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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by J_Rob

  1. Tomorrow is fill 1!! I am excited :)

  2. Oh almost forgot.B-52 you are a rockstar! :-) Keep it up, you are such an inspiration.
  3. Wow, that is amazing and you should be proud of the things you have accomplished. I thought I was going to cry when I finished my first 1/2. I am in my fifth week so I am slowly getting back into exercise. I really missed yoga. It helps with my back. I just hope to keep going strong and to finish the 1/2 in 3 hours 30 minutes. Just as long as I'm not last.
  4. Like many of you out there I am one out of 10 women out there with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, AKA PCOS. For me lapband surgery was a no brainer but before I go into that I want to talk about what led me to my decision. I was fist diagnosed with PCOS in 2004. From 2004 to 2011 I was taking high doses of metformin and spirnolactone. This was to assist with my hormonal imbalance and to assist with monthly menstruation. In late 2011 I developed health problems related to the medication I was taking. So I decided to go on an organic diet, limit my calories and up my exercise. I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon with a friend and began doing yoga a couple of times a week. I lost little to no weight. So I decided to see a natural doctor and starting taking herbs to assist with my ailments. After a year of my efforts the symptoms of my PCOS were not reversing but in fact getting worse. Although I was exercising I managed to gain 15 additional pounds as well as excess belly weight. I finally decided to make the decision to have lap band surgery. I want to have children one day and found the lap band to be less evasive and also be at a low risk for any health issues. I have been battling PCOS for so long that I was tired of trying so hard to see no benefits in return. I did some research on the lap band and women with PCOS and found it to be successful for them, in hopes it would in turn be successful for me. Sometimes it is hard to battle the bulge alone especially when your body is working against you. I wanted to create a blog where I could inspire women to keep moving forward and to not give up on their goals of weight loss and possible pregnancy. I was hoping to hear from other women and their success stories. So here is to 2013, let's make it memorable with stories and pictures and show it is possible to overcome PCOS. For more information on PCOS please visit: http://www.pcosfound...on.org/ http://women.webmd.c...-topic-overview
  5. My doctor knew about the 1/2 marathon before my surgery and prior to that I have always been active. I do yoga 3 times a week and also cross train. I don't think he was concerned because my fill is 4 weeks from the day of the marathon. I am thinking about trading my CamelBack for a water belt since I am worried about the amount of water I can have comfortably. I think it is awesome you are running in the snow. Your much braver than I am. I need to change my run time from evening to morning. This is all new to me. This is my second 1/2 marathon, my first was for sure a learning experience. How long have you been running for and what go you started? What do you do to keep yourself motivated?
  6. I am so glad you posted this question. I am getting ready for my second 1/2 marathon. My first was pre surgery. I have 4 weeks to train before the next. I have noticed I also get stomach soreness and extreme thirst. I am worried after the fill next week if it will be harder to drink or eat the power gummies while running. Do you alternate miles? Walk 1 run 1? Have you tried drinking muscle milk or another type of protein shake after your run? I read an article in Running magazine that says your body needs calorie and protein replacement within 45 minutes of completing the run. Maybe this will help with the stomach discomfort. Bowel movements are pretty normal, personally I feel like I have to pee the minute I start running. I hope this information helps.
  7. 1st fill on Tuesday, I am excited and nervous.

  8. So on Christmas Eve I wake up as usual and check on my glued stitches. I come to find a yellowish substance under one, where my band is located. I know you are not suppose to lift the glue but in this case I did. There was pus under my stitch. Ewwwww. So I got some filtered water and anti bacterial soap. I cleaned the area with a clean cloth and proceeded to do so 2 times a day. Has this ever happened to anyone? I see my dr tomorrow. The wound has drained and is doing well. Other than my Christmas cookie binge nothing new. I am finding sugar gives me a migraine and makes me tired. I need to kick this sugar habit for good. This is week 3. In 3 more weeks I get to have my first fill. I can eat a cup of food no problem. Liquids seem to fill me quick and actual food hurts my stomach. I am thinking of starting yams and eating salmon. Keeping with protein shakes and lots of walking. Weight loss has slowed to 1 lb a week.
  9. The doctor said my wound looked good. Cleaning it with antibacterial soap and keeping it dry helped. Peroxide, alcohol and iodine will dry out the skin and will heal at a slower rate. They make a medical grade cleaning solution for wound care at CVS but simple antibacterial soap will work.
  10. J_Rob

    PCOS and the Lap Band

    Hey destynee1 here is a link I found about PCOS and carbs from about.com (http://pcos.about.com/od/losingweight/a/carbs.htm) I hope the information may answer questions you have about carbs and PCOS. Hey Kris5423, WHat is TOM? In my surgery I am 2 weeks out as of tomorrow. Time goes by fast. I am just happy I can have scrambled eggs!!! Yum. I bought some hummus snack packs since I can eat mushies. This weekend I am looking forward to eating my veggies again. I missed them so. Plus I get to make my slow cooker bean Soup for the work week. I still have plenty of Protein Shakes which really get me through the morning and as late afternoon snack but I really missed eating my calories.
  11. So I have been diagnosed with PCOS for the past 8 years and after many years of exercise and healthy eating I was unable to lose weight, even with medication. I chose Lap Band to assist me with my weight loss journey and to one day have a baby. However I have been feeling discouraged. I have been slowly gaining back .5lbs for the past two days despite the changes to my diet. (Granted I did mess up a bit over the course of two days but not badly) So I am still drinking the Protein but am starting to get discouraged. A co-work was so nice enough to come up to me on Friday to say I made a mistake with the Lapland and should have chosen the sleeve or gastric Y because the lap band has too many complications. I am sorry but all surgery has complications. Me being cut open could result in a complication. Does anyone else out these have these issues of having PCOS and the fear of the lap band not working for you? ny advice would be helpful. Thank you
  12. J_Rob

    PCOS and the Lap Band

    Thank you guys for sharing your experiences with me. I am going through the ups and downs in weight in the second week. I was worried because I went up 2 but was surprised to find myself down 3 today. I think the lap band was the best decision. It does keep me away from carbs which is bad for persons with PCOS as well as sugar. A high protein diet is desirable for sure. You guys are awesome and inspire me so much to be hopeful and to keep looking forward.
  13. J_Rob

    PCOS and the Lap Band

    I just hope all goes well. After a surgery like the lap and with the limited calories you would think I would lose like crazy so to see a 1lb increase just upsets me. I have 800 to 1000 calories a day. I walk and clean a lot but not too much or else I get tired. I can't start jogging until January. I pray I will lose the 70 lbs I need and to have a normal cycle. We shall see only time will tell.
  14. J_Rob

    PCOS and the Lap Band

    Thank you for the helpful information. I am going to try that. I hope to on day have a period. It feels like forever.
  15. So I was just banded on Thursday December the 6th and it's day 2. The first day was horrible the anestisia gave be nausea and vomiting but after calling the doctor he assured me it was normal and I should be ok. For the past 2 days I have been on full liquids. Drinking broth, tea, popcicles, sugar free Jell-o. Today I tried cream of wheat and my protien shakes. It wasn;t too bad. I don't really feel restricted but I do feel tired. I have been walking around and taking me medicine but since this afternoon I have been finding it hard to stay awake. Did anyone else feel tired? I had two protien shakes, apple sauce, 5oz of cream of wheat, tea, a popcicle and Water. So I don't feel dehydrated but I do have a headache. I am looking forward to getting back on track for my exercising. I had signed up for a 1/2 marathon in February after completing my first in October, although I am worried about if I will be able to complete it. I feel short winded standing up and catching my breath just light cleaning and running errands. Maybe I am doing too much. I am hopeful and excited in this weight loss journey and have found it to be successful when in a group. It makes me accountable for my actions. So if anyone would like to join together as a group I would not say no. I just can't wait till two weeks from now when I can have semi soft foods like Soup. ---Jenny Bear-----
  16. I know this post is old but I am glad it is here because what you are describing is happening to me, especially the bad gas. I took Gas X and Maylox last night but it no avail i was still greeted with discomfort. But because of these forums it's great to see I am not the only one.
  17. J_Rob

    It's fate

    Wise words of encouragement
  18. So week 1 has come and gone and I know I am sop post to be on a liquid diet to give my stomach time to heal but it has been hard! My work had its Christmas party yesterday and we went to a BBQ place. I ordered soup but found myself nibbling on potato. I have been taking small nibbles of chips and string cheese and biscuits. I know I miss chewing but I seriously need to give my stomach a chance to rest. Has anyone had a problem with not being able to feel full from protein drinks? I have a hard time. My stomach growls every hour. I have my bariatric protein shake in the morning followed by hot tea, another shake or soup, jello-o, more hot tea, and evening shake and jello or applesauce before bed. It seems I am always Hungary especially at 10:30. I like to have jello and prune juice before bed. (The liquid stool softener makes me want to barf. ) It has been a hell of a week with 11 lbs off. I find myself napping after work and find it hard concentrate and sleep at night. I am not sure why. I usually fall asleep at 2am. Seems I have to get my schedule in order. So if your hungry like me but need to be on liquids 1oz every 15 minutes. What do you do? Will the stomach growling go away?
  19. I don't feel pain anymore but I have been getting monster headaches from coming off the pain med. I think maybe liquid Tylenol will help. I've been pretty active in walking around but still get light headed. I go back to work tomorrow I just hope I am able to handle an 8 hour day. I lost 3 more lbs which is exciting but I am sooo Hungary. I can feel my tummy growling.
  20. Hisladyvi, I hear you on the gas. I have some stool softener which has helped but it tastes sooo awful it makes me want to gag. I have had a headache for the last 3 days. I have been taking naps here and there which helps. I still have homework to do and I am not sure how I am going to manage that. Hey where did you guys get your cool weight tickers from?
  21. The doctor did give me something for nausea but it didn't help. I think it's because of the anesthesia they gave me. My pain pills as well as other medication is in liquid form. I haven't felt the need to vomit today. Which is great. You are right vomiting is not good for the bad but I am sure I will be ok, I see the doctor again in 2 weeks. I just have to get use to drinking the nasty meds.
  22. So today I got banded and have been trying to drink water and take my pain meds but each time I do I throw up. I called the Dr. Office and they assure me that it's normal but if it persists tomorrow to call them. Has anyone had any problems with vomiting after surgery?
  23. J_Rob

    Post op

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
