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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Jumping off the cliff

    Good job Kim. we all have experienced the plateau's. I am kind there now - I have lost 60 lbs can't quite get to my goal yet. But I am not disappointed or frustrated, I know I will get there and the good news is I have lost 60 lbs.. yayyyyy. You are doing really good keep doing what you are doing and you will be at your goal soon.
  2. Sharpie

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    I think it's all in how you say things not so much as the content. If Madame is so bothered by peoples redundant posts perhaps she would be wise to just skip those that she deems too bothersome. I know that there are a lot of new folks on here daily and I try to be encouraging, because I was new also . I needed someone to say atta girl or try something different or call your Dr. I believe we all have to travel down this same road and it's not my place to determine how anyone else feels. Anyway I am done with this thread and I hope everyone develops some sympathy or empathy for new people and if you don't like their posts don't respond and don't berate.
  3. Sharpie

    For the love of sweet Jesus.....

    I think some folks have too much time on their hands and like to bloviate on the bariatric site. Let's just try to act like adults and quit nit picking everyone's posts. I have been on here for over a year, some things are very helpful some are not . I choose what I want to read and what I want to respond to, it's frustrating to me to see members fighting . There are so many serious issues in this world to worry about other than whether someone posts too much about things that are already on here.
  4. Sharpie

    4 days after lap band

    The reason they have you on liquids is because of the swelling. It takes time to heal from your surgery and eating the wrong thing at this stage can cause damage to your stoma. If you are still feeling stuck call your surgeon and let them know what you ate and make sure you stay on liquids as long as they prescribed. I know the liquid phase is tough but with any kind of surgery, post op instructions are very important to follow. Best of Luck to you and stay on course you will be so happy you did.
  5. Sharpie

    Hit the trail today!

    awesome for you. I was thrilled to start riding my horse again after I started losing, however my saddle is too big now. where would I get a seat shrinker?
  6. all good statements. I had some panic the day before my surgery , almost cancelled but my daughter bless her heart came to see me and she said Mom you know this is what you need to do and you will do great. I actually took a little xanex the night before so I could sleep (about 1/2 of one) and it took the anxiety level down. After surgery I had some pain but not severe, took liquid Tylenol for few days, had some shoulder pain, used my heating pad and then about a week later I was back to normal. Eating the lapand way was not as difficult as I thought. Reading all the negative nelly things on here is not good for anyone. I can honestly say this is the best thing I ever did for myself and I feel 20 years younger. Make up your mind that you will be successful and follow your Dr's instructions. We are all here to help you . Come back and let us know how you are doing.
  7. Sharpie

    Pop Tarts

    after losing 200 lbs. I think a pop tart is fine. I crave things now and then and I try to eat a small amt of whatever it is. but, I am still not at my goal and I know what triggers my eating bad. Sugar is addictive for me and ice cream is my nemesis. I try to limit the amt of sugar I eat and can't hardly keep ice cream in my house. I do have skinny cow chocolate moose bars in the freezer as a special treat now and then.
  8. Sharpie

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    I live in McAlpin, Fl. Near Lake City (North Fla) 45 minutes North of Gainesville (Go Gators). I was raised in Orlando and have lived in Colorado for a short time. too cold for me. It snowed non stop from Sept. til May . I hate cold weather. My husband is originally from Chicago, he tried to get me to move there years ago, I said NOT, now he would never live in Chicago again.
  9. Sharpie

    Before and After pictures

    thanks I am happy and healthy .. I was heading for a health disaster and made the best decision of my life by getting the band. Wow! You look amazing. You look younger and happy. Great job! I can't wait to be able to post before and after pictures where I'm actual a normal healthy size. Congrats Sharpie.
  10. Sharpie

    Protein bars

    Your so welcome Chasing... Some people don't like them but I love them. They re truly a Protein bar not a candy bar with protein.
  11. Sharpie

    Before and After pictures

    before . I after love my band.. I will attempt to post photo's . I love to see everyone's before and after pictures and have been looking at them for over a year to keep myself motivated.
  12. Sharpie

    Are My Fat Friends Threatened?

    If they are truly your friends they will be happy for you. so, if your decision to get healthy and happy threatens them somehow you shouldn't feel bad. Everyone has to make up their own mind about health issues. No one can make your friends realize that they need to lose weight, hopefully they will see your success and follow your lead. Concentrate on yourself and make new friends at the gym or at your support group. Best of luck.
  13. Sharpie

    On The Road To Recovery

    Melinda so sorry to hear you had to part with your band.. so the plication is like sleeve? or what? I thought you had to have a band with plication. I love your short and chunky name.. I always feel short and chunky- @ 5'0" I don't think I look thin ever. I now weigh 138 but I want to weigh less of course.. I hope your plication is successful for you and you continue to maintain your loss... I live in Florida too, but near Lake City area.
  14. Sharpie

    Protein bars

    just went to GNC today and re-stocked my Quest Bars, Bought chocolate chunk , cookie dough, banana nut,and Cookies and cream.. they are the best Protein 21 grams, low sugar, 190 calories . these are my go to snack or meal when I am out and about .
  15. Sharpie

    lapband failure?

    I say up your Protein. your Snacks should be high in protein if possible. I try to eat greek yogurt or Protein Bars for extra protein if I didn't meet my goal for the day. I also use Myfitness pal to track my calories. If all else fails have a long talk with your surgeon and explain that you don't feel comfortable with the difference in advise given. I am a fighter when it comes to my health and my husband's as well. If you don't like what they are doing for you, contact another Dr. I've done that before and have had good results.
  16. Your revenge will be rocking a new outfit with each weight loss. Ignore rude people you don't have to respond. There is always someone who wants to pee on your parade. Just keep doing what you know will help you and at your own pace. Come on girl, I weighed almost 200 lbs @ 5'0-so after losing 60 lbs I can hang with the best of them. I am way older than you. love your spunk
  17. Sharpie

    My story

    Good for you Chad on taking control now while you are young. I am 67 and had my surgery last year,. I have lost 60 lbs and have been healthier and happier . I had diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol pre-surgery. Today I no longer have any health issues, I am completely medication free. I can walk for miles, do all of my housework and yard work with ease. You will find ways to eat that are healthy. I usually eat eggbeaters and turkey sausage in the mornings and lunch is chicken salad or tuna salad or chili , dinner is lean meat and vegetables with some fruit if I have room. I only take B12, Vitamin D and a multivitamin each day. rarely do protein shakes or bars unless I am out and about. I find it hard to eat out too much but can choose fish and steamed vegetables in most restaraunts . Another great resource for things you can cook is Emilybites.com she converts regular recipes to low cal. Good Luck and I was born in Covington, Ky not too far from Cincy, but have lived in Florida since I was 5.
  18. B52 you said it all. I have a few so called friends who are always questioning how I can eat this or that and I just tell them I am not on a diet.. They are really baffled about that. One in particular is a so called expert on diets. She claims you have to eat very little meat and brown rice or some nonsense. I don't even argue with her, I just shake my head yes and move on. Now she has decided since I had to drink Protein drinks in the beginning that she will do that to lose weight. I still have a few pounds to lose but am getting there slowly. My health was teetering on disaster when I decided to take the "Easy Way" out and have weight loss surgery. It wasn't easy by any means but It was the best decision for me. I do not care what other people have to say about it and I am living my healthier thinner life just fine.
  19. Sharpie

    "Never want to go Back"!

    Posting Before and after shots help anyone who needs motivation. Also if you will post your starting weight and how much weight you have lost that is inspirational as well.
  20. Sharpie

    "Never want to go Back"!

    How Wonderful you look. Just think in a little over a year you are a new person. You should be very proud.
  21. Sharpie

    Weight Loss Drugs

    yep it baffles me too. I did all the pills, shakes, bad tasting food, hcg and every diet known to man. They didn't work, if they had I wouldn't have had surgery. If you follow your dr's instructions and listen to your body you should lose without pills and gimmicks.
  22. Sharpie

    Help with last stone,

    I would agree with TMF, too many carbs will slow your loss. Protein first, carbs second always. I think carby foods are as addictive as sugar sometimes. I had some chips with a burger patty the other day and started craving them. Had to end up throwing them out before I found myself sitting on the couch eating chips..My band is okay with chips by the way.
  23. yes research all surgeries. There are some veteran band patients on here who had very high bmi's . There are good and bad in each surgery. I had lapband and have no problems. I only take a b12, vit d and Multivitamin daily. I have never had dumping or anything like that. the band does take some work and you have to learn to recognize the signal to stop eating. But you will not lose quickly. My surgeon does not recommend quick weight loss due to the side affects such as hair loss, loss of muscle and nutritional needs.
  24. If I am out and about I try to swing through Wendy's for chili if you are not at that stage, try taking a cooler with you with some greek yogurt or cottage cheese. any Protein you are able to eat is good. I have had to do chicken nuggets in a pinch but not my favorite. I always carry a Quest Protein Bar in my purse just in case. I found out what I could and could not eat after my mushy stage. I know that I cannot get any kind of hamburger on a bun or taco's etc. I have eaten pizza but very little of the crust. There are really good suggestions on here from experienced bandsters and other weight loss folks. My nutritionist gave me a formula that has worked. if you have a 200 calorie item, the protein should equal 10% or 20 grams. 5 grams of sugar or less is ideal.
  25. Sharpie

    EASY WAY OUT, MY @$$

    B52 couldn't have said it better.. I do not hesitate to tell people I had lapband surgery. No matter what anyone else thinks it's far from being "Easy". I do not agree with a lot of so called diets and I think many people are misinformed about nutrition. I just know like you I had health issues that needed to be taken care of somehow. I am happy I made the decision to take my weight seriously and get it off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
