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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    248 people have actually signed up.. Wayne Allen Root has a article about Obamacare and how it was designed to bring down America.. Good read.. look him up... it will scare you ..
  2. Name, real or screen- Mary Lou Sharp Goal Weight for November 30th= 140 Weight on November 1st = 145 Age - 66 City/State- McAlpin, Fla Dietary goal for November- eat more protein, drink more water Exercise Goal for November - more walking Personal goal for November- Enjoy new body and ride my horse more Date banded- January 15, 2013 Total Weight loss since banding/preop diet- 53.8 Favorite Thanksgiving Activity- having family for dinner, playing headbanz with the grandkids..enjoying our children and grandchildren...
  3. Sharpie

    17 months post op

    You are hot mama... I am so impressed with your determination and you inspire so many people.. Your hub takes good pictures too..
  4. Excellent ... You are so much thinner... keep up the good work...
  5. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    Lisa it was more than one person who pulled the race card.. and I call it like I see it.. If you are ignorant enough to call me a racists I will call you a moron.. Nobody knows me or my heart.. I don't have to defend how I feel .. believe me I have debated and discussed the so called Affordable Care Act at nauseum.. sick of it and sick of how divided our Country is now...
  6. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    The race card was pulled throughout his campaigns.. it was all they had.. They had to have a defense against all of the other issues he had... no experience, a 2 year Jr. Senator.. who voted absent throughout his term.. He had no business experience whatsoever,, raised by communist mother and grandparents.. His own minister was and is one of most anti-white people ever... preached hate against whites for 20 years and our President says he didn't know about it.. Seems like after everything that has happned since his election the healthcare law and other things like IRS targeting conservatives, and the list goes on and on ... Some people are waking up.. Sadly if you speak out against anything this President does you are labeled as a racist.. I am sad that we are unable to communicate our concerns about the failed healthcare law without being called names.. You are right Missy anyone who uses that term against anyone who has a different opinion about the ACA and Mr. Obama is a moron...
  7. B52,, I had the refractive lensectomy years ago.. I went to get lasix and they discovered I had cataracts so I got new lenses in both eyes... I have 20/20 vision.. and it has been wonderful.. you will be so happy you had this done...My diabetes is gone.. no more medication, blood sugar stays under 100 all the time.. blood pressure down to normal and cholesterol dropped so much my PCP took me off of Crestor.. I am 66 going on 30.. lol
  8. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    Sadly people weren't paying attention all along.. This was the biggest line of bull ever and the people who follow blindly are in for a rude awakening... unfortunately the rest of us have to suffer along with them...
  9. Sharpie

    Return to work HAHA

    It took me a few days to start getting back to normal.. however, I work at home so it wasn't difficult for me to get in my office chair and work on the computer.. I did get tired easily.. It took at least a week or more for me to start feeling better.. no exercise for 4-6 weeks per my Dr. walking okay... get plenty of rest when you can.. keep yourself comfortable as much as possible.. I found once I got over the first few days and got off pain meds I felt more alert and could do okay with tylenol (liquid ).. heating pad for my shoulder and drinking as much as I could... It will be worth it and you will be so glad you did this for yourself...take care of yourself.. you deserve it...
  10. Sharpie

    Affordable Care Act

    The last time this subject was discussed on here.. Some of the people posted that we who opposed Obamacare were simply racists.. I was very offended by that remark. I am not and have never been a racists.. I treat all people the way I would like to be treated.. No matter what their color.. That being said.. I do not like the Socialistic nature of Obamacare.. It's going to be a train wreck.. There are so many bad things about this law.. I was very disappointed when the Supreme Court ruled it Constitutional.. Never in the history of our Country have we had a "Tax" levied on us to buy something we don't want..If it's so good why are certain people exempt (Mr. President?) Congress, Senate and Staff? I hope the political winds will blow in some new conservatives who will repeal or defund it. This is my belief and if you want to call me a racists for believing that Go for it.. otherwise, open your eyes and ears and minds.. It's not a good law never was and never will be.. God Bless America cause we need it..
  11. Yes I was approved by Medicare and BC with a bmi of 38.9 with 2 comorbidities.. diabetes type 2 and high blood pressure.. Like Missy says contact your bariatric center and see if they can recommend a PCP for you...
  12. Sharpie

    Gall Bladder removed.

    I had mine removed many years ago so I didn't have to worry about it.. but today they simply suck it out your navel.. nothing like the brutal surgery I had...
  13. Sharpie

    Protein bars

    I also like the quest , cookie dough and vanilla crunch.. they have less sugar and more protein than most bars.. some of the protein bars have a huge amount of sugar, which is not good for me. the other protein bars I like are muscle milk but for some reason I can't find them in walmart or anywhere anymore... they were also only about 2 gms of sugar and 20 grams protein...
  14. Sharpie

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    Jim even with the layers you still look thin.. fantastic for you... I am so awed by the amount of weight you have lost.. You are a rock star ....
  15. Sharpie


    Alex I hope the upgrade is really good...after the time and energy spent on it...
  16. Sharpie

    Another step bites the dust!

    congratulations.. 4 and a half years is a long time to wait.. It will be worth it .. If you can wait that long and jump through all the hoops for insurance approval, you will be successful...Good Luck,.
  17. Sharpie

    Gained 2 lbs on Mushies

    You are in the healing phase.. do what is the best for you to do that... skip the scale for awhile.. My dr. said don't be weighing yourself for the first 4-6 weeks.. You will lose and will be at goal before you know it.. I know it's tough and you are scared that you are not going to be successful.. but believe me it will work...take care of yourself..
  18. Sharpie


    I have been on Truvia for a long time.. while on diet soda's and aspertame products my memory was shot.. I had frequent headaches and generally felt terrible.. since switching to Truvia I have regained my memory (not all cause I'm getting older) but started feeling better and had no headaches since.. I am not a Dr or scientist just common sense should tell you that chemicals are not good for you ..as opposed to natural ...
  19. I remember being on a diet for at least 30 years or more.. Nutrisystem, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers (multiple times) Medfast, Metabolic, Dr. Cooper who prescribed b12 shots and speed.. (no kidding), HCG was the latest craze.. lost 50 lbs quickly but put it back on and then some just as quickly...felt like hell.. I don't think there was a diet pill or supplement I did not try.. spent thousands of dollars on all of it.. It's no wonder my body didn't know whether it was pitching or catching ... Deciding to get Lapband Surgery was my last resort to finally getting healthier and happier.. My health was failing fast.. diabetes getting out of control, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.. I would spend most days sitting in my chair, watching tv and sleeping.. what a life... Lapband has saved my life.. I have lost enough weight to send diabetes in remission, my blood pressure and cholesterol have dropped to normal.. It is hard for me to realize that not even a year ago I was so miserable.. If you follow the rules and make an effort to eat good protein and keep the sugar to a minimum you will succeed.. It is a change in lifestyle more than a diet..
  20. Sharpie


    Good For You and keep on Rocking...
  21. Sharpie

    my recent fill

    I have had only 3 fills .. total of 2.5 .. My dr. said it all depends on the person.. I told him I was reading about people who would get 2 or 3 cc or more at a fill.. He said he was very conservative and did not want me to get too tight.. He also said if people think being filled often and alot would make them lose faster or more they were wrong.. I am glad he is careful and each time I have been filled I do great.. no issues. I do notice a difference and if I eat slowly, chew thoroughly and measure my portions I do fine. Sounds like you have a conservative Surgeon as well. You are doing great with a 80 lb loss..
  22. Sharpie

    do vitamins really help?

    No matter what anyone tells you..Vitamins are important,, My Surgeon asked me to take a multivitamin , b12 and D3 each day. I use the fruit flavored gummies and a sublingual b12.. You can't possibly get enough vitamins in the food you are eating because you are not eating that much.. I feel 100% different if I forget to take my vitamins.. Ask your Dr., about this after all he would be the best judge...
  23. Sharpie

    Post op pain

    I work at home too and I kinda worked a little after a few days.. I really didn't feel good for about a week.. You will need to rest as much as possible.. give yourself time to recuperate.. The anesthetic can stay with you a few days or so.. walk around the house as much as possible.. make sure you drink or sip your liquids.. depending on what type of work you do, I would see how I felt...
  24. Sharpie

    What Mushies Are You Eating?

    refried beans with melted cheese and sour cream.. I ate chili too and for breakfast oatmeal...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
