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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by doggylover

  1. doggylover

    SO CONFUSED. Doctors...Procedures..oh my!!!

    SAme here. I decided to got for the band mainly because it was less « permanent ». The idea of cutting pieces of me scared me. What if I regret it?? I’m still young, I dont want to spend the rest of my life regretting a decision I made. Still it is a personal decision, try not to be influenced by people around you. You need to read all you can find on both surgeries and figure the one you are most comfortable with. As for the surgeon, don’t base it to much on his personality, base it on his/her experience. Ask how many surgeries he/she did, how long has he been doing these surgeries, what is his success rate, if there’s any other patients of his you could talk to etc…My surgeon is not bubbly, warm or fuzzy. She is strict but is very professional. She takes her surgeries very seriously and wants you to be succesfull. She is also a bit different of what is discribed by many of you here. She has a different diet and methods but i’m totally comfortable with everything she says and if she’s confident, i’m confident it will work. So, my opinion is take your time, read everything and look at the surgeons competence rather than his personality. Be 100% sure of your decision. If you are not, take more time to think about it and do your research. Good luck!
  2. doggylover

    Jan 2013 Surgery Buddy Wanted

    I will be operated 1st or 2nd week of Feb. The date has not been officially confirmed yet but if you want a band-buddy, I would be glad to....or should I say that you would probably more of MY band-buddy since you will have a couple weeks ahead of me
  3. doggylover

    calling banders in below zero temps or near zero

    I've never seen or heard of this. I live just a couple hours from Ontario (we have the same weather) and i'm supprised that I hadn't heard anybody talk about this. I will have to check it out myself. Its -27 today here so it would be perfect to try this...
  4. doggylover

    What are your non-scale goals??

    Sitting in a chair without thinking is it big enough or strong enough Crossing my legs Being able to fin on ALL the rides at the amusement park Fitting in a old pair of jeans I kept from 20 years ago shopping in a regular size clothing store and not the +size Buying a regular bra (I wear the sports bra type because my bra size does not exist in stores (42-44A)) wearing a tank top being able to go to the beach without being embarrassed Start the sport I use to practice and love (biking, hiking,cross-country skiing) without having the impression of having a heart attack and Not always be hot/sweatty when other aren't
  5. doggylover

    Bad Morning...help

    It is sad that you are not even getting support from your family. To have your mother make death threats to you doctor and then disowne you is just awfull. People like that you don’t need around you until you are stronger. Maybe later she will see that you are doing fine and getting healthy she will change her mind. I feel that in your life you have people that love you no matter what and will support you in good times and in bad, then there are others that thrive on you failing and others that don’t care. Try to keep those who love and support you closer and others, just ignore them. For now, whats important is taking care of YOU.
  6. doggylover

    Tomorrow! I'm ready!!

    Got the Magic bullet too! Cant wait to puree my food (how silly this may sound)
  7. It sometimes happen to me with food (for example popcorn). I take my finger and get it unstuck. I can reach wayyyy back there behind my tonsils if I want :-) But you need to control your gag reflexes so you don't throw up....
  8. doggylover

    New here!

    Sorry for all the spelling mistakes...I was typing quickly and did not read my post before posting... :-)
  9. doggylover

    New here!

    i've had anasthesia before and it still stresses me out. I remeber feeling weird for 1-2 days after. If this helps you out in any way, I asked the question to my anasthesist if many die during anasthesia. He said its a rish but its very minimal. almost non-existant. When they operate, the anasthesia team stays there just in case something goes wrong and if there is, they are usually ready to deal with any possible problem that could happen. And if something REALLY bad would happen (like drying for example) they are ready to deal with that also and today, re-animation techniques work very well. So chances of you drying are very slim. I'm not saying this to scare you but these are also thoughts I had and it reassured me. I also have PCOS and have had weight issues since I was diagnosed in 2004. My doctor said that he is confident that WLS will definitely help. Not that i'm super overweight but mostly because of high blood pressure (hereditary) and i'm pre-diabetic (also hereditary) then WLS is a good tool to keep my weight to a healthy level and therefore, will probably stabilize the pressure and the diabetes. I can't wait to get finally banded in January...I feel It will be a new beginning for me. See it that way also. Now your kids will have a healthy/healthier mother :-) Good luck with your decision.
  10. doggylover

    Less than 48 hours away....

    Good luck ladies, can't wait for it to be my turn !!!
  11. doggylover

    Celebrities With Lap Band

    ok, thanks :-)
  12. doggylover

    Celebrities With Lap Band

    What does PB mean? (sorry french is my first language) For me PB mean Peanut Butter so i'm sure this is not what we are talking about :-D
  13. Hope I get that from my clinic. I will ask them next time I see my doc. My last pre-op appointment is dec.21st...
  14. What is that book exactly???
  15. doggylover

    Celebrities With Lap Band

    I had read somewhere that Sharon Osbourne had hers removed because she felt she had the skills to eat right and had got her weight under control. She also said, she did not want to always rely on the band, she needed to do it on her own...
  16. doggylover

    Anyone Out There From Montreal?

    I'm from Sherbrooke but lived in Montréal for more than 7 years. I will be banded here in sherbrooke by DR. Méziat at hotel-Dieu in January (hopefully). May last pre-op appointment is on dec.21st. Any of you had the band with plication?? or just the band?? i'm scheduled for standard band but i've been hearing about plication on this site a lot. It seems to be common in the U.S. but I havent heard anything about it here in canada.....
  17. doggylover

    January 2013 Bandsters

    Hello agan, sorry for my late reply, I had computer problems in the last couple days. Yes, our health care in canada is not the most reliable to say it politely. About 75% of the population does not have a family doctor and are on a neverending list to get one. Anyway, long story. :-/. So this process for me actually started 4 years ago after It (WLS) was suggested by my endocrinologist. It took about 2 years for the obesity clinic to take me in. And I was initially supposed to be operated in september. It got pushed back to October, then november, then december and now january. Hopefully it will happen in january. As for support, the only person I have right now is my husband. But again only my parents, my husband's parents and siblings know. I have chosen to keep it private for now. I am still debating if I will tell the rest of my family. Alcmnch01, I would really enjoy keeping in touch, for now, besides hubby, this site is my support for now. Just reading some of the posts from others helps...
  18. Hello all, My name is Caroline and i’m from Sherbrooke Canada. First of all I would like to appologize for any spelling or grammar errors as english is not my first language. So to make a long story short, i’ve been waiting to get my gastric band since 2010. Here in canada our health system is not the greatest so it is hard to find a doctor, and when you do get one, its usually a LONG process. So for 2+ years I have been monitored by the Obesity Clinic here in town to prepare for WLS. For those 2 years I was in a Gastric Bypass program (suggested by my doctor) but I have recently changed my mind for the band. For me, the band is the way to go. I just couldn’t accept the malabsorbsion part and the nutrient deficiency that comes with GB. And its not like I have 200-300+ pounds to lose either so all of these are factors (among others) that convinced me to go for the band. I have been ready for this now for a few months. I’ve documented myself as much as I could, and still do, to prepare myself for what’s coming and came across this site. A lot of information here!!! Very helpfull. My final pre-op appointment is dec.21st and then they should explain my pre-op diet and confirm a surgery date. So technically, by my calculations, I should be operated sometime in January or February at the latest. Any of you are scheduled around those dates? Any of you from Canada or the province of Québec? Looking forward to talk with all of you! Caroline
  19. doggylover


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