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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    No more insulin

    Fantastic . I was diabetic as well and have not had to take any medication (metformin or glypcide) for a year . I was on track to start taking insulin before my band surgery.
  2. Normally there would have been some hand laying..lol but I was already a nervous wreck and contemplating bolting out the door.. I just prayed that I would make it to the OR without any incidents. I will pray that you will have a quiet and calm experience.
  3. that is funny.. yes being hungry is part of the post op but I certainly don't think you would have to take off from work..I had a experience with a nurse while getting ready for my surgery. She came to take me to the Operating Room holding area, she looked me up and down and said wow they must have loosened the rules for lapband surgery.. I said what? thinking I didn't hear her right.. she said you don't look like you need surgery. I said I am 5' tall and weigh 200 lbs. what is your criteria? Do I need to weigh 300 lbs? She didn't say anything else.
  4. I think we have all felt the way you are feeling.. at 67 years of age I wondered what I was thinking when I decided to get a lapband. but, after a year and losing 60 lbs I am so happy I went through with it.. the night before my surgery I really thought about backing out.. my best friend came to be with me and she said what will you do if you don't have this surgery? She reminded me of all the diets and gimmicks I had tried through the years and how my health was steadily declining. You will have some days of thinking "why did I do this" but after you start losing those pounds and feeling so much better it will be worth it.. I promise you. We are all here to help you .
  5. Sharpie

    How Do You Beat the Cold?

    Believe it or not, Florida is Cold.. I live in North Florida and we are expecting snow flurries tomorrow.. since losing weight I am colder than normal. I live in my silkies (thermal underwear) and sweats.. double socks for keeping feet warm. I never used to sleep in socks couldn't stand them however, I now wear them 24/7.. I have been making crock pot chili, homeade Soups and Beans and ham...
  6. Sharpie

    Pants on Fire!

    yes she had lapband and I did not know she had it removed.. I just don't like her I think she is flaky and yes she likes to tell "everything" about her life... I'm just not a fan of her or Star Jones.. .
  7. Sharpie

    Back to Work & tired

    yes I have a home office and my own business so I am doubly lucky but after my surgery I had a hard time working all day. It took me a good 2 weeks to feel fairly normal. Take your time, get lots of rest and stay hydrated.. it will get better but it takes time..
  8. lots of things.. cheese's , some turkey rolled up, perhaps some Peanut Butter in celery or wheat crackers.. depends on how far post op you are. I have eaten pizza but very little . hummus is a good idea and I like the baby bell cheese .
  9. Very sorry Donna. I hope you are able to get your health back. I have arthritis and some days I need to take Ibuprofen or Aleve. My Dr. is okay with it as long as I don't overdue it..
  10. Sharpie

    Pants on Fire!

    Maybe she admitted it on "The View" or one of those other shows she's on but I don't watch any of them.. She is still a fake. She's pretty open about her lapband, and has had it removed.
  11. Sharpie

    Pants on Fire!

    Sharon Osbourne comes to mind.. She is now hawking for Adkins when I know she had a lapband years ago.. If someone ask me about my weight loss I am honest with them. I have nothing to hide. I am not ashamed that I took control of my health and had surgery to do it.
  12. Sharpie

    my mri results are in

    good luck and I hope it goes well. I am not sure they empty the band with each surgery but you might call your surgeon and ask them.
  13. Sharpie

    Weight Watchers

    I think of all the diet plans out there WW is probably the most nutritionally balanced. However I was not good at WW because the point thing drove me nuts.. I think you have to be a really structured person and maybe a little anal to follow it. but that is just me. I was never successful on diets of any kind that is why I had the lapband.. I do try to track my calories because If I want something like a piece of cake for a special occasion I can log my meals for the day and see how it's looking for cake...lol The band allows me to eat sensibly with an occasional treat. I do not feel deprived and I am not frustrated by some gimmick diet. so far so good it is working I've lost 60 lbs so far and I feel confident that when I get to my goal I will be able to maintain it.
  14. Sharpie

    I knew I wasn't ready to eat out

    I ate at the Roadhouse about 4 weeks post op but I had mashed potatoes and applesauce.. I can't do much salad even now. I am 1 year post op.. now I can eat at roadhouse, I eat steak bites off of the children's menu and green beans.. no bread or potatoes.
  15. Sharpie

    what's the longest with the band

    Apparently Missy has not been talking to the vets on here.. While she may have had issues it's not normal. We have all seen the statistics and reports and the band is not less successful than other weight loss surgeries. I am always sad when someone comes on here with a story about how horrible the band has been for them..I hope Missy resolves her issues and moves on with her life. For me like so many others the band has saved my life and whether it last a day or another 20 years I am going to be forever grateful for having the chance to get my health back.
  16. Sharpie

    Input needed; protein shakes/iced coffee

    fit frappe.. delicious and good protein.. GNC has the powder.. I also can drink Muscle Milk.. don't like some protein drinks.. GNC Lean Shakes are okay too.The Fit Frappe tastes like Iced Coffee..
  17. Sharpie

    Im baaaaack, with good news!

    Congratulations on making the right step..You will be so happy you made the decision to have Lapband surgery. There are a lot of people on this site that will help you. Let us know how you are doing.
  18. Sharpie

    I will be forever humble and never forget my past...

    Jim you are so right.. I was so aggravated with Penny on the 600 lb life show.. I wanted so much to see her succeed. I know about being obese (not morbidly) and I know she has a very difficult and long road ahead. I sometimes forget that I was also in denial and did not want to follow the rules . Being humble is a good thing and thank you for reminding me. I think I want everyone to have the best outcome with their WLS. I am praying that they have a follow up segment where Penny gets it and is on a path to success...
  19. Sharpie

    Being in Love is Different Now

    I married my best friend.. We are great friends for 10 years and we both had other marriages and divorces during those years. He moved to Chicago and I stayed here in Florida but we always kept in touch.. He came back and we went out for dinner and decided we loved each other.. it was weird but 38 years later it worked. Best of Luck to you and your Friend..
  20. I have two signs that I have eaten enough.. my nose will run and/or I will hiccup.. I try to stop eating before either of those things happen. sometimes the hiccup is from eating too fast. Most of the time I can weight out my 1 cup portion and feel satisfied with that. eating dinner out is trickier but I have gotten pretty good at knowing when to stop. I have gotten a few pressure reminders in my chest . I think you are too new to worry about any of that. when I was newly post op I was lucky to be able to eat much of anything.
  21. Keep your eye on the prize.. If you want this bad enough you will make it through your pre-op diet. I know it was a long time before I actually ate real food. From preop diet on to about 6 weeks total. I didn't think I could do it but I was determined to see it through. I am so glad I did . The reward is health and happiness with yourself and pride in knowing that you are doing it. Best of Luck throughout the rest of your pre=op always follow your Dr.'s instructions.
  22. Sharpie

    Banders Exercise

    I did 45 minutes of Zumba yesterday.. I am a little sore today but I feel good.. I hate going to the Gym so the Zumba will work for now. Once the weather improves I will walk more.. anything we do will keep us on the road to good health.
  23. Sharpie


    Miss Dixie I am from Lake City, Fl 45 min from Gainesville.. what is your status? have you had surgery ? My Surgeon is in Gainesville. you can email me personally if you need to: charhorse@msn.com
  24. Sharpie

    Cold intolerance

    yes believe it or not it is cold in Florida. To me anything below 60 is cold . I am not complaining much cause I know others up North are having way worse weather than we are. Normally in Winter we don't have prolonged cold days but this year is different. I also have less insulation this Winter so I am freezing. I have long underwear and sweats on today. Went to Zumba this morning and wore my long underwear (silkies) and heavy shirt with jeggings.. even after zumba dancing for 45 min I was not warm.
  25. Sharpie

    Example of a Day meal menu

    Being banded will change your appetite somewhat. I eat pretty much what I want but what I want is different than what I used to eat and of course the quantity is much smaller. Typical day : Breakfast- eggbeaters with turkey sausage , one piece of 45 calories bread , coffee, Lunch- homemade chili with some wheat thins, chicken salad or cottage cheese, dinner- Protein (meat or chicken) vegetables and fruit Snacks are sugar free pudding, skinny cow frozen bars or frozenyogurt. sometimes Quest Protein Bars I average 1200 calories a day or less. It's not a diet for me but a lifestyle change.. as opposed to bags of Cookies and crackers, high fat snacks and tons of ice cream .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
