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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Vegetarian Chili

    Cheryl I love chili and this sounds really good I will give it a try.. I didn't think I would ever like vegan anything but I am slowly eating less and less meat.. I use turkey now instead of beef in a lot of recipes. I also eat lots of fish..which I never did before being banded. Thanks for the recipe
  2. Sharpie

    No weightloss

    Use MyFitnessPal and you can track your calories.. I don't want to check calories all the time but it keeps me from overeating. My last fill has made a difference and I can tell I have more restriction. Hopefully your next fill will help you. I think we don't think we are eating much but it's also what you eat not how much.. Also if they have a nutritionist on the staff ask for a consult. They have some good ideas on Protein rich foods and what is best for you.
  3. I can eat most things except dry chicken (fried) but I recently had a fill and I am really careful or I will get stuck. It is difficult to learn to slow down and chew well. My nutritionist and Dr. would prefer we stay away from Protein shakes all the time. They want me to learn to eat like a normal person as much as possible. I do shakes when I have to after a fill or if I can in a super hurry and need some protein. I make smoothies sometimes with banana, Peanut Butter and Protein powder with silk soy milk. it's a good source of protein and taste good too. otherwise I stay away from things like pizza, Pasta, Rice .. I do eat potatoes now and again but very small amounts. I feel good and I take all of my required Vitamins so I have tons of energy.
  4. Sharpie

    Visiting austria ? Protien

    I think if you google something like health food or bariatric food in Austria you will find some answers. sounds like a great trip. We went to Cologne, Germany many years ago and the town was beautiful and the people were warm and friendly.
  5. Sharpie


    This is kinda like criticizing someone's child when yours is not grown yet.. She hopefully will not experience any of the down sides to bypass.. but, if she does I doubt you would be a "told you so" type of person . but, she is . I am not sure I could keep quiet and let her dig on me. You need to explain to her how you are feeling and if she continues kick her to the curb.
  6. yes I saw some people last night at a meeting that hadn't seen me since I had my surgery.. They were raving about how good I looked. Several asked how I did it, I told them I had lapband. One lady even said wow I would never do that. Is said well if you had diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and couldn't walk from your car to the store you might.. She was not small and I must have hit a nerve because she disappeared. Honestly I think we spend so much time trying not to be noticed when we are obese that is overwhelming to be noticed so much. It will subside once people get used to the new you. Then we will feel a little sad. I think as time goes on and everyone gets used to your new appearance you will feel more normal also. take the compliments, ignore the rudeness and keep on doing what is best for you.
  7. Everyone's statements are right.. WLS is difficult no matter what you have. my experience has been positive. I have lost 60 lbs of the 75 I needed to lose. I feel like a million bucks.. I take 3 Vitamins a day.. B12, D & Multivitamin.. I do not live on Protein shakes and bars. I do not have dumping syndrome. Most people say I look much younger and that I look healthy . I belong to a support group and we have sleeve patients, bypass and lapband. In that group the sleeve people complain about what they can and cannot eat. How much dumping they have and frankly most don't look well. The bypass person is relatively quiet but now and then talks about their Protein drinks all day.. She has a drawn look but she had 250 lbs to lose so her skin is very saggy. I got the band because it is reversible. Hopefully I will continue to be successful with my band..
  8. yes I have an addiction to shoes and purses but that has always been the case but now clothes are also very tempting.. I am trying to refrain from shopping because I know I will get smaller.
  9. Sharpie

    Progress so far

    wow girl you look wonderful.. I know you feel better too.
  10. so sorry.. kick him to the curb.. you deserve better .
  11. Sharpie

    Quest bars are Poo Bombs

    just bought some Cookies n cream Quest bars today.. and yes they will cause some gas and constipation if eaten too much. I use them as a quick pick me up if I am on the run. They are a good Protein source and will keep me from reaching for something bad . I really like the chocolate chunks
  12. I have already done some of my bucket list.. went to Colorado last summer to a dude ranch .. rode horse, herded cattle, spent the night under the stars. this year we are going to Alaska.. cruising from seattle to Alaska. I want to see the whales, see the glaciers and just enjoy a cruise without worrying about gaining 20 lbs. I am more active and way happier than I have been for at least 25 years. went to a horsemanship training show all weekend, bought some neat clothes and new boots.. its a great feeling to be able to buy things in a normal size.. love it.
  13. Sharpie

    hiccups after I drink water

    Hiccups are my stop signal.. but yours is probably from drinking too fast. At the early stages you have to be careful not to gulp or eat too fast. I still get hiccups if I eat too fast or don't chew enough. I usually have to stop eating... my surgery was a year ago.
  14. Sharpie

    my 600 pound life

    yes he finally got better and they got back together. I am amazed that some of the patients have so much to overcome with the tremendous amount of weight to lose and the surgeries they endure. They have such a long road ahead and thankfully the Dr. in Houston is willing to help them. I always feel so grateful that I tackled my weight before it got that bad. Some of the patients are frustrating to watch because they are so resistant but eventually they come around. Not sure if Penny ever did she was the worst I had seen. Problem was she was an "expert" at diets and was rude to the nutritionist. I always watch and pray they are successful.
  15. yes the shoulder pain is a part of the post op deal. I used a heating pad and walked as much as possible. I occasionally get the shoulder pain when I overeat . it's a reminder for me to back off.. I did take Tylenol and it seemed to help.
  16. Sharpie

    Taste and smell gone

    I doubt this is band related. when I had pneumonia I lost my taste and smell it was a miserable week.. I couldn't taste or smell anything.. my morning coffee was like drinking warm dishwater. check with your primary physician and hopefully they can figure it out. it took several weeks for mine to get better.
  17. Sharpie

    Sweet spot

    I don't actually know I know he gave me 1 cc last fill said it was the max to give. but I hadn't had a fill in 5 months. I think I only had about 1 cc in before so maybe 2 cc's.. I've only had 3 fills..
  18. Sharpie

    Words of encouragement

    Cheryl great statement.. everything you said I have found out. I knew going in that it wasn't the easy ride people think but I did think I would not be hungry. the sacrifices are well worth the rewards.. I do not ever want to go back to being obese. my life is so much better than before as far as mobility and feeling better. no more diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.. I am praying that this will be the lifetime change I needed.
  19. I think you have to adopt a life long habit of eating healthy.. maybe once at goal you can sneak in an occasional treat but don't go hog wild. I am about 15 lbs from my goal (not my Dr's) he says do what I think is good for me. at my age (67) and height 5' on a good day getting too thin is not good (as if that will happen).. I am hoping to get to my healthy weight in the next few months. At that point I will probably continue doing what I am doing unless I start to lose too much at that point I will add some Protein.
  20. Sharpie

    Here is my TV Commercial--update

    Very well said Jaimilyne.. I agree. CG has been my inspiration from day one. I knew that if I didn't succeed I'd have to answer to her..lol. as she says "Woman Up"...
  21. Sharpie

    Surgery tomorrow

    You will be surprised at how little you care about food.. during the healing phase it won't be difficult. just sip on liquids all day and move as much as possible. For the gas pain use a heating pad and walk around the house. otherwise get plenty of rest don't try to overdo and concentrate on healing not losing weight. Very Happy for you . Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.
  22. Sharpie

    Foods that aren't good after band.

    I still love good food.. hope that I never lose my interest in eating. I had pneumonia in Nov. and lost my sense of taste.. boy that was miserable.. loss of appetite completely is not healthy. I have changed my taste for crap food for sure. getting off of Sugar is the biggest change and I can tell if I do eat something sugary how my body reacts that it's not good for me. I eat better foods and healthier but I still love food. I cook more than I ever did before the band. My husband loves it but he needs to gain weight so It's good . I have always loved ice cream and still do but I know it's not good for me. I eat frozen yogurt yasso or skinny cow but in limited amounts. I doubt I could eat a hamburger and fries. I do love chic filet chicken tortilla Soup and Wendy's chili those are the only fast food items I will eat. but we are all different that is what makes the world go around. Eating less and healthy is the key to being successful with the band..
  23. Sharpie

    70 lbs GONE!

    wonderful for you. it's totally amazing how weight loss affects so many parts of our body. Great Job and keep on going til you reach your goal.
  24. sorry that didn't help. I am not sure who would be the best person to go to for the answer. I know reading the rules and regulations will make no sense. Do they have a patient account person @ the center? if not see if the hospital has someone in their accounting department who is familiar with Medicare...
  25. You need to realize that the sleeve is a permanent thing.. you lose 85% of your stomach.. (yikes) . What if God Forbid you get cancer or some other disease that would require you to stay nourished to survive.. (my husband had esophageal cancer and lost a ton of weight).. had he not been able to get nourishment doubt he would have made it. That is the downside of the sleeve for me. I think the Sleeve works for some just like the band works for others but I chose the band because it was minimally invasive.. have not found the follow up to be a big deal.. I have only had 3 fills (small) and I have lost almost 60 lbs..I attend a support group once a month we have sleeve and by pass patients along with bandsters. the sleeve people are complaining about feeling sick after each meal and the by pass folks are taking a butt load of Vitamins and supplements.. plus they both have dumping syndrome.. I think she is wrong about Medicare but ask someone who works with Medicare because the rules are different for different people. In the end it's what you can live with and /or live without.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
