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Posts posted by Stephleupagus

  1. Just checking in to see if you've had this resolved. I am having this same issue, though mine is more pressure/pain than burning. I've had two floro's to see the band while swallowing and have NO Fluid in my band, but am still having this issue.

    I cannot eat more than a cup of food even with my band fully unfilled, and even drinking Water too fast gives me that too full, painful feeling on the left side of my rib. I've got a specialist appt with a GI on Tuesday but am totally freaking out.

    I am happy to have my band out, if that is the issue, but I am so afraid of something else being wrong.

  2. Thanks Jean. I have not had other eating issues. My port is down by my belly button, and this is up near the bottom of my ribcage, so several inches from each other.

    I did not have a hernia at surgery time.

    It is more like a feeling of pressure than pain. Really annoying. I feel it more when sitting than when standing. That is why I feel like it could be air, sometimes after taking gas-x it abades, but not always. I just don't understand why suddenly a year after surgery my body would be having problems processing gas.

    I only have about 2.5 cc's in my 10cc band, so I'm not too tight. I have no reflux, no signs of band slippage.

    You ought to give your doctor a call. I suppose it's possible that there's still gas moving around in there. Irritation of organs/tissues in the vicinity of the upper GI tract tend to not be felt at the site of the irritation, so the pain (or whatever response) gets "referred" to somewhere else. That's why the gas introduced into the body during surgery can cause left shoulder pain.

    Have you had any eating problems or other issues that might be related to your band? Where is this pain in relation to your port? Does a change in body position ever trigger the pain?

    Did you by any chance have a hiatal hernia repaired at the same time as your band surgery? I ask because I have one (that my original surgeon was supposed to fix but didn't) that occasionally causes me pain in the same location. It doesn't bother me often since I've lost weight, and I don't know why it comes and goes. Sometimes it comes out of nowhere and other times it shows up, or worsens, when I bend at the waist.

    Edited to add: It's possible to develop a hiatal hernia even after bariatric surgery (I've heard several tales of that), so I suppose it's also possible for a repaired hernia to give way again. If that's the case, it's extremely unlikely to endanger your band.

  3. I'm more than a year out from surgery. I had some oral surgery done just after Christmas, after which I had two days of severe gas issues (I'm thinking because I was under anesthesia, with my mouth open or something and swallowed a lot of air?).

    Since then, I've been having pain under my left rib. It doesn't seem to have rhyme or reason, sometimes it happens after I eat, sometimes it happens if I haven't eaten in a while. I just feel this general pressure under my left rib cage, and sometimes right under my diaphragm. It isn't excrutiating pain, but it is really annoying. And it makes me worry that something is wrong with my lapband.

  4. I was required to do six months of appts before I could have surgery. Six nutrition appts, a psych eval and a preop. My insurance required this. For me I was glad I did this; I gave myself the time to try to lose on my own, and as usual, I could not. Lost 30 lbs and then stalled and gained 15 back. It really helped me resize I needed the help.

  5. You do have to make the decision to make the time. Time is an excuse, not a reason. You can make time to workout. I'm sure there are 30 to 60 minutes a day you can find to be active. Once you start you will love the way it makes you feel. I'm a gym addict, love exercise and I started running at 292 pounds. You can do it :)

  6. 1-2 pounds per week is what you are supposed to aim for. I'd be pissed to only lose 1 or 2 pounds a month.

    You need to do something more than ride a bike. Really stretch yourself. Start couch to 5k (we are about the same weight and I started running at me heaviest. You can do it!). Start Jillian's 30 day shred. I am doing p90x - just started this week. You will feel so strong and amazing when you accomplish something you think you can't do.

  7. I am still eating the right things, eating slow, small bites, etc. It's just that I'm hungry now, where I wasn't really before, and I'm able to eat way more quantity than 1/2 a cup. Whatever I was at during week 2 of my recovery was absolutely perfect - so I hope I can find that spot again!

    I realize that the lap band is a tool, and I plan to use it as it's supposed to be used!

  8. So I had my band put on three weeks ago (my it seems like much longer ago!). For the first two weeks I felt lots of restriction, but now that I'm into the third week, I've lost most of the restriction feeling. I am guessing it's because the swelling has subsided and I'm healing?

    Now I feel like I did before I had the band, I can eat, not much if any restriction. Is that just what happens after surgery and for your first fill? I was PERFECT right at the two week mark. I could eat but in small portions. I am suspecting that means I will need that first fill?

  9. It's crazy to see that happen, isn't it? I think it happens to most people. Your body is just going, "Wait, what the eff did you just do to me!". It thinks you are starving it, so it starts to hold onto every last bit once you start eating real food again. It's happening to me too, although I didn't lose as much as you. :)

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