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Uncle Ted

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Uncle Ted

  1. Sorry I haven't responded AND for re-opening an old(ish) thread. Been kinda busy but I guess we already covered that ground... Wife is insistent that this is real so, for all you guys out there, do this lapband deal if for no other reason than to put a smile on your partner's face. It's worth it.
  2. she's certain my penis has gotten bigger. No, really. :wub: I didn't believe it - figured it was just sex talk but it's something that keeps coming, um, up. She's not one to say something she doesn't mean so, at this point, I guess I have to buy it. Doesn't look any different to me though that isn't what she meant, anyway. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this?
  3. She insists it's all directions. I don't think that's possible but who am I to argue???
  4. Uncle Ted

    Drinking alcohol ?

    Count the calories and, if they fit, what the heck? I don't think this experience has to be like prison though time may prove me wrong.
  5. I've told very few though more than I'd planned - situations arose that caused me to have to come clean. I plan to wait until I've got something serious to show then I'll tell all. Nothing to hide but I want the story to be as complete as possible, mainly so others who might benefit from this will have proof.
  6. If you truly sip it won't be like anything. If you drink more than sips you'll get a momentary backup that feels a lot like when you eat a sandwich quickly, not chewing as you should. No big deal at all.
  7. Uncle Ted

    First fill, different tack

    Yes, I've seen that (8 lbs/mo) thing but, then again, I've also been told this is mostly a numbers game. If I'm exercising as recommended and running a 1700 cal/day deficit, the numbers suggest my losses will be more like 15 lbs/mo. Time will tell.
  8. Doc listened to my story and suggested I take it slow - added 1cc to the 2ccs that were there. Much conversation ensued, mostly with me asking questions. The upshot, at least where this thread is concerned, is that I told him I wasn't interested in losing weight quickly. Sounds weird, I know, but I don't have a ton to lose. Further, I don't want this experience to suck in terms of deprivation. You'll notice my goal is 235 but that's probably too much. I had an in-depth workup with a trainer who determined my perfect weight is 256. That was a few years back and a few more muscles ago. I do, however, think 245 or 250 is realistic. I set that goal thinking I'd never go the the gym. I've since decided that was a stupid idea. Anyway, what I wanted to share is that I told the doc I thought I'd be happy with slower weight loss (I want to eat 2000 cals/day instead of the recommended 1500) and he agreed that it made sense. The benefits, as I see them, include: easier for my body to adapt less chance of sagging skin less deprivation I'm trading 15 lbs/month for 8 lbs/month (short term), I think. Stuff can certainly get in the way (the fill, for example, has made it really hard to get to 2000 cals) and I started lifting again tonight - it's been a couple of years. I'm not a slave to the scale, only to that college pair of pants and how I look. The bottom line is that I'm going to reach my goal and I'm not going to have to suffer to get there.
  9. Uncle Ted

    Did I make a mistake?

    Sorry to hear this - it sounds frustrating. Please post the name of the doctor along with the clinic. Not only will it be helpful for others considering lapband but it might cause feedback that your provider can see and will take to heart.
  10. Very soon for walking, a month for weights. I lifted for the first time tonight and it was a real surprise - I'm weak as a kitten! I don't know if it's due to weight loss (I'm only down 25 or so) or lack of carbs.
  11. Uncle Ted

    how much could you do after?

    Don't lift anything heavier than a jug of Jack Daniels for a week or so. Other than that, follow common sense rules mentioned by Dimps. Hopefully you have some help from supportive family and friends - if not, try to conscript some. It helps.
  12. You should be thrilled - I know I was! As for the experience, mine was all positive. The worst part was, by far, once I woke up it was a bit painful to breathe. Shallow breaths were easy but deep ones hurt. The staff wouldn't let me leave the hospital until I could achieve a certain oxygenation level and that required lots of deep breathing. This was all expected. That took maybe 90 minutes. After that I jumped in the truck and my wife drove us the 5 hours it took to get home. No issues.
  13. I've run into the same thing as the OP. The good news is that most of what I no longer think tastes good is much good for me. Better yet, I've developed more of an affinity for vegetables than ever. I got my first fill today and asked the doc about this. Strangely, he'd never had a patient mention it. I thought it odd since I've seen it discussed here. Oh, and I don't have the flu.
  14. I'm four weeks post banding and have run into something unexpected. Although my restriction is pretty much gone in terms of swelling, most every food I want to eat tastes and makes me feel awful. Not nauseous or uncomfortable, just unappealing in a weird sort of way. The best I can describe it is that they just seem wrong to eat. The things I'm talking about are: most meat except very dry, non-greasy Jerky any Pasta any bread most any other carb The only things I enjoy at all are Soups, yogurt, Protein drinks, nuts, raw vegetables and Skinny Cow ice cream treats (I've had two). I tried a taco salad last night, ate two bites and gave it away. It made me feel so strange I wasn't at all hungry once done with it. Is this common? If so, does it go away or is this my life from now on?
  15. Uncle Ted

    Gas after eating

    I didn't realize the scale of this issue when I first signed up. It's annoying and sometimes embarrassing. I've recently made it a point to let people know about it so they're prepared. Gawd! Reminds me of Peter Griffin vs Michael Moore. Click if you dare:
  16. Going on a cruise soon and I'm sure it'll include pool and beach time. This means I'll have to bare my upper half which means the surgery incisions will show. I've decided that if anyone asks I'm going to say I was in a knife fight. As with any fight someone invariably sees the damage and asks about it. The common response (if you're a dude) is: "You should see the other guy!". My plan is to cut it short with: "Yeah... I'm the other guy!". Seriously, how do y'all deal with the incision scars? Do they eventually go away by themselves or do I need to take some action like rubbing Vitamin E on them? I'm ugly enough already - don't need to give little kids more reason to scream, cry and run away when they see me...
  17. Uncle Ted

    The other guy

    LOL! I think my post was poorly created. My intent was: 1. To be humorous, at least the first and last parts of it. Swing and a miss! 2. To ask if the incisions would eventually scar or just go away.
  18. Uncle Ted

    I don't belong here

    I, for one, appreciate more information, not less. I notice several posts by folks who've yet been banded which I think is great. They need all the info they can get. Further, I knew nothing about sleeving but I'm inspired by the OPs story and results - gives me more ammo for friends/relatives who are interested. Well done!!!
  19. Uncle Ted

    Rate of Weight Loss

    Given the variation due to water, you may want to get some sort of body-fat monitor. That way you can get a true indication of your important losses without concern for the ebb and flow of how your body deals with hydration.
  20. Uncle Ted

    Lap Band vs. Sleeve

    Virgo, I get how you feel. Ditto about 2012 as well - lost my mom, had to put Dad in an Alzheimer's home, blah, blah, blah. I'm glad it's 2013... I should say I, like many here, have tried every diet in the book. Much short-term successs with no long-term sustainability. I don't know a thing about ths sleeve. My comment are geared for lapband. So... Having said that, please don't view lap band as the complete answer. I believe it will DEFINITELY help you lose weight if you're truly ready to do so (I'm 3 weeks in and having good results). I do NOT think it will help if you're not emotionally ready for it. It's great that your husband has been through GB and will certainly be understanding and supportive. Further, folks here will be a big help as well. In the end it really depends on what you can throw at it yourself.
  21. Uncle Ted

    I don't belong here

    Do you have a problem with her posting here? If so, why?
  22. Uncle Ted

    I Feel So Sexy, Its Almost Sinful!!

    Own it girl! You're right - after all of this you DO deserve it! I can't wait until I can feel the same (minus the thong - Daddy don't roll that way).
  23. I'm supposed to do 1500/day and it's almost impossible unless I eat food that we're told not to eat. I've been able to manage through protein drinks and, um... martinis. Calories, right?
  24. Uncle Ted

    Before Right

    From the album: before

  25. Uncle Ted


    These were taken on the first day of my pre-surgery diet (12/17). Weight at the time was 305.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
