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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. yes I was told not to take anything larger than a baby aspirin.. I bought chewable baby aspirins and I crush my other pills if I can.. I have not taken my diabetic medication because my blood sugar is normal since surgery...You might ask your pharmacists if you can crush your pills or if they come in liquid or chewable...I got stuck on scrambled egg and it is very uncomfortable.. It made me slow down and take smaller bites ...
  2. Sharpie

    Food Question

    My Dr. puts his patients on liquids only for about 4 days post op, then you gradually add creamy foods like puddings.. I am just now on regular foods and I had surgery on Jan 15.. but each Dr. has a different protocal.. sounds like you are doing great...
  3. Sharpie

    coffee n weight loss

    I specifically asked about coffee when I went for my first appt. Dr. said coffee is fine but not soda. which I can live without... coffee would have been a deal breaker... I have mine every morning with truvia and heavy cream (small amt.) I drink about 2 cups each morning , then maybe a cup in the afternoon if our neighbors come over.. no problem with my weight loss and it doesn't seem to make me hungrier... I have lost 23 lbs since surgery on jan. 15.
  4. Sharpie

    Broke 300!!!!!

    Awesome job.. you will be looking at 250 before you know it..
  5. Sharpie


    I normally donate clothing to Hospice but I would be happy to ship Bras to Soma.. please post the address and contact person..I will have some large sizes to donate and they are in good condition.
  6. Sharpie

    Newly Post Ops & Doubts

    yes I was banded on 1/15... the first week or so I thought what in the world was I thinking? but after healing and being pain free, I feel good. I have lost 25 lbs and have more energy than I have had in years... the adjustment to a new way of eating and thinking about food will come and you will be happy that you had the surgery... Keep your eye on the prize as my mother used to say and you will think differently ... I will be getting my first fill on Monday and I am looking forward to moving on to a new phase.
  7. Sharpie

    Cold Food... yuk

    I cannot figure out how to keep my food warm.. I had an egg with some cream of wheat yesterday for breakfast, by the time I had only eaten a little bit, the food was cold.. how can you eat as slow as they want you to and keep your food warm? My nutritionist says to take 1 minute between bites.. well, your food is stone cold by the time you have eaten a little bit..I hate to keep re-warming my food everytime I eat.. what has everyone else done.. I start regular foods in a few days and I am not sure how that is going to work ... I had chili yesterday for lunch and it was stone cold in a few minutes.. yuk....
  8. Sharpie

    people judgmental on what i eat

    I think sometimes people think they are being helpful or showing concern.. even my husband who is so supportive makes dumb remarks sometimes but I'm newly banded and he has always been a feeder so not only do I have to adjust to a different lifestyle so does he.. co-workers or nosy people can be cut off just by saying that you have a Dr. and a nutritionist and that is what you paid them for...the older I get the more I try to be tolerant of ignorant or rude people..
  9. Sharpie

    Cleaning Frenzy~

    Prior to my surgery on Jan 15.. I cleaned closets, drawers, etc.. just was determined to get it all done before I had surgery.. so glad I did it now.. we were able to make room for things in our closets and I even got my linen closet organized... My best friend came down from Alabama and stayed with me when I had my surgery,, she even spent the night with me in the hospital.. My husband is great but can't drive good at night so he went home... so, my house was nice and clean when she came..I also cleaned my bathrooms from top to bottom.. Now I don;t feel too bad taking it easy .. I Have about 2 more weeks of layinng low...
  10. Sharpie

    Protein shakes

    I like the muscle milk and GNC Lean shakes.. both are good and don't leave that after taste.. Muscle milk is like chocolate milk and Lean shake is good too, both have 20 gms protein... low sugar..
  11. I never thought I would make it through the pre-op but I did it and now I am almost 3 weeks post-op . keep your eye on the prize... tomorrow will be another day.. I know it is tough to ignore all the ribbing but think that next year you will be thin and healthy... Take Care honey.. I am rooting for you.
  12. Sharpie

    Old Newbie

    Hi I am 66 and I was banded on 1/15/13.. I had been overweight for about 30 years .. I started having some serious health issues.. my blood sugar was eratic. blood pressure too high and cholesterol and triglycerides too high.. I got to the point that I hurt all the time, feet, legs and back.. couldn't hardly walk anywhere.. I decided I did not want to live the rest of my life this way.. I am happy so far, I have lost 23 lbs and I feel better every day.. today I walked a mile.. doesn;t sound like much for me it was a triumph.. You are not alone and I believe this decision will be the best thing you can do.. join a support group in your area if you have one.. Meeting other people and getting involved will help you with your loneliness and keep you motivated.. Take Care
  13. Jennifer, we have all felt the same way I am sure.. After years of dieting and really trying and failing your feelings are understandable.. I was banded on 1/15 and have lost 23 lbs.. since pre-op so, it will work.. Is it easy yes and no.. I have some days when I am starving.. and other days I cruise through on my 1 cup of food per meal... You will have to make up your mind that this is for the rest of your life and you will feel so good when you reach your goal.. No matter what you are taking a big step and you will be surprised at how successful you can be. Take care of yourself and don't think too far ahead..
  14. Sharpie

    Cold Food... yuk

    yes I certainly can spell Microwave...I felt that some of the long term band folks might give me some ideas.. but that is okay I will figure it out on my own.. I am not stupid just new to the process... Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
  15. Sharpie


    My Dr. Said 6 weeks .. normal walking was okay before but no lifting or tugging.. I plan to start at the gym after my 6 week checkup...
  16. Bailey there is no excuse for rudeness, especially from someone who is supposed to be a care giver. You need to address this with your Dr. If anyone talked to me that way I would make sure everyone in that office knew it.. no matter what her opinion is not the only one...don't you give up and give in to a arrogant attitude... some people get carried away with their so called power.. It's easy to pick on someone who is already having a hard time of it...You have done well and its not unusual from what I have read to have a slow down in weight loss...make sure you journal everything...Best of Luck
  17. yes even as newly banded as I am, (1/15) we had a family birthday dinner last night at a local steak house.. they have excellent steaks.. I used to devour steak, baked potatoe, (loaded) salad with blue cheese , dressing, rolls with cinnamon butter .. then be ready for cake.. last night I ordered mashed potatoes and applesauce (I am not on solid food yet) however my point is I was perfectly happy, I ate about 3/4 of my potatoes some applesauce and when they served the cake of course I did not have it. I didn;t feel deprived or anything.. I could small everyone elses food but it didn't make me hungry. love it...
  18. I doubt it.. unless your surgeon can prove it's causing a chronic rash or some other health problem. it's considered cosmetic surgery so they won't pay... some say you can't even consider that until you are at least a year or two after lap band. I saw a post some time ago about using spanx to help with the tummy skin...good luck
  19. Sharpie

    banded jan 16 th

    I was banded on the 15th and today has been so great.. I had scrambled eggs and grits for breakfast.. drank some v8 before breakfast.. then I have cleaned house, washed my car and enjoyed the beautfiful sunny Fla. weather today...just ate my lunch of re=fried beans with pepper cheese melted ... ohh so good. however, when Mr. Band tells me to stop eating I am paying attention.. it doesn't take much and then you get the burp... however I feel good, not deprived.. I know after all of this I will be a much healthier happier person...
  20. Sharpie

    food items

    I live in Florida, We have Ken's Dressing here.. thank you for reminding me . I love their caesar dressing...
  21. the third day for me was the worst... but it gets better every day. as far as the bm is concerned,, milk of magnesia was the thing that did the trick and trust me it will make you feel better. I had to sleep in my recliner for a few days until my pain got better.. I think about day 4 I got off the pain meds and took liquid tylenol. hang in there you should feel better in a few days...
  22. Sharpie

    Friends and Enemies

    I have told everyone in my family and my best friend about the lapband... my husband is a "feeder".. he's always feeding everyone.. of course he doesn't have a weight problem.. but some of his children do (previous marriage).. he has actually asked me if I wanted a donut the other day... lol I think out of habit.. he quickly corrected himself.. the other issue is I can't control everything he eats, he's a fried chicken, pork chop guy... so I told him if he wanted that he could cook it... I feel great.. I am feeling stronger everyday and you will run into sabotager's everywhere even in your own family... your co workers probably didn't realize that you had been banded, so their gestures were probably not meant to be rude just inconsiderate.....
  23. how wonderful for you to have found the lap band.. you no longer need a cain to walk and you look great... just imagine if you hadn't have done it. Your pictures are inspirational to all of us new banded people.. I can see there is a llight at the end of the tunnell.. I have lost 20 lbs. since pre-op and I got to the Dr. on Monday for my 10 day checkup.....Thanks for posting
  24. My Dr, advised at least 6 weeks without lifting over 10 lbs. I work at home so I am lucky...but I know just from going to the grocery store I was tired... take as much time as you can... make sure you take care of yourself.. after all that is why we got banded..
  25. I was really shocked by the nurse who escorted me to surgery.. she said "wow they must have lowered the bmi requirements for this surgery".. you don't look that overweight.. I said well @ 5' tall and nearly 200 lbs. how fat do I need to be? I guess to some , I didn't look that big but I can tell you I felt it.. my knees and back hurt constantly... could not walk around the house without feeling winded... my diabetes was getting worse and my blood pressure stayed high..so regardless of what other people think your decision is what you feel is right for your future health and well being.. I had my surgery 1 week ago ,, there were a few rough days, but 18 lbs. downn and getting better everyday is worth it.. I know I didn't want to get any fatter... I told my friends and family it was for my health.. and a tad bit vanity.. I'm tired of wearing big ugly clothes... can't wait to shop til I drop...lol

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