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Everything posted by lilbuddhaxo

  1. lilbuddhaxo

    I hate it when...

    I tell people I am going to have this surgery and they say dumb stuff like "why don't you just try herbalife" or "just eat healthier" "ill go to the gym with you"..... like ummm do they really not think I have tried pretty much everything out there!?! And great for them if they are happy eating disgusting shakes FOREVER in order to lose 25 lbs but sorrryyyy just can't do it! lol ugh I needed to vent. I told my friend last night what I am doing and obviouslyyyy was not a good idea to tell. What do you hate about amythingggg have to do with this process??
  2. lilbuddhaxo

    Loose skin

    Does anyone have like a lot of loose skin?! I keep telling myself that since I am only 26 and have only been this big for about 4 years I won't get any. I know everyone is different but that is honestly the one thing that is scaring me the most about this. I have like 120 lbs to loose. I plan on working out and all that but am just sooo nervous.
  3. lilbuddhaxo

    Loose skin

    Haha that is a good idea!! I'm sure ill need at least a lift. Esp after babies!
  4. lilbuddhaxo

    Any March Sleevers?

    I go thorough the same thing. Especially with Easter candy sitting right in front of my face. lol it's sooo hard. But I try to make the best choices I can. So far so good I guess!
  5. lilbuddhaxo

    March Sleevers Where are You

    Thanks! I am having problems stilllll with the Protein. It's getting better though. But not what I'm supposed to having daily. ugh
  6. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    I'm not tired at all. I feel so normal it's kind of scary. Haha!! I'm like I wonder if when he opened me up he forgot to take out my stomach?? lol I mean obvi not really bc I can tell when I eat but other than that I have been feeling really good.
  7. lilbuddhaxo

    March Sleevers Where are You

    I'm pretty much three weeks out and in a stall! been losing and gaining the same three lbs for like four days! blah it sucks! I know I know it's normal. Just frustrating! Wish I could go to the gym!!! Still have a couple weeks til doc says I can. Blah!
  8. lilbuddhaxo

    I ate Easter Dinner

    I had some prime rib, green beans, broccoli, sweet potatoes and mashed. Maybe a spoonful of each. No dessert. At all. I am proud of myself! I'm only 2.5 weeks out and have been having major cravings! So I thought I did pretty well! Had like a bite of turkey as well. Forgot that. LoL but I was full and stopped and was good for the night!
  9. lilbuddhaxo

    I made a mistake!

    I did this too. But with a snickers egg! Ugh! It bit lik half off, started chewing, and then spit most of it out. But whyyyy did I even do that!?!!! It wasn't even satisfying.
  10. lilbuddhaxo


    I love this thread! LOL I am 26 so I was concerned about drinking. Not that I drink all the time but I usually go out like once or twice a month. The bars I go to usually get pretty crowded. I went out at like 10 days post op as DD drinking only water and can I tell you all it was the worstttttt time I ever had!! Being 100% sober in a place packed to the brim with drunk people is theeee worst. So I can't wait til I can have at least one drink to loosen me up a smidgen. LOL and yes, like some others I am secretly hoping to be a cheap date! spending $75 on a night out is just no bueno!
  11. lilbuddhaxo

    Happy Easter everyone!

    Mmm!! I want to try a bit of everything. Well of what I can! I'm still on soft foods so I hope I can fit a bite of almost everything in my itty bitty belly! Just for the taste lol but no dessert.... obvi. Ill just watch everyone else eat that. lol
  12. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    I'm like 2.5 weeks out and scale has been the same for like four days except two days ago it went down 3 then up 4 and now it's back where it was. LoL depressing but I knowwww this happens to everyone it seems. Just stinks to have dropped 20 lbs like nothing and now I am stuck! Was hoping to be under 300 by the time I go back to work. Wwwaaaaa.
  13. Surgery 3/13/13 SW 326 CW 304 Goal for June 1st 250. Seems a bit craaazzzyyy but I am so determined! I plan on Zumba-ing my a$$ off when I can start working out lol we'll see right?!
  14. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    I care! we were sleeved the same day! I'm glad you're pain is gone!!! I am just not starting to feel a bit blaahhhh! I cannot get the right amount of protien in! I really just feel like I am doing everything wrong. Idk why! Hope to be over this quick! But glad you are doing well!!!!
  15. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    Aww!! Yeah I took two and a half weeks off. Was initially gonna do one week and 2 days but like the week before my surgery date I had this crazyyy day at work and I was like "I can't imagine coming back here in like a week and it being crazy like this" so I was like uh ill need another week. And I am SOO glad I did! The dr office said they'd sign for up to four weeks. I go back Monday and I wishing I would have agreed to that four weeks! lol oh well. Just relax. My pain just went away one afternoon. Maybe you just need to lay and be a bum for the rest of the day
  16. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    Yeah it hurt bad for me as well. Like I said, I really believed I broke a rib! If I coughed, took a deep breath, even turning over in bed KILLED ME!! I wasn't sure how I would have broken a rib but it was brutalllll!! It did go away though, I guess it was gas? I have no clue. I would definitely talk to doc because I know you are in pain. And if it's not going away-- I feel for you!! hope ya feel better soon!!
  17. lilbuddhaxo

    Mind tricks.

    I feel that way a lot too! Ill eat and not be hungry three hours later (like I would have been PRE surg) and I'm like "omg I ate way too much didnt I??" And I panic! I guess it's just our crazy fat brains working. LOL jk. But you're not alone!
  18. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    I was having a sharp pain on my left side same area. Was also sleeved the 13th. I literally thought I broke a rib or something. It was brutal for almost three days. It has since gone away. I have nooooo idea what it was! It's not like I started passing gas uncontrollably or anything... It just left. LoL sorry I'm not much of a help but maybe it'll go away like me?! Def call doc. I am absolutely no medical professional lol and I prob should have called too.
  19. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    I keep seeing Sonic commercials for their new desserts. It kills me a little inside every time. LOL!
  20. Go to post op march sleevers thread page 27. SecretVSG posted a few found from somewhere else on the forums lol but that's the easiest route I can give you. It's delicious too! If u can't find, message me ill write it out for you! Good luck!
  21. I wonder the same thing!! I get so thirsty and just want to chug the whole bottle of nice cold water!! Makes me sad Lol
  22. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    Yes i can see! The buff chix sounds amazing!!! Almost like real food! Definitely doing that tomorrow!!!! That's my problem. I hate cooking. I suck at it. So I come across these recipes that are like so complicated and use words I don't even know so then I just give up!! Lol But they're great!! Thank you!
  23. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    Haha thanks! Must have posted at the same time
  24. lilbuddhaxo

    Post op march sleevers

    Pleeeeease share! I only have a few more days til I'm on soft foods but I am slightly desperate for these next few days. A girl can only eat so much tuna haha

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