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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. I am 5' and I started at 198.8 but I also had diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.. I have lost nearly 50 # since being banded in January.. so, my insurance paid for my surgery..
  2. I am not sure why a surgeon would say those things but the sleeve is fairly new and not really tested for long term success.. I am in a support group and there are a few sleeve patients and by pass.. they all look so bad. their skin is so unhealthy looking and they all have serious malnutrition.. not to say all sleeve or by pass patients are the same because I know there are complications with band patients as well. but so far in the group I am in the band folks are happy and healthy... I think another opinion would be good..
  3. Sharpie


    Good for you girl.. brag away.. As you know this isn't easy but so worth it when you slip into a smaller size.. I shopped with grandkids yesterday too and for some reason I keep looking at size XL which I am no longer.. my daughter said Mom why are you in the wrong size? I said I am not sure if my brain has caught up with my weight loss.. anyways it was great to try on a Medium shirt and it fit.. so I'm Bragging..lol
  4. Sharpie

    Need some advice, please no negeativity!

    everyone has second thoughts .. I should have had my surgery years ago.. I struggled with every diet gimmick out there.even did HCG (real) that is dangerous.. but I was desperate.. finally realized that the lapband was the answer for me.. I knew going in that there might be complications but weighed the pro's and cons.. and at 5'3 at your weight yes you are obese no matter how you carry it.. I am 5'0 and I weight 198 so I was considered obese.. There have been a few negative nellies on here and it's okay to see all sides but don't let someone else's bad experience keep you from doing what is best for you..ask lots of questions of your doctor.. make sure they have a good post op program and nutritionist.. stop reading the really negative posts.. I almost changed my mind too because of another group site that had super negative posts.. but I talked it over with my husband, primary care physician and bariatric surgeon all said go for it.. I am thrilled.. 50 lbs lighter I feel like a new woman ..Best of luck honey
  5. Sharpie

    That Darn Shoulder Pain

    The shoulder pain is from eating too much or too fast..I get it every now and then ..I am 8 months post op.
  6. Not sure it can be done.. since they staple your stomach .. You might ask a Bariatric surgeon .. I have heard of the bypass people getting banded over their bypass..
  7. Sharpie

    Tight in the morning

    I noticed I am a little tight in the morning.. but after my coffee and a little time, I can eat my breakfast as long as I don't eat too fast... I think it's normal for some to be a little tighter in the morning..
  8. Good response.. for someone who didn't want to be attacked .you immediately went on the defensive when Missy makes a perfectly good statement . so what exactly is the purpose of your posts? Do you feel it necessary to "save the world" from the band? My surgeon has been doing bands for many years has a excellent success rate and stands by the band.. He will do sleeve's but believes the band is safer than the sleeve or RNY.. so, I think your point has been made and answered.. No One on here wants to see anyone else fail..I hope you are successful with your sleeve.
  9. Sharpie

    Was it worth it

    when were you banded? how you eat or drink is a big part of the success of the band and yes it is worth it... without the band I would still be obese and suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. not to mention the lack of mobility. If you are past the recovery period and have had a fill you just need to concentrate on protein and chewing and eating slowly. Drinking at least 30 minutes after your meals..
  10. Sharpie

    Im at Goal Baby!

    Excellent.. how pretty you look...Best of Luck and success on your maintenance.
  11. I thought Canada had national health insurance.. so it doesn't cover bariatric surgery? I don't know about their income tax system.. ours allows deductions for medical costs but it has to exceed a % of your income before it counts..
  12. normal when you are just 2 days post op.. sip liquids, get lots of rest, pain can be handled with liquid tylenol or pain meds as prescribed by Dr. you are probably dehydrated which makes you feel hungry.. try getting more fluids..Contact your Dr. if symptoms persist...
  13. Sharpie

    Shrinking your liver.

    at 5'0 on a good day I know about it.. I was 198 lbs and even the nurse who checked me in on the day of my surgery made a comment that I didn't look overweight.. but, I had health issues, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and after losing 50 lbs I have gotten off of my diabetes meds, cut my cholesterol med in half and blood pressure is normal.. it will help you .. Good luck.
  14. Sharpie

    Shrinking your liver.

    Since your starting weight is lower than most (165) your dr. is probably not worried about your liver being too large.. that's probably why you only have 1 week ...
  15. My dr. said NO carbonation.. There are plenty of things to drink that are not carbonated.. fortunately I was never a big soda drinker. I love Wyler's peach tea.. there is also something about water with lemon that I love... I usually exceed my liquid intake every day... which is a good thing except it requires many trips to the bathroom..
  16. yes you can puree anything.. if you want chicken noodle soup, just puree it.. I ate cream of tomatoe and potatoe soup when I was on the creamy stage. just strained the potatoes out...
  17. Sharpie

    my weight

    I would say yes a very good loss... I know you meant 2012.. less than a year and that much loss is excellent... keep up the good work.
  18. The hiccups are my signal to stop eating.. It doesn't happen that often but now and again if I eat too fast they happen.. try slowing down.. You should still be on liquids at 1 week post op so perhaps try drinking slower and perhaps hot beverages...
  19. Sharpie

    Vacationing in Colorado

    Hey Maggie.. I am coming to Colorado in 2 weeks.. My BFF and I are going to Loveland for a week .. We will be staying @ the Dude Ranch and I am happy to say I have lost 50# since Jan with my band.. I thank God also for letting me find a way to regain my health. I will be able to enjoy my vacation and hopefully won't gain any weight while I am gone.. Have a wonderful time.
  20. Sharpie

    Easy as pie!

    My Dr. uses a numbing agent but it's so quick and easy.. I only have 2 cc's there wasn't anything in my band until 6 weeks after surgery... he also will not give me a fill as long as I am losing and not complaining of hunger before 3-4 hours after eating...
  21. Sharpie

    Broke that Barrier!

    way to go...
  22. You are in my prayers.. Good Luck and think of the positive step you are taking towards a healthier life..
  23. I would ask my Dr...
  24. Sharpie

    Questions Asked=Questions Answered

    Good job on doing your own research and asking your Dr. questions.. No matter what anyone else says or experiences you have to worry about you. The dramatic posts are a cry for attention and perhaps they feel some kind of pleasure in scaring people.. but everything in life has risks, but I figured my health was worth a risk.. Take care and keep us posted.
  25. Sharpie

    My Prayer

    I love it...

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