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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ojibway

  1. ojibway


    my blood sugar wasn't too bad it ranged from 90-110 yesterday. I am hoping for it to get easier!
  2. I was told by my Doctor that he should have no problem doing the surgery, but he still wants me to do the 2 week pre-op. I assume so that I get used to a liquid diet. I can live with that. I'm in my 3rd day of the pre-op, so far just a mild headache and 3 more pounds lost. I can also eat as many green veggies as I want. I am using unjury, nectar and Isopure to mix up the Protein shake routine to help.
  3. I met with the surgeon today, two weeks to surgery date, started pre-op yesterday, starving! Looking forward to my surgery on the 5th of Jan. Thank God I can eat green veggies with my pre-op.
  4. ojibway

    January 5th.

    I can have three Protein shakes a day, all the green veggies I want and of course Jello, popsicles.
  5. Just under 30 days to go for my VSG surgery on the 5th of January. Getting really nervous. I guess that is nothing new. ANY suggestions on the 2 week Liquid pre-op diet? I start the 21st. I can have green veggies and 3 shakes a day. How did you do to get thru the two week Pre-op? I started at 360lb and I'm down to 345.
  6. ojibway


    I hear you! I am the one that cooks Holiday meals for the family! I start my Pre-op on the 21st of Dec! X-mas dinner is gonna suck! LOL
  7. ojibway

    Caffeine withdrawal!

    I had about a week of headaches after I gave up soda a couple of months ago. I only drink water now. I am not looking forward to the two-week pre-op diet before my surgery on 1/5/15. Anybody have issues with their pre-op diet? Headaches or anything else?
  8. ojibway

    Unflavored protein powder

    Nectar unflavored is good
  9. Any suggestions on a chewable fiber gummy? I was told during my pre-op liquid diet I may have a problem with constipation. Thanks in advance!
  10. ojibway


    I started using Opurity Vitamins, one a day. Kind of chalky but they don't taste bad to me at all. My surgery date is the 5th of Jan. I'm already drinking a Protein shake every other day to prep for my Pre-op liquid diet that consists of eating as many green veggies I want along with 3 shakes a day. so far I like nectar, unjury and I will be trying Bariatric Advantage when my order comes in.
  11. It took me about a week of headaches to kick the Coke and Pepsi, two months ago. The only time I really miss it is when I go to the movies. I like to have popcorn and soda during a movie! I went this last weekend and had popcorn and Water. YOU can kick the habit!!
  12. I'm January 5th too. Self Pay. I live just outside of South Bend,IN I start my two week liquid diet on the 21st of Dec! Merry Christmas to me! LOL. Pre-op is 3 shakes a day with green veggies too. Already prepping myself by having a shake every other day and taking a Vitamin daily (Opurity)
  13. I'm not looking forward to the headaches, I never have them! Maybe I won't get them, I've had 4 different surgeries over the years and understand the pain med phase. So, I'm not worried about that.
  14. Does anyone else have a two week pre-op diet with 3 shakes a day and all the green veggies I want? I start mine on 12/21 and have already tried to limit my carbs so I don't get the "carb withdrawal headache" If you have had or going to have the same diet how did you plan to space out your meals?
  15. ojibway


    Good Luck!!
  16. Good luck to you too! I am getting mentally prepared!
  17. I've been second guessing my decision opting for VSG surgery. My mother in law recently passed away and it really has me thinking if I am making the right decision for myself. I have 3 kids and a great wife. I weight 345Lbs and my highest weight has been 360. I've given up soda about 1 1/2 months ago and have no craving for the stuff, I have been eating better preparing for the surgery and have found it to be pretty easy. I'm not looking forward to the 2week Pre-op liquid diet I start on Dec 22nd. My surgery date is Jan 5th. I guess I am really worried about the permanent change to my body more than anything else, I have had friends go thru the surgery and have had bad bowel issues for 2years or anemia and are always tired. And yes they have lost 100lbs or so each and wouldn't change a thing about their decisions. I don't know if I am just going thru a funk right now or what.. ANYBODY else have the same feelings??
  18. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! I think I am finally getting out of the funk I have been in. Death of a loved one and stress at work have really been tough on me lately, my wife just didn't know how to get me out of the funk. I usually don't get out of sorts.
  19. Thanks.. I guess. LOL. I know what you mean though. My Dr says, If I lose all the weight he wants me too, I should probably weigh 240lbs anyway, I am just a big sob, but then again I will be healthy enough to have my knees replaced.
  20. ojibway

    Calling January Sleever????

    Jan 5th for me. Commerce, MI. self pay.
  21. ojibway

    Protein Shakes!

    Nectar protein taste pretty good too, not too sweet, several flavors available
  22. I was looking forward to starting my lifestyle change this weekend, but we have a family emergency.. I was supposed to start my pre-op Sunday 11/9 and have my sleeve on 11/24. Now I start my pre-op on 12/22 and Surgery on 1/5/15. Even though I'm really bummed, FAMILY first. At least somebody else gets to go in earlier than they thought.
  23. I'm starting my Pre-op liquid diet this coming weekend Nov 9th and Surgery the 24th. Any suggestions or warnings about the phases of the pre-op diet? I read a couple of blogs about loose bowel movements or severe hunger the first few days. My Dr is letting me eat as many Green Veggies I want, plus 3 Protein shakes a day. I hate the consistency of milk shakes, so I'm having a hard time finding the right protein..so far I have tried powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury, Jay Robb eggwhite protein and nectar.. so far I like the Nectar protein best. not to sweet. anybody else have the same instructions for pre-op diet???

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
