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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    last night's Night Line! OMG!

    yes there are billions of dollars spent on diet gimmicks .. wonder what this would due to your tongue after awhile>? I know I tried all kinds of stuff, including shots, pills, water pills, weight watchers, nutrisystem, etc. nothing was effective long term.. so far me and my band are doing fine and I am hoping this will be my long term answer.. I'm loving life ..I have about 20-25 more lbs to lose...
  2. Sharpie

    How do you....

    reheat with microwave or cover your plate in between bites with a lid or plate.. I especially hate cold eggs so I cover my plate .. I use eggbeaters and just can't stand them cold... other foods are okay cool.
  3. Your weight will not melt off instantly ... and you need to heal first then worry about how much you are losing.. If you follow your Dr's instructions and make sure you drink alot you will lose but average losses are 1-2 lbs a week.. I know I was surprised that it didn't come off quicker too but according to my Dr. it's a better way to lose slowly... I used Milk of Mag for relief of constipation. there are lots of products that will solve that problem...
  4. Sharpie

    skinny fiber

    I haven't heard of them but I know there are so many gimmicks out there it's crazy.. I tried a bunch of stuff from shots to pills to hcg the only thing I never tried was Sensa.. but I had thought about it when I finally said to hell with all of that and decided to get the band.. sooooo happy I did .. down 50 lbs and feel great... I'm on the downside and ready to live a good healthy life again..
  5. Sharpie

    Feeling blah

    come on now.. you are on the downside... just because people don't say anything doesn't mean they don't notice... at first people would say wow you are looking great,, now they are used to me being thinner so not too many comments.. Did you do this to get other people's attention, I doubt it.. you did it for yourself.. so keep on going and ignore the rest of it..
  6. Sharpie

    Happy Birthday

    I hope you had a wonderful day.. congrats on losing 80 lbs...
  7. Sharpie

    bored to death

    yes walking is the best thing to do... or swimming if you have access to a pool..
  8. yes I lost thousands of lbs and regained them too. the band has helped me lose and keep it off... I have not gained a lb since being banded..I hope after I reach my goal I will continue to keep it off.. with the band I have more confidence that I can..
  9. Sharpie

    Must you judge?

    My husband said something the other day like "Are you still losing weight?".. I said yes I am but it's my problem not yours.. don't bug me about this .. I don't bug you about smoking (which I hate). so you just let me do this wihtout any judgement or comments.. he quickly apologized and said he was just wondering since I hadn't said anything lately.. truth is I don't want to jinx myself.. there have been so many diets and "programs" in the past where I failed and I don't want to fail at this... keep your head up and don't worry about it.. Like they say revenge will be when you are happy , healthier and thin..
  10. Sharpie

    Can i eat bananas?

    I have put them in protein shakes.. they are high in potassium which is good for you.. but they do have a fair amount of sugar which might trigger cravings.. but like someone said.. you can eat what your band will tolerate within reason..
  11. Sharpie

    Other peoples opinions

    Opinions are like navel's or A hole's everyone has one.. You will get lots of advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about. Ignore them and move on towards your healthy life... The lapband is the best thing I have ever done for myself.. should have done it years ago before all the diets, pills, shots, fake food, etc. I would have saved myself alot of money and aggrevation., If I saw that woman again I would ask her which surgery she had or if she had a medical degree...lol
  12. Sharpie

    Lost 90lbs with 20 more to go

    You can never be too skinny or too rich..lol just kidding , but really it's no one's business.. my friends are already worrying whether I will get too thin.. I'm a grown woman and I think I can decide how thin I want to be...but I have a little over 20 lbs to go and I'm gonna finish this journey...
  13. Sharpie

    Curious about salad

    I used to like salads but can't do that iceberg lettuce much anymore without having bm issues.. I stick to green beans, brocoli, peas , spinach or greens.. very seldome have salad if I do it's about 1/4 cup...
  14. Sharpie

    Pre OP Weight Lose -

    I think it depends on how obese you are.. I didn't have a set amount to lose either but my bmi wasn't that high.. it's all for shrinking the liver to make surgery easier.. good luck on your upcoming surgery
  15. Carnie Wilson had band over bypass..Seems to be doing well with it.. I have heard of people doing that but don't know the rate of success... Is there a reason why the Dr. doesn't feel she can succeed with just by pass? I would think if she went back to eating after by pass she would be okay..but her Dr. would know better ...
  16. I thought my Nutritionist was also sknny and wouldn't understand however, I found out that she had once been obese and that is why she became a nutritionits.. so I guess before we judge we might not know the whole story.. Mine gave me the basics and said to eat protein first, veg, carbs etc. but also gave me a guideline.. protein should be at last 10% of the caloires.. in other words 200 calories should have 20 gms protein this is for protein drinks and bars, etc. also to eat wheat bread and crackers i you eat those things... however if you do not feel she is being helpful ask for someone else or perhaps go on line good luck with your next appt
  17. Sharpie

    protein bars

    muscle milk has a protein bar low sugar, good protein, my nutritionists says the protein should be about 10% of the total calories.. 200 calories should have 20 gms protein and sugar less than 5 gms.. I have eaten Quest bars but they are a funny texture... cliff bars and some of those are really high in carbs and sugar.. check your labels...
  18. Sharpie

    Just got tweaked...

    Yellowstone is awesome.. glad to know you felt okay out there.. I am leaving next week for Colorado.. my Dr. said no fill until you return.. I am a little loose and have some hunger right now but I am going to take his advise.. I hope I feel okay at that altitude.. I live in Florida (sea level) so it might take me a few days to adjust.
  19. I also chose the band because of the reversibility. I have known people who had by pass and then had cancer and needed to get all the nutrients they could due to the chemo and radiation.. if they cannot get enough they lose too much weight and are at risk for death from malnutrition.. My husband had esophageal cancer and we had to fight daily to keep his weight up enough to overcome the chemo and radiaton so I know first hand how important this is.. I also wanted something that was less invasive.. I have several by pass and sleeve patients in my support group and I gotta say they don't look good.. they always have complaints about not being able to eat.. most are on protein shakes all the time.. I don't want to live on shakes... I eat real food and I have lost 50# no longer a diabetic, blood pressure is back to normal and my PCP cut my cholesterol meds in half.. There are complications with any surgery you just have to decide which path to go down...
  20. You will get lots of support here and motivation.. I was told by the nurse that was checking me in before my surgery that she didn't think I needed it.. can you imagine how I felt? well at close to 200 lbs and only 5' tall on a good day it wasn't healthy.. I told her I thought she was being unprofessional and that my decision was my business.. Of course she was fat and apparently jelous.. just do what is best for you and ask questions..we are all here to help you. And after my first fill I felt a little nausea .. I drank a little protein shake after asking my Dr. it helped..
  21. If you were just banded on the 1st.. I'm not sure if you should be eating mushies or anything ... I was put on liquids for weeks then creamy , mushies and then regular it was about 4 weeks before I could eat real food.. My dr gave me a big book of do's and don'ts once I could eat I tried to change it around.. Best of luck on your journey.. It takes time but so worth it..
  22. so good to hear Joanne.. I was diabetic as well and thanks to my band I no longer take any medication for diabetes or blood pressure..For those who are critical of some of our long term bandsters and most successful.. missy, Carolina girl, etc. They are so helpful and so motivating.. I have seen them been very sympathetic to those who have issues and always refer them to their Dr's .. I have not found any of them to be rude or nasty.. sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.. The only thing I know is.. I would not have gone 8 or 9 years with all of the problems Megan had without getting something done about it.. hope it all works out but I am truly tired of this thread and how negative it has been...
  23. Sharpie


    It all depends on how much you have to lose overall.. also my Dr. said 1-2 lbs a week is good.. you are right on target.. don't compare yourself with others.. weight loss is varied depending on your body.. I have been banded for 7 months and I have lost 50 # and I am extremely happy.. but I only have 25 or so more to lose.. so if it takes awhile I am fine..good luck on your continued success.
  24. Sharpie


    You look great.. having those times with your kids is so important and they grow up so fast.. My "baby" is 40 and thankfully my grandkids and I do alot together so keep on doing what you do it's worth it...
  25. Sharpie

    Wedding Dress NSV

    oh how great for you.. you have done so good.. congratulations and keep up the good work...

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