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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    My 3 month Update

    woo hoo great job...
  2. Sharpie

    Will this work for me?

    I believe the band will enable you to stay on a healthier path.. I have more control and feel like I can keep my weight off.. I had been on every diet known to man.. from WW to HCG to Nutrisystem.. The only one I did not do was Sensa but was considering it.. I finally decided on the Band.. that was 9 mos ago.. I have lost almost 55 lbs and I cannot tell you how empowering the band has been.. Is it easy? no, it is not but easier than being starved and then like Missy says you just get tired of being deprived all the time.. I now pretty much eat what I want but less of it. and I have a better attitude about food.. I don't have to eat the whole pie or cake or 1/2 gallon of ice cream.. I rarely even taste any of those things.. I could never maintain any of my losses before but have not gained even 1 lb since getting banded... Good Luck on whatever decision you make...
  3. Sharpie

    6 months today

    You look so happy... Congratulations on your loss.. it's so great to see the before and after photo's.. it's motivational for those who are just getting started...
  4. Sharpie

    Is it worth it?

    Absolutley, Positively worth it... I am 66 years old, had been on thousands of diets.. Like B52, I had to have WLS to save my life.. I was diabetic, high blood pressue and high cholesterol..after losing nearly 55 lbs since January with the band I no longer take any medications.. I am able to enjoy life .. I can actually walk without panting for breath, I can tie my shoes,, It's not easy but it's doable... I feel in control for the first time in 30 years... I was always small, 5' 0" .. and weighed 93 lbs when I married my husband.. 38 years ago.. I gradually went to 200 lbs. over the years of dieting , losing and regaining for years.. It was the best decision I ever made and I feel confident that as long as I do my part, the band will do it's part...
  5. Sharpie


    yes my Dr. asked me if I smoked.. he won't do the surgery if you smoke... too much risk... Like I tell my husband who is a smoker.. what is the point of trying to get healthy if you are going to ruin your health by smoking...? I used to smoke years ago and kept bronchitis and pneumonia... I hope you will find the strength to quit.. Get healthy and continue to live a good life....
  6. Sharpie

    Feeling great

    Great Job.. Keep it up... You will be at your goal before you know it...
  7. Sharpie


    There is no feeling like going down in size... or buying new smaller clothes...lol..Congratulations and keep up the good work...
  8. I went to several and there were a good number of people there.. since being banded I attend a monthly support group meeting and there are a few sleeve people and by pass.. the rest are bandsters.. I will say that the sleeve and by pass folks seem to have more issues than the bandsters but they lose faster.. Most of them have dumping issues and complain about the amount of vitamins they have to take.. I'm not sure if that is typical or not.. It's important to stay connected to others who have WLS there are lots of tips and information out there...
  9. You look 20 years younger.. so handsome.. keep it up...Great way to motivate others...
  10. Awesome for you... being at goal or below is the best thing ever.. I have about 20 lbs to go but I know I will get there.. My Dr. is also so supportive.. I know I am in good hands..
  11. Sharpie

    Hello From WA :)

    Best of Luck to you... You will do fine.. I have been banded for 9 months and have lost almost 55 lbs.. I am extremely happy that I did it.. Ask questions and come on this site for motivation.. There are lots of others here who have lost over 100 lbs and some have lost over 200 lbs .. they have the experience to answer your questions...
  12. Sharpie


    I am guessing this one day post op diet was what the Dr. instructed? I was on clear liquids.. hot or cold for a week then moved gradually to full liquids.. perhaps you need to back down to clear liquids and see how that works... or call your Dr. or nutritionist to make sure what you supposed to be doing.. vomiting is never good with the band.. if it continues definitely call your Dr.
  13. I had some fear and was nervous prior to being banded.. I was banded in Jan 2013.. It was the best thing I ever did... I had lost and regained for the past 20 years.. My health was getting worse and I wasn;'t getting any younger.. like TMF I had pain and couldn't hardly shop for groceries.. The surgery was actually not bad, recovery was easy and losing 55 lbs has made my life worth living.. no more diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol.. Think of where you will be if you don't have the band.. Can you continue to struggle with your weight and health? complications are not that common no matter what you read on here.. If you are a religious person, pray about your decision...
  14. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    friends of mine got hit with a double premium and 6300 deductible... so who knows.. I am so happy I decided to get my lapband before all of this S hits the fan...
  15. Sharpie

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    Okay,, my list is getting longer but.. a few are: being able to ride my horses again.. , shopping non stop with my grandgirls.. they are always on a Marathon in the Mall. crossing my legs tying my shoes shaving my legs being able to clean my tubs without puffing and huffing. walking around walmart or any other store with no problem.. Saw a man the other day who I hadn't seen in a year.. He did not recognize me at first.. then he stopped and said OMG you look GREAT... that was cool. My daughter tells me she is so proud of me and happy that I am healthier... Love this one...
  16. Sharpie

    Favorite Recipes!!!

    It sounds really good I will have to try it.. I love chicken salad.. I usually buy it in the deli @ Publix.. they have a chicken, tarragon that is really good too.
  17. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    I don't think the website or sign up site is up and running so not sure if anyone can provide info.. Not even the President.. (I am not a racists for everyone's information) but I don't like the Obamacare or the President's policies.. so don't come on here and try your racists BS on me... I am a self employed woman in my 60's who has worked hard for everything I have,, don't want the Govt in my health business.. They obviously can't run a lemonade stand correctly... I am in hopes the so called Affordable Care Ac does something besides make our health care unaffordable to the people who actually work and pay taxes... I somehow doubt it but hey miracles do happen...I think Weight loss surgeries will be at risk..All I know is my insurance has gone up, my friends insurance has gone up and my kids have gone up...
  18. Sharpie

    was stuck pretty bad

    yes I think an hour plus is a long stuck episode.. I have had about 2 times and they were very short.. I cannot imagine how painful for over an hour.. They say if you drink pineapple juice it will dissolve the food in there and let it pass.. I have not tried it but it might be an idea if you get stuck again...
  19. Sharpie

    One year anniversary

    Fantastic,.. Good Job..
  20. Sharpie


    I rarely do salad.. Iceburg lettuce does not work for me.. I can use Romaine and use a little dressing, I would rather eat greens like collards, spinach or kale.. some folks can eat salads just fine but as far as being allowed... everything is allowed if you can tolerate it...
  21. Sharpie

    was stuck pretty bad

    can't do carrots either.. tortilla's I haven't tried.. wonder if they are kinda toasted if that would be better... I love making my own burrito's or enchilada's but have not done that since being banded..
  22. Sharpie

    Off the wagon.

    B52 you are one strong guy... I am not looking forward to the Holidays.. but I have made up my mind that it's only one day and I don't have to eat everything in sight... I cook Thanksgiving for my crowd.. usually 25 or so.. Everyone brings a dish to share and we do the main entre.. Turkey, dressing, giblet gravy. At Christmas we do a buffet .. so, I will probably taste a little of each dish but I feel confident that this year I will not overeat because my band is my reminder....I am hoping I can refrain from overeating and stay in my calorie range.. 1200 ...
  23. Sharpie


    Donna I had a similar problem a few years ago.. I woke up one morning and felt kinda woozy.. got up went to the bathroom and went back to bed for a bit.. when I got up the second time the room was spinning.. I couldn't get to the bathroom unless I crawled. Husband was gone to town, I was alone, scared the heck out of me.. I crawled to the phone and called him to come home.. He knew it was bad when I asked him to call ambulance.. I was thinking, my blood sugar or something maybe a heart attack or stroke.. went to ER, had a cat scan and all test came back negative.. they said it was inner ear.. I was sent to ENT and they put me on Meclazine also.. which for me it worked.. I had fluid in my inner ear.. I sure hope they figure yours out . it's miserable.. yes I agree about aspertame.. people have had migraine's and lots of other issues because of using it... I do not use anything but Truvia...Take care and let us know how you are doing...
  24. Since I was banded I have had more and more people tell me that they were also. The medical profession has many bandsters... I had complete confidence going into the band procedure and I am still extremely glad I made the right decision.
  25. Sharpie

    Confused on what surgery to have

    Okay I will make one more comment on this subject.. When people say oh the aftercare is so much trouble with the band... Really? I go every 3 months.. if I am doing well, losing like I should be and have no problems it's in and out.. If I need a fill it takes about 10 minutes more... then I have to have liquids that day and take it easy the next day on what I eat.. Otherwise the aftercare is no big deal.... I've had hang nails that are more trouble... so if that is what you base your decision on I would tend to look at it realistic.. As time goes on with the band I will be going less and less as long as I am either at goal or do not have issues.. The main thing you have to do with the band is be aware of how much you eat and how fast you eat but isn't that you want ? I wanted a healthy alternative to starving myself to death all the time.. I have never been "starving" since day one...

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