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Uncle Ted

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Uncle Ted

  1. Uncle Ted

    Before Left

    From the album: before

  2. Uncle Ted

    Before Front

    From the album: before

  3. Uncle Ted

    Getting stuck?

    For me it feels a lot like when I was a kid, in a hurry, and Mom made me eat a PB&J before I could go play. Ate way too fast, didn't chew it well and gulped. Pretty soon there'd be a lump that usually required liquid. A stick, however, is worse because only time will get rid of it. Sometimes a fair amount of time that only feels like forever... Chew your food well and give ample time between bites.
  4. Band + 12 days and I had my first true "stuck" episode. Wow... what an awful experience! I dumped some scrambled eggs down my gullet and was so busy talking I forgot to chew. I hope I don't make that mistake again. This made me think about something i really didn't bother with before - the definition of "stuck". I also have some other questions I should probably already have the answers to. Which opening gets stuck, the band site or the start of the stomach pouch? What happened today makes me think the stick wasn't at the band site but the stomach entry point. I'm thinking it must be related to swelling from surgery and that when the swelling subsides that kind of stick won't happen. If the intent is for food to land in the pouch and stay, how does something like a Protein drink work? I'd think it would immediately go thru the band opening negating the point of lap band.
  5. Don't know who would but if you do, I've got the method. 1. Get sick with a cold. 2. Decide to take Mucinex, the big horse pill version. 3. Outsmart the band by breaking the pill in two. 4. Take one half. 5. Spend the next five minutes in agony. I chewed the second half when I was finally done in Hell. Never again.
  6. Uncle Ted

    Wanna get stuck?

    Or get the liquid version (which I did just a bit ago). It's amazing just how bad that felt. I wanted to vomit and couldn't - that little sucker stayed wedged and wasn't about to move.
  7. Uncle Ted


    More and harder exercise will definitely help - I can't believe I'd forgotten how much I used to depend on that. As for the app, never heard of such a thing but if I can get it on my Droid I'll sure be happy to give it a shot. Thanks all!
  8. Since banding I've experienced something exactly opposite of what I expected - boundless energy. This is not just during the day, either. I haven't managed 3 hours sleep in any night since my surgery. I lay in bed about ready to jump out of my skin and finally drop off around 4 or 5 AM. I get up feeling tired but it's because I think I SHOULD be tired rather than actually being tired. I've always been a napper (poor sleep is something I've lived with) and now I can't even manage that! I love the change but am a bit concerned. Sleep is important if, for no other reason, than to dream and I'm just not sure I'm getting enough. Anyone else dealing with this?
  9. Uncle Ted


    Or a younger person's thing...
  10. Uncle Ted

    How does this work, again?

    Erricka, If you haven't done so, have a look at the video provided by 2muchfun in the 2nd post of this thread. I'd been told the same stuff as you've mentioned but it just didn't make sense. The videos really cleared this up.
  11. Uncle Ted

    How does this work, again?

    I've never been one to drink anything during a meal. My grandma was old school about that. Her opinon was that if you have to wash your food down then you aren't chewing well-enough. She would never serve liquids with meals. Still, if the reason not to drink is to avoid washing food past the band, so long as drinking occurs after the bite has already passed, I wonder how that can be a problem.
  12. Uncle Ted

    How does this work, again?

    Vip, That's a toughie for me - eggs pretty much have always grossed me out. I can usually only managed them scrambled if I eat without thinking too much about what they are. Or with lots of buttered toast! I guess that's a wrap on them dudes for moi...
  13. Uncle Ted

    How does this work, again?

    Elcee, The Protein drink I use (Muscle Milk) always makes me fill as though I've eaten. When I drink them I have to do so slowly. If I do much more than sip and wait I notice a stick-like feeling. I'm guessing since my band has no fill (other than the initial air) I must be experiencing swelling. Given the info in the vid my full feeling from these drinks makes more sense. My esophogus has to squeeze to get it through so my brain thinks I've eaten. I love it!
  14. Uncle Ted

    How does this work, again?

    2MuchFun, Thanks for this video! I also watched the others associated with it and all I can say is: "Wow - lots of what's in there is counter to what I was told or read earlier". To summarize for others (and to explain my questions and concerns): There's no "pouch" that holds a meal. Instead the full feeling comes from many iterations of the espophagus squeezing food, bite by bite, through the band which signals satiety to the brain. Makes way more sense. Drinking during meals is fine, alcohol included. I was under the impression we were to wait 2 hours post meal to drink anything. 3 meals/day or less. Given that I'm supposed to get 1500 cals down, the only way I can see doing so when each should only include 1/2 cup of food is to supplement with Protein drinks and/or alcohol. If these vids aren't sticky'd, they should be (I didn't see them). Stuff like this is way more useful to me when I understand the what's, why's and how's. Beautiful! Thanks again!
  15. Given the math, it seems you have to be losing something. My guess is you're losing either fat or lean body mass but retaining Water to make up for it. If you're eating high-sodium foods maybe cut that for a bit to see if the scale moves. Also, getting a body-ifat monitor might provide some interesting insight.
  16. Uncle Ted


    I'm band+11 days and nearly without pain though the incisions are a bit tender. I've yet to lose a bunch of weight but I know exactly why and it's my fault. Easy to fix. As for being worth it, my limited time being banded doesn't give me the experience of others who have posted but I will say that, for my part, the fact that I've taken this step makes me feel GREAT. Makes me feel as though I've made a serious commitment to myself that will once and for all allow the opportunitity for success that I've struggled so vainly for via unsustainable fad diets and gym time. Beyond that, I'm very much looking forward to the other lives my success will affect. Although some will tell you this has to be about "you", I get a lot of comfort knowing I'm blazing a trail many I know need and will ultimately follow.
  17. As for booze having more effect after banding, I've had the opposite reaction. I was a guy that enjoyed my martinis and enjoyed many of them. Since banding I've cut back to the point that I may have one or two per week instead of per day. I've noticed that when I imbibe now I feel little, if any, effect. This is more good than bad as it makes me not want to bother but it seems counterintuitive - I would expect small amounts to have large impacts given I'm now having less than half the caloric intake I used to. Anyone else experienced this?
  18. Xmas Eve morning got sliced-and-diced early. Pre-op was great! Every single person I dealt with was informative, funny, patient with my questions and just generally good to be with. Didn't feel a single of the many needle pokes and the procedure went off without a hitch. 4.5 hours after I was wheeling into O.R. I was back in the car for the 6 hour drive back home. No one was kidding about the gas bubble thing along with the shoulder pain (mine is right side) - it's there and it ain't gonna let itself be ignored! No problem though, I wouldn't feel right without having to share some of what the rest of you have endured. I've noticed it's very important to drink slowly, pretty much just sips. I suppose that's common knowledge but I somehow missed it. Deep breaths are tough due to the bubble and the fact that, for whatever reason, every time I do it I get a coughing fit (which gets my attention). Walking seems to make it worse - when I sit back down most of this pain subsides. I'm psyched about what's awaiting me, I truly am. The one thing that always kicked my butt whenever I got serious about getting in shape (hunger) can now be a memory. Ahhhh-Nolllttt... you'd better look OUT!
  19. Band-plus-10 days and I think I'm ahead of the curve (thanks doc!). I've been able to eat some things I maybe shouldn't have but what's a guy to do? Went to a Seahawks game, went out a bunch of other times during the holiday break... ugh! I busted most every rule we're supposed to follow during this period (alcohol, solids) but seem to have gotten away with it as I'm down 11 lbs. Now that partytime is through I'll be better. Although I've yet to experience some of the bad symptions (nausea, vomiting) I think I've been close to being stuck. Things like greek yogurt have a way of piling up if not eaten very carefully. I can tell I'm going to miss eating haystacks of food but I suppose so long as I'm full I can handle it. Restaurant bills ought to be less cringeworthy from now on! Today I'm starting some light work on the treadmill - maybe 20 minutes of uphill walking. I'll wait a few weeks to hit the weights but am looking forward to coming home from the gym and not having to eat pails of spaghetti to feel satisfied. At least I hope that's how it will go.
  20. I've already posted a few times so this is a bit late. Sorry. I'm a 50 year-old guy who's been through every diet there is. I grew up as a chubby kid but grew out of it by mid high school. At graduation I was probably 6'1" and 180. College was, among other things, a beerfest. Graduation from there had me at 6'4" and 245 (a pretty soft 245). I look at pix from then and I remember thinking I was an Orca though the pix don't bear that out. Funny. Throughout the years I've spent lots of time in the gym and the kitchen. The more I tried to get in shape the fatter I got because excess effort always seemed to cause disproportional excess hunger. The only time I didn't steadily gain weight is when I was inactive. I'm one of those that most people can't guess my weight - the typical guess is 30 - 50 lbs less than I tip the scales. I don't, however, like the way I look, feel, and the way my clothes fit. I'm starting to have issues like creaky knees and high blood pressure. As bad as that all is my bigger concern is some friends and family who REALLY have issues. They haven't been willing to move on this so I'm hoping if I show success they'll reconsider. My goal of 235 might be low since an evaluation I had done in 2010 suggested my perfect weight would be 256. I don't really believe the eval because I got to 269 last year and felt I had plenty left to lose though I'm sure I was down a fair amount of muscle mass at that time. Whatever the case, I've always failed because hunger gets the best of me. It keeps me from concentrating, from sleeping, from anything good. I only went to see Dr. Montgomery because a buddy (and business partner) had a meeting with him (which I joined) and I wanted information. When he fully described lapband and that it would curb between-meal hunger I was hooked! I fully expect to meet my goal by Summer. I also expect that my success will have convinced at least four others to follow this path and that, more than anything, will signify victory.
  21. I've already posted a few times so this is a bit late. Sorry. I'm a 50 year-old guy who's been through every diet there is. I grew up as a chubby kid but grew out of it by mid high school. At graduation I was probably 6'1" and 180. College was, among other things, a beerfest. Graduation from there had me at 6'4" and 245 (a pretty soft 245). I look at pix from then and I remember thinking I was an Orca though the pix don't bear that out. Funny. Throughout the years I've spent lots of time in the gym and the kitchen. The more I tried to get in shape the fatter I got because excess effort always seemed to cause disproportional excess hunger. The only time I didn't steadily gain weight is when I was inactive. I'm one of those that most people can't guess my weight - the typical guess is 30 - 50 lbs less than I tip the scales. I don't, however, like the way I look, feel, and the way my clothes fit. I'm starting to have issues like creaky knees and high blood pressure. As bad as that all is my bigger concern is some friends and family who REALLY have issues. They haven't been willing to move on this so I'm hoping if I show success they'll reconsider. My goal of 235 might be low since an evaluation I had done in 2010 suggested my perfect weight would be 256. I don't really believe the eval because I got to 269 last year and felt I had plenty left to lose though I'm sure I was down a fair amount of muscle mass at that time. Whatever the case, I've always failed because hunger gets the best of me. It keeps me from concentrating, from sleeping, from anything good. I only went to see Dr. Montgomery because a buddy (and business partner) had a meeting with him (which I joined) and I wanted information. When he fully described lapband and that it would curb between-meal hunger I was hooked! I fully expect to meet my goal by Summer. I also expect that my success will have convinced at least four others to follow this path and that, more than anything, will signify victory.
  22. Uncle Ted

    I'm not alone, am I?

    Sunshine, If you haven't done so yet, go talk with an expert (preferably someone who does this procedure). Have your questions ready and be able to ask more. I had no intention of doing lapband when I joined my buddy during a consult he had. When I left I was convinced it was for me. You may find that or it may be that you decide it's not for you. That meeting was a life-changing event for me. As for you, just give it a chance.
  23. I see you didn't have much like w/ Muscle Milk. I really dislike the powdered version that requires mixing but genuinely enjoy the pre-made chocolate version. The colder the better.
  24. I'm right there with you. I haven't eaten since Sunday and am not the least bit hungry. The most I've been able to get down in a day is a 10 oz Muscle Milk, 20 oz of Water and a bit of broth. I'm sure it will get better but this is a seriously odd feeling!
  25. Day 3 post-surgery and "The Shithead" (aka "gas bubble") has demanded way more attention than it deserved and needed to be slapped down. Knowing there's only one way to resolve this I attempted to find inspiration by YouTube-ing some old faves by the 90's bands "The Ass Ponys" and "Butt Trumpet". Although that put me in a better mood neither group lived up to the lofty promise their names imply. Sigh. Fortunately, I think I experienced divine intervention when I discovered that switching from side to side while sleeping (right-to-left) causes some valve to open - blessed be thine own butt-air! For what it's worth, my name isn't really Ted. I've adopted this screen name from a how-to that you'll understand if you visit this site: http://mistupid.com/people/page051.htm Should you actually go there you'll understand that the lack of maturity in the first part of my post isn't a fluke. It's all about me entertaining myself... sorry if it offends.

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