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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    I cried for an obese man

    While we all want to share our success with WLS I doubt back in my heavy days if someone came up to me and said have you considered WLS I would have been p'd off. It took many years for me to face my problem and most people have to make their own decision as to when it is time. My stepdaughter was almost 300 lbs @ 5'3 and my husband told me I should tell her to have lapband.. I said absolutely not. She would have resented me for interfering in her life and probably wouldn't listen. She is now on a weight loss plan and has lost 85 lbs through dieting and exercise.. I am so proud of her and I pray it last. But now and again we consult on nutrition but I still do not give her advice.
  2. Sharpie


    my port is on my left side I cannot feel it.. sharp pains are not normal. I had some soreness around my incisions but nothing major. if the pain continues, you need to call your Dr.
  3. you are a beautiful woman... Congratulations on your success..
  4. Sharpie

    Newbie aged 65

    I am 67 had my band Jan 15, 2013. I am soooo glad I did. I have lost 60 lbs. feel like a million bucks. I am off of my diabetic meds, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I am taking Zumba and walking and have tons of energy. Come on girl, if you want to feel better and live longer go for it. Medicare will pay for it if your BMI is 40 or above or it can be lower if you have other health issues.. I hope you will keep us informed..
  5. Seriously I do not think Cheryl was trying to scold you. I know we all have been there and done that with JC, WW, Nutrisystem, and HCG every program known to man has been tried. I got the band so I could get a different approach and maintain my weight loss. So far, so good. I do once in awhile eat lean cuisine but frankly mashed potatoes, Pasta and all that other stuff in those meals including JC are not particularly healthy. Most of the pre-packaged meals are very high in sodium.. But, the person you should consult would be the Nutritionist if they have one on Staff where you had surgery. I think JC and Nutrisystem are really expensive but if you are willing to pay for the convenience that is up to you. We all try to guide people in the right direction and sorry we did not give you the answer you were expecting but we are an opinionated bunch and that is what I like about this group.. Cheryl and TMF have had great success and I guess I would say I have too, I have Iost 60 lbs this year and maintained it.. Through the holidays, special occasions and every family dinner I never vary . Good Luck in your future journey to better health and keep us posted. Don't get mad at us if we are trying to help you.
  6. yes I thought having the band would prevent me from ever enjoying food again. I actually mourned for about a week after my surgery . but as time goes on and you start recuperating you will be able to enjoy some of your favorites but in limited amounts. Frankly my taste has changed so much that most things I thought I couldn't live without don't even appeal to me anymore. I loved , loved, loved ice cream and now it's hum drum.. ate a little at my granddaughter's birthday party last Sat. and it actually made me kind yukky.. so, if you stay determined to get healthier and skinnier you will work it out. Best of Luck.
  7. Sharpie

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    a year ago I was so traumatized every time I got an invitation to go anywhere because I knew I would not be able to find clothes that looked good on me.. The last event I attended was a dinner for our Congressman.. I had to wear a black dress that looked like a moo moo and I felt like mooing... got an invitation to go to a fund raiser tonight and it's a western themed bbq so it's blue jeans and boots.. I just bought new boots and I can now wear skinny jeans.. I am so excited to be able to just slip them babies on and go. I will try to get photo's.. I am also thankful for my new life and how much fun it is to go places without stressing about what I can wear. love it. I also might add I have tons of energy and am anticipating Spring arriving so I can get outside more. I have tons of yard work to do .
  8. Sharpie


    once I could eat normal foods post op I ate wolf brand chili with shredded cheese melted on it.. then I started eating Wendy's chili, Chic Filet chicken tortilla Soup and diet lemonade .. sometimes I can get chicken nuggets but the grilled are too dry for me.
  9. Sharpie


    yes the chicken tortilla soup is seasonal so I try to get it often.. going today and buying a couple of large containers and I will freeze it... I need to find a good recipe so I can make it..
  10. Sharpie


    The chicken tortilla Soup is the best for bandsters.. it's high Protein, low calories and filling.. I have the small size and a diet lemonade and I feel sinful. anytime I am near Chic Filet at lunch time I go in for some soup... I have eaten the child's chicken nuggets (grilled) but they are really dry. otherwise Wendy's has the best chili around...
  11. Sharpie

    Lapband Failures

    From what I am reading the band did not fail you, you failed the band. We all expect to lose magically without effort but that is not reality. If there is nothing wrong with your band and you haven't had a fill or a checkup in 5 years you should contact another Dr. and start working the band like it was intended. I am not sure the purpose of asking for other people who have "failed" bands but I hope you don't give up and want others to verify your diagnosis of a "failed" band. Some people do indeed have slips and issues with the band no doubt just like other WLS there are bound to be failures . Some are from patient non compliance and others are truly a fail from some other cause. Before I gave up though I would consult with another surgeon and make sure your band is no slipped. Best of Luck to you in the future. I am a 67 year old woman who had some of the same medical issues as you and I am no longer on any medication thanks to my Band.
  12. Sharpie

    My success pics/mini story

    Wonderful success story..you look great. The loose skin issue is something we all have to deal with. I have decided that unless mine gets really bad I am not going to worry about it but I have lost 60 lbs not 168.. and you are much younger than I am so you would be a good candidate for skin removal. Love your honesty and approach to exercise. I am hoping once the weather warms up I can get more walking in.
  13. Sharpie

    Should I say "Thanks Hernia"?

    Karen very good news.. You sound determined to take control of your weight and health. I wish you the very best success and keep us posted. There are a lot of experienced bandsters on here who are happy to answer questions.
  14. MissPretty how awesome you look.. what a difference.. keep on going like you are..you and miss pearlie are a great team..
  15. I think once I lost a good deal of weight I felt more like exercising.. I am not a gym person but have started Zumba Dancing and it's a good workout. I also have started walking every day once the weather improved. I believe exercise is important and will help you lose more but will make you feel better. I am looking forward to Summer so I can get in the pool every day.
  16. My husband had esophageal cancer,,he did not ever have a lapband.. I believe that is a false statement to make that the lapband causes esophageal cancer.. his was caused by smoking. I would like to see some study or medical results that proves your claim. You can have Gerd and Barretts before lapband and possibly develop cancer but when you say Surgeons all over the world are reporting this where is the link to that?
  17. Sharpie


    fit frappe -mocha is like coffeeflavored smoothies.. Protein, plus low calories. it's sold in GNC by "Train"
  18. Sharpie

    Slim Time "Reformulation"

    Muscle milk is my favorite and GNC Lean shakes aren't bad.. both have low sugar and high Protein for their calories. I don't use them often but I am over a year post op.
  19. Sharpie

    Been a while on here

    You can brag if you want to.. You did an amazing job. you look wonderful.
  20. Sharpie

    Quest bars are Poo Bombs

    It might be the erythritol or sugar alcohol in them that has that effect on some. I don't have any of those issues with Quest Bars.. I like them and use them for extra Protein on days I am in a hurry.
  21. You can absolutely eat out.. I had a birthday celebration about 2 weeks post op I had mashed potatoes and applesauce. Nobody cared and even if they did I don't care. There are always soups and even when you get further along there are things you can eat without issues.. No sure how the sleeve works but Band's are a little restrictive and we have to be careful with things like Steak or dry chicken. I can eat pretty much most things with exception of iceberg lettuce.. not sure why.
  22. Sharpie

    7 day cruise

    Fantastic photo.. your before and after is dramatic.. You should be so proud of your success. My husband and I are going to Alaska in Aug on a 7 day cruise I hope I am able to maintain my weight while surrounded by food.
  23. Sharpie

    I gotta get out of this

    you are on the right track.. You did it once and with a little push you can get there again.. Thank Goodness you have a band to help you. get back to your Dr. have a fill if needed, talk with the nutritionist and make a trip to the store and stock up on things you know are good for you. You need to get healthy and stay that way for your children and maybe your husband will get on board. Best of Luck to you.
  24. Sharpie


    I meant to say that I am a very lucky woman, I have a wonderful supportive family and one best friend. I know this process is difficult enough without a naysayer telling you how you made the wrong decision. Trust me in the end you will be so happy you chose the lapband.
  25. Sharpie


    my best friend is one of those rare people who no matter what supports me . She even came down here (3 hours away) to be with me when I had surgery. She spent the night in the hospital room with me all night (my husband wasn't feeling well) he has his own health issues.. Anyway she helped me with the bed pan, held my head so I wouldn't puke . Anesthesia always makes me sick. She made sure I got my meds on time. But she knows that if she were to have any surgery or anything I would be there for her. She does not have a weight problem but understands mine. She never discouraged me through all my crazy diets she just said keep trying. We do not always agree about everything but we've known each other 20 years and we are like sisters. I am very blessed to have one true friend.

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