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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie

    Guess my Occupation

    George W. Bush was in the National Guard...
  2. Sharpie

    Guess my Occupation

    okay nobody will guess me... hardly any women in my field.
  3. Sharpie

    Feeling guilty for living in Florida...

    I am a Florida girl too. I know some people think it's too hot but I'll take it over snow, ice, sleet and rain anytime.
  4. Sharpie

    One year anniv coming up.

    I have been open about my weight loss surgery. I have had a few who made comments about being the "easy" way and I challenge them to see if they could do it. I have had several people who are friends that are obese contact me about my surgery . I hope by being honest and showing people my before and after on facebook that I will be instrumental in others getting healthier and happier.
  5. Sharpie

    Banders #6

    yes we have quite a few casino's here in Fla. Hard Rock in Tampa and Miami area are the largest, I like Ocala because it's small and it's poker and Jai Alai. I only play small time. It's my one day of no phones, no kids, no husband lol. plus sometimes I win money.
  6. Sharpie

    Who can relate?

    I weigh every morning, buck naked.. lol however when I go to the Dr. I have to wear clothes so I wear the lightest thing I can find. It's a mind game with me and I'm trying to wean myself off of the scale. I've gained and lost the same 3 lbs for months. can't seem to get where I want to be.. but I am a lot lighter than I have been for many years so I'm not stressing too much.
  7. Sharpie

    Banders #6

    Where do you play poker? I play for fun money on poker stars all night. In MA you can't play for real money. Congrats on your win!!
  8. Fantastic .. I know you are extremely proud of yourself or you should be. getting to goal alone is a huge accomplishment. I haven't got there yet but I am working on it. I love to see the banded success stories.
  9. Sharpie

    You're so vain...

    I had health issues but, I wanted to look better also. It is not wrong to want to improve your appearance. I have enjoyed shopping for regular size clothes and even when I was bigger I always had my nails and hair done. so if that is vain oh well. I have regained my health and my looks because of my band. I love my band and hope I stay healthy and happy for many years to come.
  10. Sharpie

    A word to guys, and those with guys in your life…

    Terry , so glad you caught this early. Early detection is so important with Cancer. My husband had esophageal cancer several years ago and he caught it very early on so received the necessary chemo and radiation quickly. Sounds like your surgery and treatment is successful. Best of Luck and healthy healing.
  11. Sharpie

    Banders #6

    me a rock star........yeah, i can dig it LOL thank you for the on going support you know i love you poker friend of mine Update on the Poker Star.. I won $500 last week so, I didn't play this week. kind of a superstition thing. I had kids up for dinner last night because my niece from Orlando was here and I had about 4 oz of rib eye steak and a few bites of potato. All is well in Lap World.
  12. Sharpie

    Unthinking friend

    You sometimes cannot fix Stupid but you can tell them to STFU. I am a very direct person and if anyone was that rude to me I would fix it. I have noticed that there are so many rude people in the world lately. I am amazed at how little these people care about other people's feelings. But, Karma is a B .
  13. Sharpie

    Banders #6

    CG you are a rock star. 2 years and still going strong. I have been following your progress for a year or more. and always admired your "real" comments. yes Jim there are some in every family that make comments like "you are too skinny" . that is music to my ears lol. I am far from skinny but love it when people call me "skinny Minnie". Common Sense is so important in the Lapband life. If you just use it you will be successful. Have a great day everyone.
  14. Sharpie

    hCG and Lap Band?

    I know that sometime ago when I was doing hcg they outlawed some of it in the U.S. you could order it from other countries and get it. I did not use the real hcg, just the holistic stuff.. it worked but I only ate 500 calories a day. lost 50 lbs. when I finally got sick and couldn't keep doing it I gained the 50 and then another 20.
  15. Sharpie

    100 lbs GONE FOREVER!

    fantastic for you. 100 lbs is a huge loss and shows that if you are determined and follow the rules, the band works. I know you will reach your goal also. Best of Luck.
  16. Sharpie

    Not big enough for WLS?

    I am 5'-0 on a good day. I weighed 198.8 when I went in for surgery.. I had the nurse who was escorting me to surgery say wow they must be lowering the standards for weight loss surgery . You don't look like you need it. I said well I weight almost 200 lbs and I am tired of being fat. I also have diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure but maybe I should have waited til I couldn't walk or have a heart attack before I did this. she didn't say another word. It's none of their business and if your insurance and dr. says yes that is all you need.
  17. I have been bothered by this for sometime. I sometimes wonder why we are all mixed together when you specifically go to lapband it still throws the other folks in there. Unless they are posting on lapband for some reason? anyway I cannot comment on any other surgeries either I had a lapband and have been successful, I have no gripes or complaints and don't care what everyone else thinks I should do. I know we all need to lose weight and I know there are different methods but I want to talk to other bandsters not people who don't know about being banded. I am not trying to be rude just agree with B52 and just don't know why we can't go back to our own forum.
  18. Sharpie

    Oopsie Bread?

    I did this when I was on hcg. it's okay but not sure I would eat it with a band. If I remember correctly it was kinda gooey.
  19. Sharpie

    hCG and Lap Band?

    The saying that you had your stomach banded and not your brain holds true. I have been kinda at the same weight for a few months but it's because I am close to my goal weight and I have gotten complacent somewhat, snacking more and not exercising like I should. It's me not the band. The band still signals when I am full or eating too fast. That is it's job. I would not consider changing to the sleeve . but that is me.
  20. Sharpie

    So disappointed

    I am sorry you are not getting the response you had hoped for. Frankly I am still confused as to what type of advice you are seeking. I know at a starting weight of 170 unless you are 3 feet tall you are not really considered seriously obese. I also don't know how the system works in the UK so maybe they are more lenient about BMI. I had to have special consideration because I had a lower BMI than the insurance companies consider approved for lapband. I had diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure so I got approved by Medicare and BC. Now the other issue is perhaps you didn't get enough of a consultation going into this thing. laprscopic does not mean no scars.. I have one about 1 inch long where my port is, otherwise I have a few tiny places where they used the instruments and scope. I did not get any Fluid in my band at the time of surgery, I have gradually received about 3 cc since my surgery almost 18 mos ago. I have restriction and if I pay attention to my band I am steaily losing 1 lb a week. the less weight I Have to lose however the slower that goes. I hope you get this resolved and can use the band fr what it is designed to do.
  21. honey she has more problems than you know. sounds like she needs some psychological help. nobody wants to be unhealthy . If you have a friend who is so hung up on her own body issues and doesn't consider your feelings you need to kick her to the curb. She will be very unhealthy one day and might have to do something drastic to help herself. Her theory is so ignorant and frankly insulting to anyone with half of a brain. You proceed with your best foot forward and don't look back at her negative crap.
  22. I had two weeks liver shrinking diet.. consisted of protein bar or shake for bkfst, lunch and lean cuisine for dinner. I dropped 10 lbs. it really wasn't too difficult
  23. Sharpie

    So disappointed

    if your profile is correct @ 170 lbs I doubt they would offer anything more radical than the band. I am confused by the post in general. so, they did something other than the band? or they did the band and you want it removed?

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