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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Kale Smoothie Tip

    Great idea Terry , Freezing Kale never occurred to me.. I get sick of throwing stuff out . I will have to give that a try..
  2. Sharpie

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    Husband bought me a beautiful ring for Christmas had it sized to a size 5, which I thought would work.. now it's too big.. so back to the jewelry store..
  3. Ice Cream... I love all flavors.. I have bought some skinny cow chocolate truffle bars.. that are pretty darn good but I can get addicted to them also so I don't buy them very often. Otherwise I can eat most anything just don't eat much bread at all and stay away from Pasta.
  4. Sharpie

    allergan lapband id card

    I got mine right away but have never used it.. also in reference to airport screens.. the band does not show up on screen. I either order kids meals or just box up by meals.. or like CHeryl says get an i.d. bracelet.
  5. Sharpie


    CG you have a way with words..lol reminds me of my husband in his younger days.. He still loves Harleys and Titties just can't do much with either one.. lol
  6. Sharpie

    My thoughts on: The Biggest Loser Finale

    My thoughts are very similar to yours.. I think the show is cruel . It is a unrealistic view on obese people. Jillian is a tyrant I think they should have left her off the show period. I like Bob okay and Dovett is a good trainer too. Rachel was going to win from the beginning, she has a competetative personality but I think she looks too thin. I have lost 60 lbs this year it has been slow but steady and I am healthy. Biggest Loser has become a soap opera. All the psycho analysis by these trainers is ridiculous and disingenuius .
  7. Sharpie

    One Year Surgiversary

    oh yes I know exactly how you feel.. I have also been banded a little over a year I am holding at 60 lbs lost but honey I feel like a new person. I have been taken off of diabetes meds and high cholesterol and blood pressure. I can walk all over the place and now I am doing Zumba Dance. I didn't think 60 lbs in a year was so great either but I was wrong. You are doing great and you will meet or exceed your goal this year. Keep your eye on the prize.
  8. Sharpie

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    Hey girl great commercial... You are so right, it's not about being skinny it's your health. I told someone the other day it's not like I intend to model bathing suits but how much longer I live a good quality of life. I love your southern accent. I have been so lucky to have gotten to know you through this group.
  9. Sharpie

    Frustrated with weightloss

    You are doing great.. wish I could lose 6 lbs in a month.. You should be very motivated. I have had months with only 2 lbs loss . As you get closer to your goal you will slow down. Just keep doing whatever you are doing cause it's working...
  10. I think Jillian is full of herself.. I would not want her for a trainer.. I think the show has strayed from the original concept. Too much Psycho babble with each contestant.. working out and eating right is good. They do not show much about their eating habits just focus on gym and exercise. If I did nothing but workout 8-10 hours a day I would lose rapidly too. I think a lot of the contestants re-gain after going home and that would be normal. It's impressive to see how far they go in a short period of time and I know they are healthier in the end. I think Rachel is a competitive person by nature and that is why she won but at what price? I wish they would do something different on that show to show a realistic approach to weight loss...
  11. Had not watched the finale but saw her photo today.. she is too thin.. her bmi is now 18.. transferring one addiction to another is quite common .. lots of people who are addicted to food for instance take up gambling or drinking or something when they lose weight.. it's transferring.. now it looks like she is anorexic.
  12. Sharpie

    Biggest loser winner

    I knew she would win.. I didn't watch it last night but I think Jillian looks unhealthy . sometimes in order to win this thing they go overboard.. Hopefully she will not become anorexic..
  13. My other question is why do none of these people have a job? the husband, mother, father, sister all of them just hang out i the hospital..all day

    1. Debbie3sons


      I am switching between that and he finaly of biggest loser ,, but I can catch up on both of those later if I need to , because I have to go back to cleaning more.

    2. Sharpie


      In the end it looks like the poor girl is going to make it.. She started doing better and her nit wit family got it together.. but I still cannot imagine that many adults in one home that do not work.. where is the money coming from? Are they all on some kind of disability or welfare? it's very sad.

  14. OMG I am watching 600 lb life ,, this poor girl is surrounded by people who have no clue..

  15. Sharpie

    Gainesville, FL

    I had my surgery in Gainesville... I live near Lake City.. Dr. Sarantos @ N. Florida Bariatric Center performed my surgery.. I had my band on Jan 15,2013.. I have lost 60 lbs.. never felt better.
  16. Sharpie

    Where's everyone from?

    McAlpin, Fla. North Fla.
  17. Sharpie

    Made it Through the Super Bowl!

    You Can do it... If you keep your eye on the prize.. the prize is your health... We are all rooting for you.
  18. Sharpie

    Crude comments

    I have had mixed reactions from people who ask "how did you lose so much weight?".. they either are curious or disappointed. The lady at GNC the other day even just shut down when I told her I had lapband. it's just one of those things that sometimes people have preconceived notions about weight loss surgery. I guess unless you lose it like Biggest Loser you aren't legitimate. it doesn't matter what other people think, You and only you are responsble for your health..
  19. I think we have all had the same concerns as you. I also did every diet known to man.. Good Lord the times I thought this is the last diet.. I did WW, Jenny, Nutrisystem (gross food ), I even did HCG.. which worked but I was starving to death.. 500 calories a day will get 1 lb a day off but in the end you feel so deprived you kinda go crazy.. Anyhow, I decided a year ago to get control over my weight.. at 5' tall I was 200 lbs could not afford to get any bigger or they would be rolling me like a bowling ball. I had diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and many aches and pains from carrying to much weight on my little frame. I have lost 60 lbs and I feel like a new woman. no more diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure normal.. I get up every morning with a new outlook on life. I do not have regrets. If I had to pay for the surgery I think I would.
  20. Sharpie

    Pre-Op Diet Starts Today

    Ed I know you will be so happy that you decided to do this. I debated and hem hawed around for months but when I finally made that step I was determined to follow through. My health was at stake. If you look at some of the veterans on here like Jim and CG you will see that they have lost massive amounts of weight and have regained their lives.. Best to you and we are all here to help you on your journey..
  21. first Step was a support meeting held at the bariatric center. Then appt with Surgeon to discuss which surgery. I opted for Band . then it was bloodwork, pulmonary study, psychiatic exam, upper GI, EKG .. I think some of these tests were because of my other health issues and age. However there are certain things that I think should be done regardless. I was happy that they took all precautions. Best of Luck to you and we are all here to help. Been the best thing I have ever done..
  22. absolutely re submit.. my bmi was 37 but I had diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.. If your asthma etc is documented you can possibly be approved. Best of Luck.
  23. Sharpie

    3 Years Today

    Congrats B, you are always so inspirational but blunt.. I am happy to hear a positive story . Everything you are saying is true, I have had to change my lifetime habits with food.. Eating too fast, eating too big of bites and drinking while eating will get you stuck and having the band will not prevent you from sitting down and eating a bunch of ice cream or chips.. I continue to check myself daily. I haven't quite got the gym thing yet but maybe one day I will get inspired to work out. Thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge.
  24. Sharpie

    Today is lap band day!

    Yes you are lucky.. You will do great. Best of Luck and I have you in my prayers. You will not regret your decision to get healthy and happy.
  25. I would make some calls and do some research. I researched my surgeon before making any decision. It's your health and you should be in control. What part of Florida are you in? It should be easy to go the State Regulation website and see if there are claims against him here.

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