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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Would you have WLS again?

    Definately would . I am so much healthier and active... looking forward to getting to my goal...
  2. Sharpie

    Obamacare may deny WLS?

    If Obamacare is run like other Govt. agencies we are all in big trouble... we will not be able to chose our own Dr's and yes there are bureaucrats deciding who lives and who dies.. limiting services for elderly patients is a death panel... As time goes on there will be more and more restrictions.. Good Bye America as we know it...I am scared for my children and their children...
  3. Sharpie

    Obamacare may deny WLS?

    You can be assured that weight loss surgery will be one of the first things to go... My husband who is 80 cannot get treatment for his cancer should it reoccur.. the cut off age is 76... so yes there are death panels and this is supposed to be good for our Country?
  4. I decided on the band because I did not want my stomach removed or rearranged... I have several sleeve folks in my support group.. They are constantly complaining about dumping and nausea.. not sure why but their skin looks bad.. kinda grey looking maybe it's the lack of vitamin B.. They say they take tons of vitamins..however, I think your decision should be based on your personal situation not any other persons experience... Good Luck on your decision.. The Band has saved my life.. I no longer require medication for diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol. I can walk for miles and keep up with my very active grandchildren... yes there is some maintenance but it's not constant.. I have had 2 fills (small) and am now going to the Dr. every 3 months...
  5. Sharpie

    What is your flight protocol?

    I flew to Denver about 4 hours.. didn't know about any restriction on eating or drinking.. didn't seem to affect my band at all... even flying from sea level to mile high...but if you are concerned call your Doc...
  6. Sharpie


    go to Emilybites.com she has tons of meatloaf and mini meatloaf recipes plus some really good mexican and chicken... she converts them to weight watcher friendly....
  7. Sharpie

    My furry son is dying

    I am so sorry for your loss of Chester... We all have animals who become part of our families.. They are always a part of us even after they pass.. You will see him again in heaven I am sure..
  8. emilybites.com converts recipes to weight watchers friendly.. low cal..
  9. Sharpie

    Eating question, PLEASE HELP.

    that is a lot of food .. you should only be eating a cup of food each meal.. You should be careful not to stretch your pouch... at 1 cup you should feel satisfied.. not necessarily full as you know it.. I still have a satisfied feeling not actually full.. but with the band you don't want to feel full...if that makes sense...
  10. My mood is complete happiness.. I am more energetic.. can deal with stressful situations easier.. sounds like you may have either a bloodsugar issue or high blood pressure.. check with your Primary Care Dr. and see if they can figure it out.. My Band was the best gift I gave myself...
  11. Sharpie

    Before I Start

    Best of Luck I know you will do great.. it's been a life changing decision for me.. and T;giving will come and go.. you really will be amazed at how much you won't eat....
  12. Sharpie


    I usually hiccup when I eat too fast..it's a reminder to slow down...
  13. Sharpie


    You look really good to me... I get to go shopping this week for a dress... all of mine are too big.. yahoo...
  14. Sharpie

    hi & thank you all....!!

    Your friends obviously don't really "want" to lose weight and maintain it.. sabotaging you will make them feel better about themselves.. it's an age old problem ...Jelousy is a power emotion..Sometimes you have to not only make changes in your eating behavior but you have to change friends...
  15. Sharpie


    depends on what you will have available.. refrigeration? cooler? are you planning to cook ? I pretty much have turkey sausage and eggbeaters for breakfast.. if all else fails take some good high protein shakes or drinks with you. I also use protein bars if I am where I can't cook. greek yogurt is always a good food to keep your protein level up.. cheese sticks, sometimes jerky if you can tolerate it.. any kind of soup or even chili would work as well.. have fun..
  16. Sharpie


    My Dr. told me not to worry about calories for the first 6 weeks.. mainly get your protein and water in.. also re: gum.. ask your Dr. mine is adament .. No Gum ever.. he said if you swallow it ACIDENTALLY it would require surgery to get it out.. so it's not worth it to me.. He's pretty strict when it comes to the gum and carbonated drinks rule...
  17. Sharpie


    Now Days gallbladder surgery is very easy.. When I had mine out many years ago (prior to banding) it was a major surgery.. I still have a huge scar from it.. so you should do really well and how awesome for you to adopt a baby... God Bless You...
  18. Sharpie

    Long-time bandster

    Fantastic postive post... yes the good thing about the band is the redemption of oneself should you fall off the wagon... it's not 100% guaranteed to stop you from eating but if you use it properly you can greatly reduce the amount you eat and make good choices.. it's about control from what I can tell.
  19. I love when people want advice and then are rude to someone who explains to them that it might be too much to expect ... 1-2 lbs is the normal loss with the band.. some do better if they are heavier they will lose it faster.. but from what I have seen and read most lose 1-2 lbs a week.. that is what I have experienced...I agree that I don't think Missy was being mean to you or rude..
  20. Sharpie

    After my seminar

    Good Luck with the bypass...
  21. Is it me or do we have a unusual amount of band bashing on here lately? I have sympathy for anyone who has health problems no matter why.. however, I must say that I have seen quite a few of these very negative statements lately... we all know the risks involved with any weight loss surgery.. I am here to say that the lapband has saved my life and has been the best decision I have ever made.. My health is 100% improved. no doubt about it... so, hopefully everyone will take these posts with a grain of salt and move towards your own goal of becoming healthier and happier.
  22. Sharpie


    Monday and raining here.. oh well, I have already cleaned my closet , packed up some too big (haha) clothes for hospice and now I will work on my office... weekend will be here again soon...
  23. Sharpie

    Saw an Ex-boyfriend Yesterday

    good for you for walking away.. so he only wants you if you are thin? If he mistreated you before he will do it again.. you are too good for him.. AS I tell my grandkids Men are like buses there will be another one along in a few minutes.. pick one that is the best for you.. keep that confidence and kick him to the curb..
  24. Sharpie

    Small victory.....

    any victory is huge.. no small victories here... we all have the same issues and goal.. get healthier and thinner..
  25. Sharpie

    Calorie requirement

    I do 1100 calories a day and have lost 1 to 1.5 lbs per week. I walk on the treadmill 3 x week and have started doing some light weights... I could probably get by with less calories or more exercise if I want ot lose faster but I am okay with this for now...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
