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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. kayp1025

    I Need Help!!!

    Today I started back on my post op diet hopefully it will help me get back into the swing of things an I can hopefully take it from there an learn to plan ahead better thank you all for your advice it has helped me out a lot
  2. kayp1025

    Band Fills

    Besides the fact that I don't have any insurance an can't see my doctor... I have this crippling fear of going back an seeing him especially if it comes down to getting a fill.. My last fill he did he was poking around for 15-20 minutes cause he kept missing the port which caused me terrible pain an I even started crying while he was doing it... Idk what to do I'm sure this isn't normal to have a fear/phobia that sends me into panic attacks when going to see a doctor...
  3. kayp1025

    I Need Help!!!

    I wasn't trying to make excuses for failing.. At the time I wasn't focused on what I should've been I was focused on school an getting my cosmetology license.. An one thing you don't under stand is when I'm working on a client an it's an all day process I have to take a quick snack an. Drink being a hairdresser isn't a lap band friendly job I have to take what I can get when I can get it that's the consequences of my job I may have a meal planned out but not get a chance to eat it cause of the type of service I'm doing... I'm not trying to make excuses I'm trying to find a way to fix the mistakes I've made
  4. kayp1025

    I Need Help!!!

    I had the lap band surgery in January 2011 I was doing great in my weight loss but I started cosmetology school an I didn't have time to cook meal properly an eat properly i had to eat what i could grab so I started gaining weight back I am 5 pounds away from gaining all my weight back I'm at a loss of what to do I don't have medical insurance to go see my doctor... Please I need help

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