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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by doggylover

  1. Must be very trying... hope things start to progress soon for you. So I gather you have been waiting for a while, I am going self pay so not near the wait. Please keep me posted!

    Thank You! Yes, i've been on this program for about 3years now. They have been saying "anytime now" since end of August. Then Sept got pushed back to October, then pushed to novemeber, then december, then January, then Febuary. I have been praying this time its for real!

  2. I have searched also to try to find people who have had the band 10+ years and could not find any really. But lets not forget that they have been doing this operation in bigger volumes only in recent years. I did ask my doctor how long does it last and she said if there is no complications, you can keep it for the rest of your life if you want.

  3. I actually asked that question to my doctor. She told me that even if I would lose a lot of weight they would probably not deny me. What she also said to me (which is true in my case), is most obese people losing weight because of a diet (in this case the 6 month diet) almost always regain it if there is no reward (in this case the band) at the end. So if they would deny us, then we would get discouraged and probably gain it all back. And she also said to me that obese people who lose weight, have to work twice as much, as a rugular sized person which works out to maintain their weight, to keep the weight off. The main reason why they do the 6 month diet, is to getting yourself used to healthier habbits, making right choices, getting your body used to losing weight and getting a bit healthier before the operation...maybe the reasonning varies from one doctor to another but this is what my doc told me.

  4. People just don't get it and it has taken me a long time to realize that. I have beaten myself up long enough on other people's thoughts. Case in point. Years ago I lost almost 70lbs on WW and could not have been prouder of myself until.... The one comment that changed it all and me back to my old habits and I gained 90lbs. ONE COMMENT!!! A co worker said to me in the elevator. You lost so much weight. You look REGULAR now- REGULAR who the F says that!!!!! And unfortunately at that part in my journey all my fragile psyche heard was I wasn't regular before!! And something must be wrong with me. That is why this time I am no longer dieting. I have changed my life for the better and am emotionally more stable. I get frustrated with the scale from time to time. But I know for once I am making the changes to be healthy and happy not a size 2!!

    OMG!!! thats AWFULL!!! some people are so moronic sometimes. Why don't they just shut up instead of saying something that stupid....

  5. As for me, I did all my testing a couple months ago and went to my last pre-op appintment (the one were they explain the pre-op and post-op diets and exercises) in december. Im just waiting for my doc to call me with my surgery date and the OK to start my low-fat diet. Here in Quebec, we have line-ups in our hospitals and not enough doctors so we always have to wait and wait and wait...im SO ready, If only they would just call me now...

  6. Hmm, i'll be able to have all those things according to my doc but in small quantities. She has even suggested to try to find those but in a healthier version like brown rice, wheat tortillas, wheat bread (toasted even better)etc...the only restriction she gave me is carbonated drinks because those do expand the stomach. Maybe that the items you have listed can cause blockage and not stretching???

  7. I did Zumba classes twice a week for 3 months and i liked it. And IT DOES get easier. Actually by the 3rd or 4th time I went, it was easier to catch my breath and could go on for 1 full hour. I also was the biggest in the class! And after a while, you will remember the choreographies.... and everybody looks kinda lost in the first couple of classes, its absolutely normal. But the intention is to move and sweat and that I did !! :-)

  8. I agree. I also get a lot of tips and information to complete what the doc told me so far. I’m one of those people that when I get to the doctors office, they talk for ½ hour than I come out of the office and forgot half of it! This way, if I have a question, or something I dont remember, I come here and almost always find a answer. :)

  9. I understand were you are coming from. Weight has been an issue for me also for the past 10 years or so. Personally I have a different approach. I’m convinced this will work for me. Remember this is a tool and its your job to use it propely. And honnestly, what do you have to lose?? Its better to have tried and failed than never tried at all. Maybe when you’ll see the weight come off it will give you that boost you need to keep going ??

    Keep reading posts and success stories on this site, it will give you encouragement. I know it did it for me. If others did it, why couldn’t I ??

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