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LAP-BAND Patients
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    kca1fan reacted to Jim1967 for a blog entry, Patience...Band requires much patience especially at the start of it all   
    So before I climb onto my soapbox let me start by saying this is in no way directed at anyone in particular.
    It seems lately there has been an onslaught of folks either pissed off or discouraged and some even wish they didn't have the surgery because of lack of scale movement. I cannot recall how many posts I've read over the course of the week from someone 5 days to 20 days post op who are just downright frazzled over the fact that the scale has not moved.
    Again, this is not directed at anyone in particular and as I think back when I was first banded I kind of had that moment of frustration where the scale didn't move and I questioned whether or not I chose the right surgery. I was in the same place a lot of you might be now. I did a lot of research on this surgery for about year before finally going through with it. Out of all things I wish I was more prepared for was the actual weight loss. See I had this assumption that because I had the surgery I was going to begin pulling big numbers immediately. Because I had surgery I was going to see large drop in weight very fast. It never happened...and 11 months post op I can tell you it never has happened...or maybe it has. You see I am obsessed with the scale and have been since my preop days. So I will step on the scale far to often to be able to see big numbers. I finally made peace that this is the way its going to be and I am OK with that now.
    Everyone loses weight differently and what may work for me may not work for you. Our bodies are so different. So comparing yourself to someone else is not very realistic.
    If you are due to have surgery or just had surgery I suggest you do yourself a favor and avoid the scale. You will only torture yourself with it. First month post op is all about healing. Even though this may have been the easiest surgery you ever had there was still a substantial amount of trauma to your stomach and digestive system and it needs time to heal and for the swelling to reduce. Swelling alone with play havoc with scale enough to drive someone bonkers. Just do yourself a favor and leave it be.
    As for the pre and post op "diets" your Doctor prescribed. I really don't believe he provided those guidelines as a sense of torture. Liquids and mushies is all about letting your stomach heal for a few weeks before trying to eat solids. Remember you have a new version of your stomach now and it has to be treated like a newborns. Milk, baby food and then on to solids.
    I wish you all well and much success. Try not to be hard on yourself and do keep your expectations in check. Remember Rome was not built in a day. Band one day and skinny the next is for dreams only. It takes hard work and determination. Like my friend Carolinagirl always says, You have "want power" and you just have to used it.
    Being 488lbs I had a tough time deciding if the band was the right me. I was so worried because I had so much weight to lose. I spoke with my Surgeon and said he thought I would do well with the band but he was more than willing to do gastric if that's what I wanted. He was right about the band. I am not at goal yet but it is very reachable now and all doubt is out the window. Work with your band and become one with it and possibly good things will come.

  2. Like
    kca1fan reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, Through the Motions I Go....   
    They said that they should *hopefully* know if I'm approved by tomorrow, but they want me to go through the motions as if I am already approved... So that means I start my liquid pre-op diet on Friday. I know I'm going to get through this pre-op diet with no problem....while I'm at work. It's the weekend that is going to kill me. But luckily I get to knock it out early on in the week.
    My mom told me that I need to "see" it, when I told her that I was unsure of my approval. Not see my approval, see myself already banded and healthy. So I had a 20 minute pep talk in my car on my way to my best friends house. So here is what I know, what's see.
    1. I will be banded in 9 days.
    2. I'm going to be able to run a 5k without feeling like I'm dying in August.
    3. I will be 100+ lighter on my wedding day.
    4. I'm going to be a healthy wife. I. Going to be a healthy mom.
    5. I'm going to ride a roller coaster without the fear of not fitting.
    6. I'm going skydiving.
    7. I'm going to love myself wholeheartedly.
    8. My band date is March 15, 2013
    Lets hope this works!
  3. Like
    kca1fan reacted to cheryl2586 for a blog entry, I'm not losing weight like everyone else   
    How many times have I heard this. Everyone with the band is not going to lose weight at a high rate of speed. To me a loss is a loss whether it be a pound or an ounce. Many factors play in to weight loss and they are consuming less calories then you burn, getting 8 or more hours of sleep, moving your bowels regularly, eating high protein meals with good carbs such as vegetables and fruit and moving.
    Actually wheat products such as wheat breads and pastas have been proven to be no better then white bread and pastas and may even cause more weight gain. Yes, gluten is a real problem. But the problem is not just gluten. In fact, there are three major hidden reasons that wheat products, not just gluten (along with sugar in all its forms) is a major contributor to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia, depression and so many other modern ills.
    How Wheat -- and Gluten -- Trigger Weight Gain, Prediabetes, Diabetes and More
    This new modern wheat may look like wheat, but it is different in three important ways that all drive obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, dementia and more.
    It contains a Super Starch -- amylopectin A that is super fattening.
    It contains a form of Super Gluten that is super-inflammatory.
    It contains forms of a Super Drug that is super-addictive and makes you crave and eat more.

    So if you have changed over to wheat products and are not losing this may be why. It really isn't wheat anymore but a bunch of fillers so that may impeade your weight loss.
    There are many reasons why you may not be losing as much as others, but I say keep doing what you are doing and eventually you will get to goal. It can take two years to lose 100lbs that is not uncommon. Yes you want it off now because you had surgery but the slower the better and if you lose weight slowly you will be more apt to keep it off long term.
  4. Like
    kca1fan reacted to Maddysgram for a blog entry, Chutes and Ladders   
    After spending a lot of time on LBT and now having some experiences under my belt, I have come to the conclussion that the LB is like a game of Chutes & Ladders.
    We start our surgery and we're going along and climb a few LADDERS by losing weight and then we might do something not so smart, get stuck, not enough protein or water, injuries, sickness etc... and we hit the CHUTES, back to shakes, rethink how and what we're eating.
    The best part is there is always a winner, as long as you don't give up the game.
    Just my thoughts
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    kca1fan reacted to Bubie1916 for a blog entry, - 15 lbs!   
    Today I'm one month post up I down 15 pounds!! I'm continuing to learn more everyday and follow the rules!
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    kca1fan reacted to ladybabie3 for a blog entry, What a difference six weeks made   
    So I started my journey on January 7 and has since lost a total of 26 pounds. Now I'm happy about my weight loss but I'm really happy about fitting into a pair of jeans I haven't worn in a whole year. It's the little steps that count. :wub:
  7. Like
    kca1fan reacted to cheryl2586 for a blog entry, Adoption events   
    About three or so months ago Jacksonville held the biggest adoption event ever for cats and dogs. Over 850 cats and dogs were adopted in a single weekend. As some of you know I am a big advocate for abused animals and rescue overly abused iguanas. Every year over 8 million dogs and cats are euthanized because people refuse to spay or neuter their pets. That is 8 million too many. I vowed this year I was going to put some kind of happenings in to action regarding euthanasia and abuse to animals and began writing my senators and congress men and women. Of course they nix things like this off because after all it is just an animal. An animal that has no voice. We can house rapist and murderers, feed them, clothe them, provide shelter but can't save a helpless animal from being put to death because an owner just didn't want them anymore, refused to feed them, or like with pit bulls chose to fight them until they died.
    The first congressional hearing is going to happen. I am taking my voice to be their voice to Washington D.C. in April to stand before our law makers and make them accountable to make harsher punishments for people who abuse animals, to provide aide to shelters so that these animals can live until they are adopted, to make owners who surrender pets just because they don't want them anymore to have to pay fines besides just a surrender fee. With the help of three attorneys here in Jacksonville, our Mayor, and several SPCA members from this area along with law enforcement, we are all going to make our voices heard.
    Every cities shelters need help. If you can donate some of your time please do, if you have old blankets, can donate some food please do. These animals do not deserve to die because people throw them away like garbage. I am also urging any of you to write your senators and congressmen and women to provide the funds needed so that shelters won't have to euthanize animals. I know I am only one person but by God I am doing something to try to help save these babies. When you adopt an animal it is part of your family. I don't think any good parent would surrender a child because they didn't want them anymore. A pet is for life. Also if you want to adopt an animal go to a shelter. Most of the time you pay only 20 bucks and the animals are already fixed and if you already have an animal please get them spayed or neutered. We owe it to animals and children to make sure they get the best care they deserve.
  8. Like
    kca1fan reacted to LeslieW for a blog entry, Day 2 45 Day Challenge   
    So yesterday morning I started the 45 day exercise challenge put forth by my surgeon's office and the support group I go to.(refer to previous post) I went to the gym and did 15 minutes on the Eliptical, 20 on the bike, and 10 minutes on the treadmill. I was having a hard time going longer than that so I would change machines to have a small break walking to the next one.
    Last night I was so sore! Every muscle I had hurt and I am not even lifting weights! Not allowed to do that until I am past 6 weeks post op. I was in bed by 9:30 which is almost unheard of for me.
    This morning I woke up on my own at 6:25. Got up, decided I was wide awake, got dressed. I leaned over the bed to kiss my husband and tell him to have a good day before I left. He was confused. He thought I was hitting on him and he got very surprised when I said I was going to the gym. Poor guy. LOL
    So today was a new day for me. I enjoyed my workout. I raised my time on the eliptical to 35 minutes and then did a 10 minute cool down on the bike. I wanted to go hike Superstition mountain tomorrow but can't find anyone to go with me. I don't want to go on the trail by myself. So I suppose it will be back to the gym in the morning for a good workout.
    So I have learned this week that all the stuff I told myself before my surgery was just bullshit excuses. The gym is too far. I can't get up that early. I have too much work to do. The kids take up a lot of time.
    The gym is a half hour from my house. I now enjoy singing at the top of my lungs on my drive. I own my own business and work from the time I get up to when i go to bed. I now MAKE time for myself because I am worth it and I need the peace of not having to deal with anyone but myself for an hour. Same goes for the kids. We all do better if Mom has some alone time.
    As for my husband wanting me to hit on him. I am flattered he is taking notice and WANTING me to hit on him. The fact that he was disappointed that I am not is saying a whole lot. It means he is paying attention and that is great.
    I am very excited to just be able to get out of bed without feeling so damn tired all day. My weight loss has slowed as is normal for this stage. I am now on Month two of post op. I am told it slows down for everyone. Even with it being slow.. I have more energy at 280 this time than I did the last time I weighed 280. Must be something to do with the scale moving backwards instead of forwards.
    Tomorrow is day 3 of my challenge. It is good to have challenge in life. It makes you feel like you can accomplish anything. So here is to great new beginnings and being healthier in mind and body.
  9. Like
    kca1fan reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, I Love Food   
    I love food, I mean really love food (which is why I hit 247). I have always been a foodie. While sweets were never a huge pull for me, I find myself wanting them more now, but I have managed to stay away from them except special occassions.
    I am and always have been a protein / carb girl. I am mildly adventurous, willing to try new foods and such. Since being banded I have found I like: Greek Yogurt, couscous, beans. I eat a lot more fish (talapia, salmon, mackeral).
    Being that I love to cook I am always researching new things and new ways of cooking.
    I still, however, do enjoy going out to eat. What I like best is having someone else clean the kitchen!
    Last night, Valentines, the hub wanted to go to the 1st resturant we ever went to. That resturant is On the Border, which serves southwest style food. I love southwest/mexi, but it is loaded with salt and calories. I downloaded the nutrition and was shocked the my southwest chicken taco's were 1200 calories- ouch. I found that the fajita mix was a better choice, I was able to order the chicken with grilled onion, pepper, zuchini, with no sides (beans, rice, tortillas). I ate just the meat and veggie and ask for sauce on the side (which I only used a bit of). Since I hadn't been there since surgery this really showed how my eating has changes.
    Before surgery I would eat the meat, veggies, rice, beans, tortillas and a dessert. Last night I wasn't even able to get down all of the meat and veggies. Wow, what a change. My husband said he was so proud of me.
    I went home feeling good and not over stuffed. Yes, this morning my weight was up by a pound, the salt really worked on me.
    So today I am drinking my water like a made woman and cutting the salt back.
    I guess this is what life should be like, not giving up the food we love, just cutting back on the amount and making adjustment for the bad stuff.
    What in the heck did I learn this years ago??
  10. Like
    kca1fan reacted to sarawray for a blog entry, 5k   
    I have signed up for a 5k. I have 6 weeks to get ready. 6 months ago I would have never even considered it. Yey Me!!!!!
  11. Like
    kca1fan reacted to LeslieW for a blog entry, 45 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow   
    So.. I have signed up to do a 45 day challenge with my weight loss support group from my surgeon's office. The challenge is we have to exercise every day for 45 days. We then have to post a pic or a video of us doing the exercise or being active in some way on the group's facebook forum page. The prize is a chance to win a gift card.
    So today, I joined a gym. I have a friend who did the RNY surgery today. She goes to the same gym and will be working out with me when she is back on her feet. I don't really care about the gift card. I am excited to be excited about working out. This has never happened to me before. I usually hate the thought of any kind of physical activity.
    I feel good when i get up and out of the house for a while. I feel great after I dance with my daughter. I might not have dropped a ton of weight yet (who has at 4 weeks?), but I have a ton more energy.
    I am down 25 lbs so far. I am looking forward to seeing what I will look like and feel like after the 45 day challenge. Once it is over, I will post an album of the daily pictures so we can see the progress. If people want to see it. I thought it might be cool to see what a one and a half month transformation looks like.
  12. Like
    kca1fan reacted to ladybabie3 for a blog entry, It's my life lesson!   
    So two days ago I got really disappointed in myself, because I did something I shouldn't have. That night I said a long pray and God answered it for me. The very next day I got my head into the game and I'm proud to say I have been to the gym two days in a row. And today alone I did a mile and a half on the traidmill and a half mile on the eliptical. Go Team Me!
  13. Like
    kca1fan reacted to general_antiope for a blog entry, Oh No! The Band Got Boring!   
    I started out 8 years ago telling people about the band. I was excited, I had researched the hell out of it and answered/resolved a lot of my fears, and was adjusted (pun intended) to the idea. For the most part, I got positive or no comments, but very few negative comments about my decision.
    Once I was banded, and losing weight, it started to become less novel and more of an everyday tool. Nothing exciting about that. It's like that sparkly pink ink pen that you coveted as a kid lost its magic once you started to write with it...and write...and write...!
    The same thing happened with the band. I loved it, it worked, but it was a harsh master and would ruin events if I didn't follow the rules. It would make me decide whether I wanted to go out on a given night. It became so big and familiar to my friends that it practically needed its own chair at the table. My friends would ask if a restaurant was okay, what could I eat, and basically make a fuss with the best intentions that became, frankly, tiresome.
    But the band got boring around food, too. The novelty of eating tiny amounts like I had one of those enviable "bird like appetites" in public waned. There I was, talking, nibbling at my meal, eating healthy for the band (but under-eating to the rest of the world) and the waitress would come over and ALWAYS ask me if everything was okay. It got embarrassing after a while. I would start out by joking that I was a slow eater and a fast talker, then moved to asking for a doggie bag at the beginning of the meal and pretending I wasn't hungry, and finally started "sort of" lying and saying I had an issue with my esophagus and had to eat small meals and quantities.
    Explaining the band to complete strangers was just too exhausting and time consuming...and I became embarrassed again explaining myself to waiters in front of the same coworkers and friends. It's like the band was this huge elephant in the room. (lol) For me, though, the sparkly pink pen had lost its luster and it was just a writing implement. There were more interesting things to say and learn and do rather than discuss my digestion and caloric intake.
    I think this turning point of my relationship with the band had it good and bad parts. The band becoming every day and boring was great because it was working in the background, and I respected it, and we both were happy. But it was so unbelievably easy to start forgetting that yeah I might need calories but it DID NOT need to be a chocolate chip cookie. That's when you start learning how to eat around the band, because the sheen of respect has worn off.
    I want to remember this going into my rebanding.
  14. Like
    kca1fan reacted to Terry Poperszky for a blog entry, My Body Once Again Reminds Me Who Is In Charge....   
    Moved to solid foods on Friday, not only have Mistress Band and I not been on the best of terms since then, my weight loss stopped.
    This is why when we talk about calories in versus calories out, we always need to look at the big picture rather than the daily total. Once my body gets used to what I am feeding it, the loss will start up again. Until then I just need to concentrate on making sure that I am eating what and how much I am supposed to, getting my water and exercise in.
    On the plus side, I had my first spin class yesterday and survived.
  15. Like
    kca1fan reacted to LeslieW for a blog entry, The beginning... And two NSV with one SV   
    It is important for me to share my journey with others. I will be honest about what I am feeling so that new people or people thinking about getting banded can have an honest view point. I believe most people are this way but there are also some trolls out there with weird agendas that want to scare people. There will be ups and downs as with anything, I am sure. It is my goal to honestly portray what it is like to be banded.
    I am 34 years old with a start weight of 305. I have a large blended family. Between my husband and I we have 6 children and a very busy life.
    I am 8 days post op today. My surgery included a hernia repair, lapband and plication. My band was not "primed" at time of surgery. My first fill is scheduled for 6 weeks post op.
    To be quite honest, I am one of those people who don't do well with any pain meds. They knock me out and generally make me groggy. That is what happened this week. Not only was I groggy but I experienced discomfort like never before in my life. This was me being unprepared as I have never had major surgery before. The gas pains alone threw me. They are not your standard gas pain. Until you have it you really won't know what people mean when they are talking about the gas. When you have your band do what everyone says and walk, walk, walk. The first three days after surgery, I was happiest when walking. Working out the gas pressure is a relief!
    My relationship with food this week has been an emotional roller coaster. In the beginning of the week, I felt like I had lost a dear friend. I am still on the clear liquid part of my post op diet. It seems like every commercial on TV is about food. Food I don't even normally like looks delicious. Now, at the beginning of my second week Post OP, those commercials no longer bother me. I have accepted the stage of the diet I am on and I know that eventually I will be able to eat "real food" as long as I keep it healthy I WILL succeed!
    My relationship with my husband has gotten stronger. I am 34 years old and needed help taking a shower, getting dressed and making broth for myself. He stepped up and did all of these things for me. He took the kids to school, cleaned house, and made their dinner all while holding down a job of his own. I could not have done as well this week without his loving support. When I was ready to start doing things on my own again he did not smother me. He is letting me take control back one step at a time, as I am ready. I am truly blessed to have him in my life. I hope everyone can find support in this journey as I have.
    I have had a lot of time to think this week. I took a long hard look at myself and have decided I will not fail my band. Notice I did not say the band will not fail me. I will not fail the band because I have made a decision to follow doctor's orders, to be honest with myself and to let my support system help me. I made the decision to take this step in my life for my health. Let's be honest here.. I also have dreams of feeling sexy again. I am 34 not 90. It is up to me to see that this tool helps me reach my goal. I believe with all my heart personal responsibility needs to be a big part of the healing process.
    So flash forward to post op day 8. I feel fantastic today! I have no more pain. I have not had to take my pain meds for two days. The gas is all gone. Food commercials no longer bother me. I am not weak or groggy anymore.
    So I promised in my title two NSV's (non scale victories) and one SV (scale victory). So already I am encouraged by progress.
    My first and a very important NSV is I was able to get my wedding rings back on. Not only are they on but they are comfortable and no longer cutting into my fingers! As I was heartbroken and sorely disappointed in myself when I had to take them off, I am overjoyed to wear them again. My husband is also very proud I am wearing his rings again.
    The second and also very important NSV.. I was able to sleep in my own bed last night! This was the first time in 10 years I have had to sleep apart from my husband when in the same house. We have never let a fight make one of us sleep on the couch. I spent the entire last week in my recliner because it was the only comfortable spot to sleep. I am so HAPPY to be back in my own bed.
    And drum roll please... My scale victory... As of this morning I am down to 289 from 305lbs. 16 lbs lost! I have not seen the scale move backwards in years and never has it moved 16lbs! I can do this. If you are a new person with doubts and questions.. YOU can do this if you want to. Do research. When you think you have done enough.. do some more. It is not easy. Oh boy is it not the easy way out.. It is a tool for you to use.
    If you want success, reach out and grab it. It is there for you. Remember success comes with bumps in the road. These are just things we all have to get through. It is part of life.
    I am sure I will have ups and downs. Lets be realistic. Of course there will be ups and downs. I will share as many of these as I can that I feel people considering this journey should hear. If something goes wrong (unlikely), I will be honest about it and what caused it. I will share the victories as well.
    Thank you for reading my first blog. I wish you all success in your own journeys no matter what road they take. I am happy to answer any questions I can if you have any. =)
  16. Like
    kca1fan reacted to Domika03 for a blog entry, Happy Bandiversary !   
    It's my 5 month bandiversary, and I have lost almost 52 pounds so far !!!
    I'm feeling good about my weight loss thus far, and look forward to losing more. It's been quite the journey & learning experience. I'm making better choices, and defnitely eating less. More importantly, I'm actually making time to work out (exercise bike). I'm looking forward to the Summer where I might actually be able to go on hikes without losing my breath, and enjoying the outdoors! I feel that my weight gain kept me in hybernation for way too long. Well, it's time to get out & enjoy life again!
    Congrats to all of you that have lost & continue to lose. Every day you become a healthier you!
  17. Like
    kca1fan reacted to sarahsp1 for a blog entry, new to the lapband family   
    hi i would just like to start off by adopting myself into the Band family. I had the lapband this past monday the 14th of january and I couldnt be happier. The pain is well worth the satisfaction of a healthier you. here I am on day 4 no longer in pain and i can already see my clothes fitting differently. my start off weight before the journey was right at 283 and I always YO Yo my weight. After being denied by insurance the first time i decided to appeal the denail and the second go around they approved it. the pre op diet was a godsend i do have to say i went from 283 down to 260, granted i used the diet for a month rather than 2 weeks before the surgery. I have never been so excited about anything before. I have the loving support of my friends to help me accomplish my goals. For someone who has always been obese my entire life and suffered thru depression. food was my stress reliever to take away the pain. Not anymore. I have never accomplished anything in my life because of my low self confidence but that is gonna be the past and i look forward to what the future has in store for me. Im rambling on and this is my first official blog so im gonna leave it as this. Thank you so much for being a part of the Band Family ans i look forward to what tips and advice can be shared
  18. Like
    kca1fan reacted to ladybabie3 for a blog entry, Day 9 Pre-opt   
    Good Evening all,
    Just wanted to stop by and give a little up date. I had my final appointment today and everything went well. I got a tour of the floor after surgery, and went over some final information about the procedure. Then I get home and get a phone call from the hospital and they wanted to go over some information that was needed before I get there and once I hung up the phone it hit me. My surgery is really going to happen in 6 day. Can you say excited.com:)
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    kca1fan reacted to Browneyedbandit for a blog entry, The Count Down Is On   
    Well, I have to be at the hospital in the morning at 6:00 am! Excited, nervous, scared, can't wait! The list goes on and on! I really can't believe that the day is almost here. I started this journey a year ago last November so it's been a long time coming! I'm ready to get on with the healing process and start my banded journey! Being on the preop diet these past two weeks has been really, really hard but it has shown me that I am stronger than I thought I was and for once I really believe I'm gonna be successful at weight loss this time around. Not only be successful but actually MAINTAIN that success! I still have to get packed for the hospital--- have to stay overnight! I'm planning on taking the Ipad with me so hopefully I will feel like getting on for a bit tomorrow night to update how things went! Prayers are appreciated!
  20. Like
    kca1fan reacted to ladybabie3 for a blog entry, Day 6 Pre-opt   
    Just giving a little update. I'm on day six so far so good. yesterday was so so. A co-worker was eating some old bay wings and boy oh boy did they smell good. She offered me so and as bad as I wanted to eat just one I didn't. I'm really proud of myself for that. With this pre-opt diet I'm learning more of myself each day. Mainley that I do have will power and I can do this. :wub:
  21. Like
    kca1fan reacted to FLORIDAYS for a blog entry, Happy people get good results ?   
    Someone said that to me today. I was back at work ...granted I was at home but I could do my job in a closet and no one would notice...LOL. Any way I was on the phone with one of my employees and she asked how I was recovering from my surgery... She doesn't know it's nature..but anyway I told her I was really surprised at how well I was doing albet I would like to feel a little less tired....but she said...well happy people get good results.
    It got me to thinking.... And of course there are exceptions to this rule of thumb...but do you believe it?
  22. Like
    kca1fan reacted to tiajstylist for a blog entry, The first step is a big one   
    I started considering lapband about 2 years ago. I was sitting on a porch swing with my mom and it broke, slamming my side of the swing into the ground and leaving my pride and butt bruised. A few months later, I couldn't go on a water slide with my husband because I was over the weight limit. We had to walk back down the tower,past the crowds of people, carrying our inter tubes. After that I started taking Phentermine (under the care of a doctor) and exercising everyday. I was able to lose a total of 60 pds but I didn't keep it off for long. My husband had just joined the Army and we soon moved to another state, far away from family and friends. Then we moved to Germany and among the beer, brats, and pretzels I gained it all back...
    So here I am, 26 years old and weighing 318 pds. I have knee pain, back pain, plantar fasciitis, and can't walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. I began talking with my doc about weight loss surgery in November 2012 and tomorrow I turn in my paperwork to get the ball rolling.
    I know there are risks. I know it will be hard. I am ready.

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