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Terry Poperszky

LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Like
    Terry Poperszky reacted to RJ'S/beginning in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    You can simply apply this bull shit to just about every product that is endorsed by big business. This man is now becoming dangerous like others before him. Started out just trying to help and then greed and his own voice made him into a lying two bit hustler like all the others with no regard for human health or well being!
    Time for Dr. Oz to leave. I know I would hold the door open for him! Will they ever wake up!
  2. Like
    Terry Poperszky reacted to lisacaron in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    OMG I just watched this and it's so funny and so true. It's sad that we take someone who could be very affective and really create change in the world by using his celebrity and scyndicated show.
    I have people that I work with that follow him like he is a God among doctors even as they fail to go and see their own physicians! Dr. Oz said this and that on TV so it must be true and this and that pill can make me better and help me lose weight and cure my cancer or stop me from getting cancer. Soooo sad and even sadder that people who should know better and be smarter follow along like sheep rather then taking care of themselves and checking in with their Dr. for regular check ups.
  3. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from SparkleCat in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    If one more person quotes "Dr. Oz" to me on health advise, I am going to lose it. He is a snake oil salesmen who takes advantage of the gullible.
  4. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from SparkleCat in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    If one more person quotes "Dr. Oz" to me on health advise, I am going to lose it. He is a snake oil salesmen who takes advantage of the gullible.
  5. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from SparkleCat in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    If one more person quotes "Dr. Oz" to me on health advise, I am going to lose it. He is a snake oil salesmen who takes advantage of the gullible.
  6. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from SparkleCat in Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz and Nutritional Supplements - Must Watch!   
    If one more person quotes "Dr. Oz" to me on health advise, I am going to lose it. He is a snake oil salesmen who takes advantage of the gullible.
  7. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  8. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  9. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Mtn biking and road biking are sooooo different, and I love them both. when I am on my road bike it is a zen like experience, becoming one with the bike, the repetitive motion of your legs, it is very calming and peaceful for me. Mtn biking on the other hand is an "E"ticket ride, better than roller coaster you have ever ridden. It is total concentration and depending on the grade, total fear. Like I said, I love them both.
    As far as what 2mf said, I wish I had gotten a soft tail, but I will ride my hard tail for a couple of years and then move to a soft tail. I got a Giant 29' Tracker for 900.00 and it is one sweet ride.
  10. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  11. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Mtn biking and road biking are sooooo different, and I love them both. when I am on my road bike it is a zen like experience, becoming one with the bike, the repetitive motion of your legs, it is very calming and peaceful for me. Mtn biking on the other hand is an "E"ticket ride, better than roller coaster you have ever ridden. It is total concentration and depending on the grade, total fear. Like I said, I love them both.
    As far as what 2mf said, I wish I had gotten a soft tail, but I will ride my hard tail for a couple of years and then move to a soft tail. I got a Giant 29' Tracker for 900.00 and it is one sweet ride.
  12. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Mtn biking and road biking are sooooo different, and I love them both. when I am on my road bike it is a zen like experience, becoming one with the bike, the repetitive motion of your legs, it is very calming and peaceful for me. Mtn biking on the other hand is an "E"ticket ride, better than roller coaster you have ever ridden. It is total concentration and depending on the grade, total fear. Like I said, I love them both.
    As far as what 2mf said, I wish I had gotten a soft tail, but I will ride my hard tail for a couple of years and then move to a soft tail. I got a Giant 29' Tracker for 900.00 and it is one sweet ride.
  13. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from Ladybandito in I am moving on from my band...   
    B-52, one of my realizations about the band was that it works differently in different people, and the we each need to figure out how it is working for us. I have watched (and participated) in the flame wars over how to work your band, how to get through a plateau, what you should/shouldn't eat, until I came to the realization. Now, much like you I share my experiences and let people take them for what they are worth.
    I was positive that I was going to lose the whole 100 in the first year, and the first 60 came off fairly easily, the next 5 where hell on earth as I logged, and exercised and sweated and cursed for the next 6 months, until I finally gave up and started living my life and listening to Mistress Band. Then one morning I weighed myself and I was down a pound, then a couple of months later, down another.
    Yet I look at my friends on the forum who have lost so much more than I have in a shorter amount of time and there is a temptation to get jealous. But the important part is, I am happy where I am. I am wearing clothing sizes that I have not been able to wear since I was in Jr. High School. I feel good, I am moving and doing things that I never could have done before. My health is better.
    And no, it is very hard for the newly banded to understand where we are. Why? Because (for me) it is someplace they have never been. So, I visit the forum on a regular basis, exchange PM with friends, and answer posts when I feel my answer will make a difference.
  14. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  15. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  16. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  17. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  18. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  19. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from 2muchfun in NSV   
    Got my first PSA results after the surgery, less than 1/10 of one point, which means I am clean (For now). Now, only 10 more tests, one every 6 months for the next 5 years showing the same results and I am considered cured.

    To Celebrate I got on the bike and did a couple of miles.
  20. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from JOANNE M HOLL in I am moving on from my band...   
    I used to be pretty active on the forum, mostly because my lapband was the center of my universe. I still log on daily, browsing the new content to see if there is anything interesting or pertinent to my life, but I rarely find a post that tells me something new, or where someone hasn’t already said what I would have said.
    I used to log every meal with MFP, meticulously logging my exercise as well, but I can’t remember the last time I was there. I eat what and how much I want, I exercise when and how I want, not paying much attention to calories burned.
    I haven’t been in for a fill in almost a year, I will check in with my lapband surgeon in a couple of months, not because I need anything, but because I agreed to do it yearly when I got my surgery.
    I stopped weighing myself daily, and sometimes forget to do it weekly. I have lost almost 70 of the 100 pounds that I want to lose, I am still losing a pound every month or two, but I am comfortable, happy and have been told looking good at where I currently am.
    My point in all this is, my lapband is no longer the center of my life, Mistress Band just is. When I started this journey, my relationship with her was the intense burning of a new love, and now I feel more like the comfort of a life companion. I feel normal now, my life doesn't revolve around my band, or food. It is the greatest gift that Mistress Band has give me.
  21. Like
    Terry Poperszky reacted to kathousefl in Almost a year ...   
    Hi everyone,

    I have been a silent and non-registered reader on this site for a while, so I decided to officially register today. I am almost at my one-year anniversary for my surgery, and I have to say that one year ago, I never thought I would be this close to my goal weight.
    As I was deciding to have lap band surgery, I made some serious life-changing decisions including rethinking my whole way of eating and my attitude about food. I didn't expect to get thin per say. I just wanted to be healthy and be able to move better.

    Now, having lost 130 pounds, I not only feel healthier, but I am healthier. I have tried to follow my surgeon's eating instructions to a T, and I recently have begun exercising, which I probably should have started a while ago. It is interesting that a lot of people are noticing the weight loss and asking what I have been doing. I do not usually tell people about the surgery or how much I have lost. I find the "how much weight have you lost" question a little much. I do tell people about my new eating habits, and often they just dismiss that information and tell me what I should do based on what they have read.
    Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself and officially join this community.
  22. Like
    Terry Poperszky reacted to MaryV in almost 2 years out   
    I am almost 2 years out from my surgery and down almost 100 pounds!!!! I can not belive it!!!!!! I never thought that i would ever be in the place i am in now. My 2 year goal was to be down 100 pounds and with three months left i think i can do this!!!! At first i had my doubts but looking back at the person i was and the person i am today i am so much happier. I still have a ways to go on my journey its slow but i know one day i will get there if i keep working hard at it. Sure there are days i get discouraged and days i eat what i know i shouldnt but i dont let that stop my progress it just makes me work harder!!! I hope everyone else has the same success as me if not more and good luck to everyone on their journey.
  23. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from JOANNE M HOLL in I am moving on from my band...   
    I used to be pretty active on the forum, mostly because my lapband was the center of my universe. I still log on daily, browsing the new content to see if there is anything interesting or pertinent to my life, but I rarely find a post that tells me something new, or where someone hasn’t already said what I would have said.
    I used to log every meal with MFP, meticulously logging my exercise as well, but I can’t remember the last time I was there. I eat what and how much I want, I exercise when and how I want, not paying much attention to calories burned.
    I haven’t been in for a fill in almost a year, I will check in with my lapband surgeon in a couple of months, not because I need anything, but because I agreed to do it yearly when I got my surgery.
    I stopped weighing myself daily, and sometimes forget to do it weekly. I have lost almost 70 of the 100 pounds that I want to lose, I am still losing a pound every month or two, but I am comfortable, happy and have been told looking good at where I currently am.
    My point in all this is, my lapband is no longer the center of my life, Mistress Band just is. When I started this journey, my relationship with her was the intense burning of a new love, and now I feel more like the comfort of a life companion. I feel normal now, my life doesn't revolve around my band, or food. It is the greatest gift that Mistress Band has give me.
  24. Like
    Terry Poperszky got a reaction from JOANNE M HOLL in I am moving on from my band...   
    I used to be pretty active on the forum, mostly because my lapband was the center of my universe. I still log on daily, browsing the new content to see if there is anything interesting or pertinent to my life, but I rarely find a post that tells me something new, or where someone hasn’t already said what I would have said.
    I used to log every meal with MFP, meticulously logging my exercise as well, but I can’t remember the last time I was there. I eat what and how much I want, I exercise when and how I want, not paying much attention to calories burned.
    I haven’t been in for a fill in almost a year, I will check in with my lapband surgeon in a couple of months, not because I need anything, but because I agreed to do it yearly when I got my surgery.
    I stopped weighing myself daily, and sometimes forget to do it weekly. I have lost almost 70 of the 100 pounds that I want to lose, I am still losing a pound every month or two, but I am comfortable, happy and have been told looking good at where I currently am.
    My point in all this is, my lapband is no longer the center of my life, Mistress Band just is. When I started this journey, my relationship with her was the intense burning of a new love, and now I feel more like the comfort of a life companion. I feel normal now, my life doesn't revolve around my band, or food. It is the greatest gift that Mistress Band has give me.
  25. Like
    Terry Poperszky reacted to gowalking in Even in maintenance, you can find NSVs   
    A little background. I live in NYC and take mass transit everywhere as I don't own a car. So..some of my NSVs surround train and bus seats. Today, it was the metal benches at some of the stops on the PATH trains that run between NY and NJ.
    I used to sit on the bench and put my workbag down on the seat next to me rather than on the floor. I'd move it of course if someone wanted to sit. Well now I realize I can fit both myself and my bag in the same space. I don't have to worry about moving it if someone wants the seat. I know it's a silly kind of NSV but it's one none the less and it's nice to be reminded even if the scale is pretty stable, that you can still have these nice moments.
    Have a great Friday everyone. We're expecting a terrific weekend here in the Big Apple....sunny blue skies and warm temps. What more can you ask for? I think it's finally time to pull out the capri slacks I bought in Florida...lol.

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