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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Susan I am so sorry to hear your dilemma. I would demand answers.. it's your body and you know when something isn't right. @ 9 weeks postop you should be able to eat unless something isn't right. how much fill came with your band if any? if you have had a fill make sure some of it an be removed or all of it to let your stoma heal. sounds like you have swelling or something going on. I would insist on getting a second opinion if necessary. After being through some horrendous situations with my husband's health lately due to some "blow off" Dr's I am overly sensitive. If you know for a fact that you are doing everything correctly than you have the right to find out what is wrong. What you are experiencing is not normal.
  2. Sharpie


    I have a lapband and I take Vitamin D, Multivitamin and B12 every day. mine are gummies so they are easy t take. no matter what type of surgery you have you need the additional Vitamins to help you.
  3. I am 67 had my surgery Jan.2012. never felt better. have tons of energy love my new healthier life. I have lost 60 lbs. would like to lose 10 more but am not stressing about it. My diabetes is gone, , cholesterol low, blood pressure low. glad I made the decision and did not even consider that I might be too old. Now I am too old to wear a bikini but didn't want to do that in the first place.
  4. Sharpie

    Pawn Star

    Terry I saw this on facebook today.. Cory looks great. I think Chumlee also had weight loss surgery not sure which kind but good for them for taking control now while they are young.. wish I had done the same.
  5. Sharpie

    To tell people or not to tell

    Once I made my decision I told my husband , daughter and best friend. After I had my surgery and was noticeably getting thinner, when anyone asked me I told them the truth.. believe in being truthful and did not want it to come back and bite me. I also wanted others who suffer from obesity to know there is hope. There are several people who need to do something about their health and obesity and I hope my success will encourage them to make a choice . Everyone has opinions and some express them others do not. It doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks, I know it was the best thing I ever did for myself and I will hopefully have a longer and happier life as a result. p.s. I was 198.8 lbs when I went to surgery. Even the nurse who took me into surgery said "Wow you don't look like you need surgery to lose weight". I said well I know I have diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure so I'm pretty sure I need it.
  6. Sharpie

    Hi I'm a newbie

    there are a lot of veteran bandsters on here.. your decision to have a lapband is one of the best you will ever make. I had diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. my knees and feet hurt every day. I could hardly make it around the grocery store. Forget going to a mall. today after lapband I have no diabetes, no cholesterol, no high blood pressure and I can walk rings around anyone in the stores. I lost 60 lbs and I have about 10 more to go. at 5'0 200 lbs I was obese. There are many here who have lost 100 lbs or more. Best of Luck to you and keep us posted on your progress.
  7. I was banded jan 15, 2012, I weighed 198.8 when I went in to surgery. I now weight 138. I would love to lose another 10-15 lbs. and have maintained my weight loss but overall I am happy . I still have to remind myself to slow down, chew a lot and not snack .. I am only 5' tall so my bmi was in the obese range.
  8. so according to your profile you weigh 94 lbs/? and you want to weigh 69?
  9. Sharpie


    Lake City/Live oak, Fla. Surgery 1/15/12.. Dr. Peter Sarantos, Gainesville, Fla. lost 60 lbs.
  10. I was a diabetic pre=band. I was on metformin, crestor for cholesterol and lisinopril for blood pressure. I took my meds in the morning before surgery. after surgery they actually gave me insulin, then they gave me my regular meds also. I have not had to take any of them since shortly after surgery. my diabetes is gone , cholesterol is good, no more high blood pressure. the hospital and dr's know what you are taking so they will advise you afterwards.
  11. Sharpie

    Banders #6

    I just saw this question sorry it took so long to answer. I play in Ocala, Fla. it's a poker room/jai alai. I have played on line some but it's just play money. Where do you play poker? I play for fun money on poker stars all night. In MA you can't play for real money. Congrats on your win!!
  12. Sharpie

    September 27 2013 to now

    You are so awesome.. Great Job girl.
  13. The band has less risk and just as much success - lots of articles written about that. % of success is about the same either way. I had my band on 1/12 and have had zero problems, I have lost 65 lbs and I have changed the way I think about food. I live a normal life, eat out , have family dinners and just eat less.. I think everyone has to decide what they can live with. If the band is too much trouble than maybe weight loss surgery will not work for you. If you want 85% of your stomach removed or your insides rerouted than the other two surgeries would be your option. There is no magic bullet , it's work no matter what you choose. This subject always comes up and always the negative comments about the band amaze me. the part about foreign objects are a hoot. so nobody should ever have a knee replacement or pacemaker or anything replaced? I hope my band last for the rest of my life and I don't ever have to have a drastic surgery like the sleeve or bypass.
  14. Sharpie

    Lets talk Sliders!

    two things I cannot keep in my house are Ice Cream Any kind and cheez-it's as stated above they are like crack. I also have a love for Jelly Beans but fortunately they only show up at Easter.
  15. Sharpie

    Lets talk Sliders!

    me too, them darn cheezit's are like crack.. I cannot keep them anywhere near me .. even if I am not hungry I will eat a box of them..
  16. you look wonderful. I am so proud of you.
  17. great job you will have many more moments in the next few months. getting into jeans without a struggle was one of my first nsv's. keep on doing what you are doing...
  18. You did not indicate which type of surgery you had.. I had a lapband and I eat fruit daily. once you are cleared to begin regular foods you can eat your Protein first, veg's then fruit.. no special deal with the band. I sometimes have applesauce but not because I have to just because I like it. Your band will let you know what you can tolerate.
  19. so you have to have vegetarian drinks? never heard of that being a requirement pre-surgery. Is that a sleeve thing? My dr. put me on a liver shrinking diet pre-surgery. Protein drinks /bars and one lean cuisine at dinner. lost 10 lbs pre-surgery.
  20. I didn't say I didn't believe you . you are very defensive. I said it looks like an ad for your Dr. if that offends you than you must have something to be guilty about. I don't care if anyone goes to Mexico or anywhere else to have surgery that's your money, and your body. just said it looks like an ad.. If I came on here and praised my surgeon to the heaven's you might think I was trying to get people to go to him, I think that is what you are doing.. but I have a right to my opinion. so ignore me all you want.. I don't give a crap.
  21. Sharpie


    from what I have been told it's a liquid that turns into some kind of thick substance that is supposed to make you feel full. I'm not sure I would mess with anything like that with a band. like tmf I wonder why you would need to do any diet or gimmick since you have the band?
  22. super story Jim. You never know who you will touch with your amazing story. I know I have encouraged two of my friends to look into lapband surgery . They see that I lost and survived the surgery and am so much healthier that they feel positive about changing their life. Best to you and your wife in the future.
  23. Sharpie

    Staying away from aspartame

    I use Truvia and try to limit other artificial sweetners in my food.. I eat some SF pudding and popsicles sometimes but not daily.
  24. Sharpie

    Guess my Occupation

    okay, you are a contractor.
  25. Sharpie

    Guess my Occupation

    okay I will tell..I am a food broker specializing in Tropical Juices, Concentrates and Purees.. I import and export. I only sell container loads and truck loads ..I own my company called Prima Juice Sales.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
