and my choices daily. Each day is a new challenge and focus.
  2. akwright68

    Getting back on track......

    The other big realization is that I need to dictate my personal schedule for workout time. If I let everyone else dictate my time this will never work. I tend to be the caretaker of everyone else, always the problem solver. Well I need to make me the priority as well. It is just that, I have to be nice to myself.
  3. akwright68

    Getting back on track......

    Thank you. Acknowledging seemed just as important as getting back to the basics. The band is the tool, but my mind is either the catalyst or the disruption, I have to choose.
  4. akwright68

    Getting back on track......

    Thank you. Acknowledging seemed just as important as getting back to the basics. The band is the tool, but my mind is either the catalyst or the disruption, I have to choose.
  5. akwright68

    washing machine

    I know it will - I am still just a few weeks out, so this is a one day at a time thing. It will happen. Thank you.
  6. akwright68

    Just curious....

    I felt the exact same thing, but I had to wait 7 months total by the time I had surgery. Begin to practice eating small, toddler size bites and chew until it is like a liquid paste. Just practice it for a little while, after you have the surgery and you feel that first "almost stuck" feeling, you will NEVER want to forget to chew or slow down again. I am still a newbie, but at a piece of a friend's cake (distracted bite and definitely not thinking) and whoa, I forgot to chew I just swallowed. OMG, painful even going down and then started feeling the saliva at the back of my throat getting thicker. I started taking small sips and "burping" my chest. After a couple of minutes it finally went down, but I can tell you I felt the after effects for a couple of hours. I stuck to shakes the remainder of the day. Practice, speak with the nutritionist, read the forum topics on here and gain the knowledge you need. We are all here to support you. Good luck.
  7. akwright68

    washing machine

    I was a little teary eyed visualizing that in my mind. How wonderful. I can't wait to have that accomplishment. I just wish I was shorter or taller and my stomach would recede a little more as well - I keep hitting my stomach on the washer, the counter, the desk, the kitchen chair backs, everything at that height. It is a wonder I have not ripped the port out from behind the skin at this point.
  8. akwright68

    Family support

    I personally LOVE food. I love to create, taste, smell and well.........let us just say that I adore every aspect of the food preparation process and it's glorious results. I am a foodie. I would have called this an addiction, but over the last few years I have learned that my addiction is actually with creating and watching others enjoy it, moreso even than myself. I have the lapband process and poring over food addiction articles and books. Now mind you I do love to eat as well, but I have noted through this whole process that although I believed I was tasting and enjoying, I was actually gulping and devouring. I also married a man that loves food as well, but has the same issues with it, he in turn has learned with me what we have done to ourselves. I also have a history with my father always saying to me how pretty I would be if I lost 150 pounds, or my favorite recent quote in front of my husband......you know if you would have just watched your weight you could have snagged a wealthy husband, you have the boobs for it. So yes we all have people in our lives that like to bring us down. The whole purpose of this forum is to listen to each other, share our journies, try to support each other in any way that we can and above all to encourage. I encourage you to remember who you are and how special you are. You have to feel this for yourself so that no one else can bring you down or succeed in knocking you down by brutal force (mentally, not physically). I support you that you made this really difficult decision to do something that is not the mainstream way of thinking, but is a tool for you to regain your health. I am here to listen to you at any period of time and to share my journey with you as well. We are in this together, some days will be easy, others - terribly hard. Stay strong and focused and please know that there are people here that have been there before us, are going through it right now, or are sympathetic and really want to help and encourage. Be brave. Alita
  9. akwright68

    Post op experiences and support

    I was banded Feb 15th, which in reality is not that long ago. I really do not feel any pain, just a few stomach twinches from the port and the stitches around the band when I hit my stomach on the counter or bend over for too long (I swear no one helps do anything around this house). My doctor has allowed me to start eating regular food ionly after some extreme questions concerning my knowledge of what was required and what was expected of me. So far I have discovered that I have to smother all meat with to get it down. Lately it has been stewed tomatoes, cottage cheese (I know, sounds gross) or some low calorie, fat free sauce I have concocted. I have kept portions to 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup, which is about all I can handle anyway. I have been "almost" stuck a couple of times, but I have been able to sip something to help slide it down. The doctor has cleared me to do chair exercises with minimal stretching and no lifting above 10 lbs. So basically it is ankle and wrist weights and taking it easy for another few weeks. I have lost a total of 15 pounds (12 pre-op and 3 post-op). I think this is wonderful considering I know my body is healing and adjusting. I walk 2 - 4 miles a day (depending on kids, work and grad-school schedules). I have to work on drinking enough Water throughout the day and eating consistently throughout the day while watching the calorie counts. My weekends are fine, it is my crazy work days that I have to really work at eating and drinking the right way. I am sticking to the Protein Shakes to make it consistent and easier for now. One day at a time. I have been proud of myself for not cheating on cake, ice cream or some other fabulous concoction that someone has either made or brought into work. This is a long process, but each day I feel stronger mentally and physically. I know there will come a day when I will cave and take that bite of some forbidden thing, but I know that it is just one bite and that I cannot beat myself up too much over it. This all sounds great now, but as long as I can keep my mental and physical focus next month and the following months......that is the true test. I hope that everyone else is feeling positive results from the lap-band as well.
  10. Every day gets better. I was banded on the 15th of February and can do just about everything and feel no pain. There is hope. Each one of us heal differently so please be patient. I start full exercise on Wednesday, so I am sure I will feel my port and the muscles around my stomach that are still healing. I know you are still healing and are miserable, but try everything that fellow bandsters have recommended, something will click for you.
  11. akwright68

    Any February 2013 Bandsters?

    Congratulations to all of my fellow February banded sisters and brothers. Some of us are at the final stages of healing, and others might be right at the beginning. We are all here to support each other and figure out how to help each other to reach our weight loss and health goals.
  12. akwright68

    Date Nights :-)

    I took my hubby to the beach at sunset the other night and brought him a picnic dinner. He was not so much interested in the food as much as me thinking about "us" and some private time without the kids and the chaos. If you have a park with a lake, or there is a movie he might want to see. Our whole lives are changing, so we have to find new things to do.
  13. akwright68

    would you do it again?

    I am another recent bander (Feb. 15th), and still experiencing the post-op diet and little "Twinges" here and there when I overdo it. YES, I would do it again in a heartbeat. The minimal discomfort is worth every bit of the reward of having this tool to help me finally have some advantage in the weight loss game.
  14. akwright68

    Back to work

    I was told I could go back to work the day after surgery. Thank goodness I did not listen to that, but my surgery was on a Friday and I went back Monday morning. I was moving around a lot over the weekend and had no real issues, but when I returned to sitting and squishing my swollen stomach, the gas pains began and it was very uncomfortable. Moving around and having enough energy to perform your job is the key. My advise, think of your most active day and take a test run before you commit to going back.
  15. akwright68

    Just need to vent- hard day

    Wow, I thought my doctor was strict. I was banded on the 15th and I am just now being allowed pudding and yogurt. Next week I am allowed "blended" soup or chili. I am so tired of shakes as well. You have two more days, remember the end game here. We all did this for better health and to lose those extra pounds by being able to take control. You have the control, you can do this. It is just two more days. Stay strong.
  16. akwright68

    had surgery Tuesday

    I have been alternating ice therapy on the shoulders and heating pads (3) on my shoulders, chest and middle back. I walk during my lunch hour at work and for an hour after work. It has helped with the shoulder pain. The one night I didn't do any walking or the heating pads was torture.
  17. akwright68


    I just read your other post and now I have a better understanding of why you are having such a tough time. You went through something so much more major than most of us with our standard outpatient surgery. I am not a doctor but perhaps the use of the other pain meds before your surgery has made it harder for the Lortab to work properly and your nerve endings might be hypersensitive to all pain. I hope your pain subsides and you are able to feel some comfort soon. Happy that you made it to the banded side, I just wish your recovery was easier. Alita
  18. akwright68

    Let's speak the truth

    Oh my gosh Cindy. I am so sorry that you are having such pain. I used my paid meds for the weekend, but when I started back to work I only took it the first 2 nights. I have not used Tylenol or anything else, but I have been using ice packs on my stomach and shoulders and then the heating pads (3 of them) on my shoulders, chest and middle back. I sleep with them as well. When is your next doctor's appointment? I know each of us heals differently, but perhaps there is something that needs to be checked out. I hope you find some relief soon. Alita
  19. akwright68

    February 15th Surgeries

    My first two days back to work were the worst. When you are home you are moving around and dissipating all that gas running through your body. It made me think that I really didn't have that much gas in there - boy was I wrong. My job is mostly from a desk and even though I had sat an alarm for every hour, I was not able to move around the way that I had hoped. The compressing of the swollen stomach really hurt and by 10 a.m. I felt like I had a hard basketball in my belly. It was painful by the end of the day. Day two was better, but I started to feel the gas in my chest and shoulder. Not terrible, but enough discomfort to take it seriously. Each night I have gone for longer and longer walks, so by tonight the gas pains are so much better. The basketball belly is so much better, it is actually squishy. I would love to eat something other than clear liquid, Jello and blended Soup, but I do not think my stomach is ready for it. I am swollen and the bruises showed up yesterday (why almost a week later I am not sure, but they are here and oh such pretty colors of purple, green and yellow). My doctor's appt. is next Wednesday. How has everyone done? I really do not think this has been too bad considering some of the other stories that we have heard. I am happy that I have gotten the surgery and look forward to the next steps. Thank you for asking about me.
  20. akwright68

    3 days banded and sore..

    I was banded the 15th as well. I thought i had been lucky with no gas pains, just sore. Well today was my first day back to work and I sit too much. The compression of my stomach really brought on the pain and the gas pains have come on strong tonight. I have been walking all night, but still in pain. Its going to be a long week. I should have taken more time off.
  21. akwright68

    Just threw up

    My doctor gave me a pill for the night before surgery and then they placed an anti-nausea patch behind my ear before the surgery. The patch lasts up to 4 days. You might want to suggest that to your doctor. I don't know it is there, but I have had no nausea episodes, which is rare for me.
  22. akwright68

    Post op experiences and support

    FloridaSunshine - you and I have the same doctor. He told me not to do any exercise except walking for now and increase the distance a little each day. Cycling, weights and aerobics of any kind were outlawed until week 3 or 4. Each of us are different, so that may be the difference with the instructions. I am in agreement, I do not think there will be any scars, or they will be very minimal. Our doctor has a great bedside manner as well. Started with Dr. Aguila, but switched to DiCicco and have not regretted it at all. Happy that you are recovering well - the bloating will go down. I drink broth and it seems to help me to burp, which I think is a plus at this point. Alita
  23. akwright68

    February 15th Surgeries

    To update everyone. I went into surgery at 9:00 a.m. Friday and was out by 2:30 p.m. I have not experienced any of the terrible gas symptoms, but I do feel like I have been punched in the stomach a hundred times. After the operation, they were moving me off of the operating room gurney to the rolling gurney. I started hyperventilating and sat right up, they kept trying to hold me down to get the oxygen mask on me, but I was in full anxiety attack mode. I warned them about that before I went in, but they must not have taken me seriously. They gave me a shot in the I.V. and I calmed down. Recovery room was quick and then I went into a private room. I got up to walk about 11:30 and then they had me drink some broth. Last walk was at 2:00 p.m., got 2 shots (1 pneumonia vaccine and 1 antibiotic). I was discharged at 2:30 and walked to my car. My husband was really a trooper through everything. That night I walked through Wal-mart and then went home and crashed. The bed was comfortable till about 1 a.m., then I switched to the recliner. I really have not had any gas pains like many others have described, but I have continually walked every hour. Tomorrow I have to go back to work and primarily sit all day. I will have to remind myself to get up every hour and walk. I am not hungry for anything. I do keep Water or tea with me at all times and make myself broth every couple of hours to keep some nourishment. All in all, it has not been a bad experience. I am not trying to over push my body and I am trying to rest as much as possible. I hope the next few days will be progressively better. Thank you all for being so supportive. Alita
  24. akwright68

    Positive changes

    You look amazing. Great job..
  25. akwright68

    2 days out

    In the morning i wake up to one, then after i have some warm broth or tea it goes away.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
