In a nutshell...
My name is Terry and I give up, I can not do long term weight loss through will power alone. My BMI is currently 40 and I am 110 pounds over my ideal weight. I am very active physically, but have always been able to out eat my physical activity. While my health is good, I am 57 years old and have had both knees replaced, if I do not find a way to get down a healthy weight, I am not sure how much longer I will be able to maintain my level of activity. I went through a brief period of depression when I came to the conclusion that I was going to have to resort to bariatric surgery, but for the first time in a long time I have hope that this may be the tool necessary get my eating under control. My insurance covers LB after a 12 month Dr. supervised diet. If I could maintain a diet for 12 month without the surgery, I WOULDN'T NEED THE SURGERY! So, I will be self pay. I have picked a surgeon, submitted my paperwork and should hear back this week. In talking to the surgeon's lapband nurse at the seminar, they can process me fairly quickly and I am hoping for a January surgery date.
The lifestyle changes that worries me the most are the speed of eating, since my family often wonders if I chew my food at all based on who quickly it goes down AND separating drinking and eating, given that for most of the life, a bite of food is always immediately followed by a swallow of liquid. But having discussed this with my wife and my two kids (12 and 9) I believe I can do it.