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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Muscle Milk makes protein bars that are good.. however hard to find sometimes... pure protein bars are gross to me.. I like the Quest bars especially the cookie dough and cinnamon roll..
  2. the myfitness pal is a good way to track calories and protein, etc. I think nuts are a good source of protein but like everything else they can be too high in sodium.. 3 cans a week are too much .. solid protein is what my nutritionist told me to do. try eating some chicken salad, tuna salad or egg salad and I have to eat eggbeaters and turkey sausage at breakfast.. protein shakes do not stay with me long enough.. they are okay in a pinch but not every day... You have to look at the sugar content on some of them.. I prefer Muscle Milk or GNC Lean shakes.. high protein, low sugar.. 10% rule applies.. if your shake is 200 calories your protein should be at least 20 gms and less than 5 gms sugar...Good Luck...
  3. Sharpie

    Drinking While Eating

    What your Dr. tells you to do is okay,, If you want to follow his advice that is good for you.. I will continue to follow my Dr's advice which is to wait to drink 30-45 minutes after I eat.. It has worked for me so far and frankly I don't miss drinking while I eat..
  4. Sharpie

    What do you like?

    Love being able to ride my horses Love being able to walk the Mall with my grandaughters Love being able to tie my shoes without losing my breath Love not snoring Love feeling normal size and getting compliments Love feeling in control and not eating everything in sight.. Love being off of all medications. No more diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol Love being able to cook meals for my husband and eating my portion with no problem...
  5. Sharpie

    Question For Alex

    what happened to my ticker??
  6. Sharpie

    Favorite resturants....?!?!

    Ruby Tuesday's has some good choices.. Perkins for breakfast has eggwhite omelettes or eggbeaters omelettes..
  7. Sharpie

    Bought New Jeans, Size 14W!

    Woo Hoo that is what we call a NSV... Fantastic for you.
  8. Can we start a new poll on Who gives a crap about this poll? so a poll is to gather opinions but when opinions are expressed we are told we are too stupid to understand the point of the poll? Anyway I am looking for a way to disconnect from certain peoples posts.. any ideas?
  9. Sharpie

    Gotta Get This Off My Chest

    Sandy most of the people on here do not look at Newbie's any differently.. I am realtively new to the band.. less than a year.. but from the beginning of my journey and signing up for lapbandtalk, I found out who was the "real" experts and who thought they were. I like genuine people and there are quite a few on here.. If someone is tooting their own horn too much that is a sign of insecurity.. Feel pity for them and just ignore the posts... If they get too lengthy and post too much so called "research" I tune it out... CG and Missy can be counted on for good solid advice.. They always say check with your Dr. and I am happy to say that is what I always do... Stay tuned in and don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch....
  10. Sharpie

    Anyone Try The Rx Phentermine And The Band?

    okay I am confused here.. so you have a band but you're taking appetite supressors? Why did you get the band then if you could stay on diet pills and lose? I don't think chemicals will solve your problem.. If you have the band and it's adjusted correctly you should not need to take drugs.. I got the band so I would never have to take anything like that.. I went to a Dr. who prescribed the topomax, combo stuff and I thought I would jump out of my skin.. it was horrible. my regular Dr. had a fit when I heard about it.. too many dangerous side effects for me.. but, hey I'm just working my band and doing fine.. I refuse to go back to diet pills, diaretics, nutrisystem, jenny craig, hcg any of that ever again.
  11. Sharpie

    Anniversary and Before/After

    You look wonderful Dahling... thanks for your informative posts...
  12. Sharpie


    I would discuss it with my surgeon or nutritionist.. I think the main thing is to get your protein in first then some veg's and fruit... keeping the 1 cup rule in place.. but again I would ask.. The adkins diet from what I remember was a lot of protein..
  13. I think we all have those fears.. I almost backed out a couple of times but I kept telling myself that I had to follow through for my health..luckily I had not been on the internet much researching.. because frankly some of the stories on here now would scare the beejesus out of anyone contemplating the band.. I will tell you since being banded my life has done a 180 degree turn around.. no more diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.. I can walk.. around everywhere.. I don't stop all day .. I can ride my horses again and take care of my house.. what a liberating feeling to not worry constantly about what I eat and if it's diet friendly,, etc. I eat what I need and try to eat healthy.. I have not regretted getting my band for one minute.. the first week or so is mentally and physically challenging but you will come through the other side with a new lease on life.. Hang in there and keep us posted...
  14. Not trying to be mean here but Really? When does the advice on here contradict your own Dr.? I was told to refrain from drinking with my meals by my Surgeon.. he is very experienced has had a tremendous success rate and has tons of patients who are successful.. If he tells me to stand on my head and sing yankee doodle that is what I am doing.. New people to this site must get confused on a daily basis by all the so called experts.. It's okay to give general tips but telling people that it's okay to do something even when they were advised not to is reckless..
  15. Sharpie

    Just got back from Seminar

    It depends on your insurance .. if you have to get approved or if you are self pay you could get scheduled pretty fast.. I had to go through approval and psych evaluation and tests but overall it took about 2 months...
  16. Sharpie

    Wendys chili

    One of the other things I used to get was the chicken tortilla soup @ Chicfilet..however they took it off of their menu.. it had good protein, and was very filling.. I talked to someone from Chicfilet and they said it was seasonal.. so hopefully with Winter coming they will put it back on their menu...But Wendy's chili is my only fast food choice at the moment.. haven't even tried taco's or anything like that ..
  17. Sharpie


    I take multivitamin (gummy), D3 (gummy) B12 Sublinguel.. no calcium,, it really causes constipation.. I used milk of mag after surgery to get things moving and as long as I eat some veggies or salads I am pretty regular...
  18. Sharpie


    Great news.. I have lost 55 lbs and that is like carrying a sack of feed around ... what a good feeling to know that you are half way to your goal..
  19. went on vacation in Aug. and I gained about 2 lbs but I gotta say I was surprised it wasn't more.. the food was excellent and I also drank a beer or two and some wine (which I never do).. so all in all it was great.. I did immediately lose the 2 lbs after returning home and getting back on track.. first time I have ever done that after a vacation...
  20. Sharpie

    Go to Foods

    If I am out and about, I can do Wendy's chili. small is enough with a few crackers.. keeps me happy for 3-4 hours.. sometimes I take a protein bar, quest or adkins with me in case I get stuck somewhere I can't get food.. At home I eat yogurt greek - cottage cheese with fruit sometimes.. lunch is either chicken with veggies or salad sometimes I eat tuna salad or chicken salad.. I always prepare, since being banded I don't want to be out and get super hungry.. then you make bad choices...
  21. Sharpie

    Happy with my lap band

    65 lbs makes a big difference in your face and body.. congratulations.. You will be at your goal before you know it...
  22. Sharpie

    Daily reminder......

    nice,, my scale is on the floor so I'd have to stand on my head to read anything taped to it.. lol .. great inspiration
  23. Sharpie

    My success

    wow what a nice figure... I know you will be a beautiful bride.. Congratulations on your success...
  24. Sharpie

    Leftover Candy....???

    I love all of the suggestions.. I am lucky because we live so far out in the woods no kids come to our house for Halloween.. my grandkids go into town to trick or treat.. so I don't have any candy in the house.. but I will say even if I did I think my band helps me make good decisions and keeps me focused on healthier options...
  25. getting off of any medication is a plus.. since being banded in January I have been taken off of my diabetes meds, high blood pressure and cholesterol.... You keep going and you will be so healthy you can't stand it...

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