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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. I had diabetes and had the lapband a year ago. I have had zero complications, my diabetes is gone. I no longer take meds for diabetes, high cholesterol or blood pressure. There are bad and good things about each surgery. I did recuperate quickly from my band surgery and have lost 60 lbs so far. The weight does come off slower but I feel healthy and do not have any problems . There is more patient compliance involved with the band because you are aware of what and how you eat. Best of Luck to you in your decision.
  2. Sharpie

    Shoe size?!?!

    finding shoes my size was always difficult but now I have smaller feet than before .. I was a size 5 1/2 to 6 I now wear a 4 1/2 to 5.. bought kids' boots size 3 recently.
  3. Sharpie

    Lap-Band July 28, 2011

    What a wonderful success story. I am so excited for you and wish you the very best in your journey.. I think you are a testament to what we can accomplish with the band.
  4. Sharpie

    Banders Exercise

    sorry guys the Gators are going to win... chomp chomp...
  5. Haven't seen anyone on here that has used Mexico but in the past there were a few. make sure you find out what size bands they are using. the only comments I heard were that they used the old 4 cc bands that the U.S. will not approve. Best of luck.
  6. Sharpie

    Over ate

    I doubt the band slipped. I have had that feeling under my bra as well. It's usually a sign to stop eating. If you continue to have pain or vomiting call your Doc.
  7. I was very healthy and fit in my younger years.. I played tennis, softball, rodeo'd and was 93 lbs soaking wet. however age and other life changes put me on a road of self destruction. so, this is the new me less 60 lbs and I am healthier than I have been in 20 years or more. I am extremely lucky to have had the chance to reverse the unhealthiness of my past.
  8. tmf it is so darn easy ... my daughter came by and tasted it.. She said "Mom it taste just like chic filet's" so I gave her some to take home for dinner
  9. I am very proud of anyone who makes a choice for better health. At his age he still has time to reverse the damage of obesity on his body. I am almost to my goal and I know how much better I feel and look. Thanks to my band I am able to eat like a rational person instead of trying to out eat my son in laws who are both big boys. I am happy with my decision to get a lapband and I hope We all continue to have great success... Good Luck to Gov. Christie. I don't think his surgery was a secret though.
  10. Sharpie

    Please don't judge me...

    yep we all have had sliming episodes.. After my last fill which was the largest I have had 1 cc. I had trouble because I wasn't used to having much restriction. I had to slow down and chew a lot. I am better now but for a few weeks it was rough. Try going a few days on liquids too that helped me some. I still have to remind myself to eat slowly. Like TMF says it is a lifetime habit you are trying to break. I always ate fast and didn't chew much so it's harder for some than others.
  11. Sharpie

    first goal reached,

    so happy for you. I was taken off of my diabetic meds also about 3 months post op . Congratulations on your success.
  12. Sharpie

    Is it just me?

    Everyone has great suggestions.. I eat various things each day. breakfast is my pretty standard meal of the day, I usually eat eggbeaters, turkey sausage and sometimes wheat toast but mornings are my tighter time lunches are chicken salad , chili, chicken tortilla Soup, sometimes grilled chicken nuggets with either veggies or once in awhile fruit. dinner varies sometimes I make husband spaghetti or fried foods but I try to stay away from Pasta, rice potatoes and bread so I either make a grilled fish or chicken and veg or substitute with lean cuisine. Good Luck and listen to the signals ignoring those can bring you misery. Being stuck is not fun.
  13. Sharpie

    Banders Exercise

    cg glad to see you are still here. I am doing my zumba class and walking .. I want to start riding a bike when the weather wrms up.. might have to buy one with big tires to get through the sand and dirt roads..
  14. Sharpie


    Dannon light & Fit 80 calories, greek yogurt.. low sugar good protein. a variety of flavors.
  15. Sharpie

    100 down, 60 to go!

    great job... people sometimes think that weight loss surgery is for vanity however, health is often the main issue. My health was slowly deteriorating and I decided I did not want to spend what years I had left being immobile or dying young. My diabetes is gone, my high blood pressure is gone and my cholesterol is normal. You will reap the benefits of your weight loss in so many ways but the health improvement will be the most rewarding.
  16. Sharpie

    Not feeling good

    All of the advice given so far is good... I could not take the pain meds prescribed it made me nauseous so I took liquid Tylenol. My shoulder pain stayed with me for a few weeks
  17. Sharpie


    AWESOME CHANGE. RU in Gainesville, Fla?
  18. Sharpie

    155lbs march '14

  19. Sharpie

    Funny lunch story

    remembering back to my post op weeks.. it was difficult but I was determined not to screw this up. I used Protein shakes and drinks and chicken broth and beef broth. As far as eating out, I went to Red Robin with my grandkids one day while shopping and I said to the waiter I just wanted Soup because I had weight loss surgery. He beamed at me and said I did too and I have lost 115 lbs. He was so understanding and made sure I had anything I wanted. I believe if you are honest with your waiter or waitress most will try to accommodate you.
  20. Sharpie

    Protein bars

    GNC has boxes on sale 2 boxes for 48.00 I bought a box of chocolate chip cookie dough and a box of chocolate chunk.. they should last me a long time.. but yes I use them as a snack and the Protein ratio to calories is the best.
  21. Sharpie

    It's good to look back

    so happy to see some of us older ladies successes. I am 67 and have lost 60 lbs I have about 15 more lbs to lose to meet my goal but my life and health has improved dramatically in the year since I had my surgery. I so admire gowalking and others who not only have issues with weight loss but other serious physical issues to cope with as well. I feel very blessed each and every day that at my age I am very active and able to participate in much more than ever before. Keep posting and inspiring and motivating not only us older folks but reach out to some younger people as well. It seems I see more and more young people who are obese these days and my heart breaks for them.
  22. Sharpie

    Protein bars

    Depends on what surgery you had and how long ago. I have used Quest bars since my 6 week post op from Lapband. They are very high Protein, 1 gram of sugar so low carbs. Check the labels on all so called Protein Bars some are just glorified candy bars.
  23. Every weight loss surgery has complications.. Statiscally the lapband has the less % of them . The lapband can be reversed the sleeve cannot. you lose 85% of your stomach forever. Bypass is also not reversible and I have known people that had a band placed over the bypass.You do what is comfortable for you . My experience or anyone elses's s not necessarily going to be your experience. I chose the lapband because at my age (67) I did not want to risk losing 85% of my stomach should I get a life threatening illness such as Cancer and need to keep my nutrition up. Bypass has never been considered for me, I had a good friend who died from complications so I was too scared of that. I have lost 60 lbs and I feel like a new person.. I no longer need medication for diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol. It does take some work, and you have to be conscious of what and how fast you are eating. Depends on your lifestyle if you need a short recuperation period, the lapband is good, not sure about the sleeve recuperation time . Good Luck on whichever you choose.
  24. Sharpie

    Stomach bug...

    You might want to call your Dr. and ask for some anti-nausea medication just in case you don't escape it..
  25. Sharpie

    Bad attitude..

    gowalking that is so sweet to offer a shopping trip. I know how she feels some days it's tough . I have had to buy clothes lately again because my big clothes don't fit.. since losing 60 lbs I am very conscious of my clothes. I am lucky that I am able to work at home but I have some luncheons and dinners I have had to attend lately so, gotta keep buying clothes. I am 15 lbs away from where I want to be so I am trying to keep myself from buying too many clothes and yes some of my shoes are now too big.. start next week with a new outfit I bet you will feel better.

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