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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie


    From the album: Sharpie

    taken while on vacation in Colorado 50 lbs lost
  2. Sharpie

    SLIMBAND?! Don't do it.

    This is unfortunate and good for you for spreading the word.. I hope anyone considering using them will look into their practice further. This process is difficult enough without worrying about whether your post op care will be good.
  3. Sharpie

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    well maybe kidney stone? hope you feel better soon.
  4. Sharpie


    From the album: Sharpie

  5. Sharpie

    Crud.... Here we go again!

    have them check your gallbladder.. sounds like it could be what is wrong.
  6. Sharpie

    My new walking partner

    love it Cheryl.. We rescued a dog that someone threw out.. he is the best dog and even though he had some issues with chewing and tremendous fear he has become my husband's partner.. I know you will enjoy your new boy.
  7. Sharpie

    Pictures Speak Volumes!

    awesome big difference.. keep on dreaming and working.. I love to see the photo's...
  8. Sharpie

    Pictures Speak Volumes!

    awesome big difference.. keep on dreaming and working.. I love to see the photo's...
  9. Sharpie

    Lost my mojo. Can you help me find it?

    Come on Kristol you weight 188? that was lower than where I started. You can absolutely work your band. I personally would not want bypass surgery unless it was an emergency. Breaks ups and life in General suck sometimes but you have to love yourself enough to want to be healthy and thin.. Get back on that horse honey and you will be way better off than having a major surgery. Carnie Wilson had bypass and ate her way back up to her original weight and then some.. She now has a band over the bypass. There is no fool proof system. Your Surgeon wants to make $$$$ ....
  10. Sharpie

    Sick a lot!

    nausea can sometimes happen post op however they should have prescribed a anti-nausea medication for you. Call your Dr. today if possible. throwing up is never good with the band.
  11. at age 66 I chose the Lapband. I had done everything to lose weight for 25 years. I had hired personal trainers, worked out and did weight watchers, Jenny, Nutrisystem, metabolic , shots pills and every gimmick advertised on TV. Nothing worked. while working out I did gain some muscles but my weight stayed pretty much the same. After talking with a friend who had lapband and lost 115 lbs I knew I had to do it. My diabetes was getting out of control, cholesterol was high, blood pressure was high. I was tired of being fat and tired of not being able to do anything with my grandkids and clothes shopping was torture. Okay, I had my surgery last Jan. lost 60 lbs so far, feel like a new person. I have had no issues with the band. Is it easy? no you have to Want it. Not really what I consider a diet but your choices are easier to make due to the appetite or portion controlling feature of the band. I also attend a support group once a month. The majority of the group are band patients but there are some sleeve patients and a by pass patient. I am not sure if it's normal but the sleeve and by pass folks have a hard time with malabsorption and take a ton of Vitamins. I take b12, D and a Multivitamin. that is it. They also have a drained look and some complain of pain when they eat. I just wanted to have a less invasive procedure that would be reversible in case I needed to be able to eat (cancer etc. ). You must look at your future and decide what you believe would be the best course of action. We are here to help.
  12. Mac your port is under the longest incision site. don't remove the steri strips.. I am sure they told you that. Sounds like you have had a good experience. I had some pain but mild enough for Tylenol. Once I got moving and starting drinking I felt better. If you experience shoulder pain, use a heating pad it will help . Best of Luck to you.
  13. I think "sense" was the only plan I missed.. lol people who try that say it's awful. Here is what works.. eat less, move more and with the help of my band I can do that.
  14. Sharpie

    Eating out

    I like Quest but some people don't like them. Protein, calories and no sugar are all good with them. They have lots of flavors such as chocolate chip cookie dough, strawberry cheesecake and my favorite chocolate chunk, taste like a brownie..GNC carries them.
  15. TMF I forgot about all the workout equipment, hand weights, personal trainers, gym memberships, etc. If I had all the money I have spent over the past 25 years trying to lose weight I would be a wealthy woman..
  16. Sharpie

    Eating out

    I also can eat @ Chic Fil A. Their chicken tortilla Soup is great, only 260 calories and packed with Protein. Wendy's chili is also a good protein. stay away from McDonald's if possible. If you can't get grilled chicken wrap and eat everything but the tortilla. Protein Bars are my saving grace. When I am busy and going to my grandkids ball games or cheering I always pack a bar and some Water so I won't be tempted to hit the snack bar ..
  17. ok here goes..Nutrisystem. food taste like crap.. expensive and teaches you nothing about nutrition and proper eating.. Same with Jenny Craig only more expensive food. HCG , 500 calories a day for 21 days will make you lose weight and your mind. not sure why it works other than the low calories, not much hunger but very tired and cranky . lost hair and immediately gained when I went off of it.. B12 shots and phentermine under Dr's care. lost weight but my heart raced and I was so wired I couldn't sleep. Did WW too but the point thing drove me nuts then when I went to meetings someone would lose a 1/4 of a lb and they would throw a party woo hoo.. I did a metabolic diet one time years ago which was mostly Protein shakes, bars and meals. It worked okay but again unless you live on that forever you will regain weight. I tried Adkins years ago and never had ketosis, but I did lose weight but never kept it off.. I wanted to eat a loaf of bread afterwards..Pretty much any and every gimmick and diet plan out there I Have tried.. So far the band has worked for me. Maybe because I stick to the rules and have less hunger and control.
  18. Sharpie

    Peanut butter

    love it .. peanut butter for me is heaven
  19. Good for you on finding it. Husband bought me a beautiful new ring for Christmas with chocolate diamonds. I had it sized then but now it's too big again so I am going to wait til I get to my goal before I get it sized again.
  20. Sharpie

    Start of my new life

    Good Luck you will do fine. You will be on your way to a whole new you before you know it.
  21. Sharpie


    My surgeon never told me to stay away from Caffeine. In fact I told him up front that if that was part of the deal it would be a deal breaker for me. Not that I drink a lot of it but my morning coffee is a must. Actually what I said to him was look doc at my age (67) there isn't much left, can't smoke, drink and sex is not what it used to be so if coffee is taken away I might as well give up..lol. he laughed.
  22. Sharpie

    A Panic for nothing ....

    I rarely eat Protein bars. I do have some Quest chocolate chunk on hand to use if I am out and about and need a boost or to keep me from eating fast food. sugar content on most so called protein bars is very high. My nutritionist warned me about that. I try to keep sugar down to 5 grams or less.
  23. Sharpie

    A Panic for nothing ....

    I hope you get it fixed.. I was thinking I might need a fill too , just not losing much at all and starting to feel hungry . snacking here and there.. I am calling my surgeon tomorrow to see if I can get a small fill. I don't want to go backwards I need to lose the last 15 lbs or so before summer.
  24. Sharpie

    Doesn't She Need A Wig Cap?

    oh honey your sister was lucky to have so much love and protection. losing siblings or children and even parents is so difficult. You must know she is in a better place... Bless You and each day will bring peace to you I am sure. We have lost children and my sister in the last few years and it is always a hole in my heart but each day gets better.
  25. Sharpie

    6 year bandiversary!

    fantastic... looks like you were on a cruise in that 2nd photo... wonderful to see a long term bander doing well. I still get negative feedback about mine but I am extremely happy . 60 lbs lost . Best of luck to you and let us know periodically how you are doing.

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