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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie


    Imagine when you are being walked back to surgical suite the nurse or whatever who escorted me back said wow they must have lowered the standards for lapband... first of all I didn't know what to say but then I thought how rude .. I said well they must have lowered the standards for nursing school as well.. she just stomped off.. I mean really how does anyone especially in the medical profession have the nerve to say something like that... anyway she didn't know me from Adam and didn't know how many years I had fought my weight and developed diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure in the process so as far as I am concerned people who say rude stuff like that can KISS IT...
  2. I have not had heartburn since being banded.. I used to take Prilosec every day prior to that... to be sure, if I were you I would ask my Dr.
  3. wonderful progress.. so you still need to lose 160 lbs .. the good news is you don't need to lose 260 lbs.. anymore. New pants is a wonderful step in the right direction... keep up the good work...
  4. I would make sure you do not have any infection.. however the port area is sore after surgery for awhile. this was my largest incision and it took a little longer to heal... as always check with your Dr. to make sure everything is normal... make sure you are taking your meds and don't strain yourself getting up and down.. use a pillow for support... hope you feel better soon...
  5. yes it seems like there alot of hoops to jump through but I was glad that my Dr. and insurance required a complete pre op plan and made sure that I was healthy enough to have surgery... You will be happy with the results.. I was banded in Jan. 2013, have lost almost 55 lbs and feel better than I have in years.. Best of Luck to you and keep us posted on your progress...
  6. Sharpie

    I can eat

    at 3 weeks post op I'm not sure if you should get a fill or not.. My surgeon would not do a fill until 6 weeks post op and then it was another few weeks after that for me.. I was losing at a sufficient pace and did not feel hungry in between my meals so he waited..I found that drinking helped me .. sometimes it is more head hunger than real hunger... of course as always you go with with your Dr. recommends...Good Luck.
  7. Sharpie

    Beyond Frustrated and irritated

    Missy is absolutley right.. it's your health.. I had a fill of .2 the first time.. so .5 is not the smallest amount... You or your insurance paid for the surgery and after care.. and you should be the boss... I think you are too tight . You must be able to eat and drink without sliming.. a slip is not what you want.. I hope you resolve your issue and move on to a healthier , happier you...
  8. Sharpie

    Do you drink before your meals?

    All Dr's have different instructions.. I was not allowed to eat "real" food for 3 weeks,, started with clear liquids, full liquid then puree'd food and then mushy stuff like scrambled eggs, refried beans. Make sure your Dr wants you to eat this soon.. you are still healing that is why you are not hungry.. ..
  9. Sharpie

    Banded now

    You will feel better in a few days.. move as much as possible.. walk around the house.. use a heating pad on your shoulder it helps.. make sure you keep your bowels moving.. milk of mag or miralax etc. take your pain meds .. sip your liquids all day.. stay hydrated.. I started feeling better and more normal in about 5 days.. remember to follow all of your Dr;s instructions...it will pay off in the end..
  10. Yep eating responsible portions without pain is the key I think.. I've had 2 fills both small.. my Dr. is very conservative and he said the same thing as you Missy... Nobody wants to go through life with so much fill that you can't enjoy eating at all...
  11. Sharpie

    Do you drink before your meals?

    I drink before .. not alot .. I wait at least 30 min or more after.. following the Dr's instructions .. so far , so good...
  12. Sharpie

    NSV - love this one

    love it... I was so depressed over my weight I did not want my picture taken at any event.. I would avoid the camera like the plague.. Now I am getting pictures taken all over the place... Good Luck on your interview..
  13. Sharpie

    Back on carbs.....Darn

    I only use Truvia (Stevia) and I was diabetic so after using splenda, equal etc for years I was having more sugar cravings ..I started using Truvia several years ago and was never a big diet drink person .. I think as long as you are not diabetic a little "real" sugar would be okay.. my nutritionist suggest I eat less than 5 grams in anything I eat.. I adhere to that pretty much.. There is sugar in alot of things you wouldn't think.. check your labels ...even the so called protein, diet products.. fat free is the worst offender.. most of the fat is replaced by sugar..
  14. Sharpie

    The Lap Band is NOT About Restriction

    Missy thanks so much for posting the link.. I have a friend who called me tonight and I was trying to explain the band to him.. He saw me at a dinner the other night and was so surprised to see how much I had lost and how good I looked (his words not mine) anyway he has had weight issues for as long as I have known him and I have always been reluctant to discuss it with him but tonight he called me too ask about the surgery.. I just sent him the link to Dr. Simpson's article because to me it is very clear and self explanatory... Thanks Again
  15. So sorry that you are ill.. I used to have bronchitis quite a bit but for some reason I don't get it as often.. You might want to use a pillow to kind of brace your port area when you cough hard.. I doubt you could cough it loose but you don't want to strain yourself if you can prevent it...
  16. Sharpie

    Multi-Vitamin help!

    one a day for women gummie, vitamin d3 gummie and b12 sublinguel. that's it.. I feel great, have lots of energy and haven't lost my hair...
  17. Sharpie

    Undecided on Protein

    I have been happy with Lean Shakes from GNC or muscle milk lite.. however, I do not drink them on a daily basis.. I eat solid protein, chicken, tuna or fish sometimes beef and small amt of veg's and fruit.. I only drink shakes after a fill or if I am in a super hurry and can't take time to fix something... My nutritionist and Dr. do not want me to rely on shakes for my protein .. liquids will go through the band and then you will lose the feeling of satiety... I also eat greek yogurt and cottage cheese sometimes.
  18. Sharpie


    welcome Jesus... 60 lb loss is wonderful... you will find good helpful people here .. we have some long term bandsters with a world of knowledge and experience.. They are willing to answer questions and give you tips ... lots of motivation as well... take care and keep us posted ...
  19. @Cheryl my insurance has always paid for my fills.. most plans that approved surgery should pay for the after care.. statements that everyone has to pay for fills out of pocket are simply not true.. Obamacare will change the way we all get our healthcare forever... sadly people like Donna will suffer the consequences.. the health care exchanges set up by the Feds will dicatate what and how you receive health care... period...
  20. Sharpie

    work temptations

    yes think about why you had surgery... You can do it.. if you went through the pre-op diet and the surgery you can resist some food... besides you are not healed up enough to eat that kind of food... I would take a walk and make sure you have some protein shakes or something to drink..
  21. Sharpie

    Wooooo Hooooooo

    fantastic.. you are doing great...
  22. Sharpie

    boycotting CVS....

    I didn't like Hillary Care any better so it has nothing to do with my like or dislike of our current President.. I have never seen socialized medicine work anywhere successfully..
  23. Sharpie

    boycotting CVS....

    as far as comparing to Romney Care.. Romneycare was a State program voted on by the State not a National takeover of healthcare.. most people in MA like it.. however, Obamacare is far more dangerous than Romneycare ever thought about being.. read both bills before making comparisons..
  24. Sharpie

    boycotting CVS....

    nobody wants to deny people health care.. it is the way this will be implemented that is wrong.. forcing people to purchase something is socialism... I don't care what anyone tells you this is not about anything but pure control and greed from insurance companies.. you will see when people are paying twice as much as they were (like me )and getting sub standard care... I have read most of the bill.. it's frightening.. my husband had cancer last year thank God he was able to get treatment.. but the new norm will be to deny him due to his age so that is a fact.. if it is run by the govt as well as the post office or theVA we are all screwed...
  25. Sharpie

    boycotting CVS....

    I have never liked CVS they were extremely slow getting RX's filled, charged more than Walgreens or Publix. I get mine filled @ PUblix while I shop they are ready in 30 min tops.. Walgreen's has better prices on things too than CVS.. now that I know they are onboard with Obamacare I will continue to boycott them..

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