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Terry Poperszky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Terry Poperszky

  1. Terry Poperszky

    More fun than sex!

    I did this mountain bike ride today: http://www.gjhikes.com/2013/03/great-pyramid-loop.html I only dumped my bike twice, no blood, but if I hadn't been wearing a helmet I doubt that I would be here. Oh, and I need a new helmet now. But this was better than sex and believe me, I really like sex a lot! This trail taken at speed made any carnival ride I have been on seem bland and boring. I'm going to go soak now, I have a feeling I am going to be a tad stiff tomorrow.
  2. Terry Poperszky

    More fun than sex!

    Well, until you have done them both you really can't judge, can you? So, when you take your mountain bike down that trail, let me know if you still feel that way
  3. Terry Poperszky

    More fun than sex!

    Yea, it is one of my favorite places on earth, and I haven't even been a Mountain Cyclist until last year.
  4. Terry Poperszky

    Today's ride

    http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/482941343 I had two goals: 1. Ride more than 10 miles: I am more proud of today's 10.5 miles than any distance I have ever put on my Road bike. 2. See what was on the other side of a ridge that kicked my ass last week: I had to walk my bike to the top of the ridge, But I now know what is there.
  5. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/17/healthy-relationship-to-food-habits_n_5107037.html Excellent article, and after a year I am actually starting to see some of these manifest themselves in my own life.
  6. Terry Poperszky

    14 Habits Of People With A Healthy Relationship To Food

    The reason that I like the article is that for whatever reason I never had a healthy relationship with food, and now that I do have the help of my band I am trying to figure out what that type of relationship looks like. What made me most happy is that several of the conclusions of the article, I had come to independently of any outside research, simply by trying the different things and keeping those that work for me. And you are 1000% correct, this article would have absolutely no pre-band, but for where I am today, it is very significant.
  7. Terry Poperszky

    How do you cope with tragedy?

    Everyone is different, and everyone will find different ways to deal with it. I am/was a big time stress eater, and I use a combination of prayer, exercise and and a low dose xanax script to help me through those times. I will say something about exercise, while it does get me through high stress episodes, I have to use it more as a preventative, maintaining a high level of exercise gives me a buffer of emotional reserve.
  8. Terry Poperszky

    More fun than sex!

    Debbie, ever since the site was redesigned I can't find the appropriate forums any more, plus while there are aspects that are specific to each WLS, I don't think exercise is necessarily one of them which is why I shared it here. I still visit LB on a regular basis, I only post when I feel that I have something to add.
  9. Terry Poperszky

    More fun than sex!

    Actually the article was for hiking. The trail was listed as beginner/intermediate and while there were some technical challenges, nothing really bad, I did the trail in about 45 minutes. BUT the Moab area is well known for it's mountain biking, ranging from beginner to "are you freaken kidding me?" There were a couple of rock climbs on this one that I got off and pushed my bike up, I'm sure someone could have made them, just not me.
  10. This I believe is a really common fear...just remain vigilant.
  11. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/457389616 1. I'm only going to do 30 minutes since my legs aren't in shape. 2. Well, I'll make it 30 minutes out since it is all down hill on the way back, it won't take me long to get to the car. 3. I wonder where that trail goes... Tomorrow is not going to be fun. This is about halfway, before it got really steep. oh, and did I mention the buffalo? You see that hole in the fence? I have to go through that to get back to my car. This herd of buffalo seemed to feel they had right of way.
  12. Before everyone starts to flame me, I am not making any judgement, nor do I believe that this issue has to do with a particular WLS. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/mexican-weight-loss-surgeries-prompt-call-for-health-warning-1.2560052
  13. Terry Poperszky

    chia seeds

    I used them in my protein smoothies for awhile, but they have a thickening effect that made the smoothie too thick for me.
  14. Terry Poperszky

    Surgery in Mexico

    One of the things that I did not want is this to be about getting a sleeve vs another type of WLS. This is about the risks of any surgery, one of the things that struck me is the comment that they wanted her to spend another 2 or 3 weeks in Mexico and that her complications were due to her refusal. I have seen a lot of people that have been successfully banded in Mexico and had fantastic results, but then I run into articles like this that make me think twice.
  15. Terry Poperszky

    Fat Shaming

    http://gawker.com/your-doctor-is-probably-not-fat-shaming-you-1535358667 Your Dr. pointing out that you are fat, and that you need to so something about it is NOT fat shaming.
  16. Terry Poperszky

    Ok, about time for another tattoo

    This time the theme will be Jesus as the root, with us as the branches and the fruit that is the result of that relationship and will be the basis for the fill on my half sleeve. Here is what I have found so far. Thoughts?
  17. Terry Poperszky

    Fat Shaming

    We are a culture that looks for ways to be offended. There are Dr.s who are asshats, but talking it over with your patient certainly doesn't qualify.
  18. Terry Poperszky

    Orientation meeting freaked me out!

    I hear people talking about this "Foreign Body" fear and the lap band, and it just doesn't make sense. I have had two complete knee replacements, never heard anybody freaked out about those foreign bodies. People have pins put in when they break a bone, no one complains about those. Got a friend with a pacemaker he is just happy to be alive. I am 65 pounds lighter than a year ago, I have dropped 12 inches off of my waist, I buy slim cut clothing, I don't get out of breath climbing the stairs and it is going to get better as I enter the second year. I thank God for the foreign body wrapped around my stomach, it has improved my quality of life. Want to be afraid? Be afraid of doing nothing. By this time next year, I will have lost even more weight, where will you be if you do nothing?
  19. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/27/biggest-loser_n_4868870.html
  20. Terry Poperszky

    Just wanted to say....

    Sat next to the CEO of our company a couple nights ago at a business dinner, food was some of the best I have ever tasted. Sampled a couple of appetizers then ate about 1/5 of my main course and was done. The CEO remarked that I had raved about the food but had hardly eaten anything. I simply said a year ago I weighed 300 pounds, now I don't. Could I have eaten more? Yup, but them my wife wouldn't have had all those leftovers for lunch the next day. I love being able to eat fantastic food, and not feel guilty about it. Mistress Band gives me that freedom.
  21. Terry Poperszky

    Acid Reflux Smoothie

    Donuts do it every time for me
  22. Terry Poperszky

    Acid Reflux Smoothie

    Dr. Oz said it! It must be true. Oh, wait it is if you read it on the Internet, it must be true.
  23. Terry Poperszky

    Sex Sent Me To The ER

    This guy is definitely a candidate for WLS! http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/blogs/tv-guy/os-sex-sent-me-to-the-er-coming-soon-20131205,0,437635.post
  24. Terry Poperszky

    Words I never thought I would hear...

    Well, here is to hoping that one day, someone will make you cry!
  25. Terry Poperszky

    Things the Band has helped you make peace with

    Throwing food away. That one last bite can go into the trashcan, and not my mouth.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
