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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Been away for a while

    You both look wonderful. Congratulations on your success.
  2. oh I forgot to say that I was diabetic so the sugar for me is a no no. I feel much better if I don't eat much sugar.
  3. fat free products are terrible tasting to me. they actually replace the fat with sugar. I know people who only eat fat free everything and they are fat.. I use eggbeaters too but they actually do better than real scrambled eggs for me. I still use Truvia and sugar free proucts but definitely not fat free. I don't eat enough of any of it to make that much difference. I love my band cause it's made me free of "diets".
  4. Sharpie

    Share Your NSVs Here Please!

    you go girl. awesome picture. such a victory for you.
  5. Sharpie

    ashamed and frustrated

    Sweetheart there is not one person on here who hasn't had issues with weight. That is after all why we had to have surgery. I have had so many failures I cannot even count them all . I am 67 years old and realized that I was on a road to serious health issues if I didn't do something drastic. I have had stalls and have had to slap myself to re-gain my momentum. Your Dr. will understand honey I am sure you are not the only patient that has had problems. Catfish is a prime example of what you are going through and I would say he came out on the other side and then some. Go look at his profile, he did an amazing turnaround and so can you. If you need to private message any of us we will be happy to help. Your health and life from here on is what you can focus on not what has happened in the past.
  6. okay I found his #352 331 5225
  7. Kim my surgeon is in Gainesville, He is at the Bariatric Center of North Florida..Dr. Sarantos is a awesome Dr. and his staff are wonderful. I don't have their # handy but I will try to find it for you. I am certain if you explain to them what you need they will help. Good Luck and let me know. I am due to go there on May 19th.
  8. Sharpie

    Does anyone eat okra?

    I like fried okra (southern thing) and I occasionally have some @ Cracker Barrell but don't eat a lot of it. Okra , Tomatoes and corn are also good .
  9. Sharpie

    Rosie O'Donnell new pics posted today

    it doesn't say what type of surgery she had. she looks better so far, I wish her the best even though I don't like her personally. She is a little batty for my taste.
  10. Sharpie


    I eat eggbeaters most of the time . I also have issues with real scrambled eggs not sure why. I can eat fried or poached eggs easily. I also eat the whole egg.. I think the yellow is blamed for cholesterol but if you do not have high cholesterol the yellow would work. I believe the whole egg is a good source of protein.plus to me It taste better with the yellow. I love deviled eggs too.
  11. my Surgeon says no carbonation ever. No straws, no gum. the reasoning is that carbonation can lead to eroding the band and cause gas. Fortunately I was never a big soda drinker prior to the band so I don't care about not drinking them. I drink Wyler's peach tea, lemonade and Water .
  12. Sharpie

    ashamed and frustrated

    takuwinds ..awesome that you called your Dr. Let us know how you are doing. I feel sure you will get back on track. we have all been there and I know you can re-group and continue on a successful program. good Luck
  13. Sharpie

    ashamed and frustrated

    Sounds like you need a counseling session with your Dr. and nutritionist or perhaps a group. I know that after a year and 3 months I also get weary about worrying whether I gained or lost. but, in the end it's about your health. Try contacting someone in your area who may have had the same surgery . We have a monthly group meeting and it helps to see how everyone else is doing and see successes. I also use this forum to see the successful patients and feel like I can continue. mentally we all go through the same challenges . There are days I say to hell with it I want to eat (whatever) but my band does remind me that I cannot eat too much Thank Goodness. Jump back on the horse and get yourself motivated. It's so worth it. Best of Luck.
  14. Sharpie

    my breakfast plate

    I can do about 1/4 cup of eggbeaters or 1/2 eggbeater omelette (perkins) hardly ever eat bacon but I do like the turkey sausage. I can eat one link or about 1 patty. my husband eats my leftovers sometimes but he does not have weight problem so it's good. I rarely do any kind of toast or bread.
  15. Sharpie


    wonderful for you to be able to use the stairs. I think no matter how successful we are with the band or other wls you will always have to be mindful of what and how much you eat. I don't think about it as often as I used to and some days I forget that I am banded but I think maintenance is going to be part of my life forever. I am okay with that as long as I feel good. I just want my band to last me the rest of my life so I don't have to go back to being immobile and unhealthy.
  16. my surgeon did not offer plication to me. sounds like a good addition to the band. I have done well with just the band but from what I can read the plication seems to keep patients from needing fills as often and seems that they lose faster.
  17. Sharpie

    I'm in the medical field.

    Life is so short and there are far more serious issues to deal with other than whether someone who is a medical assistant thinks they are a nurse.. in a way they are providing nursing. a medical assistant has to be in the medical field or what field would they be in? this whole rant is very childish and proves that people have too much time on their hands.
  18. Sharpie

    Had pancakes for breakfast

    There is a banana/egg pancake you can make which is okay. I think I have had maybe 2 pancakes in the last year. never can eat the whole pancake but with lite syrup or sugar free syrup it was good for a change. I mostly eat turkey sausage and egg beaters for breakfast so it's a treat to do pancakes. As long as you don't eat stacks of pancakes every day I think you will be okay. Part of the reason I got WLS was so I didn't stress everytime I put food in my mouth. The band tells me when I've eaten enough and I pretty much don't count calories.
  19. I love chic filet's chicken tortilla Soup. Since it's seasonal I know it will be going bye bye for awhile. they have chicken noodle but it's not near as good. so I googled a recipe and made me a big pot today.. it's really good and really easy to make.. so I have enough to last me a long time. Recipe: medium onion- diced- 3 tbls olive oil 3 cans navy Beans 1 can black beans 1 can corn 2 oz chopped green chili's 1 pak taco seasoning cooked chicken - I used canned breast 1 cup heavy cream cook onions in olive oil until translucent, add green chili's, taco mix, all beans and last cooked chicken heat to a boil, lower the heat to simmer and let it cook 5-10 minutes. add heavy cream and continue simmering as long as you like. it's a great Protein enriched satisfying soup.
  20. Sharpie

    Want to hear from those over 65

    had my lapband last year at age 66, I am happy for the most part . I still think the band was the best choice for me. I did not want to have a large part of my stomach removed or re-routed at my age It is not the easy way to lose weight and it's a constant learning experience and reminder to eat slowly and small bites but the reward has been to get off of all of meds for diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure. I had medicare and BC and my surgery was paid for. I think if your BMI is below 40 you can still qualify for the surgery if you have other health issues . the surgeon's office will be able to tell you more about insurance than I can. I have a new lease on life and hope to continue without complications.
  21. Sharpie

    Banders Exercise

    walked Friday 1 mile to mailbox and back. went fishing all weekend, caught 2 bass. lots of walking involved in going to boat and back to cabin. felt great to be outside in the sunshine.
  22. Sharpie

    BariatricPal: Unified WLS Community

    Alex I find that the sleeve and bypass folks like to troll on the lapband forums and bash the bandsters. I am very discouraged by the constant barrage of negativity regarding the band. I had hoped that the combination of all of the WLS forums would not result in a contest to see whose surgery was the best but it's obvious that the ease with which they can come to our forum and post negative about the lapband is too much. I would respectfully request that you or someone moniter some of this behavior. I think if it continues I will withdraw from visiting the Bariatric pal site. There are positive sites I can visit to get information and encouragement.
  23. it's okay ren. I don't mind if people make comparisons without being critical of other peoples decisions. Diabetes is a serious disease and I hope only the best for anyone who has it. I actually made the decision to have weight loss surgery based on my diabetes and the affects it has on my health. I was not super morbidly obese and my bmi was lower than a lot of patients but I had come to the end of my rope with losing and gaining weight. my aci was higher everytime I had bloodwork and I was on the brink of taking insulin. so happily I made the decision to get my lapband surgery and I am extremely happy that I did. I wish the very best for you in your Quest to improve your health. PLease check back in with us and let us know how you are doing.
  24. Kristina I think everyone has opinions like navels but I don't necessarily want to keep reading the same drivel about which WLS is best. If you are happy with your Bypass or whatever good, otherwise don't tell me that the Lapband is bad.. I am tired of the "know it alls" telling everyone else the horror stories or whatever. I signed up for lapband discussions and that is why I don't go on the other sites and tell them I think it was wrong for them to have their stomach's rearranged or cut out.. I say whatever works for you is just fine... don't care if you think I"m right or wrong.
  25. personally I wish people would stop bashing one or the other wls.. they all have drawbacks. I know people like to have a contest to see how they have the best wls but honestly it gets old . The lapband has been very successful for many people. There are veterans on here who have lost hundreds of pounds and are living a healthy life. There are people I know who have had the bypass and are doing fine. The success of each depends on the patient. I have people in my support group that have had complications and issues with the sleeve and others who have done fine. so please people it's not a contest and if you can't just say I had "such and such" and I am doing fine without bashing or criticizing others decisions than don't say anything. It gets tiresome and frankly that is why many people quit posting and quit visiting this site.

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