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LAP-BAND Patients
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About debbiepolk

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  1. Yes I would have but I would not have gotten the lap band if I qualified for the sleeve!! My insurance would only cover Gastric Bypass or the lap band. I thought the Gastric was a little to serious for my body BMI and I did not qualify for the sleeve which is what I wanted so I had to settle for the band. So I would have to say yes because I am still loosing weight even though it is not as fast as i want it to but I have to be patient but I am loosing weight and I am happy about that!!
  2. debbiepolk

    What To Do When Food Gets Stuck?

    Posted by msdetermine59 in msdetermine59's Blog, January 25, 2013 - · 0 views Good morning. I am post opt December 18, 12. Like some other comments on here I to was always hungry. Even though I still followed all of the rules I was still always hungry. So last night I decided to push the envelope a little. Wrong. When I eat I use small plates and small forks so I do not put much on it and wait 1 minute before eating another bite small bites. So last night my aunt sent some dry lima beans with dumplings and it had beef in it. So instead of me just getting a 1/2 cup of the beans I grab a big bowl because that is my weakness meal:(. So sometimes I even forget I have a band. I ate that bowl of beans not slow and I did not chew chew chew along with small bits of beef. So I was in excruciating pain from 8 pm last night until 6 am this morning. No matter what I did I could not find relief. I try not to throw up but I ended up doing that hoping I would get some relief but I did not. I moved around asking God to take that pain away and I would never do that again. Nothing work. I kept my husband up all night for doing that. I ended up throwing up again and it scared me because it was coming out of my nose also. I called my doctor and told him what I did but it was nothing he could do and he told me I just had to wait until it passed. I was in so much pain I did not think I was going to make it. I am still in a little pain but nothing like last night and this morning. I will never ever do that again. I try to eat some tomato soup this morning and I felt like I wanted to throw it up so I did not eat it. Has anyone ever been in this situation and if so what did you do. Did you go back to liquids or soft foods. The doctors do not like it when they hear this and I could tell my doctor did not like what I did. I will never put myself in this situation again. Times like this if anyone ask me would I do this all over again and I would say no!! No I would not do this again. But after thinking about it this is why I am in this situation now because I over ate and with the band it keeps me from doing that until last night. Never again but I am still glad I went through with it. Now that I am feel a little better I would do it again.
  3. how to delete my profile

  4. Child i like that. I am post op dec 18 and it is still not on my list of things to do. Lol
  5. Child i like that. I am post op dec 18 and it is still not on my list of things to do. Lol
  6. debbiepolk

    when should I get a fill

    Hey Brann. I am post op december 18. I am due to get a fill jan 30. I too had a small fill during surgery also. Your dr will tell you when it is time to get a fill. I think the wait time is 6 weeks if it needs to be adjusted. I too am not looking forward to it either.lol... i feel more hungry also and feel like i could eat more. I eat 3 small mels and 2 Snacks a day and still feel hungry. So call your dr because he is the best one that can answer that for you and about your meals. Good luck.
  7. debbiepolk

    Bariatric Choice

    ! Yes that is why i ordered it because i got the book in the mail. The snacks are pretty good cause of the crunching. I did not like the foods but...... the pancakes was kind of OK.lol... but hey give it a try if you are curious and see for yourself you might be surprised. I too do not like protein bars. Let me know what you......... think if you order some
  8. debbiepolk

    Bariatric Choice

    Hello and i have tried it and child no it is not good! Well, i did not like it. You might like it. Lol. Everything is not for everybody..... i still have some in my cabinets to throw out. I am post op Dec 18, 2012. But you might like it. If you want to just....... try it then maybe order 1 or 2 things and try for yourself..... i asked my dr about it and he told me not to eat it.
  9. debbiepolk

    Banded yesterday

    Yes girl with me it lasted about a week. It was really painful in my shoulder and under my rib cage. I walked the next day trying to move it along:) but hang in there it will get better. But it was painful. Some said it was gas and some said it come from being under...... either way i never had that pain before. Good luck on your journey. I am post op Dec 18, 2012
  10. debbiepolk

    Banded yesterday

    Yes girl. I was banded dec 18 and the pain was unbearable in my shoulder and under my rib cage. The dr said it is gas and some1 else says it comes from being under anthesia but either way it is painful and with me it lasted about a week. I walked the 2nd day trying to help me it along with a little relief........ but nt much. Good luck

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