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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by crazycat

  1. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Jennie, Whats going on with you sister ? Have you seen the doctor yet ? Terry
  2. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hey...Kelly, Did you notice that our BMI's are the same now... We are neck n neck now. I bet you will pass me up soon girl. This friday I leave for Ohio to vist my Mom. Who knows what will happen to my weight . Terry
  3. crazycat

    I've lost my manners

    you guys are so funny... While on vacation we went out to eat at this really nice place and yes I had to get rid of something.....something coming up really fast. I jumped up, ran to the bathroom and right as I opened the stall door it was coming out of my mouth. All I could do was aim. Well....I missed. It hit the seat and some poor lady's foot next door. She was so concerned about the stranger throwing up on her foot she waited for me to come out of the stall, to ask me if I was ok.
  4. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi all, Hey it fun having lunch Monday. I could really see a big change in you guys. Jennie did you get a new car ? talk to you later, Terry
  5. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi all, Monday is the first. Whos up for lunch at Panaras by the mall ? Terry
  6. crazycat

    salads anyone

    I love salads too. Try a junior whooper with no bun, no cheese. Its becomes a really good salad.
  7. Try ordering a hamburger with no bun. It becomes really good salad. I carry a power bar in my purse all the time.
  8. :help:I'm looking for some funny prank joke ideas that I can play on my brother n law. My husband and I are going on vacation in a few weeks with my brother in law and his wife. The four of us share a room with two king beds. We are alway trying to out do each other with our pranks on each other. Here is what I have planned so far. 1. sew his pant legs shut. 2. paint his toenails while he is a sleep. 3. squirt him with water guns to wake him up in the morning. 4. put little girl shoe laces in his shoes and decorate them with little flowers. 5. put pink fairy dust in his hair. 6. pour water on his pant front to look like he wet his pants. Most of the above ideas will be done while he is sleeping. As you can see , any thing can happen while you are sound asleep. But I need more ideas.
  9. crazycat

    please help me with some funny prank joke ideas.

    You guys are really coming up with some good ones. I have one more week befor I leave ; so keep them coming. I was thinking of putting shaving cream, or shampoo in his shoes. Terry
  10. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Babbs, Glad to hear that you are doing ok. I had a Hiatal Hernia fixed too, when I received my ban. Did you stay over night in the hospital? I had my surgery done in Mexico; thats why I'm asking. Terry
  11. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, I really enjoyed lunch yesterday. Here's a story that I forgot about. One time my husband and brother inlaw and sister inlaw and I were on vacation in San Diego Ca. We stayed in a reg. so so room down right by the beach. Well.....to our surprise it was just covered in water bugs. My husband and brother inlaw at that time both smoked. They desided to kill the water bugs by torching them. My husband got the hair spray and my brother inlaw got his lighter going to kill these bugs. Well.....about 10:30 pm they got the smoke detector going....in the hole building. Well at first we did'nt realize it was the hole building until we saw everyone running out side in their night clothes. We had to hurry up and run out to. Everyone started looking at us funny. What gave us away was all the laughing . I'm really surprised they did'nt kick us out. This year....anything could happen. I plan on having a shaving cream fight and a water fight. Terry
  12. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Babbs, I get my fills in Champain by Dr Rohrsheib. He does them in that Provena building behind Bed Bath and Beond. For your first fill though he may want you to go to his main office in Clinton; then after that you can go Champain. I'm saying this is what his office had me do. I live in St. Joseph. I don't work Babbs, so anytime you are in Champain let me know , I would love to meet you. Just so you know....you may not feel like having lunch after your fills; and It's not good to eat anything just befor a fill. Terry
  13. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hey Kelly, I thought something was wrong for you not to show up...after you reminded me. Yes I'll meet you today at Panera's at Old Farm Shops, at noon. Jennie is still on vacation. Terry
  14. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Babbs, Congats on getting your lap band. How are you doing ? You wanted to know what you should know about surgery afterwards. Make sure you stay on your liquid and mushy diet like you are supposed to. I also remember being really tired for a week or so afterward. I go to the same doctor for my fills. I know two other people here on this thread that had their surgery done by him or his partner,in his office. There are three of us that meet once a month for lunch in Champain. We meet on the first Monday of every month. I hope you can join us next we meet. Terry
  15. crazycat

    For those of us who weigh in daily!!

    And I thought I was the only one nuts about using the scale every day. I weigh after pee pee and after poo. I allso keep a log for every day of the week ; for what my weight was, and what I ate all day long, every day. It really helps me with my weight loss.
  16. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hey Mr. Njwhitetail, It sounds like you are kicking butt with the weight loss. Good for you. I don't know where Brown county is. I'm in Champain county. But Larry.......I wouldnt help you even if I knew. I love seeing the deer and thier familys looking for food. Sorry Larry I know you enjoy the sport of killing them, but I'm just to much of an animal lover. I went out in the pouring rain to save a butter fly; yesterday. God bless you Larry and all of God's little sweet animals , Terry
  17. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, You go girl..... 8 lbs. It sounds like your fill is really working. I did the same thing when I first got mine. It will slow down after a while so make the most of it. Thanks for reminding me about lunch this month. Panera's sounds really good. Sept. 3rd at noon. The one by the mall. Terry
  18. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, How are you doing now , with your fill ? How much weight are you losing now ? I'm kind of stuck at 183 right now; but I haven't been walking in the mornings either. We are going to start back up with the walking soon. Its just been so darn hot. Terry
  19. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Jennie, You and I both have about the same amount of weight to lose now. I am doing the same thing you are doing with food.Two or three bits and I'm done. I think this may be the right amount of fill for me .I am losing about 1 and half lbs a week. When you get all settled in , in Monticello let me know and I'll drop by sometime to see your new place. I'm going to Monticello tomorrow to put flowers on my Dads grave, and then again next weekend. My family reunion is at the park. Terry
  20. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Jennie, Well.....how much have you lost now ? Have you caught up with me yet ? :scared: I'm at 183 now...well at least today I am. We'll see what I am tomorrow. What have you been doing ? Haven't seen you on here much lately. Terry
  21. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, Sorry to hear about your fill being too full. What about trying 2.6 instead of 3.0. So when are you getting your unfill ? I guess I was really lucky with mine being just right. Well ok ..... I may be a little tight, but it sure keeps me from eating alot. Terry
  22. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, How is the fill going ? Are you losing again ? Have you made the recipe yet ? Terry
  23. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi all, Kelly you sound like you are back on track to losing again. Here is that salsa recipe I was telling about yesterday. I hope you enjoy it. I roast 4 Anaheim chilies on top of the stove until black 1 large can of tomatoes ( diced ) 1 whole bundle of calontro ( diced ) 2 or 3 Tablespoons of ground garlic ( in the jar ) 1 salsa seasoning package 4 green onions ( diced ) I put everything in the blender ( except the onions ) The roasted anaheim chilies give the salsa a smokey kind of flavor. It will last refridgerated for about 3 or 4 days. It was nice seeing you ladies yesterday. I forgot to ask.....would you guys like to meet someplace else next time ? Terry
  24. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Everyone, Cheddars in Champaign at noon on the 6th, I'll be there. My father just pasted away so I havent been checking in with the site. Terry
  25. crazycat

    Champaign Illinois Anyone? Central area?

    Hi Kelly, What you have now with your fill sounds like my first fill. After my second fill I could'nt eat only but a few solids...and only then a few small bites. 3 bing cherries filled me up. I now eat 3 or 4 bites when I try solid foods and if I put it in a blender I can get down 1/4 of a cup. I'm still trying to eat salads...but it has to be shedded lettuce. But I'm happy with my second fill. It is forcing me to lose weight. I have been at a stand still this week....I think my body is rebelling on me. If you are happy with your fill and you are standing still...get rid of the chocolate for a week and see what happens. It could be that. Terry

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