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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    soft fill question

    You probably won't experience any until you start on regular foods.. Liquids go through easily...
  2. Sharpie

    What to pack for surgery?

    I spent the night so I packed my toothbrush, etc. wore loose clothes and that was about it.. I didn't care about anything but staying comfortable and not have nausea... best of luck.. you will do fine
  3. Sharpie

    Engagement photo dress...

    You are really pretty... You should be very proud of yourself and how far you have come...
  4. Sharpie

    Do you miss favorite foods

    I agree with all of the above.. I eat pretty much what I want.. but not very much of it.. tonight for instance I made Sunday dinner for my family.. 10 in all.. includes grandgirls and boyfriends.. they love my homeade mac n cheese.. so I had to bake ham too.. I had 4 oz of ham maybe a little more.. then about a tablespoon of mac n cheese.. I also had green salad.. made banana pudding too but I did not eat that..just didn't really want it... so I adapt most of my eating to band eating and I am happy as a lark.. no dieting for me ever again... Don't miss soda cause I was never a soda drinker so it has been easy for me.. do love ice cream but I get frozen yogurt (greek) instead and eat a little bit...
  5. Sharpie

    For you AJ

    woo hoo CG ... You are getting so shapely... Good Lord girl look at the difference ... don't you ever talk about yourself negatively again... be proud and loud...
  6. I am not sure how the person you are wanting to help would appreciate your recommendation. sometimes it just makes them mad or hurts their feelings..
  7. Sharpie

    "Old Man"

    Welcome to our group Steve.. There are lots of very helpful people here.. You are not as old as me.. I'm 66 and had my lapband in January 2013... I have lost over 50# and I feel like a new woman.. I had diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and generally felt terrible... at almost 200 lbs and 5' tall on a good day I had to do something or risk losing my mobility and/or my life... I am very happy I did it.. My Dr. took me off of all of my meds..
  8. Or in two weeks you could be on your way to a healthier life.... broad statements like this can scare people into deciding they don't want surgery.. maybe that is the point.. I don't know but all surgeries have the possibility of infections.. apparently something was done wrong... I had my surgery in January, followed all the pre-op and post-op instructions... did not touch my incisions, let the Dr. take the steri strips off and was careful about showering ... so two weeks post op I felt good and was losing weight ..Hopefully the poster will be healed soon and in a better place.. .
  9. The scale is finally being good to me this morning.. I had gained a few pounds while on vacation 3 weeks ago.. I lost those pounds now I am under what I was when I went to Colorado .. I really am so thrilled to have lost what I gained and then some more.. this is the first time I have ever lost weight after gaining... The band works....Side Note: Please keep my friends @ Sylvandale Guest Ranch in Loveland, Colorado in your prayers.. Their beautiful ranch has been devastated by the floods...
  10. Sharpie

    Well Hello Sweet Peas!

    You look great.. I am wondering where your scars are from surgery? no matter what I lose or how I work out I believe I will have some scars at least where my port is...
  11. I was very sick the day of my surgery ... they eventually brought me a phenegran suppository.. but until I got that I was fighting throwing up... it was a horrible feeling... make sure you tell your anesthesiologist. I thought I had told mine but apparently they did not give me anything during surgery...
  12. Sharpie

    Tired all the time!!

    it might be a blood sugar issue.. before the band I felt so sluggish and tired all the time because my blood sugar was too high...
  13. Sharpie

    Disappointed in my friends reactions

    Keli yes by all means talk to them.. I told my best friend immediately.. she totally supported me but she does not have a weight problem.. She had seen my struggle for many years and was concerned for my health .. so, not everyone will be supportive, you have to decide that no matter what anyone thinks this is what is best for you... Take care and if your friends are really your best friends they will come around.. You might even be a good example for them and can help them with their weight issues....
  14. Sharpie


    One of the first things I asked my Surgeon was whether I could have coffee.. He said absolutley .. No problem .. Never heard that coffee causes stomach cancer... I had my surgery in Jan. have not missed a day without coffee...
  15. Sharpie

    WONder land

    Very good.. You will be at your goal before you know it...
  16. Sharpie

    Just curious

    Good Grief how in the world can you eliminate soup or chili? is that just for the first few weeks or permenantly? I eat chili alot, and soup and sometimes protein shakes.. Chili and refried beans saved my life after my liquid phase...
  17. Sharpie

    OMG!!!! Best NSV ever!!!

    good for you...
  18. Sharpie

    Just wondering a few things

    My nutritionist gave me guidelines.. protein should be 10% of total Calories... sugar under 5 grams .. also if you track your calories include everything in your total...my doc says no carbonation but some don't have a problem with it.. I drink water, wyler's peach tea and coffee..
  19. Sharpie

    Scared after reading

    Stacey you have to weight the good over bad.. it is a big decision for sure and exploring all the possibilities is a good thing.. however, don't get caught up in the what if's.. What if you don't have the surgery? What if you do have it? my decision was based on my previous attempts to lose weight and my health ... I was nervous as well, but after attending seminar's and talking with my surgeon my determination to get healthy and feel good about myself was strengthened... I have not had one problem.. If you do what your Dr. tells you and follow the nutritional guidelines you will be successful.
  20. Sharpie

    Day before Surgery

    good luck... you will do great.. it's a few days of discomfort but so worth it..
  21. Sharpie

    Bucket List? Life after Lap Band.

    Get off of all meds.. (accomplished 90%) be able to ride my horse again (accomplished) shop with my grandaughters..(accomplished) bending over to tie shoes, clean tub, etc. (accomplished) yet to get to goal but will get that done before 1 year post op....
  22. Sharpie

    I miss eating...

    Terry I tried the protein shake for breakfast for a few mornings when I was in a hurry, but found myself to be really hungry in a couple of hours.. I pretty much stick with eggbeaters, turkey sausage and wheat toast ..it keeps me happy for 4 hours or more.
  23. Sharpie

    Carbonated Drinks??

    One of the first things I was told by my surgeon was No carbonated beverages, No gum and no drinking during meals.. He said carbonated beverages cause too much gas and can result in band erosion or slippage and gum if accidentally swallowed would need surgical removal (I said Accidentally so don't give me that I never swallow my gum stuff).. anyhow if my surgeon told me to stand on my head and spit wooden nickels I will do it.. I trust him totally, he's done thousands of bands and has a great record of success.. I am so happy to have my band and will be forever grateful that I am on the road to better health... do whatever your Surgeon tells you if you trust them..
  24. Sharpie

    New clothes?

    it took me a few months or so before I could justify buying anything.. however once I went smaller I shipped all of my xl and 1x clothes to my step daughter who has lost 65 lbs .. She is a teacher and needed clothes for work.. I am now in a size 9 petite . I buy cheap stuff like capri's and shorts so I'm not out much money. I am hoping to be down to a size 7 by Christmas.. we will see
  25. Manda this is a common problem I think with weight loss surgery patients.. sometimes your relationship is already having issues prior to weight loss.. It's usually your partner's insecurity that rears it's ugly head.. or jelousy which is one in the same .. You have to be happy with who you are before you can make him happy.. his resistance is based on someone else's opinion the pinhead at the gym is trying to sell trainers, memberships whatever.. your guy is just looking for a reason to be difficult.. do what you feel is the best for you and let the chips fall..

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