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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Left shoulder pain problem

    Sounds like your physician is careful.. I would rather have that than one who just ignores your symptoms.. I agree with Missy sometimes there is a issue that is not band related.. Take Care and hopefully it will be resolved ...
  2. Sharpie

    I did it.....

    Look at you girl.. You are sooooo cute in those coral capri's... I know this has been one of your goals for awhile.. I am so proud of you.. You are my hero....
  3. Sharpie

    My Journey

    It is always difficult when people ask "how did you lose that weight?".. I started this process by being honest... but that is just me.. If you are different and want to be more private than that is okay too... but you have nothing to feel guilty about.. You made the choice to lose weight and get healthy for you not for other people.. I have found a plus to being honest..Several of my friends and acquaintances who have weight issues have asked me about my loss and I told them I had lapband surgery.. the result is 2 of them are now seeking counseling for surgery... I am proud that I can be a positive force for them.. I still have 20 lbs to lose and I know it will be slow but I am content for the first time in years.. I don't stress about eating the wrong thing and I am enjoying life .. Being able to move and do things like normal people is the big plus to having band surgery for me...
  4. Sharpie

    low blood pressure

    yep sometimes it's a potassium issue.. You might try taking some potassium.. if you are not eating foods that contain it.. my blood pressure has improved so much since losing weight.. I was hypertensive before...
  5. Sharpie

    Confused on what surgery to have

    You might need your stomach back in case you develop cancer and need to have chemo or radiation or both.. both treatments are difficult on the patients system and nutrition is a huge part of recovery.. I know that for a fact.. My husband had esophogeal cancer and lost a good deal of weight while taking chemo and radiatiion.. thank god he was able to eat and keep his nutrition up otherwise.. patients who don't do well and can't gain weight usually end up in the hospital being tube fed... so yes there are drawbacks to having 85% of your stomach removed..but everyone has to make their own decision.. some people are not afraid of the more invasive procedures and some like me did not want that... I only take a few vitamins.. multi vitamin. vit d and b12.. that's it...
  6. Honey, we all have eating issues or we wouldn't be here... food addiction is no different than alcohol or smoking or drugs.. something you may have not realized is that the lapband will change your relationship somewhat with food.. I love food but since being banded I don't think about it 24/7... I eat to stay alive, I still enjoy food but not as much.. after you have been eating healthy for awhile you will be surprised how your eating habits will change.. The band is the best thing I have ever done.. I tried every single thing to lose weight and never successfully kept it off long enough to matter.. This is different... Give it serious consideration and there are psychologist and counselors who can probably help with the mental part... You do have to change your eating habits but if you follow the rules and do your very best, I believe you will be successful. Best of Luck....
  7. Sharpie

    Lunch ideas ...

    Refried beans were so good for me.. also I ate chicken salad (made sure it was smooth) egg salad is a great idea and good protein...
  8. Sharpie

    Gas pain in shoulder

    How long has it been since your surgery? I had shoulder pain for about a week.. I used a heating pad and liquid Tylenol for the pain.. occasionally when I eat too fast or a little too much I get a pain in the shoulder but not as much as right after surgery... keep moving and definitely drink.. You will feel much better soon...
  9. My Dr. numbs .. I have had two fills both were painless... Country you need to get assertive.. sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing.. ask for someone else to do your fills or make it clear you want to be numbed and you are not waiting until Nov. If you are hungry all the time you need a fill.. That is what the band is supposed to do, help with your hunger... As I tell my kids ,, nice guys finish last.. Get tough.. Dr's are not God's they are supposed to do their job correctly.. If he can't find the port tell him to do it under Fluoro.. Don't wait until Nov. It's your health and your future success...
  10. Sharpie

    Hello! My name is Julie

    I hope you are approved and can proceed to the next step on your weight loss journey.. It is the best decision I have ever made for myself... As a Mother and Grandmother I always tended to put everone else ahead of me.. now I decided it's time to be happy and healthy... The band has saved my life, I was headed for serious health problems.. Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol... I was on medication for all of it.. felt like hell most of the time.. couldn't get out of my chair,, couldn't walk more than a few trips around the house.. Couldn;t clean my own house ... 55 lbs lost since Jan. and I feel like I am a new person..Use the resources on this site.. lots of experienced successful bandsters on here to help you....Good Luck
  11. Sharpie

    Confused on what surgery to have

    Not sure about the sleeve being pushed by Dr's... seems to me it's probably more $$$$ involved and less aftercare... There are pro's and con's to all WLS but I also did not want 3/4's of my stomach gone...what happens in the long run after that part of the stomach has been un used? I was just wondering about that.. anyone have the answer?
  12. Do you still have your gallbladder? it sounds like gallbladder pain to me.. fairly common with weight loss..I still get shoulder pain if I eat too fast or drink too early after eating... I had my surgery in January so it's been 9 mos for me...
  13. I get part of this okay.. yes I think it's a learning experience for some and some people like to experiment to see what they can get by with.. I have made some bad choices here and there too.. I definately have not drank one soda though and am afraid to do that for fear I will damage my band.. I drink Wyler's sugar free peach tea and lots of water.. coffee in the morning..The part of the band that I like is that I cannot eat large amounts of anything..I get signals like hiccups or uncomfortable feeling when I do...CG and AJ are way more experienced than me.. but common sense is the key here.. Changing behavior is a huge part of the success of your weight loss... You have to make up your mind to do something about the bad behavior.. We all have eating disorders or we wouldn't be here.. so, nobody thinks we are better than anyone else believe me... Take Care of yourself and Only You can do that...
  14. Sharpie


    Had a buffalo burger in Cody Wyoming.. it's really good .. also Elk Meat is better than beef IMO.. Venison is really good if cooked and cleaned right... when we were in Colorado the folks at the ranch raise grass fed beef and it was heaven.. so lean and tender as butter..
  15. If you have made your decision , stay away from negative posts... I'm glad I had my surgery before all the negative stuff came on this board.. You will need some clear liquids, popsicles sugar free of course, heating pad for shoulder pain which you will have some ... liquid tylenol or whatever the Dr. recommends is helpful.. protein shakes after you get to that point...milk of mag or some type of laxative,, sometimes that becomes a problem.. keep asking questions of your Dr. and nutritionist.. make sure you follow their instructions.. Best of Luck and keep us posted...
  16. Sharpie

    How ofter do you weigh

    I weigh every AM to keep me on track.. however if I gained 9 lbs in one day as Cheryl said I'd flip out.. I have never seen that kind of increase even on my worst days of binging pre-band of course... if I am up a few ounces or even a lb I don't freak out I just stay the course...
  17. call them.. it's your body and your health... if you cannot eat it's unhealthy to continue.. You deserve to get the follow up care and I am sure either you or your insurer paid for it...
  18. Sharpie

    Dr. Pedro Kuri Beware

    If the current Surgeon made the statement regarding the stiching,, I would say there is a good chance it was done incorrectly by the Dr. In Mexico.. why would anyone doubt that? yes bands do slip but Jan was not that long ago and if he wasn't at fault why would he hang up on her? Sometimes I wonder why some people always have to argue with people's stories.. is it to prove something? Feelinggood I hope you resolve your issues and are able to stay healthy and motivated to lose your weight.. Take Care
  19. I would be honest.. surely after you start losing weight they will figure it out.. You might have a private conversation with your boss and ask him/her to maintain your privacy... I just don't like making up stories or downright lying... it always comes back to bite you...
  20. The short answer to your question is.. be as honest as you can with your kids.. don't get too graphic and don't go into a long boring speech.. they will zone out on you... keep it simple... my life's motto.. My grandkids knew and they are totally supportive.. They all know I can't drink while eating, use straws and I don't eat fast food... it works for me...
  21. Sharpie

    5 years later...

    My choice was the lapband because I did not want my stomach removed or stapled.. It is never reversible... I had a friend who had cancer after having by pass.. she could not get enough nutrients to help her heal. If she had the band they could have taken the saline out, let her get her nutrients, keep her weight up and receive treatments.. or they could have simply removed the band... I don't think the statistics you were quoted are correct.. but sleeve and RNY patients have many issues,, dumping, malnutrition, and they are required to take tons of vitamins daily.. I currently take a b12, D3, multivitamin.. that's it.. I no longer have to take diabetic medication, blood pressure, high cholesterol... Every WLS has risks... nothing is perfect.. but I am so glad I made the right choice for me.. and I hope you make the right one for you ... Good Luck.
  22. Sharpie

    Starting to get discouraged.

    tracking your food is so important.. I use myfitnesspal.. it really helps me.. I drink water through the day or some kind of tea... the band will not stop you from making bad choices . also if you have a nutritionist at your dr.;s office perhaps you can consult with them..
  23. The anticipation is always worse than the event... getting a fill is so easy.. I still can't feel my port.. and I have lost 55 lbs.. so far...
  24. Sounds like you are on a good start ... As Donna said,, walk and sip.. if you get pain in your shoulder use a heating pad.. I stayed overnight too and glad I did . .I had some nausea and had to be catherized so staying in the hospital was a good thing... we've been there and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask... Good Luck...
  25. milk of magensia will fix that problem.. I felt so much better when I got moving....

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